Thief X 2
If you read my Journal before they were published on this site you might remember someone I thought was scamming me. A person that demanded a high level item before he would let me see a pair if Unarmed V gloves he was trying to sell me. He had all the signs of a thief, clams of being ripped off in the past, clams that he had to hurry as his mom needed to check mail, etc, etc.
I got a message from a player last night. It seems I was right, it was a scam. The thief was using this person ppl to discrete him. (His brother) He was grateful I did not flame him, as that was the intent of the thief. The thief has a real problem and I hope he gets help.
It was nice of the player to tell me. I accepted his apology and wished him well.
Even high levels die
For those thinking they can take their 25lv powerhouse to BCD and start collecting great items off of nobles, let me give you a wake up call. I was running up the ramp from the pit and saw a great fighter I know (41+). A noble was dead at his feet and he was battling a solder and worker. His current target was the worker and the solder was at his back.
I attacked the solder and quickly finished it off, thinking that should do it. I got a message from the fighter, “O’hell I’m going to die.” I jumped on the worker and got in two hits when my friend died. One more hit and the worker was dead. If I had known he was hurting I think I could have saved him.
A lot of other ppls were there I did not know so I quickly looted the noble to save his items. I got a message soon after asking me to do that. He showed up quickly after that and I gave him his loot. But even a high level can die there.
I met a bow-using ppl last night. I will call him X. I think this guy might have been an archer but fell into bad company. The first thing I saw was his body. I helped him recover it and he ask me a few questions. Mostly on where he could perch to get kills without danger. I told him there was no place like that at BDC.
He was running with another bow-user and a high level drainer. I saw death messages on the other bow-user a time or two during the evening.
When X recovered his body I checked his level, 22lv. I told him that he was way to weak to be running here. He was indignant, “I can hit a noble,” he said. I said that may be true but you cannot defend yourself from anything here.
Shortly after he recovered his body a noble shows. I fronted it, while the two bow-users fired and the mage drained. Of course the drainer got the kill. He looted but did not share. In my book that made him a leach.
I define a leach as a player that cannot solo but can leach off others. They never share, as a leach has no feelings other than greed. They never ask permission, as then they might have to share. Many drainers and bow-users fall into this category.
Soon after this a nymph spawns, runs passed me, and kills X with 1 hit. I messaged X that I would guard as he died in a bad spot, lot of spawns. I also said the drainer was a leach, not knowing that it was his patron. He defend him saying the drainer was just excided about getting a noble kill.
He went on to say how great his patron was. He showed him the perching places and perched with him for days at a time. What a loser this patron is. There are so many things to do and see and he teaches him to sit on a ledge. In the end all this bow-user will be able to do is perch and leach. (And complain how boring the game is.)
I had just finished off a noble that spawns in the hallway leading to the jumping pit. There are two open rooms off that hallway. A solder spawns in one. I’m just outside of the hallway with the opening at my left. The solder attacks me there.
Two ppl’s run out of the hallway. Shortly after I see the spikes of red and gray flashing by my vision. I was lucky that they were still chasing after the other ppl’s. The solder and me were blocking their exit. I saw the flash words of Noble. O’ , I thought it was a solder. I’m very lucky as the ppl’s stayed close enough that the noble and worker don’t lose lock. As soon as I killed the solder the noble had room to get by me.
The worker gave chase but the Noble lost lock and attacked me. Soon after a nymph attacked me from my left side. Another noble or solder and I would worry. Nymph only takes stam and I had plenty.
Two bow-users come out of the jumping pit. They had two choices, try to steal the noble kill from me or get the nymph off my butt. They chose stealing. After the battle I told them if they had made the right choice I would have shared with them.
We can work together.
I’m fighting a Noble in the hallway out of the jumping pit. No one is around so I know it will not be stolen from me. A fighter came out of a side passage, checked my health and watched the battle. I had never seen this person before but I felt that was the actions of a player. I would have found it hard to restrain from attacking a noble in that situation.
Later I was running up the ramp leading out of the pit and saw that fighter waiting on the Noble spawn. She said, “Well, I don’t have a chance now.” I checked her level and saw she was a 40lv and would have no problems with a noble.
I said that I liked her actions earlier and would not interfere with the battle. I said that a high level had died here earlier and I would protect her back. She said that she had never met a player that would do that before.
Shortly after the noble spawns, and even though I’m in back of her, attacks me. I decided to just defend.
As she attacked a worker came down the hallway and attacked her from the rear. She said to attack the noble. I could not attack the worker and still defend against the noble. I waited long enough to be sure she had the looting rights and joined in the attack. I really should have taken down her name. We have another fine player in the ranks.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Fist de Yuma - March 14, 2000
Running home and reliving old days.
After last nights' adventure I was life-stoned in the wrong place. I had to run to get to Tou-Tou. After I was close to Hebian-to and saw a Reedshark had killed someone. Having started in Hebain-to I knew the trouble Reedsharks could be.
I ran over to where they spawn but there were a few other players there looting the bodies. I started going straight to town and ran into 5 Reedsharks, two vets, two elders and an adult. I had never seen 5 at once before. I’m not wearing armor but did have a weapon out. (I wear a mage robe 0 AL when traveling or in town)
There were a few players watching me slaughter them. Melee defense is so wonderful. A short ways away was an undead fort. When I was here last I was killed so easy there. I avoided it like the plague back then. I had been building my magic defense and this was a good chance to test it. I also know that if it works I will train it some.
