Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - January 30, 2001

New Island fighting
With my new protection setup I was looking for a fight. I had seen some Diamond Golems around Sanctuary the last time I was there and decided to give it a try. I also heard there was a PK and Un-Pk alter there.

I never found the Pk stuff. I know it is below somewhere. I found a coffin that needed a key. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I saw some stairs going up and that led me to a pillar on the side of Sanctuary. I saw you could jump to the top from there. I was surprised to see what looked like someone's room. A painting and bed. There is a portal at the edge that required a jump to get to. I was a bit apprehensive about that jump. It is a long way up and over the edge of a cliff. Not many would live if they fell.

Doing a walk jump I got to the edge and then took the portal. I was hit with a lot of spell attempts while doing the download. I'm not sure where I was but it did not look like a place I wanted to solo. It will wait for another day. I took the exit portal back to the room I found the portal in.

I headed around the side and found some tents. There was a Bone Lord there with a shield. I hate fighting the ones with a shield. I do a few points a hit so it is a long battle. After taking it down I found more. I left them as they are not worth the trouble.

Found a way down the cliff and found a 53lv fighter. There were groups of undead all around. The problem was each was in packs of three to four. Drawing is a pain but fighting four Dark Magus's or Dark Leeches at a time was not an option.

The two of us killed a few spawn sites and the loot was poor. To much work for to little reward. I'm going to have to explore that island more later.

Good scare
After all day waiting for the servers to come up I saw that WE will be up as well. I was worried about reserving my names. When I got the lists the new server was not there.

I started playing mage and had some hard fights. Just as I was attacking a bandie I was booted. I could not get back. Decided to try WE again and it was up. Go in and made Fist. Only the name was taken. I was pissed to no end.

So I made Fist de Mage, taken. Cliff Bowman, taken. I was about to give up on WE but decided to hit the e-mail list to see if a family member grabbed the names for me. No post so I made a rant post about it. Later Fist de Muya posted saying he had grabbed the names for me and then was locked out.

LOL joke on me. I told him to hold the names for a few days and we would fix it. Meanwhile I will have three players to unload their newbe stuff from.

WE players
I decided on a hard template for Fist. Might be a mistake as I'm not sure how much I'm going to play him. It will be 100, 10, 100, 60, 50, 10. Spec Life, Ua, lore. Train Item, Melee. Healing at 7, Mc at 16 and Creature at 40.

I was going to make Fist de Mage a Spec life/war but having second thoughts. Might make him an OG like MT's mage. Cliff Bowman will be a Life/Archer.

I'm sure I'm going to kill a mule on my second account and make a new Archer on MT. Cliff Bowman really has no future without Life magic. To really work it has to be spec'd as well. When I get my two computers working so I can use both of them on AC at the same time I will do it.

Jarad returns
As I have said before Jarad did not end up selling his player. He had a buyer but lost his e-mail for a bit and the sale fell though. Then he got enough money to not need to sell. Without a computer he still could not play but that was a temporary thing.

I'm not sure why but Jarad decided he wanted to try something new in UA. I will have to asked him what changes he made. He asked me to help him gain a few levels. I thought I would spend a few days getting him to 15 so he can hunt the citadel.

I met him in Qbar and headed out to a low spawn dudgeon that has 5 or 6 luges. When we got there we found a few people between 8 and 12 and a 22lv. What a 22lv was doing there I have no idea. With level VI buffs Jarad was doing well but the spawn was to slow. I saw that even at such a low level he could solo one so I suggested we head to Old Mine.

I logged Fist who is tied to the Subway to get us both to Awric. Jarad was 3rd level by this time. While I was buffing he ran to the stairs and waited for me. The Lich was quickly dispatched and we ported to Old Mine.

The late hour, players headed to WE and the citadels meant few players hunting Old Mine. The top part was empty of fighters and we had a nice battle with about 6. Even when not training a bow he was one shotting them.

The battles would go like that. I was step in and start Imperiling. I hit the ";" key and imperil the next. As I was the target Jarad had no problem killing each one.

It took us about 15 minutes to clear the place, which left use enough time to rebuff and do it again. Took us about an hour to get him to 12lv. My goal was to get him to 15 so he can hunt the Citadel but he ran out of arrows.

He went back the next day and got him to 15.

