Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - August 21, 2001

Bad week
For some reason I was dreading this patch. I knew that content wise it was not going to be much. I knew I would spend hours doing downloads and miss a day of hunting. Why a day you ask? This is because of the two rules of patch day.

Rule one. Don't play on patch day.
Rule two. If patch day, don't play.

What I did not expect was a full week of unplayable lag and disconnects. First time I tried to do anything was a Crater hunt. I was in frozen lag while everything else was moving fine. Finally logged off.

The second attempt was "The Quest that never was". That will be below.

Third attempt was a few days later. Jeff had a few bodies in the island, all from lag. I got Mage there. Spells would go off about three seconds after I tossed them. The monster spells I saw the results of but not the spell itself. I would hit drain and after a few seconds see a gain in health. Mage did not move or make any outward sign that I had tossed a spell. I got a message that Jeff had his bodies so I logged.

I did have one day where I hunted mage for an hour. Lag was not bad and I made good points. That was the exception not the rule.

The real problem was disconnects, few red links but mostly instant logs. A good example would be what happened to Deadeye Fist on Sunday afternoon.

I was hunting on the V islands, doing well, not much lag and ripping up monsters. Deadeye is fun because he is no buff. As long as I have arrows I can hunt. I'm using peas so I'm not going to run out of arrows any time soon.

I had just finished off a few dillo's and a mosswart. With no warning I'm dropped to desktop. I try to log back in but the bar does not fill. I log out of the zone and log back in. This time I'm to the player screen. Trying to get back in I got the message that I'm still there.

I log Fist de Yuma Jr to see it is lying or not. I could get Jr in so I knew it was. I tried again but everything froze up. I used ctrl-alt-delete to close the screen and tried again. This time I got in.

I logged to find myself surrounded by 5 wasps and at 22 hit points. Fast thinking had me running and zig-zaging. The spells missed but the melee attacks were hitting. 16 points, 10 points, 5 point, 2 points, by the grace of god I finally got loose. I counted my blessing and ported out.

The Quest that Never Was.
The day of the patch had the Acid Vault not spawning. This was a great opportunity for some of the weaker players to go get their Acid stone. Mage does not do well against hordes of Olthoi. I told them I was porting at the first sign of one.

We got a ride off someone in a far off town. The guy who give us the ride logged after that. In the Swamp Temple I buffed them for all attacks and run. Other than a few people having lag problems we all got to the Nest ok. All of us were downloading.

Then I was kicked to the desktop. When I got back in I was back in the hall. Every step we had done was undone. All the other players had the same, they were back where they had started.

What made it worse is what happened the next day. I logged back mage after logging him in the hall the night before. I was in the swamp temple. A few minutes off and I would have logged in the middle of the dire swamp.

Future Grief player
Strangely the only time I have had lag free play is when working the Fist de Yuma on LC. My nephews were over and needed him to move to Heb for some help. While killing towards Eastham I saw a dagger player named Perfect Chaos. He was 6lv and had a bunch of buffs on him.

Now no player in his right mind will piss off an archer if he is trying to hunt and level. The LC Fist is a spec'd UA but I trained bow with him, great for leveling at early levels. A gammy spans a few feet from me. I target it as it run toward me. It is right in front of me and Perfect Chaos runs up and starts swinging.

With this weeks problems I'm on no mood to be nice to this moron. I follow and shoot everything near him. For two or three minutes he get zero xp. He starts with "Find your own fight." I pointed out what he had done and got this ridicules statement. "I saw it first."

I kind of wished I had time to keep following him until his buffs ran out. I did have a few more words with him as he called me a Gimp. LOL, I'm killing everything with one or two shots while he gets nothing and I'm the gimp. He also said I was jealous of his buffs. Still trying to figure that one out. I saw him running back to Eastham to get more buffs. I was going to point out I could hunt here without buffs but he had squelched me.

I expect to be hearing a lot about this guy for a few months. Then like all the grief players he will get bored and leave.

The lucky, the unlucky and the lame.
Lot of people have lost items with these drops. Others have gain items because of duplication. One of my vassals had gained some stuff that way.

Some have reported great losses, GSA's and important items. Of course their statements smelt to high heaven. The only reason they were muling these items was an attempt to dup them. When they lost them instead then complained to the boards. Like we are not smart enough to see thought them.

