Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - January 3, 2001

Acid pit death
I was hunting my Archer on the new islands when I got a call from Balash. He had two bodies in the Nexus and needed some help.

Now I'm a good fighter but Nexus is a bad place. There are two acid pits you must jump over and a bunch of strong undead at the start. Then you fight horde of Shadows until you get to a room you must jump down into. The room is filled with shadows, LT's and Pans.

I knew that we were going to need help. I have seen large parties run out of Nexus. Lot of deaths and people having to port.

I logged in Fist and headed to Lin. I saw Elder log on so I knew we were going to have at least one strong helper. As I hit the meeting hall more and more Elders started showing up to help. I mean we had a horde of players. This is a partial list. Balash, Mortok, Maddie, Yanaba, Iddywah, Pantine, Mwadeeb, Elder, Viva Yo and Atlan Slasher.

With a party this strong we were going to have little trouble. We got over the first acid pit ok then fought about 20 undead. Spells flying and undead dying. That got us to the second acid pit and our first problem.

Balash lagged at the door and fell into the pit. Now these pits scare me a lot. I tend to jump well over them. The reason is I have seen some strong 70+ players die in them. Balash was no exception.

This was going to be a problem. We know how to recover out of the pits but it was not going to work in this case. What you do is set up a bunch of people to toss heals. The victim will acid bane his leggings and shoes. Then he/she jumps down and with their recall orb in hand. Everyone tosses heals while the body is looted and then they port out.

The problem is that in this case Balash is a PK. That means we cannot toss heals on him. Balash was really hurt by this. A lot of his best items were on the body as the other two had his death items.

We continued on to the room with the Shadows. The mages started de-buffing the shadows but for some reason they got pissed at me. I was hit with drain 6 times in a row.

With a 56k connection any fight with more than a few monster and people put me in a bind. It is not bad against Olthoi because of the lack of spells. Adding spells into the mix and I'm lagging bad. About all I can do in fights like that is target and swing. Have to pray I don't have to stop and heal because I would be dead before I knew I needed to.

We jumped down and after a confusing fight dropped the shadows. Then he headed to a pit with more shadows in it. We dispatched them and Balash recovered his bodies. Right after this we got a message that Pantine had died. Then a message that he had left the fellowship.

That meant he had lagged out of course. He got back and said he had left three mana stones on the body. Everyone joked about giving him mana stone to not make us recover the body. I counted a pledge of 12 stones by the time they were done.

Now the hard part. Balash made a portal to the start. We jumped over the first pit and fought the undead. Then got to the second pit. Balash meanwhile ran to the altar and changed to white.

We all tossed heals on him while he recovered his stuff.

Acid pit two
I was trying to get back to hunting with my Archer but needed to get some oil off my mule. I got a tell from Maras who wanted someone to tweek him. I only do that for vassals so I made an excuse. Then I found that this was a new player for Ibn. That was different.

I logged mage and buffed him up. He is a UA fighter but was going to use an untrained bow to level. With the right buffs and support it is the fastest way.

We were terrorizing the monsters around Lin for a while. He leveled up a bunch of times and was having a ball. Then got a tell from a friend of my vassal Pantine. I had hunted with Liquid-smack a few times and he is a brave fighter.

Liquid-smack had lagged out in Metros and fell into the Acid pit. He called the right person because Ibn had a mage named Quren who could help us.

We worked our way to Lin and ran to Awric. Liquid-smack was having a hard day. He lagged out 3 time before we started. Balash showed up so we had the fighters we needed.

Liquid-smack made a portal for us and off we went. The undead at the start fell fast to my de-buffs and their swords.

This pit is not as hard as the Nexus one because there is a hidden door on the north wall. Liquid-smack did not know that so we explained where it was. I put acid VI in him and tossed acid bane on his shoes, leggings and pants.

I made sure I had a lot of mana and full stamina in case I started running out. With heal VI ready he jumped down and ran to the hall. He was fully healed before running over to the body. He looted and ran back to the hallway.

Two acid rescues in two days.

