Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fist de Yuma - January 27, 2004

This and that I'm not sure how much of a column I'll have this week. I've been doing an important project that has taken up a lot of time. It is fun but fun will not fill a column. (Of course I was very wrong and the column is actually to long.) At the bottom I have a write up on something that happened this week. I do not push the column on the DT boards. The only time I make any posts on their board is if I write about DT. Last weeks column had a response to the Dev attack that a bunch of DT players did. They did the attack in order to bring attention to the problems of DT. Their main issue was wanting a new PK only server. I wrote why this will not happen and what changes they must make to alter that. Their response was not pretty. I found it humorist but others might find it upsetting. I also found a revelation about the DT VN board posters that surprised me. If you feel that children tossing a fit is not something you want to read about, or my not so nice response to that fit, then please skip everything from DT on. You're warned, I do not pull any punches with this one. If you do read it then read it all. There are impressions you can get from part of the story that are not true. Disturbing trend I have noted a disturbing trend with my mages. In my last several hunts I have ran out of tapers. The burn rates are high so I generally stock up with 1500 tapers before I start hunting. With long hunts and many times having to buff others I can easily run myself out of them. I sure hope that Turbine gets the Taper Peas into the game soon. I'm vastly afraid of the cost but it will be worth having even of I have to over pay to get some. Computer problems One thing about computers is they can fill up your day with puzzles. Solving these puzzles is what I did for a living at one time. Still there are times when I get problems that take a lot of looking to find a solution to. I have two such at this time. I'll list the simple one first, software is always the simple one. I am having a problem with MS Media Player. When I click on a link it returns an error saying it cannot find the file. At first I thought it was a problem with my router. I eliminated that when I found I could paste the link into MS Media Player and get it to work. I was thinking it was something with my network changes that could be the culprit. I moved the location of the temp file so I could get to it without going 5 layers deep. The default setting is less than optimal. I was thinking that MS Media Player is saving the buffer file at the new location but looking for it at the old. I then remember that the player was working after I made those changes so that cannot be it. One change I made was to rename the computer. I'm not sure if that would effect anything but it was a change. I also noted that my RealOne player is not working on Shout. This is an Internet radio site. It worked last week. I have installed a few programs for Internet phones, most of which were quickly uninstalled. I cannot think of any other programs I have installed. If anyone has a suggestion I would be grateful. The second is likely hardware and therefore harder to fix. I got a phone program. (Skype) With broadband I figured it would be great for talking to people I know without running up a bill. It would also be great to have a real time chat going while teaming with Jeff. I finally got a phone program I liked and made a call to the person who recommended it to me. He answered but could not hear me. I could hear him fine. I did a little testing and found that my mike was not working. Changing mikes did not fix it. As the connection to the microphone is on the motherboard I don't see a way to fix it, other than disabling the on board sound and adding a sound card. That is likely what I'll have to do. Irritating There are many people who own computers today that do not have a lot of knowledge about computers. Things have changed in the computer world so that even an expert of 10 years ago would be a lost today. This would not be a problem if it were not for evil people who use this ignorance to their advantage. I can understand the stealing. While thievery is immoral it at least has a propose, to gain wealth. I don't understand things that are created just to cause grief. With luck the thieves will all go to jail someday as what they do can be tracked. What cannot be tracked, unless they are incredibility stupid, is a virus or worm creators. I can see no monitory gain from such. Unless you subscribe to the myth of virus's being created by the anti-virus companies in order to sell the solution there is neither rime nor reason for their creation. I can see catching a virus 15 years ago when we had no warning of virus's and disk exchange was common. I caught one at a computer store I worked at. Even then the signs of today's