Friday, February 10, 2012

Fist de Yuma - April 9, 2002

New Players There might in a influx of new players soon. There are two reasons for this. MS is bundling AC (Not Dark Majesty) with a new game and EQ had raised their prices. There are several things we can do with these new players. We can ignore them and hope they go away. We can give them a bunch of great items, power level them, stick them in a chain and make them 100 in a few months. We can teach them the game, give them items that reflect their level, be their friend, help them when they need it and let them have a lot of fun. I hope that most of the new players find good patrons who help them in a responsible manner. Sadly I expect to see more of the bad than good but that remains to be seen. Remember when you started. Give them the help you would have wanted in learning the game. If we do this right we might even gain a new server from the deal. Do it wrong as we could be setting up the end of AC. Letter from a Mom No sooner did I finish up writing the above when the following letter was posted on the VN board. Please don't flame this post. This is an honest opinion from a mom, whose kids play the game. The other day my son started a character and he got a patron. Immediately, the patron hands him a fealty collar and high level armor etc. The next thing he does is powerlevel him, by buffing him so he can kill level 20 plus mobs in one or two hits. He also tells my son, oh don't worry there is nothing in the game that you will miss in the first 20 levels if I powerlevel you anyway. Now, I play the game, and there are many wonderful things in the game you can do before level 20. (dungeons etc) It makes me mad as hell that patrons convince kids that the are not missing anything at all by powerleveling. This guy wanted quick points for himself and didn't care if my son saw any of the game or not. I know he had no way of knowing what age his vassal was, but still even an adult should be helped to enjoy the game if they have a patron. An hour later, the patron tells my son to get his brother on so he can do the same thing with him. I feel sorry for my kids, because they are not learning to play the game without someone there to hold their hand. They seem lost without their patron being on. I have told them to go explore on their own, but the patron started them with such a gimped template, they cannot survive without his help. Patrons please help vassals learn the ins and outs of the game before just powerleveling them all to hell! Teach your people how to adventure and do quests instead of whisking them to the dires for powerleveling, because you want to gain points quickly! Thanks for listening all A disgruntled Mom. Strange recruiter There seems to be a lot of interest about my new BM. I have a lot of nice letters from the Wintersebb people. I will be joining an alliance in time there. Finding the one I fit in best with all the outstanding ones there is hard. MT is still my home but a day or two a week on Wintersebb would not be bad. I was hunting around Hebian-to for a while. I know it well and hunted all my players there at one time or another. I was doing ok until a 19lv Archer decided he owned everything there. At first I thought he was just slumming. He killed a few things I was about to attack. As I had not attacked it yet I could understand. This forced me a lot deeper into the hunting zone than I wanted to go. Then I vuln a Reedshark. As it rushed me I was firing blasts. The screen starting shaking a bit. Then I saw the arrows all around the Reedshark. I got the kill and Doom said I got full points. It was clear I was fighting it as it did not even come into range of his radar until halfway to me. With him there I decided to move on. With 44 hit points the subway was chancy. I figured I would take a subway bod and them move down to Awric. I LS'd there and sold off the junk I had picked up. The frustrating thing about Awric these days is the faraway parts. It takes a slow mage a while to move between the three groups of shops. While moving towards south Awric I saw three Matties. I figured to kill one and run. Then rinse and repeat. The fire Vuln hit nicely and the first fireball took half his hit points. Then it was fizzle, fizzle, fizzle, fizzle. By that time all three were on me. With al 60 armor and only Armor III for protection it was over fast. Rats, 5% vit. Back and recovered the body. Target the same one and do it right this time. I hit the Vuln and run. After they stopped chasing I ran back and retargeted. A fireball hurt it and, as the norm, only the one Mattie charged. Fizzle, Fizzle, Fizzle, Fizzle, 10% Vit. This not funny. I kill a Cow and a Yearling to start the vit clearing. Recover the body and try another shot at the Matties. This time I don't fizzle so much and it falls, 8% vit. I add a few points of Focus and take down the next two. That put me at 5% vit. I then decided to move up