The reason they complained to the boards is to gain sympathy and items. We have been giving people stuff to replace losses. After losing in their attempt to dup they tried to cut their losses with our generosity. So lame.

Of course messages like the below don't inspire confidence that this will be fixed any time soon. I'm not going to be nice and correct the spelling of inaccurate. It sort of highlights the problem we are having with Turbines professionalism.

+Trinity_AC> "¤ Asherons Call Support ¤" At Current there is NO ETA for the resolution of this continuing problem. All information previously posted to news sites contains inaccuriate information.

Due to all this, what I have written is about all I have. Fortunately I have been saving up stuff from letters sent and newsgroup stuff to fill out the column.

Going to start with one from my Vassal. Toromada is a 50+ Og archer. He also just started a Battle Mage and that story will be lower in the column.

Hi Friends,

Last night after school I was feeling a bit stressed, so I decided to take it out on the scourges of Dereth. Lucky for me they were more than willing to oblige me on this. I was fighting Harrowers, Umbris, Obsidians, Altereds, yup you guessed it, I was hanging out in the Plains outside the BSD.

I push a bit westward from the portal. It seems that it is almost like an alley where there arent any spawns except what you drag to you. Anyway, I head down the alley when I spot something bright and shiny, I ID it and hey, a Diamond Golem.

Now Damien might be able to take on of those, (no good shield using bastards), so I think what the hell. I throw a vul at it and it landed! I was in shock, then I discovered how fast those suckers move and how stupid I was. See even with all the Tuskers outside BSD, I only use my life spells because I usually dont need more than that, unfortunately the Diamond had other idea, bludgeon VI, and hitting me for 50 points a crack.

I was trying the hit and run tactic but that sucker was staying with me step for step. I actually got him down to about half health thanks to running, healing, shooting to get its attention. I honestly believe I would have beat him if......he hadnt called to two of his obsidian friends, those sneaky bastards came at me from two sides, I tried to avoid but got hammered, kissed the lifestone.

I rebuffed, thinking ok, right now with all the other golems around for support this sucker will win every time. I decided to follow Sung Szus(sp) advice and retreat till strong enough to fight again. I go back to hunting the normal monsters in the area. Only good thing about the death was that it took all the bad spells off of me.

I was wondering if either of you noticed this. Normally when Im shooting at a monster, I only draw its and others like its attention. Meaning if say I shoot at a Drudge Ravener, Ill also get the lurkers and stalkers. Same thing goes for Tuskers, except with Virindi because I know the Tuskers guard the Virindi. But Ive also noticed the same relationship the Virindi and Tuskers have between Shadows and Greivers. I would shoot at an Umbris hitting it and Id have a couple Harrowers coming to discuss my arrow shots with me. It was the first time I noticed it happening, so I experimented and it happened every time. It makes me believe they have some type of relationship.


Some lamers are just irritating. Lamer by definition is someone who takes the fun away from the game deliberately. There are some that are so self-centered that MS would do well to band them. This is one good example.
Darby Smith meets a king lamer.
I got to go on the "big" Island quest the other night, to go and kill the "lady". I had never been and had no
idea what to expect. All I can say is its ugly . Im a level 48 Og, so my primary job in our group was
imperil everything that was not a white dot, and lucky me, Im usually the "magnet" of the group as well, creatures seem to be willing to wade through countless numbers of other people to reach me .

We did the first two parts of the quest, Im not even sure exactly where we were or any of that, was just glad to be staying alive, our group was fairly inexperienced, a lot of first timers along. The first two parts (and forgive me if I spell these things wrong) the bellows, and the sluice bar, took us about 4 hours. As it was late when we reached the sluice bar portion we left the guy there, and did the same for the first part with the bellows, just left them and had them log out in those places, so that they are ready to go when we "resume" to finish the last part to get to the "lady".

Now.. the potentially pissed part, on our server, we have a wonderful fellow (not sure I should name him) that does like to "jump" this quest and kill the lady at the end. I cant imagine how pissed off I would be, to have gone through all the nasties, all the near deaths of myself and my companions (and the deaths of those that did not make it), to have the prize at the end ripped from our grasp. Ive seen this guys name in green more than once, and when it comes up people start checking around to see who got screwed, I havent found out on any instance that he had actually led a group of his own through, but has always gained the prize at the end at the expense of others.