Hunting with old friends
I got a tell from Ur III the other day. After talking over old times he suggested him and Sassie go hunting with me. That sounded like a great idea.

The next day we all got to the island to hunt Corals. I was surprised to find they were both at 46lv. Thought they would be in the 60's. Guess they are playing other PPLs a lot. I know there is a UR IV.

I buffed up and they drew their bows. It was a simple way to fight. I would yield, Imperil and blunt voln. They shot it with greater blunts. After a de-buff they were doing 200+ damage with each shot. With two Archers the Corals died fast.

Not that we did not have problems. We decided to rebuff at one point. Two Corals spawned and killed Ur III before we could get set. After that we made sure we ran to a safe place when buffing. Corals hit hard so both Sassie and Ur III died a lot in the hours we hunted.

A fighter friend of Ur III's was there so I asked him if he wanted to join our fellowship. As he was taking advantage of my de-buffs he agreed.

Another mage was there and he was leaching us a few times. I think he was confused about what we were doing. I offered him to join our fellowship and he agreed. This was to his advantage as he was having trouble landing a spell without my yield.

It helped us because after my yield he could toss a voln or heal someone. We worked well after that. Fewer deaths and everyone was getting good xp.

It was late and Sassie wanted to get some bandie loot before we called it a night. We made the error of being to close to the entrance and a bunch of people jumped out battles. I got into it with Gusto King when he started firing arrows at my imperiled bandies.

It takes me comps and time to set up a bandie. To have someone come along and steal it will always piss me off.

Sassie died once while battling them but we had a good time. Ur III and Sissie were dropping some nice loot on me as we were fighting. Two items were of good value so I will save them for death items. An 11k necklace will be passed to Fist de Yuma for a death item.

Just as they left both gave me a d-note for comps. It is nice to have understanding friends to adventure with.

Goals reached
I had a few goals to reach by the years end. I wanted to get my melee defense to a raw 300 and make 70lv. It looked like I was not going to make either as RL stuff was cutting into AC a lot.

My parents were visiting and my wife is on vacation. All that meant I was doing stuff with them rather than playing. Then things changed.

My parents left for home and my wife decided to visit family. We planned to go together but I did not get the car into service in time. I'm in big trouble for that. She left with her farther and I have a week along in the house.

On New Years eve I needed 2 million points to get to 70 and a little less to have 300 melee. I needed keys for a trade so I hunted the Nest. Killed hundreds of Olthoi without finding a key. When my level exceeded the levels of the soldiers I started getting less xp for them. It was going far to slow for me.

I decided if I was going to make the points I needed to hunt something harder, that meant Tuskers.

I ran to Lin and un-muled my good fire weapon. The last time I fought Tuskers I was getting hit hard in the big fights. I wanted to have a weapon with a few more buffs that a shadow weapon has.

On my last trip to BSD I had an interesting event. I was headed into the first room and fighting two Tuskers. Someone ran by me with about 15 of them on his tail. They all stopped to attack me. After killing the one I was fighting I ran to a hallway and grabbed the corner. You don't want to get a bunch of Tuskers on your back.

There is a bug that happens in BSD a lot. If you fight to close to a wall you get stuck in it. You cannot hurt them and they cannot hurt you. You also cannot move until the Tuskers move. I wish I had taken a picture because both halls were packed thickly with Tuskers.

Two people came along and were shocked to see it. A few Tuskers chased them off but not enough to let me out of the wall. It was a problem. If one Tusker moved I could get free but it was blocked by two others. Tuskers were all blocking each other in and nothing could move.

Finally someone came and more chased after him. I was free to fight and kill about 10 tuskers.

This trip there were a lot of people in BSD. The chance of getting 20+ Tuskers was not likely. I met a fighter that I really like named Rebo. Good fighter and friendly.

Another fighter was there that really created a lot of hatred. He is a 76lv leech. There are a lot of players like this. They start in the Citadel, move to the Nest then BSD. Never adventure, never explore, no interaction with others. Later they will sell in E-bay as the game is no fun for them in the long run. I called this guy a leech but in reality he isn't. A leech is someone who cannot fight and has to use others. No, a 76lv swordsman does not leech, he steals.