Lamer on the Island
Mage is doing his normal hunt, Bandies and Drudges. I'm fighting a single Bandie and see a red dot running up from the beach. I'm in utter shock when he started draining the Bandie I'm fighting. There is no mistake as I'm only fighting one. I start tossing lighting to kill it and Mysikal Knight runs off without out a word.

I have seen this loser around for a bit. I saw he was a loud mouth looter. I put it down to a kid with some PK skills that thought it make him special or something. I thought maybe he was playing an evil ppl and let it drop.

With his actions I know he is a true grief player. He got very little xp from me but pissed me off to no end. The only thing that saved my day was two pk's that hunted the little rat. Of course he was whining about being out of comps while being killed. As many times as I have seen him jump people while shopping or doing body recovery on island his whines were lame.

After the battle the PK did not want to loot. We assured Piercing Reign that if Mysikal Brainless had won the battle he would have looted him. With cheers from the crowd Mysikal Brainless was looted.

Fire Stone
I was in the hall picking up some shards and motes off my mule. I had won a bid for some coord V gaunts. Really want VI but V's will do. What is really nice is there plate which means I can fight with them like the old days.

A party was forming for a run at the Fire Stone. I said I would go but had to make the trade first. They held up until I got back.

My only worry was the charge level on my items. Most of my stuff I cannot read and have to spend time with True Value and a focus buff to check charge level. As I have to remove stuff to add lore buffs when putting stuff on, having an item run out on a quest is a real pain.

This had a few of my people going. Pantine and Maddie are mages vassals, Ty-po is a second player to a vassal of Fist's. (Liquid-Smack)

We took a portal to the Crater and started off ok. Quickly dispatching the monsters at the exit we started running to the vault. As we got there we got a message about Ty-po dying. A Drudge got him. I put this down to my error. The run had been very easy for me and I forgot that others could die here. I should have made sure everyone stayed together.

Then two more people fell off the ledge. When there is lag this will happen a lot. Pantine and I jumped into the vault and cleared the first part. One guy recovered his body and with Maddies help got to the vault. I saw he as 22lv so I asked him not to fight anything. A 22lv will die quick here.

While waiting my stuff started running out of mana but I had enough stones to recharge them.

It was about 45 minutes before everyone got there and we headed to the first jump. Maddie and I were going to jump down the first hole and kill the monsters. I knew someone was going to fail a jump and we lacked mages to clear it.

I was surprised to find there were not much to fight. I think Turbine had to reduce this part as lag was killing more people than anything else. Maddie, me and the few who missed the jump ran back and got over that part. My jumping skills have improved a lot as I had no problem with any jump.

After the second jump we got a message that Ty-po had died. I send him a message saying to wait. After everyone got a stone we would recover his body. I hoped to get him a stone after that.

Few people missed any jumps after that and in no crucial spot. One of the Infernals was missing along with his entourage. The same could not be said for the end but with support the Infernal fell to my new cold weapon. (Mage found a nice one on the island.)

Everyone got a stone and we ran to the exit and hopefully to meet Ty-Po. We got a message, Ty-Po dies. Then Ty-Po dies. And again Ty-Po dies.

This was too strange and was happening to fast. Then we got the news, the island quest was on and the Crater was full of fire monsters. The spot Ty-Po was porting to was camped.

We got a portal to Lin and then back to the Crater. We buffed up and headed out. This was a hell of a battle. The Infernal in the Vault is the big fear. Now I'm fighting two and three of them along with Magna Golems.

It was a running battle for a while and I got separated from Maddie and Pantine. I kept looking at monsters hoping to find the Hellfire. This is the Boss monster that must be killed to end this madness. Later I found that a 49lv fighter had got him.

I was only in danger one time. While fighting an Infernal another one blasted me while a Magna had drained me a few time. I took off running with 30hp. One lucky blast would have got me. What had saved me in this battle was my new setup.

Thorin Darkblade found a shield with invulnerably VI on it while hunting with Mage. Just before be moved on to a new alliance he give it to Fist. This let me replace my helm with one that had Magic Resistance VI on it. I had also been adding to MR a lot. I'm not stopping the big stuff but the little stuff cannot touch me. This meant I could kill the big ones, which automatically killed the small ones.

I think I killed 5 Infernals and who knows how many Magna Golems before we got that side of the lake clear. Ty-Po got his bodies and Maddie had to recover one as well. I thought it was over but it was just beginning.

I moved out in to the lake a bit and saw a mass of orange dots. As much as we had fought and more. I messaged the team and started drawing them out. Pantine joined me and we fought side by side for a while.

