Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - June 13, 2000

Lag was bad all weekend. Friday's lag cleared up when I needed it but then I started suffering a loss of mouse use. Turned out that my ball-less MS mouse was going bad. When I get lag this bad I do two things, drain in the lugi fort or learn spells. Not wanting to do either I played though it. Then it got totally unplayable on Sunday. Mage Tank now has all his third level spells.

When I get lag, death is much more common. But only death was due to a hard hitting shadow child. Fist de Yuma (Jr.) did not make 15lv due to the lag but did learn portal recall.

Fist de Yuma (III) is up to 7lv. Wanted to push to 9lv and get item but lag made it too dangerous. Met some nice people. One gave me 3k in notes so I have some armor now. The other was still using his practice bow. I recommended he get a Yumi and I think he did. It was strange how we think alike. We both get exactly the same spec's and trained stuff. His stats are a little different than mine. I have a harder time now but may be a little stronger later.

Finally got my stamina up to the point where I can fight a Mosswart. But I only do it if it is the last one standing. Mostly it is, shoot hole in Mosswart, wait until it starts moving, shoot until dead, run. One will follow, rest will drop back. Stop and melee last chaser. Do it again.

No bragging about not dieing. Many deaths. With no armor it was only a matter of time.

Lag caused a lot problems. One time I was with my new friend and started moving to loot the body of a drudge we had killed. Lag. I wake up in the middle of Mosswarts and Reedsharks. Friend was with me and this caused them to split their attack. Because neither of us got it all we both lived. He said he was surprised I ran into the Sharks but went with me anyway. Good friends like that are hard to find.

The Big Event

The Killean clan has a mail list to keep each other informed on what's going on. I decided to see if I could get an all Fist de Yuma tree event going. After losing The Saint I wanted to be sure all my members knew how important they were to me.

After posting my message I felt I was not being fair to leave others in Killean out. I posted that anyone who wanted to go was welcome.

The trip was going to be to the Olthoi Nest. I felt we had enough good fighters that we could protect those who were a little weak for the Nest. I had followed the right hand wall before and found some good hunting places. With 6 good fighters we should he able to protect any weak ones by walling.

Problem was everyone wanted to go. This is not bad but when you get that many players together it is hard to control. Additionally I was about the 4th or 5th strongest player there. This made me hesitate to take charge. If I was the strongest I would have had a firm hand on everything.

A few hours earlier I started to prepare for the trip. I ported to the Nest and went outside. There I made a clean tie. My old tie was a tie of a tie. I would need to make portals. Then I stocked up on supplies and made sure all my items had a full charge.

Of course things started off late. Some players needed to go to Mayoi to stock up. Others were in far off corners and underestimated the travel time. Many in my tree are not subscribers to the mail list and heard about it late. So about an hour late I made the portal. A few players were not paying attention and missed the portal. So I had to toss it again.

After we got there I got a message that a major player had missed the portal. He was at my Lifestone so I ported there and made another portal for him. If you are counting I'm doing a lot of portaling and making portals. All of this is burning comps and I'm not keeping track. This was the cause of my downfall.

When I got back I found that a lot of the players had headed off following the left-hand wall. This left most of the member of my tree there. That was fine with me. We headed off, fighting a few Workers. In one long hallway we ran into a lot of Soldiers. In this battle two of our players fell. I went back to the entrance to escort them back to the bodies. While doing this Sidhartha got jumped by 6 workers. A 49lv mage is powerful and Sid has some nice armor to boot. But with no melee defense he had little chance to defeat 6.

Sidhartha does not get Item magic until 55lv. He is working hard but that is a lot of points to get. Sidhartha is a fighting mage, than means he will not hide behind walls or leach. This gets him into trouble a lot. He is even using armor now.

Sidhartha had tied to my Lifestone so I could get him in case of death. So two quick portals later we were back together. I created a fellowship to help Sidhartha work off the vit. We needed to do this quickly as most of his items were unusable with vit on him.

We got all the bodies and started following the wall again. At a dead end we found a chest. One player tried a key and found some good stuff. I tried a key and got expensive junk. Was thinking of trying another key but the spawn rate prevented me.

We finally get it clear again. Before we could try the chest we got a message that the stronger party had run into a trap. They all were killed or ported. We headed over to help them.

At a ramp leading down we were attack by a large horde of Soldiers. Far too many to count. I was trapped in the center of this mess. At the edge a few decided on the beat feet move. This took enough Soldiers away from me that I was able to run.

