Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - July 17, 2001

Ok, who are you and what did you do with Raidon?
I planned to wait a few days before getting my life VII's. Figured it would be a mad house like it was with the other scrolls. I had all my important scrolls and knew the spot to turn them in was in the middle of the Dires. I'm LS's near the C-note Fortress now so it was a little run. Figured I would check it out.

I'm still a bit suspicious about how fast these places are found. All four are in spots no one would have a reason to go to. At best it should have been weeks before someone stumbled on them. Instead within hours of the patch everyone knows where they are. Very suspicious.

So I get there after a bit of a run, lot of stuff trying to add my head to their trophy case. When I say this is in the middle of the Dires I'm not kidding. I had never been here before. Strange stuff.

At the Life spot it was not too crowded, about six or seven people. The line was informal in placement but everyone respected it. It was a nice group of people. One of the nice people there was Raidon. I have written about my conflicts with him. Have not seen him in some time. He is 96lv or so now. I mean he was so nice I asked him if he had sold and someone different was playing. Still the same guy. I guess we all do a little changing. I wanted to ask him where he buried the real Raidon.

Since there were not a lot of people I went ahead and turned mine in. I got lucky and did not lose any. Others were losing 1 in 40 so I guess they are getting there.

Level VII's
I'm in Mage heaven. Now all my spells are lasting 30+ minutes. It takes me four minutes to buff, leaving me 26 minutes to hunt. I found myself checking the timer thinking I had to be out of time. I would have 11 minutes left.

The de-buffs are a little harder to toss. With a 354-life skill I'm fizzling. Not really bad but in combat it only takes one, two in a row really hurts. Will be putting points into that for a while.

Before I was getting 200k to 250k of xp per buff. Now I'm getting 400k to 600k. As buffing is the boring part of the hunt this is really nice. With people getting themselves slaughter over at the new island I'm having a lot of good hunts.

Good deed for the day.
Came across the body of Most Rude Grasshoppe the other day. He was on a hill near a few spawns. I spent some time clearing it for him but Grasshoppe was not showing up. I sent him a tell. Seems he was having problems getting into the C-note fortress.

I found out later he was 55lv and the C-note Fortress can be a bit troublesome at that level. I said if he would trust me I would loot his body. He had to hurry as my timer had expired and my buffs were going to drop real soon.

It took him a few tries to get the syntax down but I got permission. Looted it as three Bandies ran down the hill at me. I had my LS recall set to go so I was gone before they did much damage. I gave Grasshoppe his stuff. I buffed him up with VII's so he could work the vit. Always try to do one good deed a day.

Honor can cost if not smart.
Oleander was making a trade with Made in Canada. Part of the trade was for a Shendolain shield. To do this Made in Canada had to @lifestone. Oleander had permission to open the body. He looked and saw the shield.

Now the smart and not dishonorable thing to do at that point was to grab the shield and finish the trade. I don't know if there was a prior agreement or if he was just trying to keep Made in Canada from being nervous. Instead of grabbing the Shield he left it on the body and gave the trade items to Made in Canada, with the intent of getting the shield after doing so.

If it was a prior agreement then Made is Canada is a scammer thief. It not then she/he is an opportunist thief. After getting the items Made in Canada grabbed the shield and logged.

So if you plan on making a trade with Made in Canada, be aware that she/he is not to be trusted.

Fist de Yuma Jr.
I had thoughts about starting a new UA while writing my essay on Drainers. If I can yield they die before drain becomes too much of a bother. New Island convinced me. I have always known that Fist de Yuma was a gimp. Fighters in their 60's are as strong as I am. Only real advantage I had was pure XP and a lot of knowledge. I felt that getting to 120 and picking up life would change things. It still might and Fist de Yuma is not going away any time soon.

Jr. is the second player I have use the "Fist" template on. This is my own invention. I'm sure someone else has done this but I have not read about it. Template goes like this.


Spec Life, UA, Melee
Train Lore
Healing at 7
Item at 20
Mana Conversion at 40
Creature at 80

His melee will be a bit behind Fists because of the lower quick. UA will be 10 points higher. Other skills are mostly based on Coodi and Focus which gain 40 points over Fist.