In one fight I got into it with a mage named Stannohkor. He acted the part of a proud skimmer. This really pissed me off. After a while of my explaining why his actions hurt everyone his tune changed. He said he was going to skim, but not me. The reason was everyone else cursed him out. I'm sure not friendly to a skimmer but I never resort to cursing. What would that prove?

I got the feeling that a lot of people had been leeching him or causing him problems. The temptation to just say the hell with it and join in the free-for-all is very strong. I really felt the pull but resisted. I may hate BSD because of the leeches but joining them would be a lot worse. With luck Stannohkok will see that working with others is a lot better than Skimming. In the end he was tossing heals my way.

There are times in BSD when people leave and Tuskers have a chance to spawn. I turned a corner in the second level and ran into about 5 Tuskers. As I battled more and more joined in. At one point there were 10 or 11 in front of me. As I killed one two more took its place.

I was lucky that I was set so only three at a time could get to me. I had to be careful to keep the hall blocked. Kill the wrong one and it would create a hole to let them in back of me. Several stamina elixirs later I hit 70lv.

Cliff Bowman finds a place to hunt.
A few weeks ago I made a decision to take Cliff Bowman out of the Citadel and hunt outside. Most things I fought fell with one arrow. A few free range lugies would take three arrows and some Golems took a few more.

I ran into Shadows a few times but mostly I was killing stuff worth 200 to 300 points. After getting over 2000 point for Lugies this was really slow. Still I stuck to my guns and give it a good shot. I explored the southern mountain ranges and had an interesting time.

For the time spent the xp was very bad. I was going to have to find a better place to hunt. I was not ready to hunt the Direland but got the feeling that I might have to anyway.

Talking with Maddie she said the new island had great xp for an archer. I said I would give it a try.

It took some exploring in the north before I found the portal to the new island. With a 1000 greater AP I was ready go give it a shot.

First thing I ran into was some new Mosswarts. They fell quick but a big stone idol attacked me. I killed the idol but it took a lot of arrows. AP's did not do much damage. Blunt did a little more and Frogs seemed best. I was still doing a lot less damage per arrow than I'm use to.

I found the LS and started hunting the third island. I only have melee defense trained so it is not great. It buffs to 235 or so. Still I was a bit surprised when I was fighting Shallow Destroyers. I mean I should evade a few times.

It is a good thing this is an outside monster. It has been a while since I had to do a hit and run while fighting. The Destroyers tend to be in packs. If you attack one you get them all. I found I had enough hit points and armor to fight one if I got a few hits in before it got to me. If I got two it was run time.

This meant I would have to return to finish it off and then take on the other ones. I'm sure glad archer's were quickened up. In hit and run it is deadly to be stuck loading an arrow when you need to be running. As it is I'm killing them and the new island dillos a lot. It is nice to be getting 10x the xp per monster. The loot is a lot better as well.

If I can get some time to hunt him I will make 35lv soon.

Balash's Story
I must live with my reputation, so I try to solo The Nexus tonight, first time I saw revenant. So it takes a few death to learn the pattern I need to use to tank them. Then I go down, I die 2 times after the drop where a bunch of shadows await us :) then I call reinforcement.

I break my tie to Aerlinth, then tie in the Nexus, Elder, Fist de Yuma, Maddie, Pantine, Mortok, Viva Yo, Mwaddeb and Jaster Mereel come with me. I think others came, but I dont remember. I miss a jump and fall in the acid pit, zap, another death. This one I though we will be unable to recover, mostly because I'm RED and only other PK is Mwadeeb. I recall, then we made it to the drop. Elder jumps before Mwadeeb de-buffs the shadows, like a crazy gharu, I jump too, and burn them. Soon, we have a shadow carpet on the
ground. We move in and found a body.