problem was showing. I was working as a programmer and salesman at a small computer store after retiring from the Marines. After I found the virus on my programming computer. It was made not to be obvious but it disabled Foxpro so I caught it early. I went in search of a fix. I got a program off a board that let me remove the virus form my Foxpro disks and the programming computer. I warned the people that worked at the store that someone had infected us. I showed them how to detect the virus and how to remove it. The other employees ignored my warning and soon every computer had the virus. Guess who was to blame? It was kind of strange that I was supposed to have brought the virus to the store when none of my computers were infected. Without me to remove the virus they had a hard time after that. The key was even after being warned that there was a virus in the store and a program to detect and remove it available, no one took the proper steps to protect themselves. That attitude is still with us today. People blindly open up attachments in their e-mail. They don't have firewalls and don't keep their anti-virus database up-to-date, if they even have one. If all they did was infect their computer I would not be writing this. Today's worms have a nasty trick. They first mail everyone in the victim address book a copy of what was used to infect them to begin with. To help the virus from being detected they do what is called spoofing. The return e-mail address is changed to a random name in the victim's address book. So it looks like Joe sent it out when it was really Fred. Of course it is Fred who gets the hate mail. What does this have to do with AC you ask? Simple, this problem has come close to getting me killed several times. I get dozens of virus's attempts, or messages saying a virus could not be sent to a bad address, every day. When a virus is received my anti-virus kicks in with a warning while killing off the file. The warning that pops up will kick me out of AC. I prefer to get the warning so I can store the mail in a folder I created. I try to remember to turn off my e-mail when I start AC now. I never had to do this before. If I forget to turn it off I'm sure to have to do a fanatic dance trying to get back into AC before I die. The last time was with Mage in the Matron dungeon while fighting two Muts. All this is so avoidable. Simple precautions will keep your system safe. Right now there are lots of people with my e-mail address in their books sending out this worm. Protect yourselves because the next one might destroy your system. VoD After finally making 115lv with Fist's Armorer I got the urge to go try out VoD. While not really strong enough in Life or Creature skills for VoD I felt I could do ok because of his War and Magic defense. Fist's Armorer's War is a battle tested 416. That is about the minimum for a mage to solo VoD if they cannot yield. I was hoping that a 350 magic defense would be what makes the difference. What I learned was it is possible for him to fight there but Mage is still the king of VoD. That is not likely to change any time soon. First I'll outline how Fist de Mage fights at VoD. Mage is a Battle Og. That means he has War, Creature and Life spec'd. He began Life as an Og mage so he knows how to use Creature spells to great advantage. While most monsters die fast to vuln and blast the VoD monsters have enough health that taking the time to fully de-buff them is more than worthwhile. The process Mage will take depends on what he is fighting and whom he is fighting with. There are standards such as Yield and Fester that all monsters get. If teaming with melees I'll also add a melee and missile defense de-buff along with the monster's weapon of choice de-buff. This lowers the monsters evading while raising my teammates ability to evade. A melee monster, not common, will get a strength de-buff to reduce the damage inflected on us. A magic tossing monster will get a Focus, Will, War, Life and Creature de-buff. This will help us resist War and de-buffing attacks. This means we take less damage from melee attacks and will resist many magic attacks. My maxed out magic defense it is effective even if only trained. By going with this skill set I also have the advantage of having Lockpick. While it takes a minute or so to apply these de-buffs the time is more than made up for. Just the inability to resist my attack over their un-debuffed form will make up for most of the lost time. My spending less time healing will take up the rest and I'll likely gain time. Not dieing because I resisted a War spell will pay for days of de-buffing time. If the few seconds I spend on de-buffs save my life, even if only once in 20 trips, I have saved time. Add up the time to rebuff, run back, recovery the body and we are talking considerable time. Of course this is most effective with a small group or solo. A larger group