Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - December 5, 2000

About the good players.
About time to stop writing about the bad guys in the game and write about the good ones. To begin with I will let you know that I got my third peerless claw the other day after tossing the bad one. A friend read about it and gave me a bar. With what I had I was able to get another bar. I'm sure he could have made good use of that bar. Friends like that are not that hard to find.

Rohku Saicha sent me a message that he found something on a Diamond Golem. It was a coordination VI ring. This has been a key lacking in my combat setup. Just gave it to me.

So you might think it is because of the column and you would be mostly right. Unselfish deeds are done every day for people who don't write columns. After running to the Crater and getting my claw I got a message from a vassal. He had started a mule and was running him to Lin. He got to a bad spot and was not sure if he could get any further.

I ran Mage to there and found he was with a group of players. I buffed the mule and ran point. The other players ran flank and a few ran with him. I was getting some Mosswarts out of the way when two Reedshark pups got close to the mule. The players all jumped on them. Reedsharks were quickly dispatched.

Here was 5 or 6 total strangers willing to help a mule run to a town without thought of reward.

Damien Daring read about Jarad having to sell his player. (Did not sell and hopes to be back someday.) Damien put in a bid for a lot of money to hold it for him. Never a thought of reward. After he became my vassal he has been passing motes to me. I'm about to get my forth claw because of him and others like him.

I have a possible bid on an item I really want. I might be able to get it for just Pyreal. Randy is working the deal and said bidding is starting at 500k. He asked how many weeks would it take me to raise it. I said I could raise over 2 million with family help in a few hours.

I put out a call to hold some notes for me in case I needed them. In a few hours someone added up the results, over 12 million.

I could go on and on about the players that band together in the Nest for body recovery. Large group of players, that really fear fighting a Soldier, risking it all for no thought of reward.

A new vassal of mine was disconnected in Lin while running. I saw the death message as he was killed by a Lugie. When he got back I found the general direction he was running and tried to find the body. Maddie showed up and was searching as well.

Unknown to me there were a lot of family searching. A 69lv fighter was spending his valuable time searching along with many other members. This for a 15lv vassal. (We did not find it and I gave him better to replace his losses.)

I see it every day. People helping others, people teaching others. All just because it is the right thing to do. For every grief player there are 50 helpers. The pure joy of being around people like this really makes the game for me.

Been a while since I had this problem.
Got a call from Rohku Salcha. I was helping some guys recover some bodies in the Nest. After I finished up I got back to him. He had a few bodies on the new island and needed help.

I ported to AB and put on my protection gear. Only weakness in my setup now is blunt protection. I have a V item but it is a neck. I find that electrical protection is needed much more so the neck is reserved for my Electrical VI item. That leaves me with an IV bracelet for blunt.

We had little problem on the first island. Few Moarsman and such. The first body was just before a bridge. After we got that we had to kill 4 Obsidian golems at the other end. Over a hill we found his other body. We dispatched a few more Obsidian's and recovered it.

Rohku said there was a Diamond golem a short ways away. He had been getting a lot of good stuff of Diamonds so I decided to go kill it. What I forget to do was change to my Diamond killing gear.

The Diamond had friends. Three Obsidian's and a bad ass spell caster called a Dark Magus. We got close and the group of them charged. I can say it was late at night so I was not thinking clearly. That is a good excuse. I broke a few rules.

First rule I broke was not to pull what I was fighting away from the Dark Magus. Never fight where a spell caster can get free shots at you. Second rule was not to run far enough from the spawn side. Third rule was to fight while de-buffed. In my fights to get to that point I had defenseless V put on me. That lowered my melee enough that a Diamond could hit me.

With full protection gear the spell caster was not killing me. I was down about 70 points so I stopped to heal. If I get much more damage heal will not work. I generally heal two or three times in a Diamond golem fight.

Diamond golem bashes you for 109 of bludgeoning damage. I must have taken more damage from the Dark Magus as well because I was at 9hp. I wanted to hit my heal elixirs but had just hit the two heal buttons. I had to wait for that useless try to heal before I could do anything else.

I was praying I got an evade so I could use elixirs to heal. With the de-buff there was no chance of that, hello lifestone. In hindsight I should have run. If I had I might have not had the below problems.

Rohku ported back to AB to pick me up while I scrutinized the damage. I had lost 5 robes, Self VI bracelet and my Cutlace. Other than the armor it was not bad. The armor was a bad loss as recovery would be a bit of a problem. The other problem was half my stuff couldn't be used without my lore V item. With vit I cannot use it.

Rohku got back to me and we headed off. No fighting on first island this time, just run. I lead a nice parade of monsters to the bridge but they did not cross.

I ran passed the Obsidian's at the other end. We got back to the body and I was hoping it was far enough from the spawn that we could get it. No such luck. As soon as we got close they stood up and charged. We were being chased all over the place. I could not fight without armor and Rohku had too much vit.

I finally broke contact and had to kill one persistent monster, cursed wasp or something. Rohku had run into a dungeon and was working his way out of that. I got un-lost and we got together just out of range of the spawn.

