Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - May 8, 2001

Acid Vault and it's the Pits.
Had a member of my alliance contact me while I was on my way to the Nest. He wanted to get the Acid stone. I told him we needed a Temple tie and I would be happy to lead the quest.

It took him some time to find an Elder member who had the tie. I again neglected to write down names. One was Crusher something a vassal in the tree of Liquid-Smack. Acid vault has gotten routine and I did not think this was going to make the column. After it got out of hand there was no time to write down names.

The two players were in there upper 30's, about minimum for the vault. The run there was as usual a mess. Crusher got chased away from us and was lost. I had to exit the vault and get the coordinates for him. Despite having much better Magic Resistance than the last time I was full of de-buffs.

The three of us got together and picked up an archer at the start. We had a few small battles getting to the bridges. After a big fight at end of the bridges we advanced to the acid pits. That was when we noted Crusher was missing.

He sent us a message. He had done a very bad thing. One of the tactics used in combat is to jump backwards. I don't use this but I know a lot of players who do. Well Crusher was in trouble and jumped backwards, right off the ledge, into the acid pit.

We headed back and ran into a full spawn at the bridges. The other player died and I had to use up a lot of stamina elixirs. I'm at the point where my only problem with bugs is stamina. 20 bugs will eat up stamina fast.

I got back to the start and picked the two up. I knew we would need a few mages to recover Crusher's body. We did the quest first. The Acid stone is very simple now because of the Lame Macro bods. There was a group in the middle of the first acid river plunking away. That kept it very clear.

Very scrary for me. I would start in on a bug and it would turn to run after the lame people who don't have time to play but want high-level ppls. I would be dragged right to the edge of the acid pit. I knew that a little spike of lag and I was dead.

Crusher got ahead of us with another group. I tried to get him to go to the second buffing point before advancing to the acid stone room. It is a bad idea to run out of buffs with 30 bugs around you.

The two of us buffed and chased after Crusher. Now normally Crusher would not have been able to get into the room. The computer run people had cleared the room and made one of the hardest fights in the game a walk over. These two missed out on one of the greatest adventure/battles a player can have so some lame people can level without playing.

The two of them got their stone and we ran to surface portal. Crusher and I ran back inside while the second player hit the hall to find us some mages. We waited a bit. Ty-Po (Liquid-Smacks mage) showed up first. Then another high-level mage ran in.

We picked up a group of fighters to keep them safe and fought our way to the bridges and Crushers body. I had acid banned his lower armor before we started so we did not waste time or have him remove his armor near bugs.

With two good mages tossing level VI spells he never fell below half way. Got is stuff and ported out. I made a portal to the hall and we all got out safe. The Elder clan come though again.

Lock ups
I added 256 meg of memory to my computer. I'm finding with 128 meg I have a lot of spots where things are loading. On the island it can get really bad.

First time into AC I locked up in less than a minute. Using Norton I found that one of the chips was bad. I removed that one and felt a total of 256 total would be enough. I was right, it worked nice. Places where I would freeze for 5 to 10 second only had a little bump. I was really pleased.

Looking at x-setup I found the memory setting to use memory was not set the way I wanted. I made that change and rebooted.

I was on the island and had cleared a lot of nasty stuff. While sorting loot I had a total lockup. I rebooted the computer and re-logged.

Dam, I was at the LS with Vit. As I had cleared out the beach where I was standing I had no idea what killed me. Ran to the drunk, rebuffed at the walled portals and jump over the wall.

I killed a few things that cleared the vit. I was running north and had a lot of stuff chasing me when I locked up again.

Now I was pissed. I'm running in one of the badest places in Dearth, with a lot fewer death items, and no idea where the body was going to fall. I also had to take the time to remove the memory chip before logging on.

To my amazement I had run though the valley, passed the fortress and never died. I was surrounded by bandies, wasps, golems and drudges. Somehow I never ran into a dead end. I had ended up in a dead spot between spawns before timing out.

I was happy to say the least. Now getting into the fortress. I was on the wrong side but had gone in that way before. I don't use that side much anymore because the diamond and obsidian wake up if you come to them from that end. By using the other end you can wait for them to go to sleep and then get the portal.

I thought of going to the other side but a large group of Bandies were in the way. Bad enough to fight the Diamond golem de-buffs without a set of Bandies to boot.