I pick up, then we move away, but not the good way, so we kill some shadows, then move. I think I moved to quickly, because after I recover, Mortok say : we lost Pantine! Just at this moment, we had a message about Pantine death and just moment after, the fellow was disband. Pantine was the leader. We all thought he was disconnect. I found his body near the second drop, but he lost only 3 mana stones. Pantine is wise enough to have mule all the good stuff before coming to my rescue. I summon again and I agree to turn white for a bit. I give to them all my stuff, Mwadeeb buffs a robe for me. Mwadeeb casts Acid protection VI on me and I jump in the acid pit. Mwadeeb and the rest didnt stop healing me until I recall at near 100 health and all but a greater mana charge and 43 Py.
A big thanks you to all of you.

Balash the crazy gharu swordman

FYI, I have burned the vitea in the nexus :) but I have not jumped in the shadow trap.

A Damien Daring story
Here is it, the whole story. As you know Ive been spending my time in OHN building up my stats some and raising my funds back up to where they were before the mattie robe. Ive been there for a few levels now and made it to 48th and I enjoy it. Constant battles that are always a bit dangerous based on the sheer numbers of soldiers, and great treasure to sell or to give to others in Elder. But, it has gotten a bit nuts in there with all the rude people and with people who dont know how to hunt in the nest. So Ive done some hunting around AB as you suggested. I took on my first Shadow LT yesterday and won. I also took on my first dual frag and killed it and got lucky, I pulled a small shard. You wouldnt believe the offers Ive had on that already. I muled it in Lin and Im thankful that Quren was there to help me. He was the only one there that I knew.

I was running around west of the center of town and I spotted something shiny on the ground. My curiosity got the better of me and I got close enough to ID it and went OMG its a Diamond Golem lvl 279. I went back to thinking about your battle with one thought I could at least try it.

So I buff with protections and banes from top to bottom because I wasnt sure what this thing would do to me. After I buffed and manad back up I got in close enough to cast. I hit it with a bludgeon vul III and imperil other III. It stood at this point so I rushed in and started swinging.

I had it down to 85% when it started casting, vuls, weakness, imperils. Then it started swinging at me again and was hitting hard, I healed up a bit and kept fighting. That is when it nailed me for 93 pts with a blade spell.

I knew I was dead if I didnt get away to heal. I tried to run but it got me again and sent me to the lifestone. To me that really didn't seem like a big deal because even though I had to buff my life protects I had lost all the de-buffs on me. So I buffed up and went at the golem again.

The bastard had the nerve to heal himself back up to full as I was approaching. So being the Daring that I am I rushed back into battle with it. The golem de-buffed me again and hit me hard so I went behind a tree to heal up.

After healing I went back at it, just before my first swing I lose block sync on my cable modem. By the time the modem was working again, I was at the lifestone now with a 10 vitae and missing my hauberk. Xae was laughing at me telling me that Im supposed to run from those things not fight them. I knew I couldnt take the golem with the vitae so I went to the nest and worked it off.

This took some time because I had to hunt with my weapon using 5s instead of 6s. It doesnt sound like much but it really is, especially when you have 4 soldiers trying to pierce you. That extra time it takes on each bug is that much more in stam potions I have to stop in battle to take. Anyway I worked it off and ported back to AB.

I rebuffed and went looking for my corpses knowing that they would still be there. But, the diamond golem was gone, replaced by turmocks. Well swing swing = dead turmocks. I got my stuff and kept hunting. I found another Diamond and did the same thing as before, buffed/imperiled fought, lost block sync and died.

Now Im really pissed cause I had it down to 58%. I come back after the modem resets and go back to my body. I wasnt near the spawn point so I could recover. At that time I also got a tell from Sayeret MaSad giving me the coords of my body and letting me know the Diamond was still nearby. I thanked him and this is when he realized I was right there so we had a good laugh.

Also nearby was another member of House Elder named Toowired. He is 40th lvl and MaSad was 42nd. MaSad said we should back away and I said the three of us could take it. So I rushed in hoping that they would back me up, and they did. The golem fought well, hitting me with the standard imperils/debuffs and war spells. But with the three of us there I was getting enough time to heal and we killed it quickly. The golem didnt have much in loot, just two gems worth maybe 800p. But my share of the exp was 18K. I am thankful for the help that Toowired and MaSad gave me. I want to take them on again.

Damien Daring

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