Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - December 19, 2000

It is a good thing I like to talk a lot in game. Lag has been too bad for me to fight much. Has not gotten me killed so far this week but darn close.

Was hunting Corals today. I was going yellow a few times but was hoping it would clear. Yielded one and get blunt voln on it. It starts moving up when another spawns in front of it. I quickly change targets and got yield and blunt in the new one.

I was lucky that the old one got bored and returned to his spawn point. After killing that one I went after the original one. Then I had a problem. I would try to toss a spell but nothing would happen. Tried to get to peace mode and back but could not change modes. I tried jumping and everything else I could think of.

Someone ran passed me to attack my golem and there was nothing I could do. Finally I decided to log and see if that fixed it.

Logging out was slow and I was stuck in portal for a while. Got out and now the adventure begins. I log back in and stay in bubble for a while. I start getting damage messages and can hear a Coral pounding away on me. I was smart enough to have double buffed with blunt protection so I was not killed outright.

It finally cleared and I got drain. It is iffy to get a drain without yield first. There was a good chance I would have been dead before I could get yield and drain off.

I killed that one and decided to call it a day. I'm hoping the lag gets clear but I only see it getting worse.

Body Recovery in Nest
I was hunting with my mage when I got a call from Mortok. He was helping someone get a body in the Nest and instead left his there.

I logged Fist and met Mortok at AB. I'm not sure which Nest he is in so he made a portal. I saw he did not have a BP. He was using a shirt. Since adding a mana conversion ring to my Nest setup I was having more mana for buffing. I got his shirt and added imp VI, Piercing bane V and Acid bane V to it.

Then we headed down with Maddie helping. There were two others there looking to get their bodies back. The Nest was kind of empty of fighters. This is good if I'm hunting but bad if your on body recovery.

Fights were hot and heavy. One guy died on the ramp going to third level. Mortok had to drop out of combat several times to heal. I would attack anything attacking him until they switched to me. Maddie was doing her typical destruction of bugs.

After the first jumping room I headed toward the split passage. I was in battle when I noted no one else was with me. Seems they had to go left after the chest not right. I killed the 6 bugs I was facing and backtracked.

We cleared the left side and two bodies were recovered. I noted that the guy that had died on the ramp had a body here as well. I planned to help him recover but got distracted and forgot about him. Felt bad about that.

Mortok said he had never been past that point before. I had taken Maddie to the end so this seemed like a good time to take Mortok as well.

I told him to not get ahead of me. With the three of us we might have walked into any of the rooms but why take the chance. It is better to draw them a few at a time.

With drawing we were in no danger and wiped out a lot of bugs. If you do it right you never have to face more than 5 or 6 bugs at a time.

We got to the end and Mortok said, "Where is the Noble?" LOL will that rumor never go away. There should be a Noble there. I think there should be 10 Nobles there. But all that is there is a portal out.

I hate portal deaths
Had one of those days. Was portal running from half my battles from fizzles and resists. You would figure that a 315 Creature would get resisted that much. You would figure that a 308 life would not fizzle that much. Going to post a battle with a coral below.

Finally things started going back to normal when I got face to face with a Coral. Just as my Yield landed a Wisp came down off the hill. The Wisp started chain casting at me while I tried to drain the coral to stay alive.

Darn Wisp was really searching for a weakness, Fireball, Frost, Lighting. Fortunately I was buffed for everything. The Coral was the least of my problems as I drained it down to a nub trying to keep up with the Wisp of unlimited mana.

I started getting 10 point drains from the Coral and decided this was loser and hit portal. The Coral got an Acid blast in but I was out of there. Then I got "You were killed by the Wisp." Wisps casts harm V on you. I guess it found something I was not protected against.

Combo of Death
Got a message from a friend. He had two bodies, one gone and the other lost. He also had too much vit to fight much. He asked me to meet him on the Island. We found the body without problem and then fellowed up to clear his vit.

This teaming clearly showed the power of a mage fighter combo. With my buffs and his melee defense hurting him was going to be very hard. With me de-buffing the monsters we had little trouble killing them.

