Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - May 22, 2001

I don't often comment about patches. There are a lot of people and places that tell that story. There is one thing that bothered me about this patch. For some reason people feel they have been hurt, even though their exactly the same or better off than before.

Let me give you a personal example. I took Lore at 40 with my mage. After taking leadership at 60 I have to wait until 90 to get healing. Getting Lore was important because of the short lasting spells. I was using a strength VI, Endurance V, Focus V and Self IV item. I would toss level VI in Self and Focus and use the items for backup when they fell in the middle of the buffing cycle.

With the new patch the spells last as long as my other spells. This means I on longer need the items. Now some would complain that this skill was nerfed. In a sense it is as I'm not going to use lore as much. More important to me is I have gained overall.

I had to rebuff my self and focus after it dropped. I don't have to do that now. I can carry less mana stones as 5 mana burning items have gone away. That will also open up 5 slots in my backpack, not to mention the open slots the mana stones took. The items themselves were 500bu total weight. Lastly I don't worry about them dropping on death.

So I'm lighter, spending less on overhead, less death items and have more slots. Why would anyone complain about that? Somehow they do.

I wondered about the 0 bu on pyreal. Quren put it all together for me when he pointed out this was for the new auto comp buying. I was worried about how they were going to do that when we could not carry the pyreal needed to restock.

Of course some will be able to make money by porting from place to place. The can buy cheap and sell dear. No big deal, it does not affect me and people have done that in real life for ages.

I like the savings I'm getting with this. My last stocking I saved having to take a loss with d-notes. I use to get d-notes in AB at a 10% loss. I then took a 20% loss cashing them at the Tired mage shop. Still not ideal as there are not enough slots to carry all I need, but still a lot better than before. I had 270k in pyreal when I was shopping. I still had to cash a lot of d-notes. It's nice that I can cash the notes before going back to buying.

Getting platinum scarabs were a pain. My mage is strong but not strong enough to cash two d-notes. A platinum scarab cost 44k. I got 40k for a d-note. You can see my problem. Now as long as I have slots I can cash notes.

Of course the lazy thieves are having a field day waiting for people to fill up their backpacks. When a pack overruns the pyreal drops to the floor where the thieves jump on it. People learn quickly and that will go away.

The other complaint is the armor improvement. People with GSA felt they have been nerfed. Good steel armor is as good or better in rare cases. I really don't understand this. GSA is as good as before. It is still no drop. Most people get GSA to use not sell so who cares that the trade value has dropped.

Peas for shafts and arrowheads is a great idea. A bit costly but I can now carry more than enough gear. It is nice to stay in the field as long as my mana stones last. My only problem is having strength for 250 arrows if each type. Breaking a bundle for one monster is not effective.

My slots are even better now that I can stack my potions higher. Heal and stamina stacking to 12 was a pain. I have spent over 12 stamina elixirs in a single battle. Now I have 39 stamina and 50 healing Elixirs ready to go. It is a very nice addiction that will help everyone.

What I'm saying is look on the good side. If you have not been affected but others are now better, so what, you have not been affected. If a skill is of less value but your overall better off, your still better off.

Is my armor of less value to me, of course not. If I wanted to sell it the value is less but I would not sell it so it is a non-issue.

Stop being mad at stupid stuff and start having fun.

Last word on a semi-useful change. The new body reporting will save some a little time. Portal storming and other deaths will no longer be as big a problem. I find the biggest complaint with lost bodies are due to lag deaths.

This is a particular problem because a lag death is not the player's fault. As the report of death location will never be seen this change is useless for that. It may be that there is no way they can tell where your body is. That information might not be saved. If there is they should give us a way to get the location.

As a careful player I keep track of my location at all times. As it is now a careless person is saved from himself. A death caused by lag is still punished.

Acid Vault
I got a call from Unikz asking if I would like to go on the acid vault quest. This a fun quest for me, even though the macro bods have messed it up a lot. I told him we needed a temple tie and a good group.

I met Unikz in the subway and started seeing the people recruited into our fellow. Most were in the low 30's and upper 20's. There was a 22lv there as well. Now I did this quest with two upper 30's but was sure this party was too weak. I thought this mainly because some would not be able to fight one soldier by themselves. I was sure we would be doing a lot of body recovery.

Things got better when a few low 40's were recruited. Now I knew we could quickly dispatch the spawns and the weaker members could hang back. We ended up with about 10 people.

Unikz made a portal and we all jumped in. LOL he had messed up. We all ended up in Awric. We all ran back to the subway and started spaming for a ride to the swamp temple. A nice person took pity on us and made a portal.

Everyone buffed up and we got ready to head out. The run was nasty as usual. I had a load of de-buffs, which wore off quickly, and over 100 points of damage. Getting lag turned in the middle of the run did not help things. I was in a mob of more bones than I have ever seen before.