Ty-Po was doing his best but with 40% vit it was more frustrating than fun for him. As he was our only mage this was a pure fighter battle.

More people were porting in to help but we had it mostly clear by the time they got there. I can say it was the most fun we had in a while.

The timing was good as things could have gotten very bad. Ty-Po still needed to get the body in the Vault but wanted to do it with Liquid-Smack. He needed a ride to the Crater. I made a portal to the Subway and tied to Crater. I was half way to Tou-Tou when the server crashed.

The rollback put me in the Crater again. I was hoping it was before I had tied to the Crater as getting my Subway tie back would be a pain. I tested it by doing Portal Recall and ended up in the subway.

The greatest vassals in the world
I have said before how great my vassals are. I seem to attract players that are better than I am. They do more than I did at their level and we have a blast together. Only my greater power and time in the game keeps me up with them.

One of my regrets is not being able to get a Virindi Amulet. With a 45lv limit on the place both my players are to high to go.

I logged on in Lin and got a message from Pantine. Him and Maddie had gone on the quest and after 5 1/2 hours both got the Amulet. They were tired and getting ready to log as I got on. Pantine said he gave his to Maddie to hold as he did not have the death items to keep it if he died.

Maddie gave me his to look at. I was green with envy. The item IV was nice with the low lore but the Mana Conversion VI is a key spell I have had to do without. I gave it back to Maddie as Pantine got into the hall.

Maddie gave Pantine his Amulet who then handed it to me. I joked that if they kept handing me this I was going to keep it. Then Pantine told me to read the inscription. He was giving it to me to keep! 5 1/2 hours of work in a deep and dank dungeon, full of danger and adversity so I can get an item. I'm at a loss for words.

Corba La
My first alliance (and only other one) was Cobra La. I have said before how strong the players in that alliance have turned out. I was running to Lin and someone asked me to stop. This was Cobra La himself. Of course it is a new player he is using. He keeps looking for the perfect ppl. This was Cobra P something.

I was on my way to meet a vassal and could not spend too much time. I sent a message to the vassal that I would he a bit and stopped to talk to Cobra. I need to add a name to the list of great player in that old alliance.

I have a friend named Fael Crom. He saved me the day I had two bodies camped by two Nobles in BDC one day. We had talked a few times but I never knew he was in Cobra La. Fael was over 60 last time I saw him and should be a lot higher now.

If Cobra La was still together it would stand up to any alliance today. In addition to Cobra La and Fael there was Jann, one of the top mages in MT. Wartorn the top Archer in MT. Sidhartha a powerful spec'd war mage over 75lv. Wuyung a 60lv fighter and of course me.

There are others that if they stuck with it would be up there. I have not seen them in a while so they might or might not be gone.

Shard hunting
With Cliff Bowman on the new island I needed to find a new way to get Shards. I had just traded my only 4 and need 32 if I'm ever going to get mage no drop armor. I'm sure someday I'm going to have to go PK as our PK team sorely lacks mages. I'm not going to give some slimy looter my Mattie so I need no drop armor.

Fist is very fast and I felt I could run from Mayoi to the land bridge while killing all the Fragments in no time. This worked well. I got two Shards and then took the portal back to Mayoi and did it again. This time I only got one shard.

One more trip netted two more and I had enough of it. I had been doing this on the cheap. I put BD VI on my gaunts and used nothing that drained mana. This meant no lower armor and only my leather BP on. It has a 256 lore requirement so I can put it on without activating it.

For western Direth this was no problem. My melee defense is such that there are few monsters who can touch me. The only close call was a Shadow LT who got two blasts on my back. Hit for 82 and 86 before I even knew I was under attack. A raw 296 run got me out of that.

With BD on my gaunts I was one or two hitting the Fragments. It was just like the old days before I got a weapon. In fact my tests show for attack power Plate Gaunts are better than a Centus. Where a Centus come in is defense. When fighting the really big stuff I need a defense plus.

As I was half way to AB I decided to put on my armor plus protection and run there. The three times I had made this run it was full of Fragments. I also knew there was a change in spawns and wanted to see it.

Lot more Drudges now. The Virindi with Tuskers is a nice touch. Lot of the new Extas Lugian and some Gigas. These were able to do a little damage, as my Missile defense is not as strong as my melee defense. The Grievver's gave me little trouble.