I cleared out the golems on that side and after a dropping some stuff, was able to make the jump. Once inside I ran to the undead and gave him the c-note. The Diamond attacked and I was draining it to stay alive. Spells flying and with less memory I was lagging bad.

The undead made the portal but I was having trouble clicking on it because of lag. I noted I was at 44hp and about out of mana. No way I was going to make it to the portal without dieing. One spell by the Diamond or Obsidian and I was dead.

Then an amazing thing happened. "You resist a spell by Diamond golem." LOL I had never done that before. Instead of being killed by the shockwave I was given the time to get to the portal.

I got to my body after a few battles. I checked to see what it was that had killed me. WTF! Killed my misadventure? I was standing there sorting loot. I can only guess something jumped and landed on me from off the hillside.

I did some tests and felt I had a setup that let me use the added memory and not lock up. It worked for about an hour so I was happy.

After a night sleep I was muling in the hall and I locked up. Made one more tweek and logged Fist ran him to the Nest. Hunting up keys for scrolls. I have about 50 saved up now. After an hour or so I froze the system again.

Removed the memory and called Dell to return it. I know that mismatched pairs of memory can cause problems. I logged on to a site I know and ordered a pair of 256 meg chips. That will give me 512 meg and no miss match problems. I will note that the system was very smooth, while it worked.

Jeff Discovers Bugs.
Jeff felt that at 32lv he is above hunting Lugies now. As there are 40 and 50lv fighters still in the Citadel I'm a bit surprised at this. Jeff loves hunting above his head. I stopped hunting Lugies at 27 but back then there was no Citadel. Old mine had too few Lugies to hunt there after 26lv or so.

I stopped in at the hall to get him some piercing and acid protection. A quick run had us at LOD. He had no trouble fighting up to Soldiers. He tied and we called it a night.

The next day he told me he had defeated the Noble. Guy really is strong. I made the template so I guess it is something to be proud of but I'm a little envious.

I felt his was strong enough to get a tie to BCD. His patron said he would get him one if I did not have time. Later I heard they got him to the Nest. Now I was fighting in the Acid Vault at 40 so I guess I was doing the same but the Nest at 33 seems a bit hard. Jeff scares people with his play sometimes.

Hilted Blade for Jeff
Jeff got the day off so he called me about getting one of his swords hilted. I had never done this quest, other than hunt for the gem.

I had Cliff Bowman make a portal to the subway and logged Mage. We ran to the mountain short cut and then to the bandit castle portal. A short jog south and we took the islands portal.

I showed Jeff what we were hunting and we headed off looking for Idols. I had Jeff LS there for safety. I knew he could get his Teth tie back using the portal mule.

We killed a lot of things. Idols fell to the pair of fire de-buff and blast. The Mosswarts had filled me with de-buffs but I did not think much of it. Not smart as the next pair of Shallow Devourers took sharp bites out of me. With piercing Vuln and imperil two Devourers will kill most anyone who lacks a shield.

I ran back and met Jeff at my body. He was out of mana stones. I made a subway portal for him to restock and headed out to kill Idols. Killed a lot but no gem. I knew I needed to find a Dreaded spawn to have a good chance.

Jeff was done selling and at the Lifestone. He asked how to meet me. I knew I headed right after crossing the bridge so I sent him this tell. "Head right, I'll meet you halfway". What I left out was face the bridge. His back was to the bridge and he ran in the opposite direction.

By the time I figured it out he was on other side of that island. I told him to keep going and we would meet at the LS. Then I got this, "Got the Gem." Dam, Jeff is never going to stop surprising me. The Idol may only be 37lv but they're darn hard to kill.

A quick run to the next island had us at the town. Jeff turned in the gem for the note. Another portal back to the Subway and a quick run to Bandit castle got us the unfinished hilt. Another portal to sub and a little run got us to Lin Hall. There someone gave him the heart and Jeff hilted his sword.

I burn a lot of comps and died but Jeff is very happy with his hilted sword.

Jeff's adventure
I got this second hand but from more than one source. It seems Jeff wanted to get his Teth tie back and did not know about the portal mule. I told him I would get him back but he did not want to wait.

He opened up AcExplorer and found the route. What ACE did not tell him was just now nasty that run is. After taking the portal from Mayoi he found himself attacked right of the bat. It took them a while to chase poor Jeff down. A Wasp performed the coop-de-grass.

Jeff does not have a lot of death items yet. We will have to fix that. He is finding that he drops more stuff as he goes up in level, in this case all his armor.