to the subway and hunt there. I figured if I found something really bad I would run into the portal. A few Reedsharks and Matties later I was at 1%. I target a Reedshark and hit it with a Vuln. As it charges me I see a fighter chasing it. It was clearly charging me and I was blasting it as it came. The Reedshark died at my feet with the fighter right in back of it. I checked his level, 13. I open up with "Please don't leach me." Then he responds, "You want to join a Clan?" "A good one." I said. I'm resting and recovering mana and he is going on and on about buff bods and their mansion. I said, "I'm trying to do this on my own without buffs." That did not stop him. He clearly was not getting the hint that I was not going be bribed into an alliance. I got up and saw a Mite Matron. I knew from when I was hunting here with Fist that a Matron is bad news for a low level. (Hard to believe it was over two years ago that Sid and I hunted these.) I figured I would give her a shot. It had been a while since I fought one so I was not sure what the best attack was. I decided to try piercing. I know now that fire or acid was better but piercing is the next best.. The Vuln landed so I was confident. Fizzle, Fizzle, Fizzle, resist. What was stupid was the guy who was trying to recruit me, who I had just asked not to leach me, attacks the Matron! The Mite gets a good hit and I'm back at the LS with 5% vit. The guy messages me asking if I want him to deliver my stuff to me. In hindsight he is an ok kid. He might not even have known what leaching is. He even may have thought I was vuln'ing the matron for him. It does not say much for his alliance's teaching methods if so. After all that is still asking me if I want to join his alliance. It has been a long time since I had a player low enough to be recruited. I have seen worst recruiters as well. It just seems so strange that a guy would leach the person he is trying to recruit, not once but twice, and expect a positive answer. After getting my body back I wanted to hunt just enough to get 13lv. I saw a vet Reedshark a ways over. Acid Vuln and I started blasting as soon as it was exposed. Aaaaa, there are three of them. I take off for the subway portal. Nip, nip, nip, nip. My health is falling fast. I hit the portal with 4 hit points. That was close. I heal up and head back outside. I moved over toward them and vuln'd another one. I kill one and ran from the other two. This time I hit the portal with 6 hit points. I was getting better. I figured to finish them off this time. Vuln, blast, blast, Fizzle, blast, dead Vet. Darn, a re-spawn, there were three more coming at me. I was ok health wise so I decided not to run into the portal. I figured I would be chased a short distance and kill one as they ran away. Every so often you get a Reedshark who chases forever. This was one of those. When he finally gave up another one picked up the chase, then a Mite Matron was passed the baton. By the time I was free I was almost to Awric. Rosa was about to come home so I called it. I did make 13lv. Perceptions Different people see things in a different way. That does not make one right or wrong, it is just perception. On last weeks Queen quest we ended up with a lot of confusion. Two Elders thought my description of the quest was unfair. I explained that I have to write it as I see it but would be glad to let them describe the quest as they saw it. They agreed and it was settled. Someone commented that it is seldom that they see a conflict solved so maturely. If you realize that someone may have a different view of an event than you it is easy to work it out. There are things I'll miss and things going on out of view I will never know about. Only by accepting that the other view is as valid as yours can you work out conflicts. In hindsight worrying about the head was stupid. The person who got the kill was still under timer. So we could not turn in the head anyway. iGmO the Magus's view The quest was scheduled to start at 9:00 pm EST on Tuesday. Jdub and I had decided to run the quest because it was a major event that we both wanted to experience and had not yet had the chance to. I am a level 75 BM and Jdub is a level 100 whatchamacallit first generation mage. Jdub and I had gotten a few vassals (and a few trade mules) in place to hand in bells the night before this was to take place. The bell giving went smoothly and the quest was ready to go ahead of schedule to the North Dam Hive for spraying. I went to the plateau and started sending out tells to my friends and fellow Elders that I would wait there to recruit them into the fellow. After the recruiting was done we buffed up and ran to the hive to get ready for the spraying. We went through the dam pretty easily and reached the spraying area. About 4 of the 7 or so of us were sprayed when fist de mage logged on. A few days before Jdub had set up a post on the elder message board requesting a guide