At this point we were in bad shape as we all scattered in different directions. Some died and others were just lost. I was among the lost. Only my second trip and had no idea where I was.

The good thing was I was back in the first level somewhere and only had to clear out Workers. Rather than play in this maze I decided to port back to the beginning. "You are missing a component". Darn, all the portaling I had done had burnt up what I needed.

My weapon ran out of spells and I kept being attacked. I would win but the stamina drop was bad. It took me so long to kill the Workers that they were spawning too fast for me to get my wand out. Finally I had enough time to get BD V on my weapon. That let me kill enough to get my other spells on.

I was in contact with Sidhartha during this. He told me that Elder had showed up and got his body and the bodies of his vassals. That meant I just had to worry about myself.

I headed out to try to find the beginning or someone who could replace the missing powder. I ran into two guys and asked them if they could spare one, no answer. We had a few battles and I asked again, again no answer. I never found out what their problem was as we were attacked by a bunch and they both died.

I ran and it was a gauntlet, workers everywhere. I ran into a dead end and had to fight. After killing them I headed out again to find my way. A large group again got on me. I ran into a place I had been before. But that was not good news as it was not a friendly place. It is two rooms with an S shaped tunnel between them.

I ran into the room, through the tunnel into the other room. This had a ramp leading down to a very large group of Soldiers. I was not going there. I reversed my travel and ran back into the other room and out where I had come in. Still being chased I tried to follow the wall, knowing it would in time lead me back to the beginning. I know I did not change directions but somehow I ended back in the two rooms with the S shaped tunnel between them.

This time I was not so lucky. I was trapped and was going to have to fight my way out. I had my back to the wall but the Soldiers were two deep. This meant I would have to kill at least three Soldiers before I would have a path, if no more joined the battle.

Three things defeated me here. My piecing protection had run out while I was running. I started with a full change but I had been there a while. Earlier during a fight my BP had also run out. This was making it hard but I still should have been ok. But the final piece fell it place for them when my weapon ran out.

This decreased my fighting abilities and my defense. I still killed two and was drinking stam and heal, but when defender V ran out, I was carved up in seconds.

Well that is one way to get to the mage store for comps. Only problem was I lost both my BP and leggings. Two master robes, a death necklace and a chain shirt I had pulled out of the chest joined them.

I quickly headed to Awric to get comps and my backup armor. I got a message from a 60lv. He was forming a body recovery party and to wait for them. After I ported in I met Igor the Ignorant. He is a very good fighter, better than me. I felt the two of us could recover my body. I had a good idea where it was as I had been there before.

We followed the right hand wall as that was what I did the time I found the room. We had a few battles and despite needing 12k a vitae point I was clear of vitae when we hit the room.

We cleared it out and I went to the ramp where my body was, no body. Aaaa there are two of these rooms, knew I did not get turned around. With that knowledge I led the same way I had been running. Sure enough we came to a matching room and my body was there.

The two of us then joined a few players going to the second level. We were both lagging and it was getting dangerous. Igor disappeared so I messaged him to be sure he was ok. He had ported so I followed.

I messaged the leader of the body recovery party that I was ok, tired and was logging for the night. I was emotionally exhausted. "No doing" he said, I was needed. There was a bunch of bodies where the strong party was wiped out.

So I reluctantly ported back. We had a strong party but not as strong as the first one had been.

We smashed Soldiers until we got to the place where it had gone wrong for us earlier. We were weaker that the first group but stronger than the second. With little difficulty we cleared it out.

Several bodies were recovered there. We headed deeper until we got to another ramp (Forth level?). We cleared out 10 or more Soldiers on the ramp and many members ran into the room. I always felt it is better to fight in a hallway as you can get your back to a wall or keep then in front. I learned that in this case it was a big mistake.

There was a reason they ran into the room. The hallway is a deathtrap. First about 7 ran into the hall from the room. No problem I thought, then the 10 or so we had defeated spawned back, big problem. There must have been a lot more in the room as I quickly noted only me and the party leader were left. He was outside of the pack a few yards away screaming "Port Fist Port". Only reason I had stayed was I thought the others were still fighting. I hit a stamina bottle, and three heal bottles and ported out.

Now I'm really tired but got a message, we had to do it again, one body left. Took a deep breath and ported in.