I guess I can understand people role-playing themselves to be a "grief" type person, but this type of behavior just sucks in my opinion. Dont get me wrong, Im not here to start a petition, or complain that Turbine should ban him or anything like that. Was just frustrated that such a thing could happen, and after participating in the first parts of the quest, and seeing the work that was involved, it just made it all the more real...

The below are minor compared to some but still worth making them known.

More lamers
Last night while on Morningthaw, I had the displeasure of reporting the following players via the Abuse system to the +admins:


I have screen caps of each of these idiots casting summon portal at the bottom of the Arwic Subway while corpses pile up around them. If you know any of these players either in-game or in real life, please let them know whether or not you think theyre cool. They apparently havent gotten enough feedback concerning this practice.

There is an "undocumented feature" in AC that causes a player to take double or triple falling damage when landing on a portal. To create portals for the purpose of killing players is harassment and against the CoC. There is a rumor that +admin jet is just perma-banning accounts belonging to players that do this. I for one hope its true.

I told each of these players that I personally reported them. Otoko-Satsu, who was alone at the time, stopped immediately. The other three idiots were together and kept casting away even after I told them Id reported them.

Thaelin, Xsinister-Jx, and Xarion actually brought mana potions with them so they could keep casting portals over and over.

Watching players crash to the Subway floor like lemmings jumping from a cliff is a sickening sight. If Thaelin, Xsinister-Jx, and Xarion get their accounts yanked, Dereth will be a better place.

Ben-Li Sung, Blade Master Xero Prime Monarchy Morningthaw. Supplying the monsters of Dereth with nutrients since 12/16/99!

This was sent as an e-mail to me. It is nice to get the lamers well known. Several on my server are finding life hard with no patron or alliance willing to help them.

Hello Fist,
I had a ran in with a grief player on FF and thought I would send you the information in case you were
interested in putting it in your column. Last night I was hanging around Baishi by my clans subway portal bot named Hell then I saw this guy named Jack Grabelski run in front of Hell and summon a portal of his own.

People ran into it and a few seconds later they came back asking who had opened the portal that was not a subway portal. It seems this ass was opening Mt Lethe portals in front of the bot so people naturally thought it was a subway portal and ran into it.

Not only did people come back but they came back pissed off, a few had died. When they started asking who had opened the portal I replied that Jack Grabelski had opened it, he immediately replied that he was not the one who opened the portal until another player came forward saying that he had also saw Jack open the portal.

Jack finally admitted that he opened the portal and said he would reopen it so the players who died could get their bodies. He then repeatedly fizzled on purpose saying that he had vitea....funny since when I saw him cast the first portal he did it on the first try. After awhile of people yelling at him to really open the portal he finally did.

Now you think he would have had his fun and stopped, especially with a lot of people not very happy with him...but no, he kept opening portals in front of the subway bot. So for the next 15 minutes or so myself and a few others had to warn players that the portal in front of the subway bot was not to the subway, but to Mt Lethe.

Of course a few more players did not notice our warnings and went through and a few more died because of Jacks antics. Eventually Jack left after a lot of arguing between the good players and him, he even admitted that he had been banned before for opening portals at the bottom of the subway...what a total jerk.

Anyways his patron is Orion Helix and his monarch is Ishameal Creed. I posted messages on my clans site and on the ACVault and COD boards so people will be warned about this ass and maybe his patron or monarch will realize that they have a guy who is making them all look bad. Anyways I thought I would inform you of this on the chance that you might feel it worth putting in your column, maybe that way players on FF can be weary of this guy and call him a grief player, which he is. Also I am sending some screenshots as attachments in case you are interested in them. Keep up the good work, I do enjoy reading your column.

Thanks Kisses FF

Epsilon is one of the more pyretic writers on the boards. You may not always agree with him but you will always find him interesting. This is titled "The most expensive scroll in history".

Been in game long time now. Game still as new and fun as ever to me, which I find strange I guess. Funniest thing is that once you attain a respectable level you kinda feel impervious to the little things. Like, you trade a lot (and I do mean A LOT) and dont necessarily click on the items for you take that most people are honest. A LOT of times, for things worth about an SIK, I just hand my part over first to test them.

