Success in the Vault
I you have been following my stories you know that the last few attempts at a Acid Stone have not met with much success. The problem was always a guide. The Vault is no a place to be stumbling around in. I got a call from some players that wanted to try it.
We had a few family members and my great vassal Jarad Ryjuii. With a good guide and a lot of power it was a walk in the park. In fact I did not make much xp for the trip. I know how hard I'm fighting by my stamina use. I was never below 250 out of my 300.
Only bad part was at the stone room itself. Last time I was here we did a draw and run to get half of them. But we only had three players then. This time, against my advice, they changed to the tunnel. I decided to go to the top ledge and fight. It is not a bad jump to it, especially if you have a 300+ jump skill.
It seemed that most of the Soldiers decided to take me out before going after the rest. My first attempt at jumping was disrupted when a Soldier got in the way. My second attempt I was too far back. This got me into a strange situation.
The Soldiers had grouped in front of me, which was why I was further back that I wanted to be, and tightly bunched. I landed on top of them. I could not jump, walk or do anything but stand there. I took a bit of damage but could not fight back.
One of our fighters came out of the cave and attacked the soldiers. After killing a few they unpacked enough to let me drop down.
After that it was an easy. They spawned, we killed them. Everyone who wanted a stone got one. I think I can find my way back now.
Lost Vassal
I had some hints that Sidhartha was going to leave me. He wanted to go off on his own. As most of my vassals were under him I was not looking forward to it. Strangely he broke rather that let me release him, in a hurry I guess. I lost two ranks with that. I'm sad that he is gone but I understand. The xp and rank, while not unimportant, were secondary to me. He is an old friend and I intend to keep it that way. Good luck Sid and watch out for the new weapons.
Sidhartha told me he wants to out level me and have me swear to him. Not much chance of that I'm afraid. I'm happy in Killean, but wish Elder was around more.
Current levels
As many know I have a lot of PPL's. I still spend 75% of my time with Fist (Sr.) but the others are moving up.
Fist de Yuma (Sr.) 60
Cliff Bowman 24
Fist de Yuma (Jr.) 18
Fist de Mage 21
Mage Tank 20
Cliff Bowman 14
Fist de Yuma (III) 12
I also have a mystery player on a server. I will give a few hints. He is a mage. He is very low level, for now. He is currently in beginning cloths but will use a robe in the future. He has no patron. His name is one word. He is a low maintenance ppl, nothing but comps on him.
I will have to think of a reward for the person that first comes up to him and asks, "Are you Fist's mage". In any case you will get your name printed here.
Lot of changes with the new patch.
Shadow armor
Has no effect on me but does on my friends. Jocasta has been working hard to get the stuff needed. She is just short of doing it. Now all the work is wasted. I understand that there was a balance problem. Mostly due to patrons giving a 10lv the armor. (Or so they say.) I feel sorry for Jocasta and others that worked so hard and are now messed over.
No ties
This has a big effect on me. I'm tied to a nest. I cannot break that tie, which limits me for other adventures. I also like to bring friends to the Nest to hunt. Not being able to summon there prevents that.
I was working on getting Portal Tie for Fist (Jr.). He was close with a buffed item of 111 or so. Now I will not be able to tie to the Lugi places.
Lower spawns
This helps me with Fist (Sr.). There is no lack of Soldiers to fight. I'm tied to a lesser-used Nest. With no summon there will be even fewer players there. I can now explore it a bit more. There are places where I'm attacked by 15 to 20 Soldiers. They would start re-spawning before I killed the last one. With the fast spawn I had to use level V spells when buffing because I never had the time to use level VI. Now after clearing a place I can rest and rebuff with level VI.
Lugi places I'm not sure of yet. Only one I tried is the one Cliff Bowman (MT) is tied to. It is in of the lesser-used ones. There were only a few players there and no lack of hunting.
New stuff
I have not gone to the new island yet. I hear it is the badest of the bad. I will probably go with Elder, Killean and other family high levels in the near future. The main draw for me is reward. Is there anything there worth the risk?