kills fast enough that too much de-buffing is a waste. In that case I just go with Yield, Vuln and imperil. Fist's Armorer has taken a different route. He has spec'd magic defense and has kept Creature at trained. He also went with 100 endurance so he can have the maximum amount of health. In time this might be effective but the ability to use Creature de-buffs is key to soloing or small group fighting in VoD. I logged in around 10pm my time. There was no one at the mansion. I spent a little time logging in Mage to exchange armor and wands. By the time I did that Mirax Terrick had ported into the mansion. I told MT what I was thinking of doing. She asked if she could go. At level 55 I was not sure how well she would do but if she was willing to heal we would be an effective team. I found out she is a mage and has a Healers Heart. As an added bonus she had an Awakener! We started to buff up. BadBoy showed up and asked if I could add a bag of steel to his armor. Cliff Bowman was on Slow Mo so I could log him in while FA buffed. That is another advantage to two computers. I'll be happy when I can afford a new motherboard and have the third one up. MT logged for a few minutes so as to not waste buffs. I ran FA through the portal routes while Cliff Bowman waited for BadBoy to get the armor to the mansion. When I got FA to the Dires LS I swapped back to Slow Mo and did his armor. MT and I ran to the first valley. I'm not sure if this is a change or not but it did not have many monsters and those that were there did not have a mob with them. That was great because it let us get our teamwork down. I found out that MT had never been to VoD! She was amazed at it all. She had to be on the edge most of the time as she does not have Tinked armor. When attacked she was having a hard time. Fortunately they mostly attacked me. We took one of the long narrow valleys and found a big pod of Drudges. It was ideal fighting spot because of a ridgeline that blocked War spells from the pod. Our buffs were going just as the last one died. I was thinking if it resisted one or two more times we would have to run. One thing I found was my 416 War was resisted far more than I liked. Attempts to get my 348 Creature to land a Yield were futile. I started to add points to Creature as I really need to land a Yield on some of the creatures, especially if I wanted Mirax Terrick to land a spell. I was able to add a few points of Lore so I could activate my minor Creature helm. Mirax Terrick is missing a few spells, has a borderline skill in Creature and no VII ability with Item. I told her I would buff her armor and supply any spells she was missing. That way she would not have to run back to the bot. She did something that we have all done at one time or another. She hit the wrong button and portaled away. We had a good laugh and I told her to hit Z while I buffed at the Dires LS. While waiting I was able to kill two Slashers. I did not get any loot but that is about par for me. We headed off for another try at VoD. This time I decided to take the second valley. It would be harder but also more exciting. I was also hoping to find a good group to join up with. Moby Dick is one of the best and Mars Hill is right up there with him. I was not sure if there would be a group like but I had hopes. We got there and saw a large group of Drudges. One was new to me. It had a Mystic in the name. I found it to be far harder to fight than the other Seraph. It was likely always there and I just never noticed the name. I started the fight the way I normally do. I landed a fire vuln and started to back up. The idea is to get out of the main mobs detection range. When I was out of their range I would start blasting the Drudge and prayed the two with him would leave. They left and we defeated the one that stayed. We killed a few of them until we got unlucky. I was fighting the Mystic. I was de-buffed and vulned ten lines deep. It seemed the favorite spell the Mystic was a Focus de-buff. MT hit me with the awakener and the Drudge immediately tossed the Focus de-buff again. With that my War drops to 408 and I get a lot more resists. I was learning to trust Mirax Terrick as a healer. Every time I was worried about my health she was there propping me up. Most of the time we had little trouble but this Mystic was doing a job on me. Still I got so I stopped worrying about my health and just kept attacking. I took a big hit from a War spell. I noted that Mirax Terrick was shooting off a war spell. She had done that from time to time when there seemed to be little danger. Then I took another blast that brought me below 100. At this point the game mechanics and lag combined to do me in. I had hit the button to toss a War spell. I had to wait for that spell to go off before I could toss another spell. I had my mouse hovering over the heal key waiting for the animation to release me. Mirax Terrick was