Friday, February 10, 2012

Fist de Yuma - February 26, 2002

New quest The new quest had all the things I hate, switches and needing hordes of people to finish it. On top of that they had a monster doing damage that there seems to be no protection for. This turned out to be a bug that will be fixed in the next update. The hordes of people is the killer for me. I have a low-end computer and a dialup. Either makes anyplace with a lot of people or monsters bad, both make it impossible. After seeing the reward I would like to get it for Fist. Jr had Life for de-buffing and drawing. Mage had level VII spells. Only Fist lacks a de-buff and drawer. With the drum spell I could do damage and draw at the same time. The other PPLs will not bother with it. I may not bother with it for Fist but it is a thought. The things that hurt the quest were exploits and EGO's. The quest was done on MT Wednesday night. The leader of that quest is a very very smart EGO driven immature player. After using exploits to get around some doors they raced to the end without doing what was needed for the lower groups. Admittedly there were others there that could have done it but I blame the leader. The next group stayed together and made sure everyone got the reward. The leader ports out, leaving the group, so he can be the first to turn in the drum. The rest stayed to insure everyone got their drum done. He bragged on the boards was about being the first to get it. Of course he left out that he had to; 1. Cheat. 2. Backstab the lower group and 3. Abandon his group to rush to be first. Why he would brag about doing that I can only guess. In a way this is Turbines fault. On several quests the first reward was either the only reward or a larger reward than any other. I hope Turbine never does that again. The second group did much better. They made sure the lower groups got their levers done and everyone got the reward. Of course they cheated as well but with the bugs cheating is about all they could do. With this being a total group effort from all levels bragging about being the first is kind of lame. First group I can see, first person, never. Be careful what you wish for I decided to go hunt in EVL with Jr. Jr. is coming along nicely, having made 67 the day before. He gets creature at 75 and will be tossing VII's in the mid 80's. At that point he will almost take over Fist Sr. melee duties. Fist is strong but with a better template Jr. is getting close to his UA. It will be a long while until he hits his Melee Defense numbers but they are respectable nevertheless. Leveling him without being in a chain is slow but a ton of fun. Still I understand those who want to take short cuts. It is a pain to be on a 15 minute buffing cycle and be missing Olthoi 5 swings in a row because my UA is only 370. EVL is a great place for him to hunt. It is not too easy like OHN and has great loot. Other than high value stuff I'm mostly looking for a minor war helm/gants/solls. I got a feeling I'm going to have to go hunt Sing keys with Mage to pull such an item. With luck I might even pull a major war helm out of a sing chest. There is only one real drawback to EVL. Everyone and their bother are there. It is not as bad as when you could get 8.4 million from a pincer but bad nevertheless. There is seldom a time when one or more people are not on my screen. To get into a fellow I ran to the bottom. There was an Elder who had made a fellow with a nice load of 80 plus' in it. I forget to activate a new plug in to show my xp per hour. As I was running through a mostly cleared EVL I was wishing I could have a time with this to myself. Like that would ever happen. After getting into the fellow I moved out to the second room. At the exit an Olthoi charged out of the passage. Two more quickly followed it. I knocked one down and three more spawned in the room. Now it takes me a while to kill an EV, I would say 20 to 30 seconds. I don't get hit much but being in the low 330's melee defense I do get hit, especially if I let one get in back of me. Taking a swig of stamina elixir will lower my melee defense enough to take some hits. Even healing will cause me to take damage. I have level VI life protects but don't bane. My armor is creature stuff I cobbled together until I can get the skill. Some of it is rather weak, like my al 75 gants. (UA V) Most of it is kind of weak to acid as well. So I mostly depend on my melee defense to stay alive. When that fails I take big hits. With buffs I have around 220 hit points. I was quickly finding myself under 100. It was fortunate I had a lot of healing elixirs as I really needed them. Every time I would knock the Olthoi down to two or three more would rush out of the passage or spawn in the room. I ended up calling for help from the fellow. I have never had to do that before. Soon a member of my fellow showed up along with several white dots. After that the fellow key said he was porting. The fellow was dissolved. I headed back to the bottom room to see if someone had started a new fellow. I was surprised to find that the room was empty of players and Olthoi. They must have cleared it out and ported. For the next hour I was alone in that room. This was a real dance for me. If not for the passages and rooms I could not have done it. With the passages I could narrow down