Have not had time to hunt outside other that a story below so I have no opinion on the changes there.
Hollow weapon
Went after the ore but don't think I will get one. Fist is not a PK player. In fact I don't have much use for PK. But I will help the family with scouting in the coming war. Might not be fair to have a player that can go most anywhere and cannot be PK'ed but them's the breaks.
Ore adventure
When the patch was done, and I found a way to get around the log on bug, I logged in Fist (Sr.). Jarad was on and he thought there might be something in Old Mine to do with the quest. It seemed logical. We were searching for a ore mined by Lugies.
He had explored the entire mine but could not get past the locked doors to the Lich Castle. I said I would be there in few minutes.
I grabbed my Armor V hat and Lighting weapon and ran to the Awric mine then took the portal to Old Mine. I opened the door to the Lich Castle and put on my magic protections stuff.
Two players had beaten us there and the first part was clear. With our help we cleared the back end in record time. But it was for not, as we found nothing worth while.
We then headed to the surface and did some running around. Jarad wanted to check out the Shadow Armor smith in Eastham. I headed back to Awric and logged.
When I got back I did a little hunting in the Nest. Being a slower spawn I was going places I did not dare to go before. Not so much because I was afraid of dying but because of the cost in Stamina elixirs. I still burnt 9 stamina bottles and some Heal elixirs in some big battles.
After I got back I headed over to the Lin Hall to check on the family. A group of mid-levels knew where the ore was. They asked me to go with them.
They knew the coordinates but not the route. We were going around a mountain when someone asked use to help with getting his body. I thought it was strange as we found his body very close to where he asked us. The reason for needing out help quickly became apparent. We were attacked but a bunch of mountain rats.
While running around trying to kill them I was attacked by a Shadow LT. It first I thought it was another player as the change made it hard to see in the snow background. With a bit of lag and the mountain rats pulling me around (sticky sucks with lag) I lost the LT.
When I finally got control I found two of our party fighting the LT. I ran over and started pounding on it. I still had the Lighting weapon out, but with my buffs and abilities I was still doing bad damage on it. Just before it fell it got off a blast that killed one of us.
We had to wait for a bit for him to get back and recover. Meanwhile another player found us that we had left behind at Old Mine.
Finally we got everyone together and started running. It was a long trip and we killed a few things on the way. I knew it must be at the spot by the large group of white dots. Seemed half of Dereth was there.
We buffed up and headed in. I had heard of the Lugies having weapons, including rocks that ignored magic buffs on our armor. Just in case I poured the points I had got from the Nest into Missile D.
We quickly found our way through the passages to a mined cave. Some magic traps that I resisted or were not for me were at the entrance.
I followed the left-hand wall, running into a few Lugies. Lot of mage bodies. It seems everything in a buffed robe was dead meat.
We found the spot where the ore spawns and it was camped bad. Someone said the ore had not spawned in 6 hours. I had read that it was broken on one server. It seems if you are standing on the spawn spot during a spawn it will not spawn and will be broken from then on.
I did meet a fan of my column. He had always wanted to meet me. You guys/gals make all the work on this a real joy. There are days I would rather play than write. It is players like that keep me going.
With no ore spawning I ported back and logged.
Strange names
Fist de Yuma (Jr.) was in the Qbar Lugi place. In a room were a few fighters and a mage. The mage was named "Have a big Salami". Not exact as he did a few letter twits but that was the just of it. I said "LOL You might just as well named youself pencil dick." What was sad was he is a 29lv and not a bad player. He did not rise to my bate and even healed me later, but what a sad name.
Hard Lugie place.
When I logged on this morning The Saint greeted me. He had a bad night going after the better ore. Died once and then three more times trying to recover. This is a good player and 40+ level. Lost all his armor and some magic items. I logged a mule and found the best base armor al I could for him. With the new weapons a good base armor is a must.
I know Jarad wants one and of course The Saint will go back. I will post the story later.
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