Thursday, February 22, 2018

Will AC Ever Rise Again?

Well, here we are at about a year since Asheron's Call became a very fond memory.

I had high hopes for a new set of servers that used the AC Client and replaced the AC Server that we all relied on.

A player with a load of knowledge created PhatAC and was moving along on the development. The game was getting pretty playable when the WB mouthpieces stepped in and crushed him with a C&D. Not only did he have to remove his development from the Web, but they demanded that all Youtube videos be removed.

That leaves us with ACEmulator. There are a number of very sharp developers working on it and it is fully open source. I have a Server/Client running that performs well on my local machine. It still has a long way to go before ready to release.

I had hoped that there was some thought given to WB not releasing AC to the world. One possibility is that Daybreak Games would be releasing AC. They already control EQ and it would be a fit. While they are still looking for staff for an unannounced project, we still have no info.

I continue to play my LOTRO Accounts and dabble in WOW. Nothing else has peaked my interest lately.

1 comment:

  1. If this is the original Fist De Yuma, thanks for all the stories over the ages, you are still remembered by this 44 yr old gamer who fondly remembers your tales in Dereth!