for the quest knowing that there were quite a few of our senior members that knew the quest quite well. We were fairly elated when Fist volunteered to help us out because we all knew that he knew the quest about as well as anybody. Fist came to the hive, hit the switch, and we held the door as he ran down to get his turn at being sprayed. Some of our fellow members were having connection difficulties and ended up lagging out (after they were sprayed thankfully). With the new patch the North Dam was made so that if you log out there you will be back at your lifestone when you log back on so I just sent them a tell and told them to please meet us on the plateau after the rest of us were done being sprayed. After our last member was sprayed I opened up a portal to Rithwic and we all ran back to the plateau to regroup and move on to the royal hive. I re-recruited my long time friends Oh Noo and Angelwawa and we proceeded to buff and run over to the royal hive. The main reason that Jdub and I needed help is because we needed guidance when we got into the hive. We had both tried to read as many walkthroughs as possible and get the best idea of how the quest SHOULD go ingrained into our minds but no walkthrough can truly overshadow the experience of a living person. Everyone was hyped to say the least once we got into the hive. We decided that Mars-Hill would pull the switches and that the rest of our group would stagger ourselves so we could keep the doors open for him. Ill admit at this point there was a little bit of confusion on my part. In the walkthroughs that I had read and become familiar with the person pulling the levers was going to be left behind. Also with the mass of fellowship chatter and the buffing it was believed by some members of the fellow (including myself) that there were only 3 doors that needed to be held and that we were to wait after the 3rd door for the previous door holders and Mars-Hill to run by. I stopped and waited with 2 others after the third door as we thought we were supposed to do. I started seeing another mass of fellowship confusion I started exploring beyond the third door and noticed that Fist was off somewhere by himself. I used the buttons in the fellowship window to locate him and dropped everything to get to him as quickly as possible to find him fighting a few Legionary Olthoi at a 4th door. He and I worked to get it clear we got the switch pulled and our fellow came and regrouped on the other side of the last door with all of our members. We fought our way towards the final chamber and got to the last perch. I was typing out a question about how this next part should be executed but in mid-sentence Jdub and I saw Fist jump off into a glob of Guards. We both immediately followed him and set up trying to beat the olthoi back while Oh Noo stood up top yielding them for us with his high creature skill. Mars-Hill and Taavaz quickly followed Jdub and myself if not at that same instant. Mars-Hill was to be our designated tank. He was to hold the queen at bay while the rest of us went about killing her. I was standing in a small group of people and I saw Fist casting debuffs on her and noticed that a yield and a vuln had landed. Being the BM that I am after seeing a vuln land and other shockwaves being fired. I did what was my total natural instinct: I started firing crushing shame like there was NO tomorrow at her. The first queen was dead and then I then heard another bit of fellowship confusion but was pre-occupied with keeping myself alive with all the olthoi running around and was too into the fight to be able to catch more then a word or two of each message. I was finally able to gather that I should run past Mars-Hill and the queen to the exit portal. I ran over there and saw the rest of my fellowship standing there casting spells. I started casting war spells as well with all the success that could be expected from a level 75 BM. The 2nd queen was slain by Oh Noo. We had some trouble getting him to get over to the queen and loot her because all of the confusion related to us not killing the queen in the prescribed way. He got over to her and looted her. The body decayed and I saw one of the carapaces that Jdub and I wanted as war trophies laying on the ground. I went over and picked it up knowing that I only had about 1 min left on my buffs between me and certain death. Due to the low buff times left many of the members of our fellow were QUITE anxious to leave so we wouldnt be turned into little blood spatters. There was still a mass of confusion as I opened up the portal to rithwic so that we could all get out of there and regroup. When we got to Rithwic there was an absolute FLURRY of fellowship chatter of "Who got the head" and "You get the head Oh Noo??" None of us had the queen's head on us and there was a lot of finger pointing. Angelwawa was late for a class and had to log at that point which brought a bit of the wrath