I figured there was only one way to do this. I would run over and open the body. Then take off away from the body, dragging the 5 of them with me. Rohku would then loot my body while they chased me. Spec'ing run as it's advantages.

Other than one little glitch it worked like a charm. Darn Dark Magus did not chase and the Diamond turned on him. He almost did in Rohku before he got my stuff, 10hp left. As they say, almost does not count. After I got free I met up with him and got my stuff back. He even had my pyreal.

I opened up a portal to the nest so we could work off the vit. I was not going to have my typical walk over of Soldiers today. With vit I did not have enough missile for my shield. Could not put on my lore V item so I could not get my leggings to activate. Acid V did not work but still had on my piercing VI shirt as it is part of the all protect setup. Had to toss level V spells instead of VI's.

Still I just had to be a little more careful as my melee defense is above what Solders can hit. Before my level V spells wore out I was free of vit. Rohku and I then killed enough to clear his vit. A nice little adventure.

After our little adventure Rohku gave me a bludgeoning VI shirt. Figured I will find a piercing IV bracelet and let that be my weakness now. At least I have options on the bracelet.

I put it on to go hunt in Metros for motes. Running there I came across a Diamond golem. I did a quick check and saw that my Granite hunting gear was perfect for Diamond's too. My weapon was buffed and I had the right attack and defense. A minute later I had my revenge. Got a heart so my mage gets a scarab.

Found that even with good protection I was burning my healing kits against Granites. I guess fighting 5 at once is not the best way to do it. I got one mote and decided to take a try at the Irons.

I was in luck, no one was there. An archer showed up but quickly left after I got every kill in the first spawn. I would have shared if he had not hid in the doorway and shot at the one I was fighting. Found that Irons fell to my acid weapon much faster than Granites, I was hitting for up to 90 on crits. I was one shot'ing them at times. Very easy and no need to heal.

I did not get any motes in the first few spawns. I got a call from X. Montie Cristo had a few bodies in the Nest and needed help.

I ported to AB and Montie was set to create a portal. He is in the bandit castle Nest and I'm in the northwest one. He hit the wrong button and ported himself instead. I told him to stay there, I would run to his Nest.

I had always wanted to see how fast I could get to the bottom of the Nest. The portal at the bottom is bugged. It goes to the wrong Nest, or in the case the right one. I got trapped once on the second floor by lag and had to kill 7 Soldiers. Rest of it was a straight run. Must have had 50 Soldiers chasing me though the portal. Did I say spec'ing run helps?

Montie did not know where the bodies were. I scouted a bit and found the first one on the second level. Protected him a bit and got that one. Then we got into a good fight in front of the ramp to the third level. He was worried about the one on my back but for Olthoi there is no danger. 340+ melee and defender VI on a +13% weapon makes me a bit hard to hit.

One did spawn on his back and got some nice hits on before I got it to switch. He healed up while I fought the last three. We ran down the ramp and faced a horde of Soldiers. It was unexpected as the Nest was clear of major spawns until then. A few ran down from the second level and trapped Montie. With no way for me to help him he was dead quick.

I killed a few and ran up the ramp to get to a better fighting spot. At the top of the ramp, at an angle we could not see when moving from the other direction, was Montie's other body. LOL we had fought a battle right next to it and walked right by it.

I got Montie and we fought our way back down. This time the ramp was it's normal empty self. A few soldiers being fought by a swordsman was all. Montie got his bodies and we ported back to AB.

Pk battle
Timing is everything in battles, especially a pk battle. Last week I wrote how three member of our alliance changed into Eastham just as Sigma Darkfist had finished buffing to face them. This week the tables were turned.

I was in Mayoi as Cliff Bowman and saw Ryo-ohki. Him and several Pks were talking. Eventually him and Hamami decided to have a duel. I will not say their levels as they are Pk but they were both well above 60.

Hanami and Roy-ohki buffed up for the battle. Just as they finished a red dot appeared from the South. Seconds later Sigma Darkfist changed in from the North to attack Hamami. I followed the battle a bit as Sigma Darkfist defended against several attackers. I'm not sure is anyone other than Hamami and Ryo-ohi were buffed.

Qweylood II was the only other one I knew in the battle but there were others, including Old Time Mage on the other side. Sigma Darkfist killed Hamami and was killed in turn by Ryo-ohi. Old Time Mage was killed and rest of Darkfists forces ported out.

Everyone was talking about the battle when Sigma Darkfist return. Him and Roy-ohki proceeded to have an epoch battle. Running all over the hills of Mayoi the two battled. I saw Sigma down several times but always managed to get his health back.

In time it became apparent that the two were too well matched for either to win. Sigma Darkfist ported out. I followed the players on their hunt but there were no battles like that one to report.

Island Massacre
I was completing a trade that will fix my protection problems. An Electrical VI bracelet. That lets me use my bludgeoning V necklace. I got a call from Balash about a body recovery.

After completing the trade I asked Balash where the bodies were. Seems Montie Cristo and Yanaba were hunting Coral Golems on the island. I got Mage over there and met up with Balash.