I resisted all but one spell and killed them without a problem. I had come along way since I ran here.
Back to BDC
I thought it was going to be a good night of XP building. Hit BDC and my first hunting spot was full of workers. Lately it has been half empty, as some other fighter had cleared it out before I get there. Picked up a girth 140al off a worker. Workers seldom drop good stuff like that. Had a vassal who just lost a girth.
Hit one treasure spot and got a peerless lock pick and a few high value gems. After that it was all down hill. Man was it crowded! Large groups wherever I turned. Also a lot of bodies. I hit my favored noble spot and no noble.
I did see a body where it spawns. I ran down the ramp and encountered a solder guarding a body. I killed it and went into the pit. There was a large group there with a strong mage with them. Noble spawns and I got about 4 or 5 hits in before the mage killed it.
I was hoping they would stay in the pit and I could take on the other noble. I waited a short time and saw an orange dot appear up the ramp. I had time before the noble was due do I ran up the ramp and killed it. Just to be safe I re-charged my weapon.
I saw a message that a noble killed someone. I ran down and saw the pit gang was at the noble and the mage was looting it. (Darn it was early)
I could see there was nothing for me here and started hunting the upper levels. I hunted to the top and picked another route down. Kept encountering bodies. First ramp I went down had a solder in the wrong place. Also another body where the solder should be. After I killed it I found another body. Did someone put out the word that BDC was an easy place to hunt?
I also was running into a lot of ppl hunting. In every battle someone would run by me trying to get the next kill before I got to it. Felt like I was back in Old Mines. I hunted a little known route that goes to the bottom step, more bodies.
I jumped into the pit and there were three more bodies. I killed a few solders and found more bodies. There was a large group here too, white and red dots all over my screen.
I was lagging bad and decided it was not worth it to hunt here today. I had a screen clear of dots for once and was about to port out. A noble runs out of the hallway at me. Hell how did they let that one get lose? Glad of the opportunity for some loot I started hacking away on it. Had it down about 40% when the mobs started showing up. (To late guys I thought).
Got a few good items including a life V scroll Sidhartha could use. That put me at 104% burden. I had no reason to stay so I ported to Tou-Tou.
I mostly sell swords except for the really good ones and I always sell daggers. I had them all in the sell slots when I remembered Sid was running a Dagger man and his Son had started one. I checked the daggers. Humm these are some nice daggers, put them the “mule these” pack.
Sid and The Saint were on. I told Sid about the Scroll, he could use it. The Saint was learning Summon portal and wanted to be sure on placement. Sid said he had run a mule to Arwic and one of his vassals had done the same. We are hoping to get my Archer light enough to play.
That was good because I found a lot of stuff that needed to be muled. My mules were at 290 and I really needed a place to dump this stuff. Sellable stuff added up to over 40k and I cashed a C note and a few X notes and got a D note.
While I was stocking up in the mage shop a player asked me if I could get him a ride to BDC. I always help others; it is part of my play. After I sell off I step outside and cast a portal for him.
I run to the muling spot and meet Sid’s mule. After I dumping the stuff into Sid’s mule I got a message from the player I had sent to BDC. He wanted to know if I was coming to BDC anytime soon. I had not planned it as I was having lag problems again. I flashed yellow about every 5 minutes.
He asked me to do him a favor. Could I pick up some violet tapers and bring them to him. Man I must have mule written on my back. I carry 30 tapers of each color and 50 of the important components. I stock up to that each time I sell off. Who would go to BCD without stocking up!
I told Sid I had to go get this fool some tapers. He asked me why I did it. I did not have an answer. I cashed two X notes and got him 50 tapers. I ported to BDC and give them to him. He was very grateful and gave me a C note for my trouble. Maybe I should to start a carrier service.
Body Recovery
This weekend I got a call from Badnames, a long time friend. He was in the direlands and needed help getting 5 bodies. I’m not a direlands runner yet so I was going to need some help.
I was lucky, more than lucky. Lucky (1 As soon as I hit Arwic someone was tossing a portal to the fort. I ported into a place I have never seen before. Lucky (2 One of my vassals ported in with me. He is under 20lv and I had not had a chance to run with him a lot. He knew his way around and showed me how to get to the fort.
After that Badnames gave me the coordinates to the Lifestone he was at. Took a little running and running away before I found him. First two bodies were close and I just had to kill a few golems to recover them. Spawn rate was fast and before I knew it Badnames was dead again.
He ran over and recovered that one. We found the next body a few clicks away. It was well guarded. I ran in and killed what I could but was running out of stam and did a little running. I have a fast run and can break sticky. I took damage from things should not be able to hit me during the run. I think that is the main fix they will be working on. After a little rest I finished them off.
That got us two more bodies. Right after looting one body there was an Ash spawn that targeted him. It chased him I chased it. I killed it just after it killed Badnames. I hated to think of his vitae.
The last one was to well guarded with spellers and fighters. I ran from one battle with 11hp and was very lucky to get away. Badnames died again but by now his alliance had gathered enough power to help him. They thanked me and I ported out to help another player.
I got word the next day on what happened. Badnames died a total of 56 times! He got almost everyone in his alliance killed including a 50lv! Somehow they recovered all the bodies. Must have been a hell of a battle.
After last nights' adventure I was life-stoned in the wrong place. I had to run to get to Tou-Tou. After I was close to Hebian-to and saw a Reedshark had killed someone. Having started in Hebain-to I knew the trouble Reedsharks could be.