Several members of Elder had to sweep the south Dires in search of Jeff's body. They found in but keeping Jeff alive was half the battle.

After that I escorted him to the portal mule and got him to Teth.

Jeff again, OHN
I logged mage to do a bit of hunting and got phone call from Jeff before I started buffing. He died in the Nest and had Mist try to help him recover. They both died and could I assist.

I logged Fist and ported to the hall. I met Mist there but she did not have a tie to the Nest. Jeff did but he had lost his last portal gem with that death. It seems Jeff has been using the portal gems to move around. No wonder he is always broke.

I finally met Jeff in the subway. A lot of fizzling latter he made me a portal. It was my old friend the North West Nest. I told Jeff to wait there while I searched for his body. I had swept a lot of the nest when he told me he saw a chest before he died. I asked if was room or hall and he said hall. I knew exactly where that was.

Jeff gave me permission to loot his body. I really like this new command. No trying to get someone with no armor into a bad place.

After I got him his armor back Jeff, Mist and me started searching for his last one and Mist's. Mist was sure where it was and she led. Unfortunately we ran into a large pack of bugs and Jeff was perforated in several places.

Jeff gave me permission to loot that body. A short ways away we found his last body along with Mist's. He reset the permission and I got the last of his stuff.

Later he died again, this time due to lag. I could hear him screaming but could not get them to switch. At last count he had nine deaths today. He was still at it when I left so it is undoubtedly higher now. The way he is going I expect him to solo the Nest in a few weeks.

Elder Festival
Xaeberkhan has been working hard in the last few weeks planning a Festival. They had a fashion contest, cooking contest, several PK events and an Archer contest.

Other than a 6lv newby kid who disrupted the cooking contest all events were great. I took third place in the Archer Contest with Cliff Bowman. Elder was voted Lord of the Festival and, despite my pushing for Mist, Nynaeve Sedai was the well deserving Lady of the Festival.

Cliff Bowman's vassal Quren took the PK event in his class. He is getting rep as the best PK in Elder.

Archer contest was fun. With 100 arrows and a supplied mod 17 long bow we counted the shots needed to take down an Oak Drudge. Took me 56 shots, which got me third over Mist with 57. Quartz won with 50 shots.

To show how much equipment and buffs mean I did a test. Fully buffed with GAP arrows and a composite bow I killed the Oak Drudge in six shots.

Despite spending a day that gained almost no xp I had a great time. A big thanks to Xaeberkhan for a fun event.

I have said in another story how a tactic of a grief player is slander. It was very common for a thief to accuse his victim of thieving to cover their actions. With secure trade this is less common. More likely you will see posts on the boards accusing someone of a dishonorable act.

Several post come to mind this week. Some would have a title of a post like "XXXX is a grief player". They post some stuff that shows the poster acted like an ass and the supposed grief player being his victim. If it was not so pathetic it would be funny.

Where the true grief player comes in is faking a copy and paste. One was put on the boards today. The post showed a player bragging about a theft and the victim asking nicely for the items back.

The next several posts showed players supporting the accusation with stories about how the person stole from them as well.

There was only one thing wrong with all this, it was a total fake and a bad one at that. The person posting had mess up the writing. It was clear this was not pasted from AC but typed up on the board.

The supporting people all were new posters with only that post to their names. They also registered the same day. So what the guy did was type up a fake conversion with his victim. He then made new login names and wrote to support his own accusation.

This moron was stupid and sloppy. The people there caught it right away. The problem is this shows that a smarter player can cause big trouble to others. Remember that a picture can be faked, a cut and paste can be typed and to take what you see on the boards with a grain of salt.

I have also seen this multiple log-ins to support password-stealing programs. Guy will post a link to a program with exploit claims, some outrages. He will then log the other accounts to praise the program. The other accounts will also claim to have scanned the program and found it clean.

Lot of accounts have been stolen this way.

Speaking of stolen accounts there is another way to lose your account. Guy had all the best stuff on his system, checkers, firewall, the works. Then he was over at a friend's house and logged his account. His friend had not been as wary as him and his account stolen.

Lighting stone
It is amazing how what was almost impossible in a short time past is now routine. I got a call from Dark Mistsu about me helping in the Lighting Vault. Dark said Fu' Leng was going with us. I've done this quest with a mage and Fist before so I know it was not going to be hard.