Inside we waited for the de-buffs to go and I gave out the rules. Don't fall behind, don't run ahead. Follow instructions. There are two re-buffing spots. There are spots I will have every one run though rather than fight. If you die we will work on body recovery but only after everyone gets the stone. Lastly, if in trouble don't run. If your going to die, die where we can find you.

I could see there was going to be one problem and in hindsight should have worried more about it. Unikz was a mage and was taking a long time for buffing. This creates several problems. Everyone else's buffs are warring away while he buffs. The lower members were using level IV spells that don't last long. Younger members will not want to wait. The time taken lets everything re-spawn.

I learned from this. Next time I will ask the mages to make a minimal buff, just protection. As he could not land a spell on a Soldier attack buffs were not much use.

We headed down and got to the first tunnel. We were missing a few people so I headed back. An archer and Ariek Blade came with me. It was Unikz that had been left behind. After a running battle we cleared a path and got everyone together.

We got to the bridges. It was clear that me, another UA named Ariek Blade and the Archer were going to do most of the fighting. I wish I had got the Archers name down. I feel he is rather young but has a great future. He was by my side, taking a lot of damage and being very effective. The main thing about Blade and the Archer was how the three of use meshed together. We made a great fighting team. Every move I made was mirrored by these two for maximum effectiveness.

The group overall was outstanding. No one ran off, every one followed instructions. The weaker members helped each other and kept out of the way. Unikz attempted a few blasts but then fell into support mode, healing and buffs.

At the end of the bridges we stopped for rebuffing. Everyone was done but Unikz asked us to wait. Before he was done the Solders re-spawned and we had a big battle.

There is a spot after the bridges where many a party had fallen. I had everyone run through and fight in the next tunnel. That worked nicely.

When we got to the acid river I told everyone not to jump! I have been here where someone would say jump and get people killed.

The macro bods were on the pillars and I was again scared out of my wits after getting dragged to the edge of the pit. I really wish Turbine would get rid of the pillars.

The fight under the acid river went well and for once I did not get lost. I have a problem with that part. A few lag turns and I have no idea where I am.

On the other side of the acid river we got to the re-buffing spot. A few were worried about having to jump over an acid pit and I assured them this was not the case. This was just a safe room for buffing and we were going out where we came in.

Again Unikz asked us to wait. There was a re-spawn and I ran back to the room to protect the people buffing. The room was empty of people but I did not think to ask of they were done buffing or had been run out. It turns out Unikz had been run out and was still buffing. I assumed he was done and started everyone forward.

We hit the stone room and again the macro bod's had cleared the spawn. Turbine keeping the ledge Soldiers from jumping down also makes it much safer.

Everyone crowded into the cave with me and my two partners protecting the entrance. I noted as soon as we got in that the fellowship was gone. Then I got a message from a very upset Unikz. We had left him and he had died.

I felt bad about that because it was my mistake. Everyone got the stone and I said for the weaker members to port out and the stronger to be ready for recovery.

I had the recovery members hit the exit and meet Unikz. We had 5 people outside. Unikz almost made it to the vault. I did not check what killed him but he died about 20 feet from the entrance. I told him to give me permission to loot his body and not attempt that run again.

By this time we were in the vault and now there were just three of us. It was the two that had been by my side the whole adventure. The Archer had to leave so that left Blade and me. We ran outside and got Unikz second body. I had him give me permission again so I could get the other one.

After the first tunnel Blade and I were trapped. I hoped to run passed this part but a horde of Soldiers coming out of the tunnel we were going in blocked us off. It was going to be a knock down drag out battle with 20 or more Soldiers. Blade must have gotten into trouble as he suddenly took off into the tunnel. I was locked in battle and could not help him. Blades death message came a short time later.

I broke lose and ran back to the start. Blade was in the Sub trying to get a ride back. I told him to give me permission and I would get his stuff.

Now the adventure really begins. Other than a few bod's I was the only one in the vault. I had soloed this before but only because there were several groups keeping the Soldiers busy.

I fell back into my old kill and move mode. This is a style I used often in the Nest. Kill a group and move forward. Only change was trying to run passed the really crowded parts. Knowing where the defensive cubbyholes are is key to this.

In the spot where Blade and I was trapped I was able to get to the cubby just before the bridges. I don't know how many Soldiers I killed but it was a lot, a whole lot.

Just before the bridges I found Blades body. I looted it and kept going. I got across the bridges as fast as I could. Ran by the mess in the next section and got to the acid river.

By this time I had word that Unikz had died again, just outside of the temple.

At the acid river one of the bod's was being run by a real person. He said hi. I told him why I was here and he asked of I needed help. I said yes, any help would be welcome. I'm guessing he called on friends because soon my old vassal Hu-II gave me a tell.

I asked him to help Unikz get his body at the temple and I would find the last one here. I knew I could jump over the river but decided not to chance it. I hate acid river/pits and will always go around if I can.

