Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - September 25, 2001

Help me out a bit
After over a year and a half of writing this I have a lot of readers. Only time I got feed back on readers there was almost 3000 people reading this each week. I get letters, which I always answer and in game comments that are always welcome. You guys/gals are the best.

When I started this I had a job with the school system that was eliminated do to cutbacks. I have a small income from my Marine retirement and my wife works hard. With cutting back on a lot of stuff we have gotten by.

Now things are falling slightly behind. Needing a new Monitor did not help. So I'm asking my readers to help me out.

If you enjoy this column and feel it is worth a small donation I have set up an account at;
I'm asking for 5 bucks or whatever you can spare. If every reader sent that I would be doing well.

It is known only a small number of people will donate in these cases. Mostly people will only do it if offered an incentive. So anyone that does donate will receive several benefits.

1. A copy of the current stories I'm working on. I'll be open to comments and ideas if you sent me any. This sort of a win-win for me as the story will gain from this feedback.

2. A copy of the column will be sent to you by e-mail. No more checking to see if it is posted yet.

3. Any new stories I start will be sent to you with updates as they involve.

This idea has been kicking around in my head for a while and I'll be leading the column with it. I hope enough of people enjoy this column and my stories that I can start making a living off writing. Time will tell.

Island quest
If you happened to be up at around 2am (PST) this Sunday morning you might have seen this.

On far Aerlinthe Island, an intrepid band has found the lair of the Dark Lady Aerfalle, at whose whim the earth itself does shake. But the bold Fist de Mage has driven her back into her hidden crypts, and the ground stills... until she next awakens.

I also got to see this.
The withered corpse of Aerfalle hisses in rage as it is hewn in twain... "I shall not be sent to a final rest by primitives like thee, Fist de Mage!" her severed head says from the stones. "Enjoy this insignificant victory, child. For I have walked this world for over ten millennia, and I shall walk it long hence your little race has returned to the dust that birthed thee!"

Of course it would have been slightly better if she had not ported me out but I was kind of happy. Woke my wife up with the shouting.

It started out very bad. I was over at Jeff's for dinner. We did not get leave his house until after 10:30pm and the quest was set to go at 10:00pm. Rosa was driving and not happy about me staying up late for that "stupid game". She drove slowly.

I quickly messaged Rizean when I got in. Silven, Jeff's friend, had died on the run and they were recovering Gimp with a Limp's body. All this and they had not hit the first dungeon yet.

I ran to the lava fields and after several good battles recovered Silven's armor. She was sure it was a lost body as it was very nasty.

While I did that Rizean died. This meant that all three mages were gone. The chance of moving any were slim and none. Silven logged and Rizean, myself and Gimp with a Limp buffed for the run.

I saw a problem but did not know what we could do about it. Gimp with a Limp was taking 7 minutes to buff and doing VI's spells. Rizean and I were taking 4 minutes and doing VII's. This meant we had to stop for rebuffing far to often. I felt Gimp was doing to many banes but I understood wanting as many as possible.

We got to the Reservoir and I thought everyone was inside. I tried to run passed the golems. I was trapped in the entranceway and unable to get to the portal. I got outside with about 40 hit points left and a whole lot of stuff chasing me. I hit my heal VII key but fizzled. Lot of de-buffs.

I was lucky that I got the second spell off just as I took more damage. Another fizzle and I was running to the beach. William the Bat ran down and gave me a hand. He defended while I dispelled the de-buffs. I found that they had not gone inside and were waiting for us.

Team was William the Bat, Roughster, R A D I A N C E, Gimp with a Limp, The Crippler, Rizean and myself.

With a good attack force and teamwork we cleared it easy. This group is starting to click. We made short work of the Reservoir. At the very end Gimp with a Limp died to a Plasma golem. Not sure why he jumped down after it but that fixed our buffing cycle problem.

At the end we had a small shock. The golem was not there. After some debate we decided to do the Foundry. The group in front of use might have died before getting to then end. That meant this part would not have reset.