Dark Mistsu is only 21lv so the main problem was keeping Dark alive. If Dark was smart and held back everything was going to turn out ok. The weakest monster in the place could kill 5 of people his level. I have seen an Ash G do just that.

I ran from AB and found the Panopticon Dungeon. I knew Darks other PPL was running there to get a tie so I decided to hunt it a bit.

A few Drudges at first, then some Vinnie's. It was straightforward so no chance of getting lost. Hit a section with an open platform on the left side. There was an archer up there keeping the monster distracted. This was a bit harder. There were two Tuskers guards, some Vinnie a few Drudges and worst of all, Tumideom Hollow Minions.

An Axe fighter had joined me by that time and we charged in. Killed most of it but the Axe man was laid low by a Tumideom. I help the Axe man recover and headed up the ramp a bit. It was about time to meet up with the quest'ers so I headed back.

The three of us had an uneventful run to the vault. We lucked out and hit the river just a few feet from the Vault. I was inside before the monsters could react.

From there it was simple. Target kill. With Fu' Lengs imperils even the hardest monster fell with a few swings. We stomped our way across the dungeon and got Dark the stone. Only one time was Dark in any danger. One of the big ones attacked Dark and they played "chase Dark Mistsu" until I killed it.

Voting for story of the month is still on at
Read all the stories and vote for the best one. Voting is tight with my lead at 9 votes. All the stories are worthy so read them all before voting.

Putting two and two together
There was two times I was upset this week. The first was a comment in the Fan site by one of the writers there. Lot of insults and a low rating that dropped me from five stars to four.

For a supposed professional writer his comments were very unprofessional. It starts with "the story is grossly lacking in grammar, usage, and plain out and out character interaction." Has stuff like "Im trying to keep myself from straight out coming after the worshippers who dont even comment on the workings of the story itself."

Of course I was very upset. It is one thing to attack me but attacking my readers was over the hill.

The next came on COD with a post about my spelling. It was titled "omg fist de yuma needs to learn how to SPELL!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was filled with similar comments about how great he is and how bad I am. Looks like he really hates me for some reason.

Then it hit me, it was the same person! The writing style was the same and both commented on how he had three books published.

Why this guy hates me so much and, by his comments my readers, I don't understand. I was thinking of changing the column to every other week so I could spend more time proof reading it. Clearer thinking told me I would just have a bigger column and the same number of errors.

O'well. You cannot please everyone. The responses on COD really helped me get over the guy. I would like to thank the people who took the time to respond and prop me up. I'm hopping that winning the story of the month will shut him up at Somehow I get the idea that he is just starting his war with me.

Like a cricket in the closet I will just have to live with it.

In response to my being told no melee had defeated the Mattie I got this letter.

This is more for the people that have done it, than to correct you... Being an old timer myself I witnessed first hand a melee kill the "big Mattie"... at the time it was my Patron/Monarch Rantire Ulfinsdatter(of TD)... and I believe at the time she was a lvl 40ish UA/Item magic only(if I remember correctly in the time line... all I know is we didnt pass 50 till Jan 1st)

As I said its not to correct you... but there were some that did it and deserve the credit =)


Malliki of TD(old and dusty)
Mizrach of SC(still truckin on)

If anyone knows of a melee who defeated "the Mattie" please send me the story. If you did it yourself I would love to hear about it.

NewsGroup Tales.
Things can go bad in the Nest for a number of reasons. Unfortunately it is other players that can cause the most problems. A mage who has no idea how to fight in the Nest can get people killed.
The wife was having a bad luck compounded with stupidity kinda night.

We were the only ones in the nest (goodie!), the instant we hit the second floor, a bazillion soldiers come rushing at us. No biggie, we can hang, form a shield wall and start killing. Then a combination of lag and sticky pull her into the middle of the fray. She dies, they swarm around me. I manage to pull free and get back to the top. We fight our way in, get her body and start carving a path to the third floor. We are on the ramp down to the third floor, squashing bugs and I notice a mage in a blue faran robe buffing behind us.

"Oh damn, idiot robemage."

We finish before he is done buffing. We move onto the third floor and the bugs start coming from the hallway that cuts across the floor and from the fourth floor "lobby." Ok, easy enough, then the mage runs right by us! The bugs turn, we get sucked in. Not a big mass of bugs so I used the trick I read about from Fist and have used a thousand times since, kill one and run out over him. We form back up and start taking care of "bidness." We are down to four bugs when we see the mage come tear-assing at us from the fourth floor lobby.

