Very good weekend, despite a lot of lag. At times I was going yellow at least once a minute. I'm not sure if it is my IP or my modem. I hope it is my modem but I cannot afford a new one with my job going away. I will have to borrow a modem and compare.
The adventures for Fist (Sr.) were in the Nest. A real adventure when you stop fighting in the middle of a battle because of lag. A 320-melee defense is a must there for me.
I have two fighting spots in the Nest. A lag spot and a non-lag spot. The lag spot is an L shaped dead end passage. About 10 workers spawn in the first leg and 5 or 6 in the second. Only hard time is when I first get there. But after I clear it out the spawns are split enough that is it is easy to keep it clear. There is enough time between spawns that I can rest, loot and buff.
The second spot is two rooms with a short S shaped passage between them. This is harder but the spawns are split enough. Soldiers are there as well. If I clear it out too quick or someone comes in and kills some I can go to the second level and draw some soldiers up. But of course in both places you have to be able to kill a Worker and Soldier faster than the spawn rate. That may mean taking two or three others with you.
Body recovery
The Nest's biggest problem is body recovery. If the spot was bad enough to kill you then how do you get the body back with lesser armor and vitae? But that is not biggest problem as most who can go there have Alliance support. If not there are a lot of players that will join in to help you. Now the biggest problem is finding the body. The place is a maze and if you don't keep track of where you are recovery is going to be a problem.
Mostly this occurs when running. It is hard to keep a mental map when you are running for your life. I have seen players running all over the place looking their body. With the spawn rate and sticky that can lead to more bodies.
The first recovery I had was in the middle of the week. After porting in there was a big battle. As the last one fell a player asked me if I would help recover his body. Of course I agreed. I was a little concerned as we headed left. Left is very hard, leading to large packs of Soldiers.
But the two of us did well. I was a little worried about him as we were in the middle of a pack of Soldiers many times. I know I can stand in there but had no idea if he could. We finally got to the point where we had to hide in the side holes to lower the amount of them that could get to us at once.
After we rested up from a big battle we turned the corner and found his body in one of the holes. We had a bad battle but came out ok. I finally got the time to check him out. Well hell, he is 65lv. Rather than worry about him he was probably worried about me.
The next one was while teaming up with a new friend. We had done some trading. I got an item for three keys. He has another item that he might trade me for. I got the keys but he needs to talk to a vassal first.
We seemed to be hitting it off and he said he had never seen an Olthoi. He was strong enough that I was thinking of the Nest. He said he would like to see a Noble. That meant going to LOD as I was not tied to BDC.
He needed to get some stuff off a mule first. His mule is in the hut close to the Disaster Maze. While he was muling I got a call from Sidhartha. Someone had died in the Nest and needed help. My new friend agreed to go with me.
I made the portal and we headed in. There were a lot of good players there to help. James IV was leading the rescue. The victim was an Archer. The problem was he had no idea where the body was.
At the start the path splits left and right. He could not say which way he went. James was out searching but this was going to be hard. The Archer seemed very confused. I guess the death was terrible for him and it might have been his first time there. (Archers are starting to go there now, darn it.) We searched for a while and more players were porting in to help.
My new friend messaged me he had almost died and had to port. There seemed to be a more than enough help so I ported to finish our trip to LOD. As soon as I ported to Awric he logged. I talked to him later but forgot to ask what happened. (I found later that the body was recovered.)
As I was set to go to LOD I decided to camp the Noble. Since a lot of players are moving to BDC/Vault/Nest LOD is not packed. I was surprised there that no one was in the Noble pit.
I killed the Noble there and waited for the re-spawn. Two low levels ran in to check it out. As I was there they decided it was safe to be there too. An archer came in and asked if I had killed the Noble. I expected him to be mad but he was relieved. He wanted a place to buff. Not the LOD I remembered.
After the archer left the three of us waited for the Noble. They made it clear that if I was not there they would not be there either. I was hoping to get some good stuff but only one item was worth keeping. (Focus VI hat, diff 249) Killed the Noble until my wife demanded I go to bed. (It was 3am.) I dumped a lot of stuff on the two players. They had fun facing the Noble. One was attacked but as I would kill it in about 20 seconds, faster from the rear, he was not in that much danger. He shouted "Look at me, I'm tanking the Noble."
Me and a Vassal
Ibn expressed interest into going to the Nest. At 30lv he knew he was not ready. He said he would take one death and call it a day. I felt if we could get to a good spot he could do ok. He had to have me there, as he does not get Item until 35.
We ported in. I lead the way until we got to one of my hunting spots. I decided on the lag spot, as it is a bit easer. He could fight there if I helped. He kept his back to the wall and I would kill any Olthoi that tried to gang up on him.
We did this for a few spawns. We had to get to the beginning, cannot remember why. On the way out we ran into about 10 workers. Two got in his back and quickly killed him. I killed them and ported out to get him back.