swapping back to the Healers Heart but she started to lag for a second. I hit the heal button with 10 health an started the slow warm up, I never made it. She fired off the heal spell just as I died. I told her to run while I was in portal. There was no way a 55, now 56lv mage would fight that thing, even if it was almost dead. She said she was safe. Gave her permission to loot my body and used last portal recall to get back to the Dires LS. I noted that there was another Slasher there but with no buffs, and vit to boot, I could not do anything about it. Mirax Terrick ported in and I told her to kill the Slasher. She found a nice mace on the body. By the time she killed that and a few other monsters my vit was gone. She gave me my DI's and we headed out. This time I told her to keep healing if we were fighting a Mystic. They are far too nasty to take a chance with. We spent the next hour on an exciting hunt. While we only found Drudges and Undead they were just hard enough to keep it fun. She kept me healed up and made 57lv in the process. I helped her buff when they dropped and rebuffed myself to keep on the same timer. At that point we both noted our lack of tapers. She had around 200 and I had a little less than 300. I felt we could not fight for a full hour with that many tapers but would do ok if we kept a close eye on it. As MT was mostly using the Healers Heart she gave me 75 tapers and we finished out the hour. We never did see any big groups fighting there. There was one or two people that were close to leaving when we met them. So while we could have done better we had fun, and that counts for more than anything. I expect to be hunting a lot with Mirax Terrick. She is one of those great players who make the game a lot more fun than it would be otherwise. Next time I think I'll use Mage. While FA is strong he is really best on the plains at this point. His War is a touch low at 416. Mage has it hard in VoD with 448 War. FA's Life is even lower. He has about no ability to yield or toss Creature de-buffs. While FA can fight in VoD he is nowhere near as effective as Mage. Computer named I have to thank Dallas Johannsen for coming up with a great name for my fast computer. As you know it is a water-cooled system. His name suggestion was H2O. Now I cannot think of a better name than that! Matron with Mage I was just back from grabbing some pincers with Mage. (I plan to do a fellow turn in when the pass up change is implemented.) I was at the mansion when I got a horde of requests for tinker work. While working with my Armor Tinker, Cliff Bowman, I was asked what my major/minor setup was with him. Before I knew it Sean was giving me some major Endurance shoes! That added another 5 points to my skill. I only need a major focus item to complete the setup. To fully take advantage of the endurance upgrade I had to give one of my moderate Focus robes to him. That meant I was back to sharing between FA and Mage. I figured that as long as I was Olthoi buffed with Mage I could run and do the Matron. I might get lucky and replace the robe. I decided to just run down to the last part before fighting. I only had about 20 minutes so there was no time to waste if I did not want to do a re-buff. I had no trouble clearing the passage at the end. I was ready to start drawing out Olthoi from the cave. Things went well. It was not as easy as when I fight with Owanda but I was not in a panic. Fighting Muts with a mage is not fun at all. Not only do they hit hard through the biggest of AL but you also get half the normal health from a drain. So you have to use heal. At last I had the Matron drawn out and I finished her off. I remember to toss Bludgeoning protection before facing her. At that point I figured there was only two Olthoi left so I advanced into the cave to finish them off. What I had not seen were the three Muts in the back of the cave. Instead of facing a Guard and a Mut I was facing a guard and four muts. Now I am in trouble. I got three hitting one me with one waiting in line. After killing one I get into a damage/healing race. This is where you heal and take as much damage or more than you healed. This will generally go on until you run out of mana, die or port away. Several times I was at 50 hit points. I got over 200 once and got a war spell off but it takes two to three shots to bring down a Mut. Finally I gave up and hit Sanctuary to get the hek out of there. Even with an almost instance recall I went from 150 to 75 hit points. I ran to the Olthoi Hunter and get a dag blam Endurance robe. I guess I have to send in Deadeye, Jr and Fist next. One of them will get a focus. Deadeye in Matron While Deadeye's melee skills are very high a Mut will laugh at him. I'll evade ever so often so one Mut is not a danger. Two is not that hard. Three is very risky and with four I'm looking for an out. For that reason tactics are paramount if you want to fight