upon her character. At one point someone had brought up the point that there was a thief among us. I was absolutely appalled by this accusation because we all knew that only Oh Noo could turn in the head and he would have the only benefit if he stole the head. I was not very upset about the loss of the head. 40 million/8 =5 million experience that is just an hour or two on Aerlinthe no big deal to me but what made me more confused was the big deal that all of the people were making about it. I was the lowest level there at 75 with the next highest being in their high 80s/90s so I had the most to gain from 5 million experience. This quest was NOT about getting the exp reward, if I had wanted exp I would have channeled my efforts elsewhere. I just wanted to get through this challenging quest and get an olthoi cuirass to show for it (which I gave to my vassal Lok). So, from the perspective of Jdub and myself the quest was a total success. We had both gone into the Queens lair with a group of some of our closest friends we had spent many hours with and succeeded in one of the most difficult quests the game has to offer. To me that is what this game is all about and it was one of the most fun experiences I have had in this game so far. The Crippler's Quest The Crippler is one of the great players in the game. Being sword he is not as well known as some of the major mages but with Melee coming back that will change. The Crippler wanted to take a shot at the Queen. Getting a melee the kill is not that hard if you have the right group. Several groups have not worked well together and failed the quest of late. Mars-hill is far more powerful than The Crippler and has failed on a number of occasions. I put this down to a bad de-buffer. The Crippler did his homework. He set up the quest two weeks in advance and got commitments from the players he wanted. He put me in charge of the quest there would be no communication problem. He set a time and day we could all get together. Got the bells made and had people lined up to break the stones. We met at the plateau. We all took turns to see who could take the most damage from jumping off the Plateau for a while to pass the time. We had Nappa Firesun, Taavaz, William the Bat, Almedes, Miss Smurfette, Balash, Rizean, Fist de Mage, The Crippler and Gimp with a Limp. After the first few bells were turned in we needed to go get sprayed. I was picked to hit the switches, something I can do well but don't enjoy a bit. At least I'm getting to know that route well enough to not be that scarred. I was buffed a bit faster than the rest and my job was solo so I took off for the dam. The stairway was clogged with Olthoi but I got around them. I found The Crippler there so I understood how the Olthoi got on the stairway. He had logged close to the dam so he could use another player to turn in a bell. I jumped down and found the right ramp. The Diamond fell easy. I had moved so fast the Vapors never got close. Weaken lock and I was past the gate. A lot of acid blasts later there was one Lightning monster left. This got strange. Normally I only need two acid blasts to take one down. No need to vuln when a cheaper War spell will do the trick. After the first War hit it healed. I blasted it again and it drained me. Blast, heal. Blast heal. I'm hitting it over and over again with blasts and the dang thing is still standing. Finally it fell and I got to the switches. The bottom line is any monster with Life skills is better taken down with Vuln and blast, even when two War spells will normally kill it. A short time later the rest of the party showed up at the edge of my screen. I kept targeting them to see if any needed healing. I hit one, I think Rizean, for 60 points of heal. That fog is a nastily place and many have died there. I had no idea that the Lightning monsters were on such a fast spawn. I had to kill them four times before everything was set. They had the door held so I started forward. I again was fast enough to get to the next ramp without a trailer of Vapor golems. I did have to expend a gem to clear a bunch of de-buffs. The Diamond golem blocked my path out and with all the de-buffs I was fizzling up a storm. Strange how 350 skill was a great goal one day and now is what I drop to when de-buffed. When I as a max of 350 I don't remember being resisted and fizzling as much as I do now. On the up side I resisted two spells from the Diamond Golem and one from a Vapor. My idea was to just run past the Olthoi to the acid pit. I have done this before with no trouble. This time there was a total blockage at the end of the ramp. More Olthoi pored down the ramp and I was in a bad spot. I killed a few and made a hole I could run through. I guess I was a little turned around as instead of heading to the acid pit I ended up on the other ramp. Now I was trapped bad, taking a lot of damage. Even my stamina was dropping fast from the hits. This was bad