We got back to where he had died and I lagged. I came out of lag with about 15 workers on me. I had run to the bend of the L shaped passage. This let both groups attack me at once. Made it easy for Ibn to recover as they all were pounding on me at the end of the hall. Others were protecting Ibn so I just had to fight my way out.
I had been able to buff with level VI spells so fighting 15 workers was not a big deal. I remember when I would have to play tricks so I could fight one worker in LOD. There was a time when an Olthoi on my back was run time. I remember running as fast as I could because three Workers were coming. For those having trouble with more than one Olthoi, it will come.
Ibn found someone with a tie to Awric. We met at my LS and I made a portal for him. Otherwise Ibn would have had to run home.
Low levels
I played my low levels a lot this weekend. Between the bows and xbows I'm not using my unarmed skills much. But Fist (Jr.) tried a dungeon outside of Eastham. There the xbow was of very little use. I find my unarmed/bow/xbow is the way to go.
Outside I can get a lot of points by killing golems and sharks. Most of them fall before they even get close. Those that don't are so weak that they fall with one more shot. Of course I get spawns that surprise me but my melee is high enough that I can stand up to two muds and a water golem without to much trouble.
But inside my weapons and shield are better. Best of both worlds.
It is so surprising to one shot a mud/shark/gunnie. Have not one shot a water golem yet. Mostly takes 4 or 5 shots. But they move slow so unless they spawn next to me I don't get hit.
The big difference is in really hard stuff like Shadow Childs. Cliff Bowman on MT has frog arrows and BD III. A Shadow Child will get hit for 30 a shot with frog arrows and 60 crits. Fist (Jr.) only has piercing bolts and only BD II. So Fist (Jr.) has to shoot and then change to melee and a fire weapon.
Fighting Lugies
I was in the Lin hall the other day. After talking to some players one said he was tied to the new Lugie place. He was logging and asked if anyone wanted a ride before he left. I had never been there so I took the portal.
I buffed my electric weapon with V's and headed in. My first battle was a surprise. I can kill a lugie in about 10 seconds. They swing slow. Despite this I was facing so many of them that my stamina was going to fast. I had to retreat and re-think it.
Now I buffed with my VI's and tried again. I cleared one room but was still having problems when facing never-ending swarms. I saw a fighter and joined with him. But he was trying hit and run so he was not much help.
Finally joined with a 35lv fighter. With two we could clear them before they would spawn back. In no time we mopped up. With so much fighting I did not loot. I forget about the guts so many want. Next time I will be ready to loot.
The big surprise was how few people where there. I had heard tails of portal storms in the dungeon. I saw a total of three other players.
I have defined a lamer as someone who makes the game worse by their actions. A common error I have made is to define someone as a lamer when his actions made me mad, but few others. This was the error I made with the former owner of Monty. Him and I are becoming friends believe it or not.
The pitiful thing is the new owner is a lamer. He is a thief. A thief is a pitiful person but a high-level thief is beyond belief.
So I will not post the name of this person but if he keeps it up he will fall into lamer status. I was going into the subway, heading to a newbee town. I had found some stuff that I felt was not worth saving but too good to sell. In that case I go to a newbee town and hand it out.
I was about to open the first door when someone else opened it. The second door was open already. I hit the third door and felt I had better get my weapon out before facing the liches.
While searching my bag for the right weapon someone came up and opened the door. I got the fire weapon out and buffed up enough to use my shield. The shield requires a melee of 292 to equip so I need to buff a bit to use it.
As I started forward I got a tell from the player that opened the door. He was mad I had not thanked him. I said I was sorry, I had been looking for a weapon or would have opened it myself. Then he said I still should have thanked him. I said I agreed. Then he surprised me. He said I was a stuck up SOB and he was so glad he had left Killean. I sent a tell saying I was sorry but he had squelched me. That did not stop him from sending me tells about how lame I was. I really don't understand how he can squelch me and still be able to send me tells.
A third level was in town with no BP. The name was Fist . She approached me because of my name. She had no idea who I was. This was perfect. She was as happy as could be with an al 147 BP.
Later I was having a long talk with Obo. The conversion turned to lamers. He said he will leave BDC when Mental Midget Soldier (aka Elemental Soldier) or Whoda shows up. We agreed that Whoda's biggest problem is greed. That other than that he is a nice guy. We both have a big problem with his greed but that is our only complaint.
But Mental Midget is different. He is greedy and unpleasant. He will try to get other killed and will never help anyone. The hateful venom he spews is hard to take. Obo said he uses the Mental Midget Soldier name but no one else has picked up on it, YET.
My job is going away next week and I plan to spend some time killing Nobles late at night. That means I will be running into the biggest lamer of all a lot. Glad they have made a permanent squelch command.
New Vassal
The former Sentinel Ash has joined our group. He knew Killean from a long time back. He had read some of my stuff and wanted to be in my tree. He expected to be placed far down but I surprised him by putting him directly under me. A second level would not expect that. But he had paid his dues and of course will be a high level in no time.
