Monday, November 25, 2013

AC - Break is over....

Well, I decided to take a break from AC. It didn't last very long.

As I mentioned in my last post, I was not happy with the direction AC was moving in. I had a 275 level Xbowyer that was pretty much useless in the high content as I did not have the time to devote to getting the right levels of armor and weapons and jewelry. All of my characters were getting into the mid levels and were getting boring. I had so many mules loaded down with useless stuff on all worlds.

The excitement was quickly vanishing to even log in. I went over to LOTRO and got my Hunter up to level 85 for the HD update. This gave me time to contemplate what, if any, AC future there might be. I did miss my AC2 accounts with the termination of AC.

After a couple of weeks, I made a new decision on AC. This required me to create 2 new accounts and keep my old accounts inactive. Now I would not have the backup of high level characters to aid my new characters. I would start with a clean slate. I purchased the 2 accounts and activated the first one.

There I created a Missile, 2 Hand, Heavy, Void and a Mule. It was very enjoyable to start the leveling process with these characters. I did miss not having a second account to mule items to. I even tried to drop mule in a chest in Hebian-To and found out why that is a bad, bad idea.

I went ahead and activated the second account. There I have 2 mules, a TW guy, a tinkerer, and a Void Mage as the Monarch.

The late start on the second account meant that I needed to get the Monarch up to level 53 in order for him to get XP from his vassals. This didn't take all that long to accomplish.

I have limited myself to Wintersebb and am really enjoying my time there. There will be no macroing and I plan on enjoying the journey. The schedule calls for visiting every place I can locate and travelling through all dungeons and attempting all quests. There is no hurry to the end and so much to see and do.

As a bonus, I also now have 2 accounts on AC2 to work with. I want the characters there to also enjoy the journey with the changes the Devs have put in.

I will try to post more actively about my journeys. Most of the AC characters are around 50 now.

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