It was simple to kill the bandies. Yield VI, bandies starts running, sometimes with 2 to 4 friends. Lighting voln IV, Imperil VI and bandies get to me. Three quick swings later it was dead at the fighters feet. I would then repeat for the others, with a health/stamina drain as needed.

In two buffing cycles we had taken down everything the island could toss at us. Even in a good size pack I seldom had to heal him.

Lets end greed
I'm in an alliance that is the least greedy if any I have seen. If someone has a need people will work for it. I have my mattie because of the quick generosity of my alliance. That same quick willingness to give got us a second one.

After months of trying for one, I get two matties in just days. Randolph was the person who worked tirelessly got get the second. Now the reason the alliance could not get me a mattie was what they had had been given. So I had two choices on the robe. Mule it for a back up or give it away to a deserving family member. Of course it is a no brainer.

Maddie had the robe on a mule and we had decided on the person who should get it. Zeratul The Meek is a great mage. He is always ready to support others in need. He goes on quests with no thought for reward. He teamed with me in the Fire Stone quest to make me look like a hero. Easy to charge into a hard battle knowing a mage will heal and support you.

At one time he was a vassal but only because Elder did not have room. When I was thinking of leaving Killean he asked for his release. Elder had the room then. Of course Killean alliance became Elder and I stayed but that was too late to save Meek as a vassal.

So Maddie called Zeratul the Meek to Lin with an excuse. Maddie gave me the robe. I messaged Meek, "Make a Wish". I'm sure he thought I was crazy. I said, "You have your wish?" He said yes and I handed him the robe.

To say the least he was floored. We left a very happy Zeratul the Meek to go ambush the demon. (He never showed in Lin that night.)

Axemaster Setfeb is a good long time friend. It is something that dates back to our BCD days. I have a lot of items that are used daily that he has given me. My legging for one are high AL and Rejuvenation VI, just given. It is a "if he needs it he gets it free kind of relationship."

I told you how a friend just handed me half the motes needed for a shadow weapon.

Actions like this really make up for the hoard and sell crowd. We don't live for "Stuff". The game is for fun and if we can help others, even better.

Coral battle
Some battles are easy, others are very hard. There is generally no rime or reason for the difference. Turbine's random number generator is known to be broken. I hope they get it fixed soon. Meanwhile things like this will happen.

I had a 314 creature and a 308 life skill when this battle took place. Remember that a resist will take your mana the same as a hit. A level VI spell takes a lot of mana.

Coral Golem resists your spell
Coral Golem resists your spell
Coral Golem grazes you for 6 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem resists your spell
Coral Golem grazes you for 5 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem resists your spell
Coral Golem sears you for 36 points with Acid Stream V
Coral Golem grazes you for 6 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem resists your spell
Coral Golem corrodes you for 50 points with Acid Stream VI
You cast Magic Yield Other VI on Coral Golem
Coral Golem sears you for 44 points with Acid Stream VI
You gain 73 points of health due to casting Drain Health Other I on Coral Golem
You gain 72 points of health due to casting Drain Health Other I on Coral Golem
Coral Golem grazes you for 8 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem grazes you for 6 points of bludgeoning damage!
You cast Stamina to Mana Self VI on yourself and lose 113 points of stamina and also gain 171 points of mana
Coral Golem grazes you for 4 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem grazes you for 4 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem resists your spell
You gain 72 points of health due to casting Drain Health Other I on Coral Golem
Coral Golem grazes you for 6 points of bludgeoning damage!
You gain 100 points of stamina due to casting Drain Stamina Other III on Coral Golem
Coral Golem grazes you for 8 points of bludgeoning damage!
You gain 53 points of health due to casting Drain Health Other I on Coral Golem
You gain 40 points of health due to casting Drain Health Other I on Coral Golem
Coral Golem grazes you for 7 points of bludgeoning damage!
You gain 29 points of health due to casting Drain Health Other I on Coral Golem
You gain 21 points of health due to casting Drain Health Other I on Coral Golem
Coral Golem sears you for 35 points with Acid Stream V
You graze Coral Golem for 51 points with Shock Wave V
Coral Golem corrodes you for 50 points with Acid Stream VI
Coral Golem bashes you for 27 points of bludgeoning damage!
You graze Coral Golem for 53 points with Shock Wave V
At this point a second one spawned.
Coral Golem grazes you for 2 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem grazes you for 4 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem grazes you for 9 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem grazes you for 4 points of bludgeoning damage!
Coral Golem grazes you for 5 points of bludgeoning damage!