Then, after a long time and many 100s of trades you meet someone. This person, his name was Grableman, seemed honorable enough. He is a member of the guild of Foreshadow. Also under Sho Ming II. I consider them all evil players inherently bent to Grablemans cause to thieve from others until I know different. Now, I realize, getting something taken is mostly/partly my fault, but my items I represented as SIKs and Cracked Shard WERE what I claimed them to be. Such that his item, the Creature Mastery Six Scroll, wasnt. It was "the most expensive level one scroll in history." Heh, live and learn.

So, if you happen to be in Subway and see Grableman logged in, please, @tell him F U for me. For, I must stay it was an interesting experience to FINALLY (after a year and a half in game) to get ripped off. Ive been so careful, heh, I never thought Id finally meet one. Well, trade enough and you will. Youll come across a Grableman someday too. And when ya do lets hope it isnt at 3 or 4am and you havent slept. Yeah, he got me good. Later, after I had been posting about his stealing and misrepresentation of items, he started spamming that I stole his GSA. Everyone in Sub knew he was a liar (he had GSA on while spamming the idiot), and everyone (mostly) in Sub Squelched the little sucker. Sorry, mistyped that word sucker, meant to put an F there not an S.

There is a good ending to this story. I stuck around Subway all night trading for scrolls and @telling the hell out of him (why he didnt squelch Ill never know) and whenever my Post: "Grambleman is a Thief and Liar do not trade with him," Scrolled off screen, I re-posted it. Musta hurt his business because he told me to F off in open chat. I promptly used the report abuse (twice, heh) and told them of his violation of the CoC and offered a screen shot. I also added he was a thief and a grief player. Not long thereafter Grambleman logged. I do not know, nor care, if I had anything to do with that log-off, but am happy that merely my continued posting of his name, as a thief, lowered his business for one night. And until I get all my scrolls I will continue to lower his business for Im spending a lot of time in Subway, and will be telling people about him for a long time. Im thinking of getting my entire guild to report his name as a CoC violator and grief player. Have to do that tomorrow. Perhaps 100+ report abuses about this person might get something actually done. If you are on Leafcull, I would ask you to do such if you were in Subway tonight and witnessed his CoC violation.

In all honesty, and I may have a mental problem here, but if I could have found Grableman tonight in real life, I would have shot him where he sat. Felt no remorse what so ever. Taken his real life for an in-game action. Hows that for "its only a game."

My only problem with stealing (yeah, I know, mostly/partly my fault) IN-game is there is no real repercussion. At least I got to report him for CoC, that DID feel good, but Im certain little will be done if anything.

And if you know of Foreshadow or Sho Ming II please give them an @tell and let them know the quality of folks they have around them as vassals. I know I will be looking for them every day until I leave AC to say a few words to them. For me it is the principle of the matter and the shards/siks can go to hell. The dishonor this person caused tonight was worth his real life in my book, no joke, and Id be just the one to do it to....I need to go take my blue pill now. And if you sense a hushed amount of horrendous rage in this post, it is because Im doing everything I can to keep calm. I must take blue pill now and calm down.

To hell with the blue pill......

Funny thing is, through trading tonight, and selling off, I came out ahead even if I include my loss of those items to Grableman. Therefore, really, I care not about the items. What I care about is some piece of (Edited with ***) *** eating *** eating ball *** mother **** sitting complacently behind his invisible wall of electrons and not having something come rip his *** dishonorable head off his shoulders. And Im just the one that could do it to. Whew, I feel a tad better now.

Epsilon the Enchanter--Battle Mage(War/Life/Loyalty Speced)--Level 51 Alexander the Believer --UA/Bow Non-Speced Experiment --Level 48.5

Back to Toromada and his new battle mage. I never understood people who feel they can play an online game without making friends. I mean if there are games where all the other players are computer run. You can mess with them all you like without hurting a real person. These people never last as the game is not fun without friends. Meanwhile we have to live with them.

Hi all,
Well Ive gotten my new Battle Mage to 13th level. It has been different playing him as compared to either of my melee characters or my OG/Archer. No healing which is something that I have to get used to. Also not having auto-targeting and auto-repeat attacking is something to get used to as well. After reading the boards and talking to Rizean I decided to hunt near the Hall for the first 7 levels. Based on what I had been told by Rizean I wouldnt be able to hunt above my level, but I wouldnt accept that. The advantage I have with playing the Battle Mage is that I can use the techniques archers use when hunting groups of monsters. The main one being the shoot and scoot tactic.