I had thoughts of making quick 40 and focus 70. I know I need 190 quick to be at full speed with UA. With a 35 point buff from an item that means I need 155 raw. One hundred and five points over base is not hard, even one fifteen is not that hard. After playing I decided I was glad I did it the way I did. Quick is costly right now. Still I might regret that when I'm pushing to level VII spells later in life.

Leveling will be fast at first and then tail off as I set him off on his own. It took me 11 months to get Mage where I like him but I feel Jr. will go faster. For one he has Mage to buff him for the first levels.

After creation I got him to Lin hall and passed off some good if mismatched armor to him. Then I ran him and Mage to old mine. It did not start out well.

First part was empty with a group leveling some vassals. I got deeper and saw the four that camp the main hall. I charged forward and my modem went "Click".

I was assured that it was a 12 hour resetting that was my disconnect problem. A nice guy that reads the column works for my IP. He reviewed the logs and said that was it. So I make sure I redial before I start to hunt. Must have been something else this time but I was not thinking kind thoughts. Even with redialing I'm getting disconnects. So far that was the only death I have from it this week.

I redialed and got back in. Not even started and already have a death. I had forgot to change the LS so I was far away from Old Mine. I had my mage loot the body and started again.

This time everything worked well. Other than not having Quick VII and BD, HS or SK VII's everything was working smooth. Level to 15 in an hour or two. (I fixed the lacking VII's later.)

At 15 I moved him to the Lin Citadel. I knew from leveling Deadeye that he could fight in the main room. I was well stocked with stamina elixirs as that was all I really had to worry about. With a well buffed shield the hits I did take were for 0 damage. Funny to see a screen with "you are hit for 0 points of damage" all over it.

He is currently at 25. Would he higher but the main room seems to be the playground to 38 to 52lv players. I had to leave with Deadeye at 30 because the XP dropped so much it was not worth fighting there. I hope to make 30 in the next few days and head to the Nest.

Goal is 40 this month and then be on his own. I feel self-buffing is what I want. New extended time on buffs will make it worthwhile to toss level IV spells. He will be in the Nest until 60 and then maybe the Island. Not sure if he will be able to de-buff anything but I can hope. Landing an imperil on a bandie will make it die quick.

Reason I dislike Citadel
Other that people fighting there who should be fighting much harder stuff but it is the leaches that piss me off the most. I mean there are five lugies and this ass has to run over and attack the one I'm fighting. I switch and he switches with me.

I was hoping it was just us both thinking they same way but the delay between him switching after I did disproved that. After a time I said, "Please don't attack my target." So I started getting lip from him. "I don't see your name on them." "You don't own the lugies." "You are weak." "Lets go PK and I'll beat your ass."

Now it is funny. I was 24 at this time and he was 23. He has his patron there healing him. I was soloing the room before he got there. He had to leach me to stay alive. I started to wonder if he was talking about me or himself?

In any case it did not last long. Some Lugies tried to rock him to sleep with real rocks. A few hits and he ran. I could not resist. I turned to his patron and said, "Why is he running?"

I guess his patron got the point and they did not return.

What can you do?
There has been some talk on the boards on what we can do about thieves and looters. Thieves are a bit hard but looters are easy as the below post will demonstrate.

Posted to Elder Board
Everyone pretty much knows about Dark Anarchist, hes a thief and a looter who likes to make life miserable....

Yesterday he looted two more people from Elder, portalling when confronted with real competition. He then logged onto another character, Anarchist, came to the Lin Meeting Hall and gloated about his Deeds.....

Enough was enough, war was declared and the Dark Anarchist Grief Club was born.... We had people camping his LS, his portal drop, Lin and Tou Tou for the evening.

Many thanks to all the people that helped to make his life miserable, Zale, Stan Marsh, Beadly, Quren, S L U G, even more joined the struggle later on.... Also thank you to the people who were spies! Zanza, Dragons Eye, Mercedes, and many others were sending us information about his whereabouts during the evening!