Foundry was more of the same good teamwork. I was not that much help as several plasma golems decided to spend their time de-buffing me. I was dispelling their de-buffs only to have them reapplied soon after. I stood there tossing dispels and getting back mana. At one point I had so many de-buffs I said the hell with it and used a dispel gem. It scrolled up 5 lines of spells when I did.

At the hallway of death we drew them and had little trouble. We were relieved to see the golem there. I guess the group in front of us died before getting this far. This time we did the hell jump but I did it right. Seems a shift side jump with just a small tap will keep you from hitting the wall. I took no damage at all.

At the Crater we worked together to clear it. I had a few resists but landed my yield and imperil. After that it was killed fast. I think Roughster got it.

Bone town was easy. We drew from the beach until one of them opened the portal. Not sure who got the kill here. A fast run to the hill got us inside.

We buffed a little, mostly banes at the start. The plan was to close the gates and buff fully in between the first two gates.

We moped up the golems and undead with little trouble. I know where the magic trap is now so I jumped over it ok.

Now we had our first problem. While buffing we were close to the gate. A few bones attacked us through it. Also the Golems in back of us were draining. I had to heal up 5 times while buffing. William the Bat was not watching his health and a harm or hit through the door sent him to the LS.

This was a Major problem. William was the quest leader. I was not even sure if anyone else knew the way. A few people had been there enough that we did not get lost. I was glad because I would have had us going left when the route was right at one point.

At the spot where we were wiped out last time we only spent a few moments. Diamond golems falling to my imperils and the fighters weapons. I added in a few war blasts.

One thing I did different this trip was dispel the life de-buffs. Without imperil and vulns on I was far more effective in battle. Still took some damage but never the really big hits I was taking.

We re-buffed in the room that has the Umbris in it. At the gate we did not mess around. Killed the bones fast and Roughster ran over and hit the switch. I need to learn where that is.

This time I had a lot of help with the Wasps and Rats. I was able to imperil rather than fight. We moved forward and I was in the lead for the most part. Hit a magic trap in the passage to the Ladies cave. A quick mana Elixir and I got my mana back.

Someone killed one Wisp and I got the other. I was hip deep in bones for a while. I had an opening and moved to where I could see the Lady. My dispelling the life de-buffs helped as I was not taking much damage.

I saw the lady on my screen and sent a fireball VII at her. I got a message that I thought might be an insult for a resisted spell. Later I scrolled up and saw I hit for 120+. She was asking here attendances to take care of a small problem, me. I sent another fireball and it hit. I was ported out with her portal other spell. I'm not sure if a third fireball got off or not.

As soon as I came out of portal space I saw the message. Got a load of congrats from the late night people. Sorry for anyone I did not answer, there were just to many to keep track of. My shouting woke up my wife and heard about it the later.

So I have got all the kills now. About the only thing left is to get the black stone for Fist. The Crippler got the loot and Rizean is far down the list. We will be doing this quest until everyone has the loot. As well as we worked together I don't expect to have any more failures.

I have said in the past that e-bay will hurt AC. This is because if someone can make money they will do whatever they can do keep it flowing, including cheating.

My good friend Greyscout ran into this the other day. He had a new player hunting for a gem. Every time he imperiled an Idol a guy ran up and killed it. Greyscout attempted to ask him to stop but found the guy has everything squelched.

Getting tired of wasting mana for this punk he loaded up one of his high level archers and proceeded to follow and kill ever idol near him. After a time the guy complained to him about it. Greyscout knew the guy had a gem or two already and could understand why he wanted more. It seems the guy makes 50 bucks a pop with the gems on E-bay. That was why he had everyone squelched and was not respecting others, he was working. Not only that anyone that cannot find a gem because of him is a potential customer.

The new xp chains have the same smell to them. I believe xp chains are a perversion of the alliance system. They build up a high level in a few weeks and then sell it on e-bay. Lot of the camping we see is the same. The people are not playing the game we love, there making money.