"You dont suppose he would be dumb enough to..."

Behind him are least a dozen bugs in a bad frame of mind. I look up at my mana bar (when my mana comes back, I usually have less than a minute) and see that I have about two minutes of optimal fighting time. Ok, as long as nothing else happens, this isnt a problem. To his credit, the mage did the brave thing (or greed thing) but not the smart thing. He stopped but instead of joining our line, he tried to put his back to the wall and fight. I see him vuln the olthoi I am fighting and I am thinking; "Oh, sweet, maybe he is smart." Then I notice that I am not doing any more damage and he is in a wind up for a big spell. Which crashes into the wall as the bug dies to my blade. It is enough for the olthoi to turn on him and box him in, drawing me in at the same time. The good news is that the olthoi are so busy with the mage and I, that Barra is being left alone. The wife asks:

"Need me to back up?"

"Yea, about one step should give me enough room to get back up."

As she pulls back to let a couple olthoi through two bad things happen. The mage dies causing the bugs to start surging forward and she kills hers, attracting their attention. She tried to gnaw her way out but one got a critical and it was over pretty soon after.

All in all a good night experience and loot wise (used a key on the 4th floor chest and got a very low difficulty magic resistance V bracelet) but it gave us a few moments.


Nasier must have a great bug killing rep on his server. I would like to meet him and his wife there someday.
Last night, the wife and I are powerleveling our little butts off, scratching and clawing for the last few hundred thousand experience to get level 40.

(It should happen tonight BTW)

We were working the bugs at a good clip, taking down small pockets as they spawned and moving to the next with a pretty decent precision. A lull in the excitement came and we renewed our enchantments just in
time for an full-scale spawn.

We chose a corridor that would tilt the odds in our favor. Instead of having to fight all of level two and three at once, we would have about eight or so at a time. Hard dirty work but doable.

We dive in the pile. It starts out well. We keep them on one side and us on another and we start beating down the numbers. I take one nasty hit and stop to heal and I see an Isparian coming up the ramp from the
third floor like his life depended on it... it did.

Behind him was all the Olthoi in the dungeon, a few visiting relatives from the Acid Vault and a bus load of tourists from BDC. Okay, this isnt good. Barra and I look around for cover. Hmmm, if we move too far, we will start pulling in Olthoi stuck in surrounding corridors. The guy runs by us without even pausing.

We manage to get the Olthoi down to four by the time the rest of the Olthoi nation realizes they left the beer and chips down in the third floor and find us on their return trip.

Hmmm, two of us, more than ten soldiers and we are already raiding our stamina bottles.

Right about then, two Olthoi came running up. "Oooo, lookie, a Nasier. I hear they squeal when you hit them in the back."


"Watch, my friends do it all the time."


At this point, I have a whopping 40 health and no place to go to keep the Olthoi I am fighting and them in front and not expose Barras flank. Well damn. Heal, Argghhhhhh!, heal, Argghhhhhh!, heal, Argghhhhhh!, heal, Argghhhhhh! This is getting nowhere. Okay. I need to put some healing space and get them to the front.

I drink my last health elixer and smack a few Olthoi on the side of the head...and start running like my life depends on it.

Ok, the good news is that it looks like all the bugs on the flank where I stood are chasing me. Funny, thats also the bad news. Cut across, up the hall from the chest room, more bugs. Ooookay Keep running, cut right for the long hallway leading to the first floor, I should get some space there. I see at the end of the hallway a guy, fighting two Olthoi. Damn, damn, damn. I cant keep running, that will endanger this guy. I run up to him, stop, heal and start to turn.

Hello big blue rock!

Not exactly the way to impress people with your skill as a bug hunter.

Lesson of death #16: Die in place. At least you wont look stupid too.


Humor is said to be a cure to disease. I'm hope to make people well with the below posts.
......ways to know your addicted to AC

Should I quit my day job?? hehe

(1) You see a guy passed out on the ground and you wonder what kind of uber l00t he has.

(2) You cut your self and try to use a heal kit.

(3) You get tired and reach for a stamina potion.

(4) You see a cockroach and you think to yourself "Piercing is good against them" and you go to the kitchen for a knife.

(5) Your dog is chasing after you and you say "Damn Turbine and their stickly melee"

(6) Your big brother is after you and punch him to get enough time to Logout.

(7) You ask your mom to cook you a Hearty Holtburger and she actually knows what your talking about.