The main advantage I had was using my new Virindi Amulet to advantage. With the Mana Conversion I could put BD VI on all my weapons. The ones I used the most were plain Gaunts, Fire, Electrical and Slashing.

Gaunts were used for anything that hates blunt. Took out a Bone Knight and a Fragment with them. Slashing was for Grievvers. Fire was for Umbris and Drudges. Lighting was for Bandies and Lugians.

It was a nice adventure but the main reason for the trip was fragments. The whole way I only found one. It was guarded by two Umbris and other stuff. The fragment was nice enough to chase me so I killed it away from its guards.

Hardest fight was of course the Shadows. Did not get any great loot but a hell of a battle.

Newsgroup tales

Do to the writer not wanting his players known the names on this are changed.

This time to let you laugh at my weekend. After bumping around trying to take on 29th level Lugians with only BD III and Bludgeon bane III working my vitae up to 22% I said enough of this. I went back to the beach where Lrd Deathbringer had once trained me. Even as gimped as I was due to the vitae I had and only able to cast level one spells I fought my way back. Over and over again I shot my arrows into anything that moved......and those pesky monsters had the nerve to not just fall over and die for rude.

I was tackling grommies to golems with the occasional shark and wasp thrown in for the fun of it. I worked my way down to 11 vitae when bang from behind a grommie spawned with its head in my arse. Needless to say when I awoke at the lifestone I had this strange burning sensation on my rear. At first thinking I had been violated in a gruesome way I realized that I had only been scorched with its acidic breath.

Back up to 16 vitae, I went back with a vengeance. Sighting down my arrow I saw that grommie looking right at me and I fired. I nailed it right between the eyes. Then it got mad and charged me....I tried to load another arrow and I stood there like an idiot. I forgot to reload my quiver from my backpack. As the monster is bearing down on my I pull out the last arrows I had, loaded my bow and as it spit green death at me I launched an arrow, catching the grommie in the throat.

It gurgled its last breath and fell at my feet. I searched the corpse and found an acid protection II gem. I immediately used it and went after two more grommies I had spotted. This time I finished them both off before they got within 30 paces of me. I continued hunting, catching three water golems by surprise I quickly worked my vitae down to nothing and actually got a mote off one of the water golems to my surprise.

Hearing from Fist how I could hunt at the old mines I tried to get there on my own. I tried going through the Arwic mines to get there but being unfamiliar with them I had to portal out due to impending death via Banderlings and Mosswarts.

I used the town portal and went back to Tou Tou to make the run to Hebian. The run at times was a bit dangerous due to some Hunters and Vorous shreths that were near the roadway but I made it there with little trouble.

I made my way to the Qual portal and immediately went to the lifestone. I knew the run to the mine would be dangerous but I was determined to get there. I start running wishing I had true speed, but I finally get there after only taking minor hits from monsters chasing me including my first encounter with skeletons. Since I didnt know the area that well I decided that running was better than dying at that point. Which is why I didnt attack the skeletons.

I make my way to the mine, there was a large crowd of Lugians outside, Obeloths and Lithos alike. Since I was up way at the top of the hill I decided to try to take one out. What I didnt realize was that the hill I was on one that the Lugians could much for my perch. Even though I was shooting at an Obeloth, a Lithos decided to come up and discuss my shooting techniques with me. However I wasnt in the mood for a conversation, as I had to catch a portal. So I ran into the mine with this Lithos on my tail.

I made it inside the mine with 3 hp to spare. Taking some deep breaths I healed up and went back outside, seeing that the area outside the portal was a safe area as long as no one dragged any monsters there. I tried to tie to the mine when I realized that I had no yellow tapers, needed for the casting of the spell. Lucky for me another mage was around and he was more than happy to share a few with me. I tied to the mine and proceeded up the hill back to the perch I had recently left.

Seeing a few fighters taking on the Lugians in hand to hand combat I decided to rain death from above. I took on an Obeloth that wasnt engaged, it was only throwing rocks at the fighters. I was able to hit him twice before he turned his rock throwing attention to me.

I developed a strategy since I was at such distance. I would shoot twice at full, then turn and run a few steps and suddenly stop. This tactic seemed to make them miss me more often. After stopping I would take another two shots and repeat the run tactic.

