Tuesday, February 23, 2010

AC Story from Fist de Yuma

I am going to attempt something and I truly hope that the author will understand and allow me to present his work.

On the Morningthaw world of Asheron's Call a player that went by the name of Fist de Yuma played the game from its early days until the time he burned out and left for other games several years later.

He was a social player and recorded his life and times in a very dynamic game.

I know he was in his 50s, and ex-marine, lived in Arizona, loved to ride a bike through the desert, liked an occasional cigar and wrote a weekly set of journals about the game.

I was able to locate the complete set of entries hidden away on a backup area of a server and have brought them to my computer to prepare them. I will start with the oldest entries and go forward in time presenting you, the reader, with a story about how this world was played and developed over its formitive years.


  1. Thank you so much. I was looking for the old crackednuts web site and saw it was gone. Just looking for some comments I found this site.

    I have all the columns backed up on and external drive somewhere. I just had some work done on the house and have not got everything in order yet.

    I'm glad somoene thought enough of my old works to save them. If you would like me to write something WoW or just a ramble about the old times with AC just drop me a note.

  2. Fist, as a long time former reader of your column, I would really enjoy reading a ramble about the old times. I would also enjoy you coming back for another go around at some point to see your perspective on how the game has changed. I just recently started playing again after a several year hiatus, and things sure are different.

  3. I heard that AC is no more. Even after all this time I have a soft spot for the game. It was not the first but it was the first one many of us played. We lived with 7 minute buffs and unrecoverable bodies. After AC all the other games were easy.

    It was the players desire to advance without work that killed the game for many of us. You could not go anywhere without finding an army of bots. That danger was stomped out in later games.

    One thing about AC was the system was totally different than any other. If you have played AC and any other game you know what mean.

    My biggest hope was someone would create an updated AC system game. One with so much flexibility and just plain fun we all enjoyed in AC.
