Thursday, March 22, 2012

AC Sledge - March 22, 2012

Wow, its been a month since I posted. Time certainly has a way of flying by.

I spent the bulk of the last patch cycle getting most of my characters moved around into the Heavy, Light and Finesse Weapons Skills. That in itself, was a real challenge. I still do not feel comfortable with the results but it will take quite a bit of time to get settled into the new skills.

The addition of 6 foolproof items was a great reward. The 400 wield weapons was not so much. I have very few that can use them yet. As I had no Rare Weapons, that vendor was pretty much useless to me.

I am enjoying the Dirty Fighting, Recklessness, Shield, and Dual Wield Skills. The first 2 are almost like having a little magic added.

My archers all have Dirty Fighting. It really helps but I have to be careful not to hit at the mid level unless necessary as if lowers my XP if Bleed is activated.

The March Patch was Tuesday and they corrected a number of issues from February. The DTers are still not happy, but I expect that they will never be satisfied with anything. The reset the Temples which will help those that messed up last month. At least the monthly bonus quests are doable by most of the characters and fairly short.

I was wondering about my old Monarch and friend, Madaster Mage, the last couple of weeks. He had a buffbot running in Holtburg and it was missing. I saw on Facebook that he and his wife had returned to LOTRO due to it recently having a patch that opened up some new areas and quests. I will probably catch up with them there. Right now I am still very committed to AC and will limit my time in LOTRO. Both are excellent games and enjoyable to play. The only issue I have with AC is that they use NAT for communications and our open routers at work do not have NAT activated and I have not yet been able to get the Tech guy to open up the protocol. Maybe someday. I have to play LOTRO during lunch at work.

I have started to change my characters on Leafcull. I used to have an Axe guy, a Mace guy, and a UA guy. I am moving them to Heavy, Light and Finess. They are all near 100 and I want them to get to 400 skill and Level 7 Buffs.

I also looked at my Acrhers. I have a Bow guy, a Thrown guy and an Xbow guy. As my Xbow guy is my top guy at 215, I decided that I really did not need 2 other missile guys on this account. I am moving them to a Void Mage and a War Mage. That leaves me with 2 Mules, a 2Handed guy and a Crafting guy.

For players with 1 account, this would probably be the ideal setup although I believe a person playing AC needs 2 accounts as a minimum. This is so much better for muling, passing up XP, body recovery and possible buffing.

I will not have my mages complete for another week. I used up my changes at the Temples with still needing a few changes first. With any luck, I can use up many of the scrolls I have muled away and get some wands imbued while I am waiting.

I started running my characters through the monthly quests. This morning I took my 2Hander, Sledge Mighty through the quest for The Soul Hunter. It requires a little running but was worth about 70 mil XP. I then had time to send him off for the Renegade Mace Quest. I wasted a little time by going north of Zaihkal to the Lugie camp. It turned that I had done this quest before and already had the necklace. I portalled up to Arwic and then to the mountains and ran along the edge until I got to the dungeon. I talked to the top Lugie and went on in. I had to fight past a bunch of Lugies and Tumeroks until I got to a steel door. There was an immense number of Olthoi waiting for me and I laid them out and continued. I had to pick up a scent gland and go forward to the last section, slaying Olthoi along the way. After a couple of drops, I wound up in a large room with some Olthoi and an Immature Queen. They really need to make the Queen a bit more melee friendly. With my Bludgening 2hander and my Dirty Fighting, I was slowly bringing her health down. I should have brought along some healing rations as it was touch and go until she fell. I think I had about 15 health left. I finished off the rest of the Olthoi and turned in the items for about 80 mil in XP.

I need to run part of the Mehnir Rings quests and this character will be done for a week or so.

I have also been thinking of setting up Sledgexbow as a buff bot during the day and overnight. I have most of his spells and he casts them at level 7 fine. We are getting a little short of buffbots and I don't want to see us losing players because they are not around. I will probably start at the mansion first and work out any kinks and then move him to Holtburg. I have an older laptop that I can run him on and he takes little supplies to operate. That will let me focus on my other accounts and get then levelled up.

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