news as I needed that to regain my mana. After killing three or four, I sent out a simple fellow message. "help". That was about all I had time to type. A short time later I saw some green dots appear but they quickly disappeared. I'm blasting and draining for all my worth. I was going to win in time but it was taking all my skill to stay alive. Finally William the Bat and Almedes showed up. They had a hard time finding me in the maze. We cleared it out and headed to the Acid pit. There we found three more Olthoi in the pit and a horde of them charged in behind us. I ran to the door and saw it was closed. I tossed Weaken lock and ran back to the hall to heal. I killed a few more Olthoi and saw the message, "Your fellow Almedes had died." It had been laggy all day and Balash had a really hard time with it. After Almedes and William the Bat got to the door they both lagged out and died in the acid. I missed seeing William's death message. I got the door picked and got to the spot where we can be sprayed. Almedes and William were running back. After I got sprayed I went over and held the locked door for them. I could not see them but I knew they were having a fun time from all the Olthoi screaming. Balash and one other ran to their aid and we got them recovered and sprayed. We hoped to find the passage from there to the Royal hive but failed. As we ported out William the Bat said he found it. We got to the plateau and ran to Mount E. With the spawns on this is one nasty run. Some of the new Queen Questers had a hard time finding it but we got them there ok. After that we did what all good quests do. I explained exactly what we were going to do. Everyone had a job at every point. The Crippler knew to pass out his armor at the last buffing spot so we could bane it fast. The back guards knew what to do. The healers knew who was to break to help kill the Queen when she was at half and who was to stay on The Crippler with heals. First run was simple. William the Bat had the switches. I had the melee's hold the doors. This is debatable on my part. Melee can stand up to a spawn better but if they attack risk being dragged away from the door. As we were moving fast I felt this was an acceptable risk. The plan was to do the first Queen in one buff. After hitting the portal we would buff again, then a last buff just before taking on the second Queen. This is where cross-buffing is done and The Crippler's armor is banned. The Crippler had been worried about this all week. You could see that the nerves were hitting him hard. Mars-Hill telling how he had failed did not help him much. I assured him that a good swordsman would do this easy. Only rough spot we had was Rizean lagging out just as we killed the first Queen. We all hit the portal and no Rizean. He said he had lagged out. How he said that while running for his life I'll never know. I asked him if he ported out but second later we got his death message. (Repeated "I guess not" followed.) He sent us a message. Nothing important on the body, just some robes and his minor war boots. LOL he killed himself to get those boots so I know he was kidding. Crippler was worried that this would mess us up. I assured him that Rizeans job was the back spawn Broods. With three strong melee's on top the back spawn was not going to be a problem. Broods are hard but we had enough to keep them busy if not kill them. We had no trouble getting to the jump. Everyone buffed hard and crossed-buffed where needed. This last part is where a lot of groups fail. Level VII de-buffs have very short timer. When getting a melee the kill it is very easy to let the de-buff run out. If that happens you might as well start over. She will be at full health before you know it. This means having the melee killer ready to jump as soon as the de-buffer is done. The healers have to have him targeted and ready to heal. You cannot depend on the heal bar to know when to send heals. With lag he will be dead before you know he is in trouble. I finished the de-buffing, with the help of cross-buffing and brilliance buffs from Almede's focus stone. The cross-buffing put my at 393 Creature and 398 Life. I'm not sure what the Brilliance did but I don't think I was resisted at all with that on. The Crippler jumped down and we were on. Everyone did his or her job to perfection. We had several back spawns but they never bothered the people in battle. I had to reapply the de-buffs three times but between the healers and back guards I had no worry about any other part of the battle. After what seemed like forever The Crippler got her down to below 50%. I started blasting. I did not want to do all the damage. There was a chance I would get the kill instead of The Crippler. I called for Gimp with a Limp to finish her off. In the darkest depths of Marescent Plateau on far Marae Lassel, the party of the bold The Crippler has slain the young queen of the islands Olthoi brood! As one, the