This time it was only three of us. Bad, very bad. Party leader thought it was possible. We headed down. I was fighting 4 Soldiers and the other two headed to the last ramp. I had killed two of them when the party leader ran over with 10 or more in his tail. He said the other guy had gone in too fast. He stopped there and we fought them. Then more joined in and my stam was under 100. Decided a tactical retreat was in order. I ran as fast as my 300+ legs would let me, taking most of them with me. Humm they chased him, but now wanted me.

When I got free the party leader messaged me, they had the body back. I ported back to a well deserved rest.

The next day I saw a message about some stuff found. I had inscribed some of it. I was about to make inquiry when the next message said the owner had been found and stuff returned. I found that Sidhartha vassal Po had left two bodies in the Nest. Also Jarad had recovered his BP but had to port before getting his death items.

Still in all the comments were positive about the trip. Even with deaths and lost items every one had fun. No one was saying the Tusker dudgeon was harder any more.

Back to BDC

Another day of very bad lag. I was playing Cliff Bowman on the beaches. Running in place a lot. Then it got unplayable. I was in the beach and could not move. Then I was deep in the ocean being attack by two gummies and a water golem. Then I flashed to the grass above the beach and was being attack by Banderlings and Reedsharks.

Finally I got a minute of clear and got to a safe place. I logged there and brought in Fist de Mage. Planed to let him drain. Lag was so bad the luggies were dead before I could toss one spell. By being persistent and having a few minutes of clear ever so often I get him 20lv.

Then I was booted and could not get back. I have had that problem before and cured it by turning the modem on and off. After doing that my lag cleared. Darn two days of lag and such a simple fix.

I logged Fist (Sr.) to check on some stuff. As soon as I got there I saw a party of Killean's headed out to BDC. I grabbed the portal. I intended on hunt Nobles. Only thing I missed while fighting in the Vault and Nest where the Noble type of loot. I only had an hour or so to hunt.

First stop was the lower jumping pit. There were a few bow-users there, all running from nymphs. Never could see how someone who could not fight a nymph could kill Nobles. I was not in the mood to play the bow-user game so I did not kill the nymphs. This let me get the Noble free of bow-users for a bit.

After getting that Noble I headed to the pit. There was an archer and axe man waiting on the Noble. The archer had one of the new quest bows. I did not think I had much of a chance with them there.

The Noble came and I was hitting ok but missing a lot more than I thought I would. But I still got the rights, to my surprise. I found nothing worth keeping from the two Nobles yet. I later found that my unarmed master V gloves were not working. I put my armor on when a lot of people were buffing. The noise kept me from hearing the fail to equip sound. I had forgot to put my lore item on before putting my gloves on.

I headed up to check on the ramp Noble. It was not there so I headed back down. Coming up and Laz the bow-user, running away from the Noble. When I got it to stop and attack me the bow-user and archer attacked it.

The archer got the rights on that one. I head up to the ramp Noble. I had time to rebuff my weapon. Laz the bow-user came up as well. The Noble spawned and I would not attack it. He said he was at 130 burden and could not last. Humm he expects me to take damage so he could kill the Noble, all out of the goodness of my heart.

I got an agreement for sharing before I attacked it. Not needed as I got the rights. But I still shared with him. I grabbed a head and a wand. Wand turned out to be a Life III. Not sure what Laz was yelling about but he was very happy with what he found.

I headed down to the jumping pit for that Noble. Jarad was there and he came with me. We were too late for the Noble and kept going to the pit. Despite a bunch of arrows in it I got that Noble.

Jarad and I then camped the ramp Noble. That one had nothing but comps on it. I buffed my weapon while Jarad headed up the ramp.

As I got to the jumping pit Noble it was already dead. I was happy to learn that Jarad had got the kill over the bow-users there. Melee was ruling that night. I got the other two Nobles and called it a night. Not much loot, disappointment there and not much xp. I would have been better off going to the Nest. But Jarad and I had a good time anyway.

I think with most of the melee in the Vault and Nest bow-users and archer are taking over BDC. I saw very few melee there. I see no bow-users and only a few archers in the Nest.

Growing up

Laz the bow-user was having an argument with the Archer and Axe man. It seemed that while passing an xbow to ID they messed up and dropped it. Laz had scooped it up. They had about given up hope of getting it back when I asked Laz to give the bow back. He argued but did return it. He is 14 and it shows, but slowly he is learning.

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