Down to 40 hit points fighting two I port out.

Vassals Story
I was hunting with Adrahill Veranith on the island. I sent a tell to Damien Daring asking if he wanted to come along. I did not get a response so I figured he was fighting. Later I got this letter from him.

I dont know what is wrong with the zone but yesterday I was pulling 53606 ping rates when in AB trying to sell. It was a major pain in the ass. As I told you I died twice last night, thats why I couldnt go on the hunt with you as I still had to recover both corpses.

The first death was me trapped by 10 soldiers after all my protection buffs went down. I had no choice but to keep swinging but they were just too much for me. After I died I went back and buffed myself. I started down the hall and my modem lost signal, it didnt come back till I found myself with 4 hp in the soldier room on the first level and died again.

That is when I got your tell. So with a 10 vitae I went back. Buffed myself and weapon with 5s and went to work off the vitae. I caught a full worker spawn on the first level in the long hallway, I got into a creche and just kept swinging. Finally with them all dead I killed the two soldiers at the bottom of the ramp.

I was now down to 6 vitae, killed two more and saw that there were a clump of soldiers waiting at the end of the hall. Deciding not to be stupid especially since between the two deaths they took my hauberk so was only wearing a shirt. I went back outside and rebuffed everything.

I got lucky when I went back in because the workers hadnt re-spawned just yet. Inching my way forward as to not draw too much attention to myself from the bugs....whoops well that didnt work....into a creche with 5 trying to kill me. It took me a couple minutes along with some healing and stam potions but I got through them in one piece.

At this point Im down to 2 vitae, so I go looking for my body. Along comes someone from the 3rd level being chased by hell itself. I swear it looked like a long conga line following this guy. I took off down the side hallway to my body and killed two more soldiers. I retrieved my stuff and Im glad I looked at my compass, cause here comes that conga line.

I was lucky that I had enough time to pull wand and portal out. Once again I rebuffed and went looking for my second corpse, found it and said to myself, between the lag and my modem Im done here for awhile.

Another Vassal
Being the family bard I got a lot of stories sent my way. Randoph/Sho-no-Merci is a long time friend that finally became a vassal a month ago. Here is his adventure.

It had to happen sometime......I got to AB and near the BSD where Randy used to fight and level (and will again!) with Sho-no-Merci the level 35 mage. I was abit unnerved when I saw most of the other players and mages were level 38-40+. I was determined to TRY it out anyhow, and had a mage friend with me to TRY to save me from dying or get out if it was simply too much for me.

Well....lag, loss of buffs, and forgetting to buff my gaunts caused me to take hits for 50-70 each first ape I met...An archer was out of buffs and had 5 on him, and he and I ran for the portal at the same time...he got out...the tuskers blocked me from doing same, I got hit fast & hard before I could recall, so I "kissed the life stone hello." Fortunately, it is just across the way...forest w/ a few nasty things and the like. So I got buffed up and with my mage friend (who was also out of buffs and recalled with 27 hp) I went back. Easy to find my body...sprawled like a limp mop right by the portal out. No apes around. 5% VP. So I decided buff well...double buff even! And in I went w/ my friend. Soon we found below (slaves were bad enough, we had to go after the GUARDS! lol) a few apes to fight. They resisted me some, but I got them good and was able to fire vuln and flame bolt them...VP was gone in 5 minutes or so.

I got as many experience points there in 15 minutes as I did in 2 hours or so at the Citadel!!! I have a long way to go and many deaths I am sure here, but I am in a better place, and better still, I can (as Randy did) pick up the crappy loot off the floor and LS recall to AB and sell it for ridiculous prices.

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