in the Matron as an Archer. While not as hard as a Mage it is harder than a melee. An archer will generally sit between a Mage and Melee. I mostly see an archer as an in-between player. Mages will do more damage, unless the archer is teamed with a mage or a Life hybrid. A mage/archer team will do more damage than any other combo. An archer will do more damage than a melee. A mage will take a lot of damage from melee attacks while an archer's melee defense will cut most of it. A melee will take even less damage because of the shield. Range attacks make an archer great for hunting outdoors but not as good as a mage. While a melee can fight outdoors they are a lot more comfortable in a Dungeon. Of course I'm talking about pure players here. Hybrids are a different story. I still think that a Life/Archer is one of the strongest players there is. I also feel that compromises that you need to make such are not worth it. Just for grins I'm making one so that thought might change. The best tactic an archer can do in a dungeon is getting monsters to line up at a corner. Where this falls down is when there is a spawn in back of the corner. That will often require a run to the next corner. If all spots spawn it can result in death or being run out of a dungeon. The Matron does not have way to run out so you have to be aware of all the spawns. One thing to be very aware of in the matron, there are no safe spots! If not for it being heavily hunted many could not even last at the entrance. I'm still looking for a Focus Robe so I will not have to swap them between mages. It is not that big a deal as I still have to swap armor and wands but I like to cut down as much swapping as I can. I hit the Matron with Fist after Mages adventure. I must have forgotten doing this as he still had 10 days on the timer. Next was to loaded up Deadeye Fist for a run. It was a busy night at the mansion. After I started loading up Deadeye and Mage (Mage to buff him.) I got a horde of people wanting favors. While I really enjoy doing things for people it can force my quests into long delays. This will be the only draw back to the XP change I see. Monarchs who spend a lot of time helping others will not level very much. I'm luckier than most as Soul Riper and Cher'okee, my only actives under Fist, will likely make up for a lot of the loss. I finally got free and buffed up Deadeye. I did a lifestone to get to AB and then ran to the Matron dungeon. The start was empty as was most of the dungeon down to the Matron. At the last Acid pit I had to fight off a few including one Mut. Now I started to work on the mob in the cave. I got lucky early and got the Matron drawn out. After killing her I started drawing out the rest, just for the XP and loot. Unfortunately at one point I got a few more than I wanted. I got three Muts along with an assorted group of Olthoi. If I can I'll always target Muts first. With luck their weaker cousins will block them. I love it when it when I can get a few of the weaker Olthoi in front of me and a mob of Muts in back of them. With a range weapon I can take out the Muts while only taking a little damage. That did not happen this time. I was facing down three Muts with the rest in back of them. I find in this situation there is only one way to survive, lot of heal rations. You can quickly get below the healing point when fighting lots of Muts. If you are even close to where you think you might fail a heal then suck a ration. Know when you can heal and when it you have a chance of failure. With luck you can kill off one of the Muts before having to go back drinking. In any case you should be at full health before attempting to attack again. I tried to retreat a touch before starting the battle. I was able to scrub off a few of the weaker Olthoi but all three Muts were still with me. Another Mut had spawned in the pit and my retreating got it on my back. Fortunately by this time I had killed off two of the Muts and only needed to walk backwards a few steps to get both Muts in front of me. It was a difficult dance but the rations got me through it. I know the PK's understand how valuable rations are but I don't see their use outside of that much. Good players must be aware of all the tools available. VoD adventure After an evening with the family I wanted to head out to VoD and have some fun. I was ready to take out Mage again and see if the changes in VoD had affected his ability to fight there. After my obligatory delay with helping people I got Annunaki the sad and Mirax Terrick to go with me. We had a little problem getting together to start with. Ann was off to the south somewhere fighting a golem and MT was still buffing when I got to VoD. There was a large group of players at the entrance to the second valley when I arrived. Some were just leaving. They asked if I could join them. I said if they had room for my two friends I would be happy to. The