Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Josh Slinger - Gear Knight Soldier

My name is Josh Slinger. I am a Gear Knight on the Thistledown Server in the Realm of Asheron's Call. All I ever wanted to be was a Soldier. I wield a mighty sword and fight all manner of beast on the island of Dereath and its surrounding small islands.

I started my journey in Holtburg and made my way to the Drudge Hideout. It contains a goodly number of Drudges in different rooms and a few chests containing loot. I was also on a mission to recover bags of seed stolen by these nasty creatures along with the head of the boss Drudge. With the mission accomplished, I returned to town and gave the farmer back his seed and trophy.

Now, I was off to Sanamar to see about some penguins in a cave outside of town. The little varmits had made off with a gentleman's necklace that had belonged to his mother. They were storing the necklace in a chest way deep in the dungeon. I pretty much ignored the critters and grabbed the necklace and returned it to its owner.

My next task was to put a new light in the beacon northwest of town. I portalled into the platforms and fought my way to the end. The platforms were full of wasps and a couple of Water Golems. I made it to the top and replaced the beacon with a fresh one and returned to town.

At this point, I had gained enough experience and skill that I was ready to head to the Facility and take on stronger and more difficult tasks. The first task that awaited me was the retrieval of an Ice Tachi from a nasty little Mosswart near Shoushi. He fell easily to my sword and I returned with the sword.

My next task was to retrieve a couple of knives from a dungeon east of Yanshi along with a few other items. I had to talk to a lady and get a key and enter the dungeon. Immeadiately, I was beset by 3 Wood Golems that I had to dispatch. I then unlocked the door and headed downward. I had to fight off Mosswarts, Golems, Undead and Sclavis to accomplish my tasks.

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