(8) You ask your mom to cut an apple for you because your "Not trained in dagger"

(9) You ask your dad for pyreals instead of dollars

You know you are addicted to AC if...

- The batteries have died in your TV remote and youve said to yourself,
"Item does not have enough mana"

- You have no problem stripping down to your underwear in front of the whole store when you try on clothes.

- Youve lifted a heavy box and actually heard the "Your severely are encumbered. *dunk*"

- Orangeina reminds you of a stamina elixer (Bonus points if you get this one)

...AC servers are updating and I am bored so I went outside and killed all the neighbors cows and they are taking a REAL long time to respawn. I am thinking of switching over to PK if they dont come back soon......

New Lugies places can be a real adventure
OK, so as soon I log in, my monarch (a restless fellow, axe maniac, always wanting to be the first on new content) tells me he is gathering up an army for the lugian quest.

For warm-up, we first went to get the new Virindi spells. That part was a cakewalk. It gives me a warm fuzzy to slay Virindi with arrogant names :D

The new spells seem to *not* stack with their equivalents just override it.

After that we met in Qualabar, mostly Skelde monarchy members with the notable exception of Kachiko V, a high level unarmed girl and our very own Sajer.

We split into 4 groups. Skelde took his right hand man, Nemesis Enforcer to cast level 7 spells on his axe and camp the main guy who holds the hauberk. Kachiko, being a very sturdy and well equipped girl (Hush now. I meant battle gear) took the first camp, solo. (on a side note : when it spawned, she took out most of them including the commander, except that the latecomers looted her kill during the fight. Well It was in the qualabar area .... filthy den of thieves).

Aiel Warrior and Thelis took the second and Sibella, Sajer and I went to the third.

It started out boooooring. Nothing spawned at the exact coords we were given, but we were repeatedly assured that a Commander will spawn there with his henchmen, as soon as he gets triggered. So we stood there vigilantly, rebuffing as needed.


Well it turns out that the action was about 0.5 clicks away. There was a *huge* spawn of Lugians of all sizes there.

People too. Lots. Dead ones and live ones. So we started to slay lugians randomly. As luck would have it, a Commander spawned and Sibby killed it and picked up some sort of pauldrons. I was fairly busy to stay alive and slaughter lugians, so I hadnt really registered that Sajer died twice then gave up on wanting to come back. (It is a long, boring 13K run from Qbar). So we got to test firsthand the corpse looting permission. Got his gear from the first one then had to log and fire up 6th sense to locate the second one in the rubble thickly covering the area.

As I looted the last item from his body, a bunch of Extas and Tiatus ganged up on me and chopped me in pieces. Not sure what has gotten into me, standing around for more than an hour must have interfered with my combat skills, since I didnt even try to heal. Lost my Str 6 brace, which I never had lost before. That sort of threw me off my guard and sent into minor panic mode.

Started to run back immediately, and as luck would have it, most of the quest campers have moved on, leaving the spawn almost intact. (And it is an insane spawn. Very fast, with big lugies and dread matties all over. Think of the Citadel on steroids). After much circling around I recovered my brace and death items, just to get brained by a rock, right on the spot. 10 vitae. Why, hello Mr Lifestone.

The lugie even had the nerve to send me a private @tell to the extent of "U SUK and dont come back here no more ya hear. G00b!" (Well the wording is not exact but the gist of it is)

This time I dropped gems/robes only, so I said hell with it. It was late and I was tired. Gear was running out of mana left and right, with the vitae I could not re-equip any of it so I asked Sib to buff me up, I cast Vs on my fire axe (best I could handle) and headed to the OP BSD.

Good old, silly, predictable, vulnerable monkies. I love them. 10 percent vit cleared up in about 5 minutes. (Would have been sooner were it not for the fact I had to run around quite a bit to find live monkies).

Then my vassal told me he raised enough shards by gambling to get an MSA, we chatted a bit and I logged. (Mental note : I need to talk with that kid, now he is talking about PK. All his gear is either no drop or not very valuable at this point and he is a life spec mage with 100 starting endurance).

All in all, an interesting day. I am out of about 200K in lost items and mana burnt by standing around on guard. I *will* go back for revenge, fairly soon.

Maybe I head to the casinos to recover my loss. :P (I carry around 2 million in gold/pyreal peas that all came from loot. No way I can actually use that much or burn them faster as they keep coming in).


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