When hunting, and finding a group of banderlings, Id fire off 3 level one lightning spells and run away. Now they would chase me but because I started running before the first spell landed they would quickly turn back to the spawn point. Id then turn around and go back and attack the one Id hit previously. This way I was able to keep myself from getting overwhelmed. Also a big help was that I finally got decal working, so one of the plugins I put on was AC Monster, which gives the monsters stats and what they are most and least vul to. Using that I didnt waste spells that would have little or no effect.

After hitting 7th level I decided to move on to better hunting grounds. In my research I found a place recommended called the Forgotten Crypts. It is full of Undead and Zombies. One great thing about this place is that there is a lifestone less than 20 seconds away from the entrance. Going in there I was sticking to the first level for the most part. Using fire bolts against the Undead as they hit me and used spells against me. They were great in giving good exp and since I was resisting a bunch of times in upping my magic defense, which I think will be of great value to me at the later levels. I tried hunting the Hall of Helms but at 125, my war skill isnt high enough to hit the Liches on a consistent basis. So I went back to the Crypt, Ill stay there till I can get my war about 140 or so I think.

I cant say I did it all alone though. Fist gave me a great template and if it wasnt for the money and armor I was able to give myself then I would still be behind the hall killing drudges. But since I was able to buy things like health/mana potions, all the comps I could want it did make my life easier. I also have to thank Nabs for giving me the gold letters that she did. With what she gave me plus two I found on my own I was able to get five of the explorer quest items which have helped me greatly. Ive learned all my spells up through level 3s. I used the arcane knowledge plug-in for decal. If you dont have that it is great because you pull down a list of spells, click on the one you want to learn and the level and it automatically loads up the test bar for you. Since all the spells are the same for each account I just saw this as a way for me to not have to write everything down from Damien/Toromada. My next goal is level 20 and getting Item magic, until then Im splitting my exp between my magic's, my mana c, my run and health.

Yesterday while hunting the Crypt, there were three other people including one who couldnt fight well because he had high vitae and couldnt buff his weapon. Now being a nice Elder I offered to get my main up there to help. I ran Toro up there and buffed his weapon, and gave them all armor/blade 7s. All I asked was that they leave a few for my guy to kill. So I log off Toro and bring in my Battle Mage. The guy with the sword jumped into four of my fights, and I said "Gee thanks", this idiot says "No problem". Here I am, a person who went out of his way to help and he is basically robbing me. Instead of doing the first thing I thought of which was to bring back in Toro and own the place, I just kept moving till he wasnt with me anymore. It isnt fun when people stab you after youve helped them. Oh well, life goes on.

The below question was posted on the board. We had an outstanding response by the below writer.

What is a Grief Player?
"Bill Turner" wrote in message...
> What are grief players?

Basically, players that get their enjoyment by making other people unhappy. There are a number of them in AC:

* Trade thieves. They try to get you to agree to a trade, give them something, and then never follow through. A much less severe problem with secure trade in the game, but a lot of items look alike, and they still stay in business.

* Harassers. They do things like constantly /tell you (usually with profane things) until you squelch them, spam a busy area with nasty lies about you, that sort of thing.

* Mule-thieves. A lot of people still drop-mule. Its not unusual to see someone do it. Some people run up, grab the stuff on the ground, and laugh.

* Kill-jumpers. People who dont respect that when someones fighting a monster, they dont necessarily want help. Particularly if theyre relying on drains, or just spent mana to vuln or yield something. Some people stop after being asked - we all make mistakes on whether someone is in trouble and needs help, or is working a crowd elegantly - but grief players tend to be extremely rude in response and not stop doing it.

* Draggers. Some people love to find nasty spawn, and drag it into someone minding their own business and get them killed.

* Looters. People who loot your kills while youre still in the fight. Even worse, people who see you get killed while trying to recover a corpse, and take your stuff.

* Quest jumpers. People who wait at the end of a quest, let a group do all the hard work, and steal the reward at the end.