Did it work? Was it a success?


Dark Anarchist Grief Club 5!!!

Dark Anarchist 0

He was looted of Masters robes, after awhile he started dropping jewelry... another couple nights of this and he will find out what it truly means to be a looter on Morningthaw!

Thank you everyone again! AWESOME teamwork!

Level 73 Mage
Yielder of the Behemoth
Long Live the House of Elder!

This has been one of the better patches. Other than people who have 1st generation templates and feel things are getting out of hand we like it. Here is one players adventure with the Bore. I took some pride in this post as most of the people he is naming are Elders.

Well here is a little (long sorry) story of my adventures last night,

Started nice, got on compd up got some mana stones and headed for the sing. Bore. I did not have a tie so I figured I would run through the plains and grab a few plants along the way. That was fine, duck and weave grab a plant from a diamond golem and run like Hades lol, so I was having a good time and found 3 along the way before I got to the bore portal. Upon my arrival I had my orb equipped and was going to tie and got rushed by mucho virindi masters and other very close orange friends, so I had to jump in without tieing. Had 47hp upon entry.

As soon as I get inside a tusker runs up and starts hitting me silly, so I run around like a school girl until he falls in a pit. In the meantime I am sucking down healing potions like no ones business. Got healed up, a few more peeps ported in and asked if I was heading to the bottom, and I said sure. So we got buffed up and headed down the ramp*shivers* nightmare central. We cleared the ramp of the animals there(helps to have a mage to imp and vuln btw). Got to first pit, and what a lot of bodies, at this point I start to wonder if I should be here. The mage imps everything and the drop off is cleared. So we got a free run as someone had come through right before us so the monsters had not re-spawned (luck btw). Got into last room. All was well until the group that was there ported and left us 3 there to kill the spawn in the last room(ack). Full spawn and mage was the first to get it then me then next guy. So I am sitting at the lifestone and ask for a ride to the bore. A guy named pen said he had it and would open in Baishi. So I got back in and angelwawa-whoz yo daddy, and supra were there so I asked if I could tag along to recover and they said np. Buffed up headed down and lag and pow in the pit I stand with more monkeys than a zoo, smack the LS again.=)

So supra says why did you jump in and I told him I lagged in and he said np, angelwawa would loot the corpse for me and meet up later. So I found pen in Ayan and asked for another ride and he said he would come and help me recover. So he was buffing and a mage friend of his came by and buffed me with lvl 7 buffs and we headed to the bore. Got to the first jump and got swarmed by a full spawn, (hellllooo LS, didn't I just see you??). So now I am at 15 percent.

Got buffed up again and headed back, we were at the ramp and were getting ready to go and in comes Mars-hill (hell of a guy btw), so I ask Mars for a hand and he says sure. So we get to the drop-off and recover with the help of Mars and I see people jumping in the pit so I jump in also to help. Yep, smack hello lifestone. At 20 percent vitae I am sitting in Ayan laying naked on the ground asking myself if I should just close my account and move on when people kept giving me tell to give them permission. I was amazed at all the help I received. Everyone was just so helpful in there.

To end, I got back all of my items and gave pen and the buffer some goodies for there help and thanked Nars and angelwawa (could not give them goodies as they just ran off after the much needed help and just said yw). Dragons eye came on and I told him the story and he offered to burn vitae but I didnt want to burden him with the buffing and such, just figured I would work it off and let off some steam. Dragon's eye is the best if anyone didnt know that :"). Sitting at the LS in Ayan a lvl 35 Elder comes up and ask if I could help with body in doc and I said sure (Kaylen),very great guy. We teamed up and worked off both of our vitae in last room with the Raveners and had a great time doing it.

Anyway, that is what happened to me last night and just goes to show there are still lots of great peeps still around Dereth to make it very enjoyable. Sorry this is so long but I felt I had to write about it. Later, Jalisco.

ps: thanks go out to Dragons eye, Mars-hill, Pen, Kaylen, Angelwawa-whoz Yo Daddy, Supra-sword, and few other people with those odd names I cant ever seem to remember :").you guys were the greatest.

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