the attacks to three. As long as I was careful to time the spawns in back of me I would be ok. The real trick came with buffing. It takes me less than two minutes to buff but if caught with a wand in hand I could count on 50 to 75 points of damage before I could get my weapon and shield up. If two Olthoi attack when I had a drum in hand I would come close to dieing. Keeping stamina up was a problem. With life I can pull my drum and do a revitalize. The problem was finding a clear time to pull the drum. I ended up using over 50 stamina elixirs in that hour. Finally two guys showed up and we fellowed. One was a mage and the other a swordsman. We kept it clear and according to my xp tracker we were pulling almost 1.2 million an hour. Nothing like the 4 to 5 million the mages pull on the island but respectable. Soon after EVL started to fill up again. It got so you could not find an Olthoi. I had good loot, a few savable and two m-notes after stocking. I still get excited when I see a helm but been disappointed so far. Who knows, there might have been a minor War on one of the bodies I never had time to loot. Archer phobia I think I have a bad case of Archer Phobia. I cannot see an archer without cringing, especially one with the new bow. Now nine out of ten Archers are great guys/women. Mostly they don't do anything that the mages and melee's don't do. Knowing that and controlling my feelings about them are two different things. I'm far more likely to snap at an archer than a melee or mage. I really don't understand why. Maybe it is the screen jumping when the arrow flashes by my ear. Maybe it is the twang of the bow. I think it really comes down to speed. It takes a while for a mage to wind up a spell. It takes a melee a little time to rush the battle. An Archer can fire that arrow off in a quick tick. When a mage or melee jumps my battle I do get a little ticked. If an archer does it I go into a rage. Lately I try to avoid archers but there are places, such as EVL, where you cannot do it. Anyone know an AC therapist? Houses When running around the desert looking for fire hides I came across some unsold houses. I knew my vassal Wuyung was camping one so I sent him a message about them. After that I forget about it. I have been looking for a house to park my second account. That was something I was thinking about for the future. Possibility I will use that small apartment Turbine is talking about. At least that was my thought process. When the houses opened up it was the set that Wuyung was camping, not the set I found. He got the tongue and had the window open to buy the house. There had been a touch of lag all day for him. There were a few people around that created major lag. He was suspicious that they were pulling something akin to Gear. He had the window open to purchase the house. One of the same people who he had been lagging around and three friends came up. He locked up. While he was frozen one of them stepped up and bought his house. To say the least he was pissed. While he had no proof he was sure they were using a speed cheat. They stole his house out from under him and he could do nothing but watch. Wuyung was bitter but could do nothing but go to the complex I found and start his camping again. I was running to EVL with Jr. and Wuyung sent me a message asking if I had any Timber Claws. The complex had opened and this was an item he did not have. I quickly logged Fist and ran him to the island. I saw several types of Turkeys but no Timber. I had to change my plains of running around un-buffed when I hit several Vapor Golems, Virindi and a Chaos wisp that chased me forever. I was telling my vassals what I was doing when Bleu Sky said he had a Claw on a mule. He ported to his Villa and picked it up for me. I quickly ran the Claw to Wuyung and he had his house. The lag getting there was bad and kept getting worse. We were thinking that the last time we had lag this bad was when the houses opened before. Either there is a bug when houses open or some players were disrupting the servers. We leaned to the latter. It hit me that there were five houses left and I might be able to get Jr a house. I ported to the mansion and asked if anyone had a claw. No one did. Maskman ported in. I asked him to make a general call for Claws for me. He did and soon after that an Elder ported in with a Claw. I said I would he happy to pay but was told it was not necessary. I'm kicking myself as I did not write the name down. Too much in a hurry, I would pay for that soon. I quickly ran to the house, praying that they would still be for sale. I got there and all five were still for sale. I picked one and opened the crystal to buy it. Well Blondie, you need a writ. I had writs on a mule but was sure I would lose the house if I ran to get it. Lurking Presence sent me a tell asking if I need still needed a Claw. He was going to spend an outrages amount for one in the Subway. I was glad I stopped that. I asked him if he could get me a Writ. He said he had one on a mule and would be there directly. Then lag set in. The tells I was sending out took over a minute to be seen. People were being lost in portal and frozen PPLs were common. A group of Elders doing the V amulet quest were in big trouble with the lag. Many who had ported out and logged found themselves rolled