There are a multitude of other anti-social behaviors that people engage in. Particularly once PK is in the equation - its very easy to ruin someones night on Darktide.

Fortunately, for every grief player, theres a genuinely decent human being to balance them. Someone who will toss a heal on you while passing by, or help you recover a corpse, or give you helpful advice on what type of attack works best on what youre up against. These are the people that form real friendships in the game, and ultimately get a lot more for their money.

I tend to think most of the grief players will come to regret being such an ass in 10 years, when they are in college and start to realize what the world really is like.

-- Kirby

With all the bad I have to put in one of the good.

I was hunting down in the Vesayans tonight and ran into a problem when I got a little bit sloppy. I was heading toward the Cathedral island and I hit the lifestone on the island just to the north. I cleared a trio of Putrid Moarsmen and was heading down the beach when I noticed a spawn of 3 Bone Knights and a Bone Lord to my left getting up to greet me. I can fight them one on one, but its a protracted battle and I tend to use a fair amount of stamina elixirs and healing kits taking down a spawn. Rather than fighting them, I decided to simply blow by them and head further up the beach.

I ran smack dab into 2 Sufut Zefirs, a Nalif Zefir, and two complete groups of Slithis Tendrils, Tenticles, and Eye Stalks. Just past the Slithis groups were 3 Mosswart Mire Witches and 2 Mosswart Clingers. The mosswarts started debuffing me until I looked like a disco light show or something. The Zefirs started chain casting and in mere seconds I was back at the lifestone.

I literally spent about an hour trying to fight my way back up the beach to no avail. Id clear the Putrid Moarsmen and then start working on the Bone Knights. Id get the Bone Knights down to 1 left and Putrid Moarsmen would start respawning. I killed the same two spawns of moarsmen and bone knights 3 or 4 times in a row, but I couldnt move up the beach. Nobody came by during the entire hour that I was fighting this same battle over and over.

Low and behold, Tara Spellbinder comes running along while Im thinning out the Bone Knights yet again. I ask for some help and explain that there is a spawn of zefirs just ahead blocking me from my body. Without hesitation, Tara Spellbinder agrees to jump in and help clear them out.

Tara Spellbinder went around the Bone Knights and Moarsmen to work on the Zefirs while I kept the Moarsmen at bay. Once past them, We skirted around the Slithis groupings. The five mosswarts were right by my body. There were two Faisi Sclavus behind them and four jungle wasps just to south of my corpse. I still had my work cut out for me.

I started in on the mosswarts, hacking away with my BDVI flaming shamshir. They debuffed me to all getout again, but this time there were no Zefirs to cause trouble. The mossies fell quickly. I then worked south along the waters edge until I was lined up with the jungle wasps. I hurled throwing daggers at them, luring them one by one and then switching a double-striking slashing attack with my bandit yaoji once the wasps moved in on me.

Last but not least were the two Faisi Sclavus. I again used throwing daggers to draw them out separately. I find my Ravenous Sword to be very effective against Sclavus, Niffis, and Grievvers. A 3/4 swing does a lot of damage and I can slash strongly with my shield equipped. My bandit yaoji pierces with shield, slashes without.

Once the Faisi hit the ground, I simply walked right up to my body and grabbed my death items. The slithis groups were throwing at me with all they had to no real effect. A third Faisi Sclavus spawned while I was looting my corpse, but he seemed content to simply throw acid javelins at me. My GS Celdon Armor of Flame is above average versus acid and my missile defense is almost 200 with my impregnability IV,
Impenetrability V shield equipped. His javelins bounced off of me harmlessly while I finished my task.

I simply couldnt have gotten the job done without Tara Spellbinder. Had I tried taking out the zefirs myself, I would have gotten torn up and then ran smack dab into a fresh pile of Putrid Moarsmen while trying to get away to heal from the zefirs spells. Once Tara cleared the Zefirs out, I was able to chew my way up the last bit of beach that I needed to in order to clear my body.

I wanted to once again thank Tara Spellbinder of Morningthaw for helping me out of a tough jam. Nobody likes fighting those Sufut and Nalif Zefirs. For her to step up and help out somebody she didnt know says a lot about her. Tara is no doubt a valued member of Thor Azaroths monarchy and I am grateful to her for her help.

Ben-Li Sung, Blademaster Xero Prime Monarchy Morningthaw

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