The first step was to start power leveling him up a bit. Sidhartha was on and could give us VI buffs but without item getting there would be hard. Sid just hit 50lv and feels he can get to 55 and Item in a week. LOL the tusker dungeon is a nice xp place.
I saw the Ibn was on. He has started a mage that is a vassal of Cliff Bowman. He could toss level III on Ash. I gave him some notes for comps and buffed up Ash's weapon. Drudges fall fast with level V's on the weapon.
I got a call from my former vassal The Saint. After he left I told him he was still my friend and to come to me if he needed anything. He had died running to the new town and needed a BP. Ash was getting the level III buffs so I logged to get a mule.
I have some ok BP's but I knew the mules on a different account had a BP that matched his leggings. I changed accounts and got him the BP. He was very happy. I saw that he was still unaligned and really wanted to ask him if he would come back. I did not want to seem like I was giving him stuff as a bribe so I just logged back Fist.
The three if us then headed over to the Awric mines to hunt. Cliff Bowman's vassal had to log so we were talking a bit before he left. The Saint showed up and I introduced him to my vassals. We had not been there long but two of us were portal stormed out.
Ash was in the mines. I headed in and saw him another fighting a big V shreth. I kept track on Ash's health and he was doing ok.
Ash and I hunted down to some portals. I had never been to the Mosswarts section. That was a bit disappointing and we took a portal out. We ended up in a far North West town. We took a portal from there to Cregstone and Hebian-to. I said we should go to the Fort near Hebian-to.
Ash was having a good time fighting. I was just there to keep his weapon buffed. A few players joked at me about a lame 57lv killing Mosswarts but they knew I was not fighting so it was jokes. Best one was "LOL you must have some killer vit."
Now the thing that made my day. I got a call from The Saint. He wanted to come back! I was overjoyed. He used the subway to get to Hebian-to and swore to me. Ooo happy days. I'm not sure what happened to him and he might tell me someday. I'm just so happy to have my brother back.
We made plans to go to the Nest the next day and he logged. We got Ash to 7lv. I was hoping to get him to 9lv and Item but it was to late.
It is days like this that makes it all so fun!
Sidhartha has been fighting tuskers for a few days. That means a lot of comps burnt for little in return. He asked if I had some spare cash. I use to carry about a million in D notes but that has fallen to about 400k. I told him I had two D notes he could have.
He asked to meet his vassal Guinness in Awric and give him the notes. There I found that Guinness has a tie to the Tusker place. I decided to take a look-see.
I buffed up before going but somehow had put all my level VI spells on a necklace instead of my weapon. That's what I got to trying to hurry. I pulled out my life IV orb and did the stamina to mana bit. That got my weapon ready.
The place is packed! Most of the players were mages or archers. On the first level the life expectancy of a Slave was not very long. I found a ramp going down. There was another group. I went past them to a passage and ran into a few Guards and some fat kids with masks. Not being sure what I could or could not fight I ran back to the crowd before turning to fight them.
They fell quick so I felt like I could do ok. We cleared out everything and I saw a chest. I have three keys but saving them for a trade I hope to make. About this time I met up with Sidhartha. I gave him a D note and we hunted together.
The thing that was pissing me off was a leach bow-user. Every time I got into a battle, there he was leaching. If anything attacked him, he ran. I checked his level, 33. No way a 33lv should be in the second level. Finally a tusker ran over and killed him with one shot. He did not have time to run.
Sid said that there was little danger and great xp. There was little danger because of all the players there. That changed. Most of the others started to leave and we found ourselves alone. Sid said it was dangerous for us to be there now. We were about to move up to the next level when everything spawned.
We did not want face them in the open so we ran to the ramp. There the two of us faced a horde of guards. Just the two of us! It was great, me burning them with my fire weapon and Sid draining and blasting. When it was over I had found that one battle netted me over 100k in xp.
Another fighter joined us, a swordsman. The next spawn came and we were ready for them. I guess the swordsman got a hard hit because he suddenly ran. Problem was the one I was fighting ran after him. I was lucky to have 2000 pings that night. As the tusker ran I was dragged with him. That let the other guards get back shots on me and left Sid alone.
I guess most of the tuskers followed me as Sidhartha got out ok. We met back at the entrance. Po, Sid vassal, showed up. Sid buffed us both up and ran back to town. He needed to cash the note I gave him and get comps. The prices in the new town are outrages but without item he has to pay it.
My lag was getting worse and worse. A lot of times a Tusker would fall before I could take a swing, even though it was right next to me. I hated to be fighting three and have everything freeze. I knew I had killed the one I was fighting but would then stand there and let the other two hit me. Would take about 5 to 10 seconds before I got Fist back but it seemed like a long time.
I stayed on the first level this time. Somehow I had become a Tusker magnet. A Slave would run around a pillar, past two Archers and three Mages to attack me. But the stupid things would take one or two swings and attack someone else.
I did this until I had made my goals. Goals were adding 5 points to my mana conversion and getting a point of Unarmed skill. Made about 1.5 million in total xp for the time there.
Next goal is getting a point of Item. I may do this by adding three points of Focus.
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