I ran over to where they spawn but there were a few other players there looting the bodies. I started going straight to town and ran into 5 Reedsharks, two vets, two elders and an adult. I had never seen 5 at once before. I’m not wearing armor but did have a weapon out. (I wear a mage robe 0 AL when traveling or in town)
There were a few players watching me slaughter them. Melee defense is so wonderful. A short ways away was an undead fort. When I was here last I was killed so easy there. I avoided it like the plague back then. I had been building my magic defense and this was a good chance to test it. I also know that if it works I will train it some.
I resisted all but one spell and killed them without a problem. I had come along way since I ran here.
Back to BDC
I thought it was going to be a good night of XP building. Hit BDC and my first hunting spot was full of workers. Lately it has been half empty, as some other fighter had cleared it out before I get there. Picked up a girth 140al off a worker. Workers seldom drop good stuff like that. Had a vassal who just lost a girth.
Hit one treasure spot and got a peerless lock pick and a few high value gems. After that it was all down hill. Man was it crowded! Large groups wherever I turned. Also a lot of bodies. I hit my favored noble spot and no noble.
I did see a body where it spawns. I ran down the ramp and encountered a solder guarding a body. I killed it and went into the pit. There was a large group there with a strong mage with them. Noble spawns and I got about 4 or 5 hits in before the mage killed it.
I was hoping they would stay in the pit and I could take on the other noble. I waited a short time and saw an orange dot appear up the ramp. I had time before the noble was due do I ran up the ramp and killed it. Just to be safe I re-charged my weapon.
I saw a message that a noble killed someone. I ran down and saw the pit gang was at the noble and the mage was looting it. (Darn it was early)
I could see there was nothing for me here and started hunting the upper levels. I hunted to the top and picked another route down. Kept encountering bodies. First ramp I went down had a solder in the wrong place. Also another body where the solder should be. After I killed it I found another body. Did someone put out the word that BDC was an easy place to hunt?
I also was running into a lot of ppl hunting. In every battle someone would run by me trying to get the next kill before I got to it. Felt like I was back in Old Mines. I hunted a little known route that goes to the bottom step, more bodies.
I jumped into the pit and there were three more bodies. I killed a few solders and found more bodies. There was a large group here too, white and red dots all over my screen.
I was lagging bad and decided it was not worth it to hunt here today. I had a screen clear of dots for once and was about to port out. A noble runs out of the hallway at me. Hell how did they let that one get lose? Glad of the opportunity for some loot I started hacking away on it. Had it down about 40% when the mobs started showing up. (To late guys I thought).
Got a few good items including a life V scroll Sidhartha could use. That put me at 104% burden. I had no reason to stay so I ported to Tou-Tou.
I mostly sell swords except for the really good ones and I always sell daggers. I had them all in the sell slots when I remembered Sid was running a Dagger man and his Son had started one. I checked the daggers. Humm these are some nice daggers, put them the “mule these” pack.
Sid and The Saint were on. I told Sid about the Scroll, he could use it. The Saint was learning Summon portal and wanted to be sure on placement. Sid said he had run a mule to Arwic and one of his vassals had done the same. We are hoping to get my Archer light enough to play.
That was good because I found a lot of stuff that needed to be muled. My mules were at 290 and I really needed a place to dump this stuff. Sellable stuff added up to over 40k and I cashed a C note and a few X notes and got a D note.
While I was stocking up in the mage shop a player asked me if I could get him a ride to BDC. I always help others; it is part of my play. After I sell off I step outside and cast a portal for him.
I run to the muling spot and meet Sid’s mule. After I dumping the stuff into Sid’s mule I got a message from the player I had sent to BDC. He wanted to know if I was coming to BDC anytime soon. I had not planned it as I was having lag problems again. I flashed yellow about every 5 minutes.
He asked me to do him a favor. Could I pick up some violet tapers and bring them to him. Man I must have mule written on my back. I carry 30 tapers of each color and 50 of the important components. I stock up to that each time I sell off. Who would go to BCD without stocking up!
I told Sid I had to go get this fool some tapers. He asked me why I did it. I did not have an answer. I cashed two X notes and got him 50 tapers. I ported to BDC and give them to him. He was very grateful and gave me a C note for my trouble. Maybe I should to start a carrier service.
Body Recovery
This weekend I got a call from Badnames, a long time friend. He was in the direlands and needed help getting 5 bodies. I’m not a direlands runner yet so I was going to need some help.
I was lucky, more than lucky. Lucky (1 As soon as I hit Arwic someone was tossing a portal to the fort. I ported into a place I have never seen before. Lucky (2 One of my vassals ported in with me. He is under 20lv and I had not had a chance to run with him a lot. He knew his way around and showed me how to get to the fort.
After that Badnames gave me the coordinates to the Lifestone he was at. Took a little running and running away before I found him. First two bodies were close and I just had to kill a few golems to recover them. Spawn rate was fast and before I knew it Badnames was dead again.
He ran over and recovered that one. We found the next body a few clicks away. It was well guarded. I ran in and killed what I could but was running out of stam and did a little running. I have a fast run and can break sticky. I took damage from things should not be able to hit me during the run. I think that is the main fix they will be working on. After a little rest I finished them off.
That got us two more bodies. Right after looting one body there was an Ash spawn that targeted him. It chased him I chased it. I killed it just after it killed Badnames. I hated to think of his vitae.
The last one was to well guarded with spellers and fighters. I ran from one battle with 11hp and was very lucky to get away. Badnames died again but by now his alliance had gathered enough power to help him. They thanked me and I ported out to help another player.