back to the Amulet room and died. Nothing I sent to LP was going through. I began to get worried. A guy was there who knew me. I forget to get his name but it was not the owner running the player. He got a house in the complex and logged his vassal to try and get him one. He was missing a Claw. I asked if I could borrow his Writ. After getting the house I could house recall the mule with the writ. He agreed and I had the house. Now lag really got bad. The mule with the Writ got kicked before I could even finish logging. When I tried to re-log him I got a message saying he was still in the game. Fortunately I had another Writ on Deadeye Fist. I was able to return the Writ but it was looking bad for a while. After getting kicked several times the servers seemed to stabilize. I mansion recalled and started coordinating people to get them a house. We sent out another general call for Timber Claws. Several Elders set off for ML to hunt them. Another player sent me a tell about some other houses for sale. I was able to get a few people a house in the far north. One guy got there just as a non-Elder friend of mine got the last house of that complex. I felt bad that my friend got the house over the Elder. I quickly directed him to the other complex. A few Elders were running to the northern complex. I them sent a message about the desert complex. I ported to my house to check on the open houses. There were three left and three Elders were headed there. I saw that Maskman got a house. This was starting to look good. A friend of Wuyung got one after a big worry over getting a Claw. When counting the houses I saw that the guy who helped me was in front of one. I asked him what the problem was and he said he was on another account trying to dig up a Claw. Now I had a dilemma. If I helped him get a Claw I would mess over one of the Elder on the way. I left it to fate. The other people were minutes away and there was little chance that I could get a Claw. I told the Elders there that this guy helped me out and did anyone have a Claw. Maskman did. The guy got his house and seconds later two of the Elders ran up and got theirs. The last Elder ran up but there was no house for him. He was angry and I did not blame him. He came with in two minutes of getting a house at both complexes. There're some really good things and bad things about this round of houses. The good was people pulling together to get Claws for people. Several Elders were giving them away. We got housing locations and spent a lot of time helping people. The bad was the greedy people. Claws, a useless item, were being sold for over 40 points. That is pure greed and taking advantage. What was worse, people were selling housing locations! I'm a harden capitalist so I understand that this will happen. I will not condemn them because the cure for this type of behavior is far worse than the greed. Nevertheless I wish people were a little less predatory when feeding off the desperation of others. Kindling Quest Jeff had some mage armor he needed kindled. Being a BM the armor is well worth using, at least until his skills get to a buffed 350 or so. The power of a BM is so much it is hard to believe at times. Of course there are drawbacks that take a while to overcome. While playing with Rainpea (Please Marry, please finish this outstanding program up.) I ran a BM's war to the ultimate goal of a mage, 320. I found that a goal I will not get until the 120's is possible in the upper 90's low 100's with a BM. On the other hand watching Jeff buff is painful. Your main buffing skill is creature. You will toss far more of that school than any other. Jeff is in the mid 40's and just got creature because of the skill credit quest. Just doing level VI spells is fizzle city. Jeff and his wife Markie were over early to deliver a stove to Markie and Rosa's father. (For those that don't know Jeff and I are married to sisters.) After a fine lunch of Rosa's famous lasagna and a few errands we logged on and met at the mansion. I had posted we were going and ended up with 10 people overall. One had to stay outside of the fellow but it worked out ok. We caught a ride to the subway to get to Mayoi and met at the hill overlooking the South Dires portal. We had to wait for one guy to get back and recover a body. An un-buffed mage in a robe should not run and talk to his wife at the same time. A snowy mattie took him out. We buffed up and headed in. When we got to the South Dires the lag was supper bad. I'm not sure what is causing these lag spots but we all suspect cheaters. No proof but something bad is going on. After finally clearing a handful of Bandies we started toward Slaughterhouse. The lag got me turned one time and I had to get the coordinates instead of following landmarks. From Slaughterhouse we had the VI buffers rebuff while we played with the monsters. Then we ran to the Kindling place. Having VI and VII buffers in a group is a pain. One or the other is always waiting for people to buff. I had everyone buff up and felt we could do it before the VI's buffers ran out of time. We headed in and had little trouble clearing the bandies. I showed them the switch in case they wanted to lead this sometime. We headed up the stairs and cleared the golems. I showed them the switches and pulled them. Someone asked if they