Olthoi swarms recoil from her final burst of terror, and slowly begin to withdraw back into their hives. I swear you could see the excitement and relief come through. The Crippler was ecstatic. Most of us had done this enough that it is old hat. It was a welcome change to see someone so excited. We all jumped down and cleared the trash. We sweep up the loot and recovered Rizean's body. How he got all the way back at the jump point I'll never know. The Crippler kidded him that the Queen was trampling his body in the fight. The xp may not be what is was and there are lot of other reasons this quest is not the king any more. Nevertheless when a good group sets out to do it the excitement and thrill is still there. I also think that a fun quest that returns 4.4 million points is not all that bad. Of course the Queen Slayer title is what we are really after. What are they doing? Most of the time when a strange thing happens I chock it up to a one-time deal and let it go. When it happened more and more often I start to wonder. I'm guessing it stems from selling players and patrons who provide an easy path to new players. Gear and buffs can make a player depended on things they cannot always count on. Without the buffs they may fight way below their level for fear of dieing. I was hunting around Awric with my 13lv BM. I'm slowly getting his skills to a level where I can do level III's. After that the goal is to get my stamina to 133. That is the magic number for stamina to mana. Getting so I can use III's is not that simple. I need to increase Life a lot more than War as Life skills have a higher skill requirement. The other problem is the trained Mana Conversion. Without buffs it is hard to get this skill where it is useful. With some danger I'm hunting Matties and Bandies. Bandies are no trouble but I can barely handle one Mattie. If two or more attack I run until I can split them. This is not easy with a 37 run. I set up for a Mattie and three charge me. I off to the races early as any delay means a trip to the LS. As I turn I see a fighter charging in at the Matties. The one I fire vuln turned back with one other. The last I was able to vuln and kill before it returned. I headed back to the spawn and of course the fighter had killed those two. Another one spawned and I fire vuln it. As it charged the fighter comes out of the trees chasing the Mattie. I killed it before he caught up. I figured this was a 15 to 20lv fighter with some good gear. I Id'd him. He was 42lv! What the hell is a 42lv doing hunting Snowy Matties? With that spot taken over by this brave fighter I moved on. As I got closer to the subway I ran into a lot of people. I watched an 88lv fight a 72lv in a pk fight. Lot of spells and comps burnt until one had his buffs drop. He ported out. LOL all that time and cost for nothing. I watched for at least 10 minutes and it was going on before I got there. I moved towards the subway and saw an Ivory off to the edge of my radar. I vuln it and waited for it to get over the ridgeline. As it got in sight I sent a spell at it. A passing fighter charged in and killed it. Level check, 55lv. This was just two of many occasions where I saw high-level fighter fighting low-level monsters. At that point I decided to head back to Heben-to. At least the competition is only double my level there. The best way to Hebian-to is the subway. Running from Tou-tou is possible but not very fast with a low run skill. I killed a few Undead and did not see a Lich. I had 50 hit points but was not sure if I could take the subway jump. Bludgeoning III to be safe and I jumped. LOL good thing, I took 55 damage but Bludgeoning III reduced it enough that I survived the fall. I think I understand why people think they have to stand around all day and beg buffs before fighting. With 50+ level fighters hunting the under 20lv monsters you need power to make any xp. I figure I'll head out to Dryreach, not to many people there. Quiddity Rescue I logged in to do a little hunting with Jr. There was a group of players at the mansion talking about having bodies at the bottom of the last Quiddity. They asked me if I could give them a hand. I said sure. My vassal Zakir was one of the gang set to go. I did not get the other names. Zakir wanted me to take Jr. I felt we would be better served with someone who could Imperil. With my increased Life skills I was ready to try the Elemental golems again, especially the Cold ones. I never landed on one the last trip. We had a tie to the outside. After buffing I buffed up Zakir so I was sure to have a good fighter to team with. We moved in. There were five us in all, two of us mages. We had little trouble with two mages imperiling and three fighters killing. At the bottom I was landing on the Elementals with only a few resists. They fell fast. We recovered the bodies and were moving to the Troves. I had forgotten about the Altered Olthoi. The few times I was here