I got word the next day on what happened. Badnames died a total of 56 times! He got almost everyone in his alliance killed including a 50lv! Somehow they recovered all the bodies. Must have been a hell of a battle.
Fist de Yuma - March 13, 2000
I was very happy to be invited to write for Olthoi Lair. Figured I better give some background to those who don’t know me. I’m Fist de Yuma, 47lv unarmed fighter on the Morningthaw server.
I never thought of myself as a writer. I started writing my adventures for myself and posted them to see if anyone else liked them. Response had been good and I get a lot of comments in game.
I’m outspoken and say what I mean and mean what I say. Please don’t read into it because I never put in a hidden message. I sometimes regret my actions and will he as harder on myself for errors that anyone else would.
I’m dyslexic and have a hard time with proof reading. I do my best and have to read and read my works to find the errors. Still I find stupid error after posting. I apologize in advance, as I know they will be there despite my efforts.
I hope you enjoy the Journal.
The good archer
Those who you have read my journals know that I have a small problem with archers. It is easy to vent the bad stuff here without also venting the good. I’m going to try and repair that oversight.
The first good archer I met was on the beach east of Arwic. I think I was 19lv at the time. He was fighting golems with us. He was friendly, shared loot and if need be, stood toe-to-toe with a golem. After a day of fighting I told him "You sir, are a warrior!" He as was added to my friend’s list and we talk from time to time.
Over time I have met many fine archers. They play well and lamented the cheaters with me. I wish I could name all of them but instead I will tell you the tale of a great person who plays an archer. His name is Hellhawk.
I was in the long ramp coming out of the pit in BDC. I was waiting on a noble spawn when an archer set himself about 3 feet in back of me. Getting tired of what I call leaches, I moved in back of him. He moved back and I moved back again. He said, "I insist." I said, "Unless we come to an arraignment I will not take the damage for no reward." He said, "I always share with a good tank." "That is different", I said, and moved to the forefront. As it turns out I got the looting rights. A bug kept us from getting anything but we built a trust between us.
We paired up after that and he got all the looting rights but always shared with me. He never took advantage of me. In fact, he went overboard in loot sharing, giving me the biggest share.
Being an archer he died in battle against a solder. I was fighting a worker when the solder and a nymph jumped him.
In our final battle was where it started, the noble spawns on the long ramp. This one dropped some great stuff. He ran down the list. "War V wand, Head, gems, magic items". He said he had a vassal who needed the wand, what did I want? I had gotten the last nice item so I said "The war V I would really like for my vassal Sidhartha, but you got the rights, I will take what you decide." He gave me everything but the wand. I was satisfied.
The next day I got a call from HellHawk. His vassal had a War V after all. Did I still want the wand. I made a trip to his meeting hall and picked it up. One fine player. If you see him say "Hi" and give him my regards.
Children in the game
There are of lot of immature people in the game. Many times they are irritating and at times funny. Manta Volt comes to mind. There is an unarmed fighter running around BDC on all orange armor. Pyreal or something like that. First time I met him he was yelling at me not to be in his battles. Told him it is not like that here. After a few comments from him I just tried to stay away from him.
When I was in the meeting hall he was loudly trying to sell off junk for high prices. A few players strung him along, making his actions even worst. I commented to Hellhawk on how he gets on my nerves. He said no one liked him much.
Later I was at BDC, just off the pit. A noble spawns there. Pyreal was there. He asked me "Can I have the noble?" My answer was simple. "No". He stated, "If it targets me, we are going on a run" meaning he will run the noble up the ramp and off the ledge so I don’t get it.
The noble spawns and I get looting right despite a 40lv drainer. I must have got some very good hits in because it fell in less than 10 seconds. Almost did not check if I had the kill. I run up the ramp to do some hunting. When to many peoples are hunting nobles it cuts into the XP. I fight nobles for stuff, solders and workers for XP.
Well Pyreal runs with me. I will say he has worked a lot on his running skills. There is another noble spawn at the jumping pit. He thought I was going there and was trying to beat me. He jumps down and I jump across. I see some orange dots converge on him. I jump down several steps before finding his body. Killed by a solder. Right, he wants to fight a noble and cannot fight a solder.
A little while he shows up to get his body. I said, "Well, you won the race."
I’m waiting for a noble spawn at the edge of the pit. There is no one in BDC and I’m taking the two nobles in the pit one at a time. There are a few solder spawns that I wisely kill before the noble comes.
Another mid-level player shows up. I’m talking with him and the noble spawns. By talking and not paying attention I had let a solder alone. I’m fighting the noble and it attacked me from the rear. The mid level attacks the solder.
I should have run, turned and taken them from the front. I had taken a Noble and Solder a few days before and felt I did not have to bother. Bam, Bam, Bam, solder is eating me alive. I’m down to 11hp. I keep stocked with stam and heal for just such an occasion. But one little hit from either one and I was dead. Luck was with me and I get the 50-point drink before that hit came. Drank two more before I went back to the noble. I killed it and turned to the solder.
After the battle I was quite shaken. I gave all the loot to the mid-level. He did not really help as I had to kill both of them in the end. But he hung in there and did his best. He knew that if I fell he was dead as well. He could have run away. Either very brave or very stupid. Wish I had taken down the name, I think he will make a fine player.
Archer not a tank
I’m waiting for a noble spawn in on the ramp and an archer show up. I try to set up an agreement on looting. He would have nothing to do with it. “I can tank it.” He said. I check him out, 50+lv. “Well I guess you can”, I said. Shortly after the noble spawns and I guess the archer shot a little to soon. Noble runs by me to him.