should pull a switch but I was too busy to answer them. A mistake as I think they pulled it and closed the door. We cleared the lighting monsters and a few ran ahead and cleared the Umbris's out. The door was closed so I ran back to tossed the switch again. We quickly ran to the staircase. I had one person set to hold the door for me as any delay and I would not get back before it closed. I hit the switch at the foot of the stairs and ran back to the golem room. I tossed the two switches and jumped down. Pulled the switch and raced back up the stairs. Passed the lighting room and where the Umbris' are the door was closed. I had to backtrack and pull the switch again. I was fast enough so the door must have been open when I hit the switch. That will close it rather than open it. I raced back to the golem room and fortunately it had not spawned yet. I hit the switches and raced back to the kindling room. The guy had held the door for me so I had no trouble getting in. From there I would buff people to help then kindle the armor and played drain war with the Umbris'. Jeff had a big problem getting his done. His war skill is a touch over 300 and I guess it needs to be far more. After a lot of attempts to get his upper infused we started using our Focus stones on him. Even with that it took a few shots before he got it. After the upper was done the added 10 points of war made it better. We still had to use the focus stone but it did not fail with both on him. Everyone filled their goals and we ported out. Death in the family It is a sad day when someone we all love fails to materialize at the lifestone and we know that they are gone forever. Our family knew that Kelci Gittamad was very sick but we felt with hope and prayers she would be back with us. I have always felt is better to rejoice in the life of a person than lament their passing. I had seen Kelci from time to time on adventures and heard of her and her alter egos. After reading what those that know her well had to say I wish I had known her better. I have asked those who had Kelci at their side to say a few words. ----- Fist, where do I start? I met Kelci way back when we were in Exthalmus together. At one point we shared a patron & began talking via pm & then on the phone. The old adage that this is just a game is the biggest crock I have ever heard. I met her through this "game" and we were old & best friends in no time. There were the just talk to me to keep me entertained while I hunt shards in Femlain. Then Billys shot of us getting our GSA together & the gimpy warrior babes that we are. Making health potions before Nabs could cook pizzas. Hunting, joking & generally just having fun I had the privilege of having lunch with her, Slo & Rajput this past August in Gettysburg. We were in the Dobbin House I think it is called. Only a few hours, but it could have been a lifetime of lunches or dinner out. We were that comfortable with each other. Once she took ill, I used to send her jokes, poking fun at her illness. One of my favorites came out of her telling me how the Chemo was making her sick & decrease her appetite. I told her that if she needed to loose weight, there were better ways. We talked about the virtues of hats when her hair was cut off. Boy Scout trips, mosquito bites & how good a hot shower felt after a camping trip & a week of mud. I have only known her for about 2 years, it was not long enough even though it felt like a lifetime. I love her & miss her. Nabata ------------ I didn't know she was ill quiet a shock to me, when she was with my group Rosa, and then later AIC, she was warm kind gentle woman as I have ever meet and then some. We traded jokes back and forth. Her husband I don't know well but she was a comfort to many in our old monarchy. I remember one long talk about my transplant we had. She is perhaps the only person I know who asked detail. A small blessing at the time for me had a lot to vent off. She asked to see my art work took a real interest in life in general. We did talk about her cancer some, told me it was all better, will miss her deeply.. wuyung level uaw/sword/lore tien shan luieng arch mage /uaw kragaar arch mage /crater portal mule --------- She will be missed. This more than anything proves that the common phrase "its just a game" is so so far from the truth. Roland lvl 42 UA/sing key carver Dark Onslaught Og mage Levi lvl 18 Lifespec dagger ------------- Unfortunately I only got the pleasure of talking with Kelci a few times in the game, and on the boards. I was there when Nabs and Kelci were talking about the whigs, and was getting a good chuckle out of the conversation. When I found out what had been happening in her life, I felt very sorrowful for her, but after seeing the type of person she was, I would have never told her anything that could have brought down her lovable mood. Unfortunately this sequence of events isnt new for me. My fiances mother went the same way. Its hard to watch someone whither away in front of your eyes and not get misty eyed. But Kelci would have never shown us that side. Even when talking about her illness she would put humor into it, probably to make sure not to bum anyone out. In the last week, I was praying for her recovery. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. I had kept up with every update that Nabata had posted, and sent a card to Slo telling him to be strong. Not only for Kelci, but for himself as well. I cant imagine what he is feeling right now. The one thing I know, and what keeps me from bursting in tears right now, is that she is out of pain. To add to what other people have said, this is just a game. But the game comes with hundreds of friends, that will come, and will go, and will never be forgotten. Goodbye Kelci, Make sure to spam God for uber buffs. Pur Evil Dr Pur Evil -------------- BAh! u could never get a strait answer out of that women.... You say,"heya kelc?" Kelci gittamad says,"hey slug, put some fresh slug bait in the garden for ya!" Always made u smile, no matter what the occasion.. Here is to the life of kelci! *pops slug bait in mouth* No goodbyes kelci, ill see you in the divine garden of the heavens....... I bet you are packing that sucker full of slug bait now aren't ya?? *G* "To grant mercy were none is expected or deserved is a sign of strength, not weakness." ~ Well of Darkness, Volume one of the soveirgn stone trilogy "Why I play in a virtual reality world? Because every time I go out I lose more and more confidence in the human race" ~ S L U G lvl 53 UA --------- It hurts. Im glad she is no longer in pain. But the woman I used to tease and be teased by in the meeting hall will only tease me in my dreams now. I find it very hard to write of her. She was full of style and humor and never failed to make me smile. The GSA trip was not the only adventure we shared, just the only one I have a picture of. Nerf Queens with Sticks! Her sense of humor never rested. Goodbye, my friend. William the Bat ----------- OMG, Im sitting at work and Im about to cry She was one of the people I enjoyed the most in this game. Send our love to her husband God Bless, Daniel Dragon Eye --------- Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints on snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the mornings hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there. I did not die. -- Anonymous, from the Makah Tribe Goodbye Barbara. Enjoy your Peace. Save me a seat. Till we meet again......Scott and kids Mistress Of Meek BattleMage Of The 66th Sphere Of Madness Zeratul The Meek Quad-Mage Of The 63rd Sphere Of Madness Mini Meek 50th Realm of the Bow, Alchy-Fletch-Cook-Lockpick Mule -------- I am so very sorry for the pain I know so many of you must be feeling at the loss of your friend. Kelci/Barbara was a woman of conviction and our world will be a little less now shes gone. For what its worth, I know of 3 new members of heaven who are probably camping all the good clouds...... My most sincere condolences to Barbaras friends and family. ~~Sarah Viva Yo-level 67ishUA Polekitty-level 55ish family tradesmule Iddywah-level 53ish portal mule Oya-level 67ish dagga chick --------- gate gate para gate para samgate bodhi swaha gone, gone, gone beyond....gone beyond beyond...behold the goer. I'am deeply honored to have known such a bright shining star even for such short a time in such a small manner...she lives in our hearts Monte Cristo --------- I remember reading Kelcis posts when we first joined the House of Elder. She was fighting her cancer then and apparently winning. Her words were ones of optimism and courage, of loving life and of not giving up. I cant say I knew her at all, but as Ive read about her struggles these last several months, I know that she was loved by many of the players who are members of House of Elder. From what you all have said about Kelci, giving up on this fight would not have been her choice. Life is what happens while men make other plans. Hers is a release from pain, sickness, and struggle. She is at peace. Her gain is your loss and I grieve as much for her husband and her friends who loved her as for the woman of whom I only read. Her passing marks a very sad day for those whose lives she touched that she now must leave behind. This loss is a shock to all of you who knew her. Take time to grieve and to acknowledge your loss. I hope that, when you feel up to it, youll honor her memory and fulfill Fist de Yumas request. Celebrate her life and what she meant to you by sharing stories and jokes and past adventures. Help those of us who didnt know her understand how special she was. ********************* Ben-Li Sung, Blademaster Quips Personal Blocking Dummy Morningthaw Providing the creatures of Dereth with nutrients since 12/16/99!!! ---------- Seems like my good friend Kelci is at work already in the world. We havent seen a decent snow to date where Im at and today it finally started to come down. Things like this a shame, but it is the way the world works. It takes the best people for itself leaving everyone else with only memories and the wishes to meet them once again when the time comes for themselves. She will be missed. Regards, Konflict (Deadly Fugu) ---------- I remember when I first joined Elder and Kelci was SO helpful to a n00b like me, guess the big boss upstairs needed her help more................... I think we need something in the mansion as a memorial to her life and service to all. "May she rest in peace and finally see gods true glory"-Wylie Verbal.........Level 44 Tank Archer Fei Scythe..Level 26 2-school Dagger --------- Kelci was one of the first prominent characters from