Wednesday, February 20, 2013

AC Feb Patch

Wow, what a lot of changes that have occurred to Turbine Forums and Games over the last week!

Turbine needed to upgrade the Forums and Billing last week. The event was to take 8 hours on the 13th, however, it got postponed to the 14th. 4PM arrived on the 14th and nothing was operational.

8AM arrived with no change. 6PM arrived, still no change. I got up at 4AM on Saturday morning and still nothing. We went into town and around Noon on Saturday things finally broke free. The games were available but still no forums or billing.

I still remember the early days of AC when the system would go down for the monthly patch and be down for most of a week. Although you couldn't tell from the forums, everyone did manage to survive the absence. No matter how well you plan, issues arrive that could not have been expected.

Turbine did get everything operational prior to the Wednesday Monthly Patch.

On AC, we did get compensated with 150% XP from quests from Saturday Noon until 8AM this morning. That was enjoyable. LOTRO VP Players received 250 points.

They had promised us that the Feb patch to AC would be a big one. It is starting to appear to be true although there are the normal run of complaints.

Summoning was added to the game. This is an expensive skill at 8/4. It is also somewhat restrictive to use. In order to try it out, I created a mage with Spec Was and MC and Summoning. It uses Endurance and Self/3 for its Attributes. As a result, I created the mage as 10,100,10,10,100,100. Since the buffbots were not yet available, I took him to the Drudge Dungeon in Holtburg and tried my luck.

Without buffs or MD, I was seriously weak and did get a chance to try out my Lifestone Skills. They worked fine. I was able to complete that quest and also take on the Penguin and Wasp quests in Sanamar.

I was able to fight my way through the Ice Tachi and Dagger quests with my new found strength.

As a result of the Drudge Dungeon, I picked up 4 more Summoned Items. Unfortunately, they are level 40, Summoning skill of 310. It will be a bit before I use them.

I went to see if I had a slghtly higher character that could use the Summoning Skill. It turned out that Sledge Mighty fit that requirement. I had merely to drop Recklessness and I could Spec Summoning. I quickly grabbedd some Hysop and headed to Cragstone and on to the Temple of Forgotfulness, There I unspecced Recklessness and then Untrained it. Next I was off to the Temple of Enhancements. There, I obtained a Summoning Training gem.

As I understand it, there is a new loot tier. It spreads out amongst all items. They have rebalanced manny critters. It could be an interesting month.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Time is flying by

I just noticed that it has been almost a month since my last post.

In my defense, I have to say that much of the absence is due to being busy at work and spending free time enjoying AC, AC2 and LOTRO. The games are functioning well and I have been very busy getting quests completed.

AC had a great update in January. 2 of the 3 monthly quests are doable by most characters solo. I really like the Tumerok Weapon Quest. Most of the Tummies drop Red Letters for XP and Gambling Tokens. I get 15-25 Letters per run.

AC2 has become very stable. I go in and play characters to see how they level and play as I advance. I am still not very high as my Ranger is level 24. I do so enjoy the game and hope to play it for a long time.

LOTRO has my focus right now. I am playing on Whithywishtle (sp) and have 4 characters. They are all hunters, one of each race and they cover all of the craft skills. I have a lead character that is level 35 and the other characters are 25. I can equip them in top bows and level appropriate armor as they level. I am moving right along and insuring that they get rest and maximize the XP while levelling.

It is amazing how easy it is when you have good weapons and good armor.

I have been having some difficulty getting into the game on my desktop. It will get past the character selection screen and then report a general error and close. It is very erratic and causes irritation. I have ordered a new 1tera HD and will get it Wednesday. I will then reinstall Windows 7 and needed software and see if the issue is gone.