It was a lot of fun attacking a noble from the rear. Have not done that in a long time. Hearing the archer grunt and scream had a special joy, as he seemed to be an ass. When done he said he missed 4 shots. I got the loot. He ran off before I could share with him. (I kill them with kindness.)
Attended a wedding for Ur IV and Miss Outlaw. I had been disconnected while running to the meeting hall earlier in the day. I had not bothered to relog. When I did I was in the middle of nowhere. I forgot I was running when I was disconnected. At 160 burden I was not moving to well either.
Elder messaged me that the wedding was about to start. I had totally forgot about it. I started my slow-motion run towards Arwic. I finally made the meeting hall and jumped into the portal. Instead of coming out were I should, I was ported into the back of the hall where the wedding was being held. Elder had asked the Sentinel (Ash) to port me in. It was funny when I told them where I was when I was ported me. (In the portal) He said, "Well I saved you a 10 foot walk".
Only a few attending the wedding, the PK wars and bad blood were keeping a lot of the invites away. But it was an elate crowd. Wedding was very moving and "ThePrisoner’ broke out in tears.
A few of the attending were
Fist de Yuma
The Scout
Slerpy II
(Above list from message by Ur IV)
Body quest and lowlifes
I got a call from AMI asking what my lock pick was. A body was trapped behind a locked door. It is in the 170 range and I had 300k in free points handy. It took a while of running through the swamps to find the place, The Empyrean Foundry. Had to kill a swarm of mosswarts. There was a group of players there. AMI had to log as it was her child that was in trouble.
I tried the lock and no lock had ever resisted my picks before, nada. Weaken lock V, I pored the 300k points into lock pick, nada. Checked the lock difficultly. 800, Humm no way. Someone said you had to have a key.
A player came along and said they had the key but would not open the door unless we agreed to help him with the quest. Kind of low but I agreed to help, despite that fact I was lagging bad and getting booted a lot.
He opened the door and we clear out a few mosswarts. We fought our way down. I was booted a few times but was able to get back and catch up. AMI child’s body was gone but we recovered the body of AMI’s vassal.
We finally made our way down to a place with a bunch of lizard creatures. We found a place with three rooms and a lake of lava over a ledge. I was sure I was not going into the lava so we seemed stuck. Someone asked if they found the dagger but no one had. (Someone was lying.) A portal was created and most of the players left.
We fought a spawn or two but no one admitted to finding the dagger. I was lucky that I was booted between battles and not in one. The person I promised to help left in the portal so I ported out. A little honesty here would have saved me a lot of effort later. I would have my katar now and would have used it that night.
Later I talked with AMI. It seems a group of players asked her child along on the quest without even telling her what it was. After she died they left her. AMI and I will see what we can do to replace the items lost tonight.
Wedding Two
I had an invite to the wedding of Sunrunner and Ciliten (spelling wrong). After that adventure I decided to get to the get to the wedding spot and log there. I was booted three times while finding the place. Wedding was in a Winthura’s Garden.
I logged back in about half and hour before the wedding was to start. Wedding was nice. Not a sentinel this time but used the same script. There was at least 20 ppl there, big crowd. We made a straight line and we all held touches out. They also had a nice twist. They had the cooks create food and drinks and these were placed out for all to eat and drink. Nice touch.
The quest
Sidhartha has been setting up for us to do the Hamud's Pyreal Katar quest. (Bad spelling I know.) I ported to Arwic after the wedding to pick up my vassal The Saint and we jumped into the subway. After we ported to Qalaba’r. Sidhartha asked me to aid a vassal who had died.
She had died outside of the old mine. The fastest way for me was to port to Arwic and run through the Arwic mine to the Old Mine portal. I left The Saint with Sidhartha and ported.
By the time I had got to her she had died twice more trying to recover on her own. Two Ash’s were guarding the bodies when I got there. There was a lot more action than when I last hunted here. I even had to put on an armor item. Easy to think nothing can get though a 260 melee defense.
Sidhartha was learning about getting a quest to start on time. He left without me. The Saint had to leave so he lost out, but got some sleep. I have a good run but have never been very good at running with the map. I kept getting lost in mountains and have to backtrack.
We finally got together at the dungeon entrance. Dungeon was a maze and a lot of shadows. One player had been there before but was lost after a time. I took the lead and just followed one wall until Loc said we were in the right place.
There was a large group of others there as well but it was quick to get a key from an NPC and head out for the next part. We hit an exit portal a short distance away had to run back to Qalaba’r. Well, I cheated and ported to the life-stone and waited at the Hebian-to portal.
After this I followed Sid on a long run. I did not know where we were going on the second part. Next time I’m getting the run down before we leave. After a while of running I found a little about where we were going. Loc had allready gotten there. I checked the map and we were not going where he said we were. I commented on this and Sid said we were going in the wrong direction. We turned around and started to retrace our steps. I ported back to the Life-Stone and ran to the coordinates. Meanwhile Loc had died to a horde of mosswarts.
As I got close I got a feeling I had done this before. Yep we were going to the same place I was at earlier that day. I killed the mosswarts again and Loc got his body. Then we waited a long time as Sid and his vassal were lost in the mountains. They tried to take a short cut.
Loc who had been the only one to do this quest had to leave at this point. We got in and killed the mosswarts guarding the door. We hit a few switches to get the other two doors open. We fought our way down. I had to prompt them a few times as after clearing a room they thought they had got to the end. I knew better.
