Thursday, December 17, 2015

AC is being destroyed

I was really hoping that I would never have to write this post.

The facts of the matter is that Asheron's Call is slowly being destroyed. It is dying from a multitude of reasons. There are plenty of reasons causing its demise.

1. WB Apathy. Since the takeover of Turbine, WB has only been concerned with the $$$$ coming into its coffers.

2. Turbine Apathy. No one is left at Turbine that will stand up to management and get at least a small amount of support. The best that is received is a reboot of the servers upon occasion.

3. Stupid and Willful Players. These fools used to exist mainly on Darktide. As long as they left the normal worlds alone, they were tolerated. It was a pain to other Darktide players, but such was that world and they had the ability to self police.

4. Broken Promise. Coming up on 2 years ago, Turbine announced that they would release the compiled code, databases and instructions to the gaming community so the players could create private servers. This is a feature that we are still waiting on. With all of the bugs, duping, landblock crashing that currently exists in AC, we need the ability to fix these issues, not just police against them. It is time that the source code is also released. After 15 years, whatever special functions exist in AC's source code, is meaningless to newly created games.

Currently, the player community is voicing its problems with extreme lag on several worlds. This lag appears to be created by the above fools trying to dup items and crash landblocks. They want to create items that they can then sell to other idiots for real money. They do not care about what this does to the world and its availability to be used for its intended gaming.

Turbine no longer is providing resources to observe, ban and delete these fools. They continue to dup and destroy the game with impunity.

This is really a final plea for WB and Turbine to release the source cone, exe code, and whatever instructions that they may have to allow private individuals to create a private server and run the game as they see fit.

I know I wanted to play AC until the servers shut down, however, due to the erratic gameplay, I find myself avoiding entering the worlds.

One small item that WB needs to keep in mind is that their handling of AC reflects on the quality of WB as a trusted organization. I, for one, will find it hard to send money WB's way due to the way they treat their gamers and games. Like many that left Sony is disgust in the past over their poor handling of gamers and games, I no longer spent my funds on anything Sony.

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