way back in the beginning and I was just Aldreon (I) and long before either one of us knew of the family. We lost touch when I quit the game for about 4 months and I was so happy to see her again when I joined the family. and now She will truly be missed... Aldreon - lvl 67 UA -------- Your mother was crying Your father passed her a handkerchief Their tear-stained faces Looked to mine for a sign of grief A thousand raincoats Always stand around too long But I stayed to talk with you After they had gone The flowers I brought you Were beginning to fade under the heavy rain Your name on the card had run So I tried in vain to write it again They didnt understand you - No! They didnt even try Im so glad that you left us now Before you had the chance to die I sat there for a long time Expecting to turn and see you there I ran my fingers through the long grass Willing it to turn into your hair - and oh Im gonna miss you, dear But I dont have to cry Im so glad that you left us now Before you had the chance to die And oh, Im going to miss you dear But Im not going to cry Im so glad that your life stopped now Before it had the chance to die Elder ----------- At times I think about Kelci and remember how funny she was at times and always having time to chit-chat, its so hard to accept shell wont be with us any longer. And even worst makes me think about my own mother who passed away to cancer. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing shell be in no more pain, and under the wings of our Lord. May she rest in peace, and to her husband may he have the strength to cont. his path in this life... Sweety Goddess of fire Fire Lady ------------ It isnt often that one comes across a game player who is as genuine and personable online as they are in real life. Kelcis warm nature and genuine charm were traits that made her a joy to game with. The first time I met Kelci was in the Arwic Mountain Pass attempting to recover Chit Tea Bangbangs many bodies. I was frustrated and at the verge of giving up when Kelci came down and offered to lend a hand. We began talking, discovered we were both married. =) She asked me to keep an eye out for her husband when he was online so he wouldnt be all by himself playing . heheh. I spent many evenings chatting with Kelci. It wasnt long ago that I learned that she was my husbands characters patron. We thought that was such a coincidence and I didnt have a clue. Though I never knew Kelci in person, I know from our chats that she was a unique, kind and gentle spirit. I was privileged to speak with Kelci some weeks prior to her passing. Even then she was upbeat, warm and thinking of others. Ill miss her. Robbie Millner Virginia ------------ Gentle peaceful sleep Kelci Gittamad, harps and halos will guide you now. Just smile down on us and tell us "it will be alright." To those she left with us, I offer my support and prayers. One ------------ I met her once at a friends wedding in game. What is amazing is that after just one meeting I came away feeling she was one of the nicest people I had met in game. We laughed, we talked and teased the Bride and groom in game and just had a blast. We talked of hunting together some time but like a lot of people we let our tomorrows catch up to us and now she really is gone. We have lost a lot. My Prayers and my best to her Family NoobieLord ------------ Keci was one of the most congenial people I had the pleasure to meet, in game or in out of game. She, and her family, really went out of their way to help anyone and everyone they came in contact with. I will miss her dearly. Roland 40 UA Dark Onslaught level 57 Og mage ------------ Theliel reminded me of a time we were in Mayoi mage shop right before we joined House of Elder. A young boy dropped all of his pyreals on the ground and another boy quickly scooped up the pyreals. Kelci scolded the boy who stole the younger boys pyreals and lectured him about integrity and honor. The boy gave the younger boys pyreals back to him and APOLOGIZED. Kelci didnt care who was listening. She didnt care what others thought. Kelci just did what was right. It was that one incident that made us think if we joined another guild it would be House of Elder. Soon after, maybe even the same day we ran into Spaceghost whom we had known from our previous guild. We swore to Spaceghost within a matter of minutes. Kind of odd since Theliel and I had sworn off guilds in Asherons Call forever. It was Kelcis actions that innocent day in Mayoi archmage tower that changed our paths in Asherons Call. God Bless, Liz ------------ Kelci Gittamad WAS Barb Morrison! Kelci was bursting with life! She was a WILD WOMAN!!! Kelci possessed strong, unshakable opinions and a wicked sense of humor. She could be self-deprecating and was always concerned about others and their comfort. Kelci was committed to Fair Play and LOVED the House of Elder to the nth degree. Jaster Mereel, thank you so very much for rejoining because you made Kelci ESTATICALLY happy! This is how I came to "know" Kelci recently. We have shared a patron in Jaster Mereel for some time now and upon Kelcis return to AC(after her recent surgeries)she and I met in Lins pub to scheme. YES SCHEME! WE were scheming as to HOW on Earth to MOVE our patron to action and rejoin the House of Elder. We were not long in the pub