We finally got to where I was earlier. After clearing the room I found the quest item (dagger) on the floor. Now if the lowlifes that were with me earlier had said something, I would have had my katar when we got the key.
By this time it was very late. Spawn was every 15 minutes so we had another hour before we got everyone a dagger. Now the fun part. I offered to port the non item people to BCD. There they could log out a somewhat safe place and Loc could port out them the next day.
BDC was on their no-way-no-how list so that was rejected. So we spent more time fighting to the exit portal, and then running to the road. Sid is a powerful mage, but has to get level 55 for item. Finally got to bed at 1am. Up at 5:30 and made the coffee a little stronger.
Do I look like a mule?
Got a call from someone. He started an archer and he was perched outside of BDC on a slim ledge, killing the workers. He ran out of arrows and other stuff and needed someone to bring him more. I did not know this at the time. He just asked me if I would bring a few items to his ppl fighting in BDC.
I agreed to do this but thought he was talking about a few mana stones for a fighter or something like that. I was loaded up with his junk and ported to BDC. I then took the exit portal outside. Then fight 4 worker at once. After that jump to his ledge and give him the stuff. If this keeps up I’m going to start rejecting quests until I have all the details.
Another player came out and jumped to the ledge too. This guy and had guts to tell him he was there first. Hell of course he is there first, he never leaves!
I’m not your friend
I got a message from a person with Loc in his name. I thought it was a good friend playing another ppl. He asked me to meet him at the mountain portal. I arrived there and found an archer. He said he was starting this new player and need to get XP for him. I checked him and found he was Requiem. I knew that Loc was not going to put a player in Requiem. I said, “I’m going to help you get XP because?” He said I was going to help him because I was his friend.
Now I was confused. He then said that his main ppl was Lazarst Master. This was the thief who wanted me to drop everything and get matty coats for his vassals. I’m really burnt now. This guy cannot get it. I’m going to have to lay it on the line next time we meet. I’m not your friend, have never been your friend and will never be your friend. You are a thief and a user.
I was not ready to do that then. When I’m hot I try to be nice because my temper can make me say things regret later. I nicely begged off and buffed his weapon. Next time I will be calm and tell him the way it is.
I was very happy to be invited to write for Olthoi Lair. Figured I better give some background to those who don’t know me. I’m Fist de Yuma, 47lv unarmed fighter on the Morningthaw server.
I never thought of myself as a writer. I started writing my adventures for myself and posted them to see if anyone else liked them. Response had been good and I get a lot of comments in game.
I’m outspoken and say what I mean and mean what I say. Please don’t read into it because I never put in a hidden message. I sometimes regret my actions and will he as harder on myself for errors that anyone else would.
I’m dyslexic and have a hard time with proof reading. I do my best and have to read and read my works to find the errors. Still I find stupid error after posting. I apologize in advance, as I know they will be there despite my efforts.
I hope you enjoy the Journal.
The good archer
Those who you have read my journals know that I have a small problem with archers. It is easy to vent the bad stuff here without also venting the good. I’m going to try and repair that oversight.
The first good archer I met was on the beach east of Arwic. I think I was 19lv at the time. He was fighting golems with us. He was friendly, shared loot and if need be, stood toe-to-toe with a golem. After a day of fighting I told him "You sir, are a warrior!" He as was added to my friend’s list and we talk from time to time.
Over time I have met many fine archers. They play well and lamented the cheaters with me. I wish I could name all of them but instead I will tell you the tale of a great person who plays an archer. His name is Hellhawk.
I was in the long ramp coming out of the pit in BDC. I was waiting on a noble spawn when an archer set himself about 3 feet in back of me. Getting tired of what I call leaches, I moved in back of him. He moved back and I moved back again. He said, "I insist." I said, "Unless we come to an arraignment I will not take the damage for no reward." He said, "I always share with a good tank." "That is different", I said, and moved to the forefront. As it turns out I got the looting rights. A bug kept us from getting anything but we built a trust between us.
We paired up after that and he got all the looting rights but always shared with me. He never took advantage of me. In fact, he went overboard in loot sharing, giving me the biggest share.
Being an archer he died in battle against a solder. I was fighting a worker when the solder and a nymph jumped him.
In our final battle was where it started, the noble spawns on the long ramp. This one dropped some great stuff. He ran down the list. "War V wand, Head, gems, magic items". He said he had a vassal who needed the wand, what did I want? I had gotten the last nice item so I said "The war V I would really like for my vassal Sidhartha, but you got the rights, I will take what you decide." He gave me everything but the wand. I was satisfied.
The next day I got a call from HellHawk. His vassal had a War V after all. Did I still want the wand. I made a trip to his meeting hall and picked it up. One fine player. If you see him say "Hi" and give him my regards.
Children in the game
There are of lot of immature people in the game. Many times they are irritating and at times funny. Manta Volt comes to mind. There is an unarmed fighter running around BDC on all orange armor. Pyreal or something like that. First time I met him he was yelling at me not to be in his battles. Told him it is not like that here. After a few comments from him I just tried to stay away from him.
When I was in the meeting hall he was loudly trying to sell off junk for high prices. A few players strung him along, making his actions even worst. I commented to Hellhawk on how he gets on my nerves. He said no one liked him much.
Later I was at BDC, just off the pit. A noble spawns there. Pyreal was there. He asked me "Can I have the noble?" My answer was simple. "No". He stated, "If it targets me, we are going on a run" meaning he will run the noble up the ramp and off the ledge so I don’t get it.