I did well with this, and did my best to avoid leeching while hunting. A few times it happened where I shot one that was engaged in error and I promptly stopped shooting and apologized. The fighters that I had done this to took it in good understanding telling me no problem. They saw that I had only taken one shot and as soon as I realized my error I didnt shoot anymore. In fact what I did do was walk up to the fighter and treat his wounds so he could keep fighting. I got a few thanks for that which made me feel good.

Right now I have a mule in Lin, making bloodseeker and lightning infusions. Im going through lightning arrows like they were water.

This was titled Mage turns to the dark side. I would like to think she is seeing the light.

A while back I snuck in to OHN with some melee friends to try my magic skills against Olthoi. I got out alive, but wouldnt have survived by myself. I wrote the place off as a melee place. Too many resists, fast attacks, lots of critters and easy to get surrounded.

Of recent Ive started branching out more. Im a somewhat gimped, 4 schools all trained mage with melee d. Since my previous foray into the medium grade mine with just a matty robe, I returned with melee friends and meleed the place with some success. This was good and not a little fun.

So its time to go back to OHN. Ive got together backup gear if my mage buffs drop. I wear End IV, Acid IV, Coord IV jewelry. I wear a copper AL 124, imp IV, str IV, pierce bane IV hauberk. green Quick IV shoes help with speed of swing. I really want a pierce IV item to complete the set, or any level V stuff (just have blue armour V pants). As I normally self-buff I give this kind of stuff away to vassals normally. Now I understand the value of good gear.

My dainty buckler is AL 84, no magic, buffed imp VI, p/a banes VI. I have some grey UA III gaunts. Finally I wear a virindi mask for backup melee d. Reading back youll notice I may qualify as one of the worst dressed ladies in Dereth, but Im not in OHN for a date :) I buff Life/Item/Critter VI prots/skill/wpn buffs and head in.

This set up gives me melee d 247, ua 262. My wpn gives +10 +8 with VI buffs on top. Quick buffs to 160.

First thing to note is Im hitting. Thats cool. Workers go down and I meet my first soldier. Heres the test. Others are swinging and theres a general melee. While not as fast, or getting the kills, Im still hitting,
evading, not getting critted and if I do take a hit, it often registers for 0. Suddenly this is very cool.

A few trips later and Im getting confident. Down the ramp to lvl 3. Oh, dear. Things do change a bit. There seems to be a lot of bugs, and my poor speed means theres not much respite. This time I have my patron with me. Hes a lvl 62 mage, in a robe and swinging with his staff (similar template to mine but spec lore and mana conv). In the first big melee we make errors, theres grunts as crits go in. Stam potions are getting downed, along with the healing potions. But we survive.

Pretty soon we've worked out corners, how soldiers run along walls, like luges in the citadels, and how you can train a line of pursuers to a convenient corner. We even start walling the corridor, picking our targets carefully so as not to get dragged in, or let any get behind. Alcoves become our friends. Im starting to feel like a d00dess with no fashion sense.

And to think we'd both got so far and thought we knew so much, when really we only knew part of the fun available. Mage vs melee ? I dont think so. Mage and melee, what a template ! ;-P

So the question is now, healing at 60 or bow at 70 ? I think healing, those bugs need more attention.

53rd Mage with psychotic melee tendencies

The game is fun and having a good laugh at your self makes it better.

I logged in this morning to find I had lost only 2 levels. After getting back to level 17 fairly quickly... I headed towards the Abandoned Mind Subway to take a shortcut to a city where I planned on logging out.

I had plans this morning... and the subway seemed like a good place to log as when I logged back in Id be in a good place for deciding where I wanted to head. At any rate, when I got there I discovered the wife would be a little longer getting ready than I originally anticipated. "Swell", I thought to myself... Ill kill a few of these Zombies I see walking around while I have the time. I run around a bit killing Bandy Guards, Ravers and their younger brethren with abandon and then head towards a few Zombies. At some point I start getting completely lost but think little of it as the Undead Miners dont seem to be much of a threat. A Dark Revenant? Whats that? Probably another low level zombie I think to myself moments before Im portaled to the lifestone in Zaikhal minus my pants, boots and a handful of gold.

"Whats that? Youre ready to go honey?"

"I wonder where that body is?"

Oh well... I lost nothing from the rollback....but I cant say the same for what I lost to stupidity. :)

Lee Quillen
aka SomsMachine

lvl 27 Sho UA (Solclaim)
Lee Quillen
lvl 13 to 17 (depending on rollback) Sho UA Fun Gimp :) (Solclaim)

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