first thing I noted when I joined was a known griefer was in the fellow. I figured I would play it by ear. If he started his cursing stuff I would drop out. For the most part he was on his best behavior, which is to say he was just annoying. This was a very slow group. Once I start hunting I tend to go non-stop. I want to be selecting the next monster for de-buffing before the dead one hits the ground. This group tended to stand around a lot. At one point I was fighting an Undead while everyone else was buffing. The griefer was running around but for some reason never tried to help me out. After the battle I said, "It is ok to help me out you know Sxxx Txxx." When Ann and MT got there the fellow only had room for one. I was happy to drop out and hunt with just the three of us. Right off the bat I got a hit on three Virindi Q's. I did my normal drawing attack. I start the de-buffs while walking backwards. The idea is to get a one on one battle out of range of the spawn. I don't think Ann had been in VoD in a while. While I was pulling one Virindi she charged into the spawn of two and started to attack. Before my battle was over she had died. There are a few people who can take two of them solo, I have done it, but you need some luck and a lot higher skills than Ann has. (If they both chain cast it is over, no matter whom you are.) MT got Ann's stuff after we cleared the last two Virindi. During the battle I got a constant flow of tells saying there was room for us in the fellow and please come back. After the battle was over I agreed to join them. Ann got back and the hunt was on. Again it was not the greatest group I had ever hunted with. It takes time for a large group to get good. It is hard to get a large group together very often. This is why solid groups like Mars Hill and Moby Dick do so well while others are lucky to get half the hunting in they do. If is not their fault they are not as good. Without a lot of time to get to know how each hunts and to jell into a team it is impossible to dominate, especially in a place as nasty as VoD. There was many times when we were battling a group where each targeted a different monster. It is always best for everyone to target one at a time. The best groups tend to let one player start the battles and follow his or her lead. I found myself abandoning my battles to toss de-buffs and other support for the rest. That flaw in our teamwork cost me in one battle. We hit a group of Virnidi Q's. With each targeting a different one we had all three attack us. I was resolved to just battle mine for a while. MT was keeping me healed so I felt safe. There are times when no amount of healing is enough to keep you alive. I'm sure I had about every de-buff you can have on me. I was hit with a War spell that did a lot of damage. With VII de-buffs over my VII buffs I'm taking full damage from War spells. MT healed me and to be on the safe side I hit heal. I got another War blast or two. My heal hit and one more from MT. Still that was not enough as I took another War or two that sent me to the LS. I'm thinking one, two or even all three of the Virindi had me targeted. After my de-buffs I resist their spells more often than not so it had to be one or both of the other two who killed me. I took that opportunity to restock tapers. I was a bit overloaded as I also got tapers for Ann and MT. At this point the griefer left the fellow because they were taking to long to buff. Everyone gave a sigh of relief. The guy was not cursing but his attitude made everyone glad to see him go. The fellow started to trim down as it got late. MT had to leave (She made 60lv that trip.) and we were down to four people; Big Gun, Annunaki the sad, Demonspider and me. Things started getting really fun at this point. It was three mages plus a swordsman. I was impressed with Big Gun. He was in the thick of battle with smart tactics and good play. That is rarely seen in melee today. Thinking about it he was one of the main cores of the group when it was full. Much to my surprise I saw that Big Gun was only 68lv! I asked Big Gun if he had a higher level player. He said he had a 100lv but did not say what type of player it was. I'm not sure how long he has played but he has to have a lot of experience under his belt. We knocked down a bunch of monsters, having a pure blast doing so. It was getting on towards 3am so we called it as the buff ended. DT Poster Someone once said that the best thing about DT was it put many the really immature players in one spot and out of everyone else's hair. While I was not sure that was true the actions of the DT players during the server move tends to give weight to that argument. It seems many went to the normal servers and created players with "sure to get a ban" names. The rest cursed and made racist remarks. I'll not repeat them here but I assure you that they were more than improper. After getting their