Thief X 2
If you read my Journal before they were published on this site you might remember someone I thought was scamming me. A person that demanded a high level item before he would let me see a pair if Unarmed V gloves he was trying to sell me. He had all the signs of a thief, clams of being ripped off in the past, clams that he had to hurry as his mom needed to check mail, etc, etc.
I got a message from a player last night. It seems I was right, it was a scam. The thief was using this person ppl to discrete him. (His brother) He was grateful I did not flame him, as that was the intent of the thief. The thief has a real problem and I hope he gets help.
It was nice of the player to tell me. I accepted his apology and wished him well.
Even high levels die
For those thinking they can take their 25lv powerhouse to BCD and start collecting great items off of nobles, let me give you a wake up call. I was running up the ramp from the pit and saw a great fighter I know (41+). A noble was dead at his feet and he was battling a solder and worker. His current target was the worker and the solder was at his back.
I attacked the solder and quickly finished it off, thinking that should do it. I got a message from the fighter, “O’hell I’m going to die.” I jumped on the worker and got in two hits when my friend died. One more hit and the worker was dead. If I had known he was hurting I think I could have saved him.
A lot of other ppls were there I did not know so I quickly looted the noble to save his items. I got a message soon after asking me to do that. He showed up quickly after that and I gave him his loot. But even a high level can die there.
I met a bow-using ppl last night. I will call him X. I think this guy might have been an archer but fell into bad company. The first thing I saw was his body. I helped him recover it and he ask me a few questions. Mostly on where he could perch to get kills without danger. I told him there was no place like that at BDC.
He was running with another bow-user and a high level drainer. I saw death messages on the other bow-user a time or two during the evening.
When X recovered his body I checked his level, 22lv. I told him that he was way to weak to be running here. He was indignant, “I can hit a noble,” he said. I said that may be true but you cannot defend yourself from anything here.
Shortly after he recovered his body a noble shows. I fronted it, while the two bow-users fired and the mage drained. Of course the drainer got the kill. He looted but did not share. In my book that made him a leach.
I define a leach as a player that cannot solo but can leach off others. They never share, as a leach has no feelings other than greed. They never ask permission, as then they might have to share. Many drainers and bow-users fall into this category.
Soon after this a nymph spawns, runs passed me, and kills X with 1 hit. I messaged X that I would guard as he died in a bad spot, lot of spawns. I also said the drainer was a leach, not knowing that it was his patron. He defend him saying the drainer was just excided about getting a noble kill.
He went on to say how great his patron was. He showed him the perching places and perched with him for days at a time. What a loser this patron is. There are so many things to do and see and he teaches him to sit on a ledge. In the end all this bow-user will be able to do is perch and leach. (And complain how boring the game is.)
I had just finished off a noble that spawns in the hallway leading to the jumping pit. There are two open rooms off that hallway. A solder spawns in one. I’m just outside of the hallway with the opening at my left. The solder attacks me there.
Two ppl’s run out of the hallway. Shortly after I see the spikes of red and gray flashing by my vision. I was lucky that they were still chasing after the other ppl’s. The solder and me were blocking their exit. I saw the flash words of Noble. O’ , I thought it was a solder. I’m very lucky as the ppl’s stayed close enough that the noble and worker don’t lose lock. As soon as I killed the solder the noble had room to get by me.
The worker gave chase but the Noble lost lock and attacked me. Soon after a nymph attacked me from my left side. Another noble or solder and I would worry. Nymph only takes stam and I had plenty.
Two bow-users come out of the jumping pit. They had two choices, try to steal the noble kill from me or get the nymph off my butt. They chose stealing. After the battle I told them if they had made the right choice I would have shared with them.
We can work together.
I’m fighting a Noble in the hallway out of the jumping pit. No one is around so I know it will not be stolen from me. A fighter came out of a side passage, checked my health and watched the battle. I had never seen this person before but I felt that was the actions of a player. I would have found it hard to restrain from attacking a noble in that situation.
Later I was running up the ramp leading out of the pit and saw that fighter waiting on the Noble spawn. She said, “Well, I don’t have a chance now.” I checked her level and saw she was a 40lv and would have no problems with a noble.
I said that I liked her actions earlier and would not interfere with the battle. I said that a high level had died here earlier and I would protect her back. She said that she had never met a player that would do that before.
Shortly after the noble spawns, and even though I’m in back of her, attacks me. I decided to just defend.
As she attacked a worker came down the hallway and attacked her from the rear. She said to attack the noble. I could not attack the worker and still defend against the noble. I waited long enough to be sure she had the looting rights and joined in the attack. I really should have taken down her name. We have another fine player in the ranks.
which story was about Cher'okee ?