they died fast. Three or four came out of the Trove room. I tried to imperil them with no luck. That attracted their attention a little more than I needed. I glanced up to see I had 15 hit points. I hit heal but the Olthoi were faster. "/Permit add Zakir". I could hear the fight and it was not going well. More death messages. Zakir somehow recovered my body and they ported back to the Mansion. We decided to do it again. There was only one un-recovered body but that was one to many. Slug asked if he could go. Of course he was more than welcome. That was a lucky move. We ported back and I was buffing. I saw a Crystal Golem on my Sixth Sense. I told Zakir the coodi and they rushed off to kill it. I killed a few things and had my vit clear before they got back. The trip down was easy again with two mages imperiling and four fighters. At the hallway leading to the last two room we met a bunch of Elementals. It was at this point I remembered I had not buffed Zakir. A little late as three Ug's later we were down to two mages and Slug. Despite the set back we were not giving up. The other mage knew he could not land on the Elementals and did not waste the mana. Instead he healed Slug while I imperiled. In a minute we had it clear. I retuned the favor to Zakir and the mage looted the other two. That left the one body. A quick search showed the body just past the passage leading to the Trove room. Slug was able to slip past the opening while we had him targeted for heals. He looted the body and ran back to us. The mage wanted to get to the Troves but that was out of the question with only one fighter. I was not going to face the Hollow Olthoi if I could help it. We got back to the Mansion and I gave Zakir his stuff. It was a good rescue but it would have been better if we could have completed the quest for them as well. Advertisement I don't normally put in an advertisement but this is a good deal. Thats right! Come one, come all. Hookable Spiritwind corpses! You can get your choice of a fancy new Spiritwind corpse in 3 surprisingly tantalizing flavors! Spiritwind in Exarch Plate, Spiritwind in a blue Canescent Mattekar Robe, or the ever-popular Spiritwind in Neo-GSA! Any flavor for the LOW one-time price of a small shard! Every corpse contains your choice of 7 Masters Robes, Exarch Plate and gaunts or 12 portal gems. In addition to these masterfully created items there is generally 40 - 80k in loose pyreals stuffed in the corpses pouches. Needless to say, these corpses will have a high resale in order to make any profit. However, our advertising scheme will be along the lines of peer pressure "Since every dungeon and mountain already has a Spiritwind corpse, you need one too. Dont let your house be on the last landblock to have one." Q&A How much would it cost to have it customized? Does "killed by misadventure" cost more than "killed by Drudge Prowler" and is it possible to have it further personalized. I dont want one if the market is going to be flooded with his corpse either? So is this a limited run of say 1000 each hand numbered or we talking mass production? JJC Due to pre-production testing, it appears as if they are quite easily produced; so mass production is immanent. As for personalization the pricing will be similar to purchasing a car. The stock corpse is "killed by misadventure" in neo-GSA. The following add-ons will be available, for the following prices - "Killed by The Dark Lady" - Ashen Key "Killed by [monster under level 10]" - 2 Lucky Gold Letters "Killed by Wrath of Styx" - Free of charge =) Wearing pink dress - 3 M notes Wearing nothing - 10 Small shards (I hope necrophilia's arent rich) If youd like other options added to your Spiritwind corpse, contact A scene from a Spiritwind dealership: Homer the Barbarian says: "Hmm, I really like this new model with its pink dress, but it looks like it has teeth and claw holes in its chest." John the Spiritwind dealer says: "Ah, you are very perceptive Homer. Those are what we in the industry call speed holes! They help him run faster. Well, at least before he was killed, hahaha." Homer the Barbarian sniffs the corpse and looks at the air freshener dangling from the nose and says: "Mmmm, he has that new corpse smell. Mmmm, new corpse." Homer the Barbarian says: "So how much do you want for this corpse?" John the Spiritwind dealer says: "It can be yours Homer for just 3 M notes!" Homer the Barbarian says: "Doh, I only have 2 M notes." John the Spiritwind dealer says: "Do you have a trade in?" Homer the Barbarian looks at his son Bart the Bovine Slayer who is playing with one of the eyes that have come loose from the corpse and says: "I think I do have a trade in, can you give me a minute?" John the Spiritwind dealer says: "No problem, this happens all the time." he then turns his back so the family has a little privacy. This is an inside joke from the MS News.

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