ban, some for their names, others for the racial insults they sprouted, they went back to the DT board and bragged about it. It seemed they were making a game of getting a ban. Sort of who can waste the Admin's time the most. It is too bad that Turbine cannot use this as an excuse to clear out some trash. I'm sure they expected to be clear of their ban by the time DT was up. Turbine fooled them and got the server up early. I posted my essay about DT on the DT board last week to see if any of them could get the point. I did not want to talk about DT behind their backs so I gave them a chance to respond. While a few gave mature arguments, mostly in support of my points, the vast majority could only come up with insults and a call for me to get a ban. It seems that any mature post on the DT board is not allowed. I found that they are really good at dishing out but not very good at taking it in return. Sort of like a boxer with a big rep for hitting and a glass jaw. Only I also found their punch to be pathetic, all rep and no reality. As my post was not an insult but a call for them to figure out what they really wanted, I could not understand the response, other than it is typical of the DT VN board. I repeat what I have said before. There are a lot of great people playing on DT. In fact they may well be in the majority. Few if any of them will post to the VN board. It is the domain of the worse of the worse. Here is an example of the brilliance (sic) VN DT posters. I'll edit out the cursing as some filters reject them when I mail the column. I also spotted a trend to their writing. If one came up with a curse word the next dozen posts would repeat it. Talk about a lack of imagination. ================== Shut up, i want to punch you for being an idiot. No I didnt even read your post. Why? Because you're an idiot. (Posted hate without even bothering to read it, very mature.) idiot thinks we want more people over here? rofl plz get a life o.O Fist de Yuma is as non-hetero as they come Thoes 0.o's are just mad because when they come to DT there is noone able to hold there hand and protect them from real pvp. (If a 100lv killing a 5lv is real pvp then I'll take the fake thank you.) They sit on there fake servers pushing buttons to turn there fake pk off and on when they feel like it. Since we cant do that on DT they will never stay longer than 5 mins before running back to FF crying about how mean we are. It is just easy to blame other players for there ability to suck. (Yes, a 100lv camping the starter town and a 30lv inside the starter dungeon has nothing to do with it.) We would all be happy if you would just *iss off. (edited) We hate your articles, we think you're a moron. Just go. fist de yuma is a moron. This thread was about as retarded as your articles. Which is to say quite. ^ lemme help u out some o.O. who writes o.O. articles about his ghey frockling in the land of Derth decided to come to DT boards and write a fairy of a post about how we are ruthless and now he is getting ripped to shreds. (It was clear he did not read it. As for being ripped to shreds, no way. In a battle of wits they are using BB guns in an artillery duel.) i would like to see fist implode irl lol go write some retarded article about what you do in game please and leave what we do alone I dont need someone telling me what the hell im doing wrong when thier key accomplishment in life is writing ac related articles. (While my accomplishments would not make very interesting reading I would pit them against his any day of the week.) Now go shove it Fist De Yuma. I didn't even read most of this but I read enough to tell you to go back to your server and take your "advice" with you. Wow, Fist, you still think you can write...? (This was the best insult of the bunch. Short but good style and likely to sting.) go and die kthx ig Coming from someone who pays to have an icon on a gaming message board i'll just ignore that. (I did not pay for it but if I did what different would it make?) Didnt you get enough the last time you opened yer mouth about pvp? Its become clear that you like to talk about things of which you dont have even the slightest clue. (You will note that I did not say anything about PK, only what changes DT had to make to get a new server.) I suggest you go back to o.0 and write about the latest Frostfell Fashionshow or how you and your vassal hunted the plains... I would say gb2beingclueless but its obvious, you never stopped. Guess you're just ignorant enough to think that everybody is hard up for money :/ You post alot of dumb *rap, Fist. (edited) This is one of those pieces of dumb *rap that you post. (edited) YOU ARE NOT A *ODDAMN WRITER, STOP ACTING LIKE ONE, YOU SUCK *SS. (edited) could we get him banned for x server fight initiating or anything? I mean seriously, I've seen people that get banned for spamming when their posts make more sense then his