The path under the river is a mess for one person. I kept getting lag turned and trapped in dead ends. I don't know how many Soldiers I killed but it was at least 50 before I got out. Twice I found myself back at the start.

After I got out I met Hu-II next to Unikz's body. Hu had jumped over the river, braver than me I guess. I thanked him and ported back to AB.

Blink was broken but someone gave me a ride to the Sub. I met Blade and Unikz and gave them their stuff. It is a good thing I stay well under burden and their items were light. Even with three body lootings of stuff I was only in the low 90's. Later I found that my Strength VI bracers had run out of mana.

Other than Unikz not getting the stone it was a great adventure. Seeing Hu again was outstanding. Vassals come and go but friends are forever.

Bad day for Jeff
I was in the new islands hunting with my Archer. I got a tell from my brother Jeff. He had a body at the very bottom of the Nest. I waited in Lin for him to get to me. He made a portal and we headed off.

Jeff has gotten really good. A bandit rapier and a good template eats bug for breakfast. Still he needs to work on his melee a lot. At 37lv Olthoi can still hit hard enough that a few bugs can overwhelm him.

After soloing the Acid vault the Nest is a vacation. It took us two buffing cycles to get to the bottom. I expect Jeff will be a true powerhouse soon. He just needs to watch where he dies.

That said I got another tell from him a few hours later. Him and a guy named Silven had bodies in the Acid vault. Not this was a horse of a different color.

I met them in Mayoi and Silven made a portal to the Temple. Nasty run again with lots of new stuff. The three if us headed down to find the bodies.

Jeff said he was killed a short way after the bridges. I know that room, very bad. Lot of people have died there. It is a very big room with a lot of passages. Olthoi all over the place.

We fought our way to the end of the bridges, rested and rebuffed. The three of use killed a lot of bugs before finding Jeff's body. Funny, it was very close to the room entrance, we had walked right by it. He must have ran around in circles and almost made it back to the bridges before dieing.

Silven's body was in the underneath passage. This a maze that runs under the acid pit. It took us a bit to find that one.

With both bodies found I led them to the acid room to get the stone. Again the bods have made this a walkover. I sure wish Turbine or MS would get rid of them.

I told myself to stop talking about the lame stupid people I meet. It is not fun to get angry and I was taking up to much time with it. This was such an ass I had to write about it.

I was running Cliff Bowman to Mayoi. I ported to the Subway and running to the drop off. I saw a bunch of portals in the bottom. I knew better than to jump.

Several people were spaming warnings about not jumping. Whoever had made the portals had used summon III so they stayed for a while. Despite the warnings a lot of people died at the bottom.

After getting down I asked who had made the portals. Several names were banded about. One of the names was Death Templar. Death Templar said no it was Dark Templar who did it.

I wanted for a bit after sending an Abuse message. As the portals faded Death Templar started buffing up. He quickly filled the bottom of the jumping point with portals. Someone pointed out that he had done the same thing a week before. I quickly took screen shots.

I tried to contact his Monarch Heart Failure. He was not on. Death Templar then said he only did it as a test. He was not sure what would happen. Of course if he did it the week before and had just done is 5 minutes before he knew dam well what would happen. He also started spaming that Dark Templar made the portals. Pure grief player.

In time there was a big pile of bodies where this stupid moron had made the portals. I sent another abuse message but being Saturday the admins were busy. I betting they get here hands full with stupid people in Saturday night.

For those not in the know, jumping on a portal will cause you to take double or more damage from a fall. One person died with 120 hit points. Several people had gotten bans for doing this. I'm hoping I can use my screen shots to get Death Templar a ban.

Wonderful alliance.
I'm sure other monarchies get letters like this but it does my heart good to read it. On the boards you mostly read about how someone ripped off someone or acted like an ass. There are more good people out there than bad, we need to point out the good people more.

From: Aegis-Fang
Date Sent: 5:52am
Date Read: 7:56am
Subject: Thank you
Body: I want to point out that a member of your monarchy, I'm sure you wont know given the size, gave me an Armor V shirt tonight in Teth. For no reason really, just because. His name was Inverse. If you speak to him and recall this tell him thanks again.

I myself give most of my things away, as I am a poor trader and extremely lazy. Rare has a stranger been so kind. I have never met anyone in your monarchy that hasn't been anything but courteous at least. You should be proud. Members of your guild have helped me mule and help my lame ass when I'm stuck in a hole. Whenever I see the Elder name I know they're at least trustworthy (ya know w/o getting crazy).

My dislikes for monarchies was well known (ask Moonlaydd lol) but we worked that out but now I'm seeing the light and its because of guild like yours. If you ever need anything just call on Aegis Fang. I owe you that much. But if you recall give Inverse a big kick in the pants for me will ya. Thanks again man, that's a lot of hard work.

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