when we both said...let us do this by phone. Sooooooo...several hours later...we were still on the phone and had discussed everything from A to Z...or so it seemed. I had no idea that this was the first and last time I would ever hear her voice. My only regret is that I did not get to "know" her sooner! Barb aka Kelci was one of those Bright Lights in life that you do not come across all the time. I find it only fitting that the Family Mansion be dubbed forever..."Kelci Mansion". Truly... ~Leah~ aka Murron ------------ Fist, Ill give you a side of Kelci that most people didnt see. You see, I had the same kind of relationship with Kelci that I have with you. We disagreed on almost everything and had many debates and even arguments about those things. But I knew and respected her as a woman of honor and conviction. A woman to whom we could all look to for direction. She made no bones about disagreeing with the way I choose to live and believe...and she had many valid points. She was also quick to point out the good things and remind me that life was about more than ingame friends and politics. Kelci was one hell of a woman. The kind of woman we all strive to be. Even though we werent true friends, and I didnt have the opportunity to chat with her so much these past few months...I will miss her. Ill miss her because she made both Dereth and Earth a better place to be. And she did it out of the goodness of her soul and not for payment or power. In my memory Kelci Gittimad was and will always be...the epitome of womanhood. Viva Yo-level 67ishUA Polekitty-level 55ish family tradesmule Iddywah-level 53ish portal mule Oya-level 67ish dagga chick ------------ I remember once when we both where in Rosa monarchy when we where muling and thief pulled an intercept, I was yelling and cussing something I am good at she dragondancer and other also where yelling the sentinels showed up to put down the riot and she talked him out of blocking me out was pretty funny.. wuyung level uaw/sword/lore tien shan luieng arch mage /uaw kragaar arch mage /crater portal mule ------------ Where to start... Kelci joined our group a long time ago. I watch her and Nabata turn into bosom buddies. I watched them show their true colors and Ive never seen them falter in their beliefs of being kind, good-natured, loving and giving individuals. What to I remember most about Kelci? That I miss her, a lot. One night her and I were talking in Ayan Baqur, we ended up talking about marriage and life in general. She informed me that I need to get off the computer and do something nice for my wife. My only response was, "but but where going to Phantom of the Opera tomorrow Afternoon, Im taking the day off to spend it with her." Kelcis response was simple and to the point, "Good!" I think her most endearing quality is she forced you to look inside and find out whom YOU ARE. Not what you are, or where you are. I am a better person for knowing her. And my life is a little more empty now. God Speed and God Bless, Daniel aka Dragons Eye ------------ I best remember Kelci on the beach in Eastham so long ago. I had made a new toon Maskwoman and was wondering up and down the beach there, killing and having fun when someone caught my eye. I buffed them a little as I was only lv 15 or so and Kelci was like lv 9,we hunted together and later I gave her a few items I thought she could use. We did this for a while and I told her of Family Elder, but she was under someone else and didn't wish to switch to Elder at the time. Well, time passes and I hadn't seen her in awhile and when I did next see her she was Elder. I had forgotten all about the items I had given her but she hadn't and thanked me again for helping her. Kelci and I had many talks, some about the family and her STRONG views on certain subjects. I remember one such time we had several members in a fellow talking about and issue she felt needed addressed, we discussed the issue for well over and hour with different views on the subject, but damn if we could change her mind on it :/ I will truly miss our casual talks and her caring personality. You will never be forgotten Kelci Gods Speed to you. Forrest Saylor Maskman Maskwoman ------------ I wish my writing you could be under better terms. However, its with a heavy heart I write this. Our family received word today that one of our dear fellow members, Barbara Lenz Morrison (aka Kelci Gittamad of Morningthaw), has passed. I wont get into details, but she had been fighting several illnesses for several months. Barb was a dear friend to all of us in the House of Elder and our friends on Morningthaw. She spent countless hours helping anyone she could, and never looked for anything in return. Beyond the game, and more importantly, Barb was a wonderful human being. She is survived by her husband Slo. From this day forward, the House of Elder Mansion on Morningthaw located at 50.3S,76.9E (between Lin and Nanto) will be known as Kelci Mansion. A perpetual plaque will be placed on the walls of the Mansion in an upcoming ceremony honoring the departing of our friend. May God bless your soul, Barb. We love and miss you dearly. Barbara Lenz Morrison November 28, 1955 - February 20, 2002 Brad aka Elder Unarmed, Level 143 Monarch, Rank 10 House of Elder

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