do. how about you go back to where you came from, hypocrite We didn't ask for his clueless opinion about a topic that's not really affecting real DTers. He came up and pointed out his ignorance without us asking him to :/ (If not affecting DT then why the Dev attack? They attack us but expect to be immune to backlash. Typical of protected crybabies.) That is instigating and it should be dealt with by the mods. Fist you say we should let all these people move to our server.. This would 1. Increase lag 2. Increase the already large number of stupid carebears pking regularly 3. Accomplish nothing but bad things for PvP/DT You're wrong, I'm right. (Putting aside his massive EGO he wins by making off topic points that have nothing to do with getting a new server.) Darktide has always been viewed as a supreme server, it's one of a kind and it takes a lot more to get started here. Because of this, the people who have made this their home and developed a sense of being better than the rest. (Another EGO freak. They are the only ones who thinks it is a supreme server. Everyone else thinks it is a laughing stock.) I skimmed it, it looks like you know jack. ==================== In three pages of post not one could debate what I said. Most could not comprehend what I wrote. Most started by saying they did not read the entire post, if they read it at all. How can you debate what I said when you did not even bother to read it? Instead they shouted juvenile insults. When I responded with a longer insult they called for me to be banned for personal attacks. It seems that cursing me is ok, calling for my real life death is ok but explaining how stupid they are is a personal attack. I was asked by a DT mod not to post there. It seems I was hurting their feelings. (sniff) After they were safely protected they started several trash Fist posts. I got an image of a bunch of kids talking trash to someone, while a bodyguard stood next to them with a baseball bat. They are very brave while no one can touch them. One posted that my column was riddled with errors but could not point out any of them. I'll admit when I'm wrong but you have to point out the errors to have any credibility. Or course he lost all credibility by starting with, "Get a spell checker". That means he cannot spell. MS Word spell checks automatically. If I misspell something, very common, it highlights it in red. While I might put in the wrong word it will be spelt correctly. The only reason he would say to get a spell checker is he did not recognize the word and assumed it was misspelled. So he needs to improve his education before criticizing mine. Most of the time I took it to PM as it was between them and me. Some kept changing their story, sometimes between paragraphs. If they had a point they could not express it. Of course the most monstrosity funny was one who asked me to not PM him any more over a post he made. He then cried to a Mod over me PM'ing him. As I had already said I would stop I did not know what to make of it. My image was, "Boohoo, please make that bad man Fist stop taking me, Boohoo, he is hurting my feelings and making me think. My head hurts, Boohoo." One of the more mature people gave me this comparison. I'm paraphrasing, as I don't want to get him in hock with the DT people by crediting him. A stray dog wanders into town. The kids start tossing rocks at the dog until it gets mad and attacks them. Then they run crying to their mothers demanding the dog be put down. I came away with the impression that the DT board posters are a bunch of whiney crybabies. They are cowards who cannot face anyone who hits back. This was unexpected as their rep is hard-core posters who can give and take with the best of them. Instead I found a bunch of protected kids who curse and brag to each other but run to their mothers when a true fight starts. The word I get from the real DT players is these guys are as bad at PK as they are at writing. They mostly hunt in packs and will run if the odds are close to even. Most of them brag about imagined accomplishments and curse a blue streak if someone runs them down. The real reason they camp the starter spots is that is about all they can kill. Who is allowed on DT I got this funny PM from a DT poster. He tried to say I had no right to post anything on the DT board because I did not play on DT. In fact I do have a player on DT and ever so often sneak in there. That player is far older than many who feel they are old timers. Here is his response. Unless you invest 24+ hours a month into your DT character, and are an accepted memeber of an allegiance there that has been 'Converted' to DT ways.. you cannot say that you have a character there. So there you have it folks. Unless you pass their standard, no matter how much you play on DT, you don't play on DT. What the heck is "Converted to DT ways?"

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