I had never fought a Coral before. I knew that I had to use blunt so I rearranged my spell bar for that. First one I saw was a bit of a shock. It resisted 4 attempts to yield it. That is a lot of mana wasted. Anything that resists a 307 skill that well I was not sure I wanted to tangle with.

Finally got a yield and after a few resists a bludgeoning VI voln on it. More resists and I was hitting with shockwave V for 150 to 220.

Balash is known as the crazy swordsman. I use to have the crazy title but I have been downgrade to Bold for Balash is truly crazy. We made a good team as I really needed a fighter for this. I would hit an imperil on it to help him out. We were not as good a team as we can be as he is PK and I cannot heal or buff him.

The four of us headed out, two mages and two fighters. Yanaba was weak so she was tossing heals and other aids. We had a few hard battles but got a body or two. Then we were jumped by two Corals, one from the back. Yanaba dies, Montie died then Balash died. Being fully protected with double buffs I lasted long enough to port out.

Got back and started out again. Got a few bodies and Montie and Yanaba died again. Balash and I headed back to get them, running and not fighting. Some Pk attacked Balash as we came out between pillars and he had to keep running.

I tried to get a Coral out of the way and another one joined the battle. Thought I might be able to take them both on. I was wrong. With about 50hp left I hit my portal. Got hit and was dropped to 22. Then second was winding up as I ported out. Dam pk portal kill addiction got me. At least the body was easy to get, there at my feet.

Got back to the island and buffed up. Takes a lot longer with vit. Getting worried some as I was running out of time and had to leave soon. I got a message that Montie was killed (we were in fellowship) and I told Balash. The said "Me too."

Every time we got a few bodies we would lose more. Sometimes it was a bad spawn. In others some idiot would attack while we were buffing or recovering a body, drawing a mob on us. We had helpers and the Pk had an agreement with Balash not to attack him. Still we were not getting anywhere. I think we were leaving two bodies for everyone we recovered.

I had to leave as my RL was not going to let me keep playing for a while. I posted a message asking for help on the family mail. When I got back I found that all ended well. Some other family members read the message and came to their aid. The message said it all;

Proud to say that we have all recover, thank to Jaster, and Rajah.

And Yanaba, please be careful to where you leave your corpses, this is gonna give me 10 more years each time I had to do this :)

But hell, what fun we had :)

P.S. remember something, keep the Crazy gharu tactic to the crazy gharu swordman, only him can survive doing it :)

AB Run.
Some people sent me messages saying they had ties close to AB. They said to contact them the next time I had to get a vassal to AB. Maddie wanted to tie there. She had sent me a message and I was trying to arrange the tie.

No one was on so I said the hell with it, we could make the South Direlands run. For those that have never done this it starts with the portal west of the Mayoi LS to the Direlands. You then run south to the beach and follow it to AB.

It is a long run and there are faster routes. I do it this way for two reasons. I know it and if you die recovery is not hard. It also gave Maddie a good idea what to expect at AB.

We made good time as we did not fight anything but free and clear Fragments (nada) and no buffing. Last run was with someone who needed to stop and cast buffs. Maddie and I use items for protection so there was not need to stop.

As I was leading Maddie did not take a lot of damage. Most were chasing me. Maddie said it was like a parade.

Maddie is thrilled with the prices. She hunts the Nest and sells at AB. She told me she gets over a D-note each trip.

I honestly believe I have some of the best vassals going. Of course I'm biased. I'm really lucky with them in any case. I picked up a new one under Mage the other day. Fist de Muya is his name. He is a fan and makes it clear he is not me is someone makes that error.

He is young and does a lot of kid stuff, snow angel in the hall and such. Also has a hard time standing still. Especially hard when you are trying to buff him.

He had a few family members irritated at him for his habit of saying "Hi" whenever you logged on. First time was ok but every time got a bit on the nerves.

The key to knowing this is going to be a good player is how he reacted when I asked him to stop doing that. He did not get mad, he said sorry and stopped. Over the weeks I have known him I'm pleased to have him as a vassal.

He logged one day with 32% vit but said he had a great time. Next day he cleared the vit without help. I intended to help him but was involved with the island massacre.

Him, another family member, Bhal (Maddie's spec'd War/Life), Mortok and I all went to the beach this week. We had a great time killing. With level VI buffs 11 to 15 level players are so strong much stronger. He died at the end and was a long way off. His reaction was to write off the loss as being to hard on us to recover. Thoughtful, fun-loving and carefree. Cannot ask more than that from a vassal.

After I logged Maddie and Mortok fought side by side in the Nest. Maddie said she has great respect for Mortok after that. We are getting a good group together, a real killing machine. Man I so proud of them I could burst.

With Damien Daring, Balash, The Saint and others we could do just about anything.

Sadly I get stretched a bit thin and can neglect a vassal. Had one that does not play that much. He had started up and was playing more. He wanted to hunt for Reever guts with me. Each time he asked I was involved with another vassal on a quest. After the third time this happened he asked for a release. Sad but sometimes things don't work out. I wish him well and feel he will be a great player someday.

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