The noble spawns and I get looting right despite a 40lv drainer. I must have got some very good hits in because it fell in less than 10 seconds. Almost did not check if I had the kill. I run up the ramp to do some hunting. When to many peoples are hunting nobles it cuts into the XP. I fight nobles for stuff, solders and workers for XP.
Well Pyreal runs with me. I will say he has worked a lot on his running skills. There is another noble spawn at the jumping pit. He thought I was going there and was trying to beat me. He jumps down and I jump across. I see some orange dots converge on him. I jump down several steps before finding his body. Killed by a solder. Right, he wants to fight a noble and cannot fight a solder.
A little while he shows up to get his body. I said, "Well, you won the race."
I’m waiting for a noble spawn at the edge of the pit. There is no one in BDC and I’m taking the two nobles in the pit one at a time. There are a few solder spawns that I wisely kill before the noble comes.
Another mid-level player shows up. I’m talking with him and the noble spawns. By talking and not paying attention I had let a solder alone. I’m fighting the noble and it attacked me from the rear. The mid level attacks the solder.
I should have run, turned and taken them from the front. I had taken a Noble and Solder a few days before and felt I did not have to bother. Bam, Bam, Bam, solder is eating me alive. I’m down to 11hp. I keep stocked with stam and heal for just such an occasion. But one little hit from either one and I was dead. Luck was with me and I get the 50-point drink before that hit came. Drank two more before I went back to the noble. I killed it and turned to the solder.
After the battle I was quite shaken. I gave all the loot to the mid-level. He did not really help as I had to kill both of them in the end. But he hung in there and did his best. He knew that if I fell he was dead as well. He could have run away. Either very brave or very stupid. Wish I had taken down the name, I think he will make a fine player.
Archer not a tank
I’m waiting for a noble spawn in on the ramp and an archer show up. I try to set up an agreement on looting. He would have nothing to do with it. “I can tank it.” He said. I check him out, 50+lv. “Well I guess you can”, I said. Shortly after the noble spawns and I guess the archer shot a little to soon. Noble runs by me to him.
It was a lot of fun attacking a noble from the rear. Have not done that in a long time. Hearing the archer grunt and scream had a special joy, as he seemed to be an ass. When done he said he missed 4 shots. I got the loot. He ran off before I could share with him. (I kill them with kindness.)
Attended a wedding for Ur IV and Miss Outlaw. I had been disconnected while running to the meeting hall earlier in the day. I had not bothered to relog. When I did I was in the middle of nowhere. I forgot I was running when I was disconnected. At 160 burden I was not moving to well either.
Elder messaged me that the wedding was about to start. I had totally forgot about it. I started my slow-motion run towards Arwic. I finally made the meeting hall and jumped into the portal. Instead of coming out were I should, I was ported into the back of the hall where the wedding was being held. Elder had asked the Sentinel (Ash) to port me in. It was funny when I told them where I was when I was ported me. (In the portal) He said, "Well I saved you a 10 foot walk".
Only a few attending the wedding, the PK wars and bad blood were keeping a lot of the invites away. But it was an elate crowd. Wedding was very moving and "ThePrisoner’ broke out in tears.
A few of the attending were
Fist de Yuma
The Scout
Slerpy II
(Above list from message by Ur IV)
Body quest and lowlifes
I got a call from AMI asking what my lock pick was. A body was trapped behind a locked door. It is in the 170 range and I had 300k in free points handy. It took a while of running through the swamps to find the place, The Empyrean Foundry. Had to kill a swarm of mosswarts. There was a group of players there. AMI had to log as it was her child that was in trouble.
I tried the lock and no lock had ever resisted my picks before, nada. Weaken lock V, I pored the 300k points into lock pick, nada. Checked the lock difficultly. 800, Humm no way. Someone said you had to have a key.
A player came along and said they had the key but would not open the door unless we agreed to help him with the quest. Kind of low but I agreed to help, despite that fact I was lagging bad and getting booted a lot.
He opened the door and we clear out a few mosswarts. We fought our way down. I was booted a few times but was able to get back and catch up. AMI child’s body was gone but we recovered the body of AMI’s vassal.
We finally made our way down to a place with a bunch of lizard creatures. We found a place with three rooms and a lake of lava over a ledge. I was sure I was not going into the lava so we seemed stuck. Someone asked if they found the dagger but no one had. (Someone was lying.) A portal was created and most of the players left.
We fought a spawn or two but no one admitted to finding the dagger. I was lucky that I was booted between battles and not in one. The person I promised to help left in the portal so I ported out. A little honesty here would have saved me a lot of effort later. I would have my katar now and would have used it that night.
Later I talked with AMI. It seems a group of players asked her child along on the quest without even telling her what it was. After she died they left her. AMI and I will see what we can do to replace the items lost tonight.
Wedding Two
I had an invite to the wedding of Sunrunner and Ciliten (spelling wrong). After that adventure I decided to get to the get to the wedding spot and log there. I was booted three times while finding the place. Wedding was in a Winthura’s Garden.
I logged back in about half and hour before the wedding was to start. Wedding was nice. Not a sentinel this time but used the same script. There was at least 20 ppl there, big crowd. We made a straight line and we all held touches out. They also had a nice twist. They had the cooks create food and drinks and these were placed out for all to eat and drink. Nice touch.