Of course Turbines attempts to stop them will hurt us as well. Some of the xp we use to get have been removed because of Macro'ers. Turbine has stated that they are taking a close look at xp chains. Not sure what they can do other than nerf alliances.

If your game play gets in the way of the E-bayer's cash flow they will get nasty. They're not there to play and you being in the same place might cost them. So they try to run you off or steal any kills you might get. The only way this will be fixed is to ban E-bay sales of AC players and items.

I was in the hall when Maddie's new UA come in. He is really moving, up to 39lv already. Having him go under my mule was a smart move. The Mule is just short of being able to dye armor and the alchemy stuff is easy. I wish I had spec'd cooking now as getting to 300+ will be hard. I would not chance dyeing with less that that.

Maddie showed me the new helm he got. As there is a wait for a new one he feels he will be over 40 before it is up. (Shield and Helm quest are 25 to 40 restricted.) I asked him how hard it was as I had Deadeye Fist at 36. He loaded up Bhal, his BM, and off the two of us went.

I was mostly just following Maddie so not totally sure of the route. Bhal was surprised at the power of an archer/mage combo. I want to keep Deadeye under 40 for a while, to do quests, but when I start leveling him I'm sure Bhal and me will be a hell of a team.

LOL let me tell you, the first time I saw what I was fighting was a surprise. I read about a new human monster but did not expect to find one.

In no time at all we had got to the end and picked up a helm. Bhal picked up one for Fist Jr. Bhal made a portal to the Orb and we were off again.

Again I just followed Bhal, shooting at anything that moved. Moving fast through the maze we hit the end. We quickly cleared it and I got the orb and gem. Both were done with one 30-minute buff.

We headed back to the hall to pick up our "Fist" template UA's and were joined with Fire-Lady. While not as easy as with an archer the three of us had no problem getting to the end and picking up the orb and gem. I'm getting the feeling that this template is even stronger than I thought.

Next step was to load up Fist de Yuma and go get another gem. This time I was alone but Fist would brush off anything there with little trouble. I was surprised that I did not get lost at all and found the gem and orb quickly.

Lastly was to load Fist de Mage and do it one more time. With one gem to infuse three items we needed to keep doing the gem one. Not sure how long a wait but people have let 8 days past and still cannot get the gem again.

This time it did not go as well. I picked up another mage at the entrance who asked to follow me. I kept getting lost in the maze and going in the wrong direction.

At one spot two guys give me a hint and I used that to quickly find it. A few fireballs and I had the gem and orb. Helm is great, especially when combined with the shield. Got a helm on two players. I need one more helm and two shields. Hopefully the timer is not to long on those.

The next day Maddie seemed to have taken a day off. Lag was too bad to play Mage. Lag seems to hurt mages much more than Melee. I decided to send Deadeye off to get the shield. Quick run to the Subway got me to Zaikhal. The shield dungeon is a short run from there.

I read on a site how to best get around the maze. It worked to a tee. After porting in I started forward. I saw someone downloading but felt they would catch up in time.

I put a lot of smoking holes in Drudges. I was sure glad I had protection buffs from Mage on. My hole for this player is acid. The Drudges got the word on that as every spell was an acid blast.

After I got past the Drudge's it was a lot easer. New human monsters are very weak to archers. I was killing most in 1 or 2 shots. The fighter caught up and we teamed up.

At the end I had time to clear all the others before starting in on the boss. I still got the kill. The fighter (axe) said he was having a hard time hitting it. From what I had read it is very melee unfriendly. I told him I would stay and help him with the next spawn. This seemed harder, not sure why. It fell after a dozen arrows or so. I opened up the body for the fighter.

After porting back to Lin I give the shield to Fist. Might have been a mistake as Jr might have made better use of it. If it get a Diamond shield I'll be using that instead but meanwhile this fixed a hole problem I have. I can remove armor self and add the missing protection. As I have searched far and wide without a hint of a Diamond Lord getting that shield will take a while.

