Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Loner Tosser - The Next Chapter

Well, the unbuffed challenge didn't last very long. I could never meet up with the other players and then I got off working with other characters.

Yesterday, I came back and looked at Loner. I had managed to get him to 24 and he was still pretty weak. I decided to get him buffed and work on a new plan for him.

It didn't take long to get to 25 and shortly afterward I headed him to the Temple of Forgetfulness and Temple of Enlightenment for a little adjusting. I dropped the Alchemy and bumped up Fletching, Melee Def and Missile. I also decided that I wanted him to have Xbow only. I had liked the idea of using TW, but someone mentioned that it was still based off of strength and with the new quarrels, one needs 100 focus. The requirements for 100 coord and quick still exist, so there isn't much room for strength.

I went ahead and did the Facilities Quests and got him to 44 pretty quick. I then did the 6 Explorer Quests for the Town Stamps and before I knew it, I was level 51.

Now I am ready for a new set of adventures. Using the Wiki, I have started with the quests that were included with the release of AC.

First up on the list is the Acid Axe. This is a quest I did often years ago. It was lower level critters with nice XP and the critters were fairly spread out. I portalled to Zaikhal and then ran east to the mountain. I climbed up and headed to Suntik Village taking out the Monogues along the way. Once inside the building, I grabbed an Acid Axe. I then stuck around for about 5 minutes for it to spawn again and grabbed a second one.

When I was done, I ran back to town and turned the axe in to an Ivory Collector for 37,500 XP. Not a lot of XP but the quest was priceless.

I then headed for Arwic and portals to the Bandit Castle. There I hope to get a Bandit Shield. I have started the quest but ran out of time.

My intention is to do every quest in the order of the date released. I know there are some that have been upgraded and I will have to mark them and wait until I am higher to address.

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