The quest
Sidhartha has been setting up for us to do the Hamud's Pyreal Katar quest. (Bad spelling I know.) I ported to Arwic after the wedding to pick up my vassal The Saint and we jumped into the subway. After we ported to Qalaba’r. Sidhartha asked me to aid a vassal who had died.
She had died outside of the old mine. The fastest way for me was to port to Arwic and run through the Arwic mine to the Old Mine portal. I left The Saint with Sidhartha and ported.
By the time I had got to her she had died twice more trying to recover on her own. Two Ash’s were guarding the bodies when I got there. There was a lot more action than when I last hunted here. I even had to put on an armor item. Easy to think nothing can get though a 260 melee defense.
Sidhartha was learning about getting a quest to start on time. He left without me. The Saint had to leave so he lost out, but got some sleep. I have a good run but have never been very good at running with the map. I kept getting lost in mountains and have to backtrack.
We finally got together at the dungeon entrance. Dungeon was a maze and a lot of shadows. One player had been there before but was lost after a time. I took the lead and just followed one wall until Loc said we were in the right place.
There was a large group of others there as well but it was quick to get a key from an NPC and head out for the next part. We hit an exit portal a short distance away had to run back to Qalaba’r. Well, I cheated and ported to the life-stone and waited at the Hebian-to portal.
After this I followed Sid on a long run. I did not know where we were going on the second part. Next time I’m getting the run down before we leave. After a while of running I found a little about where we were going. Loc had allready gotten there. I checked the map and we were not going where he said we were. I commented on this and Sid said we were going in the wrong direction. We turned around and started to retrace our steps. I ported back to the Life-Stone and ran to the coordinates. Meanwhile Loc had died to a horde of mosswarts.
As I got close I got a feeling I had done this before. Yep we were going to the same place I was at earlier that day. I killed the mosswarts again and Loc got his body. Then we waited a long time as Sid and his vassal were lost in the mountains. They tried to take a short cut.
Loc who had been the only one to do this quest had to leave at this point. We got in and killed the mosswarts guarding the door. We hit a few switches to get the other two doors open. We fought our way down. I had to prompt them a few times as after clearing a room they thought they had got to the end. I knew better.
We finally got to where I was earlier. After clearing the room I found the quest item (dagger) on the floor. Now if the lowlifes that were with me earlier had said something, I would have had my katar when we got the key.
By this time it was very late. Spawn was every 15 minutes so we had another hour before we got everyone a dagger. Now the fun part. I offered to port the non item people to BCD. There they could log out a somewhat safe place and Loc could port out them the next day.
BDC was on their no-way-no-how list so that was rejected. So we spent more time fighting to the exit portal, and then running to the road. Sid is a powerful mage, but has to get level 55 for item. Finally got to bed at 1am. Up at 5:30 and made the coffee a little stronger.
Do I look like a mule?
Got a call from someone. He started an archer and he was perched outside of BDC on a slim ledge, killing the workers. He ran out of arrows and other stuff and needed someone to bring him more. I did not know this at the time. He just asked me if I would bring a few items to his ppl fighting in BDC.
I agreed to do this but thought he was talking about a few mana stones for a fighter or something like that. I was loaded up with his junk and ported to BDC. I then took the exit portal outside. Then fight 4 worker at once. After that jump to his ledge and give him the stuff. If this keeps up I’m going to start rejecting quests until I have all the details.
Another player came out and jumped to the ledge too. This guy and had guts to tell him he was there first. Hell of course he is there first, he never leaves!
I’m not your friend
I got a message from a person with Loc in his name. I thought it was a good friend playing another ppl. He asked me to meet him at the mountain portal. I arrived there and found an archer. He said he was starting this new player and need to get XP for him. I checked him and found he was Requiem. I knew that Loc was not going to put a player in Requiem. I said, “I’m going to help you get XP because?” He said I was going to help him because I was his friend.
Now I was confused. He then said that his main ppl was Lazarst Master. This was the thief who wanted me to drop everything and get matty coats for his vassals. I’m really burnt now. This guy cannot get it. I’m going to have to lay it on the line next time we meet. I’m not your friend, have never been your friend and will never be your friend. You are a thief and a user.
I was not ready to do that then. When I’m hot I try to be nice because my temper can make me say things regret later. I nicely begged off and buffed his weapon. Next time I will be calm and tell him the way it is.
AC Story from Fist de Yuma
I am going to attempt something and I truly hope that the author will understand and allow me to present his work.
On the Morningthaw world of Asheron's Call a player that went by the name of Fist de Yuma played the game from its early days until the time he burned out and left for other games several years later.
He was a social player and recorded his life and times in a very dynamic game.
I know he was in his 50s, and ex-marine, lived in Arizona, loved to ride a bike through the desert, liked an occasional cigar and wrote a weekly set of journals about the game.
I was able to locate the complete set of entries hidden away on a backup area of a server and have brought them to my computer to prepare them. I will start with the oldest entries and go forward in time presenting you, the reader, with a story about how this world was played and developed over its formitive years.
On the Morningthaw world of Asheron's Call a player that went by the name of Fist de Yuma played the game from its early days until the time he burned out and left for other games several years later.
He was a social player and recorded his life and times in a very dynamic game.
I know he was in his 50s, and ex-marine, lived in Arizona, loved to ride a bike through the desert, liked an occasional cigar and wrote a weekly set of journals about the game.
I was able to locate the complete set of entries hidden away on a backup area of a server and have brought them to my computer to prepare them. I will start with the oldest entries and go forward in time presenting you, the reader, with a story about how this world was played and developed over its formitive years.
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