Had an off thought while getting ready to play. I like teaming with vassals. The problem I have is trying to live up to my reputation. Like everyone I have on and off days. Skills may be sharp one day, the next day I might be slow off the mark.

The problem with a reputation is you sometimes feel you're not allowed an off day. Of course my vassals are all great people who would not care one way of the other. Still it is in the back of my mind there is always pressure to do my best.

The Bore
I saw William in the hall and asked if he would help me get the rights to the new island. He agreed and I had Fist make a portal.

Last time I was there I was overwhelmed with Virindi and Tuskers. Either alone is ok but Bludgeoning and Imperil VI the Virindi Masters toss don't mix well with Tuskers. Ended up recalling twice before calling it. Wandering around the place with out melee help was not wise.

I followed William and had a few battles with the Tuskers and Virindi. Nothing bad at all so I was not worried. William ran ahead and jumped into a pit. I followed to the edge of the pit and looked to see if it was clear. I know there are Hollows that eat mage in seconds, even in pre-patch GSA.

While standing at the edge I hear a spawn. A Hollow and a Rampager both jumped me. I did the only thing I could do and jumped into the pit.

Both of them followed me. Tried a few drains and a frost blast but the damage was too hard to keep up with. From spawn to death was very quick.

William said to give him permission but I had the Ladies robe on the body. I'm sure he would do a @lifestone to give it back but I did not want him to do that. I had Fist make the portal and jumped back in.

At the edge of the pit I was again met with a Hollow and a Rampager. Between the jump damage and the Hollow it was over quickly again.

Now I had a problem as my gants and boots were on the bodies. William said to run into one of the hallways after I jump in. After porting in I was at a dead run. Jumped in the pit with a few nasties in back and ran into the passage.

William defended while I provided support. With Imperils and Vuln he cleared it quickly.

We Fellow'ed up to clear vit. I imperiled and blasted and in no time we had it clear. Got to the boss Virindi and he died with three quick blade spells. Along the way William picked up three Sing keys and was able to carve two. He give me one so I have a trade item now.

Still haven't gone to the new island but that is next on the list.

Newsgroup tales
Epsilon had a lot of problems with drivers and last months patch really hit him bad. At last he was able to play and posted this.
The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Back in the GAME!!!! Happy. Finally.
One CRD (crash to desktop) and added 4 deaths to my card tonight. All my fault for trying Decal and for testing my limits. When an Enforcer is chain casting you dont try to continue and learn. Got two hit (cold bolt VI) with level 7s protecting me. That was an ego killer. No, I dont have cold VII, so, not so much an ego buster as I thought it was. Just need to be more careful and use stam to health more often ;0).

Ive learned to tank 3 enforcers at a time. Sent me to the lifestone a couple times when two gets war happy at once, but if they dont time their wars, I can take 3 in "relative" safety.

My first time ever I looted AL155 absolutely gorgeous dark blue with red trim amuli leggings. They were so pretty I was stunned when I put them on. The kind of armor people stop and ask, your patron give you those? Heh.

I was so elated about being in the game, I gave them away to someone in town. Yeah, I kinda knew the guy to be a good guy and I didnt wanna mule. I wanted to go PLAY.

I gave alot away tonight. I was so happy about being able to play for more than a few seconds and crash that most of the stuff I got that was good went to another person. I gave away some AL 177 End V sleeves, a top damage BD V, Strength V sword, the amuli leggs, and so on. Good night. I still ended up making over 375,000p in only 5 trips to HH and new backup Steel Toed boots (AL 140). My Solls rock (AL219) but nice to have something to wear while going back to your body (if not in robe).

I love this game. I always have. I should change that statement. I love this game when it isnt frustrating the ever living hell out of me because I want to play.

Been so negative of late, I have to come back with some positive.

Bad (but in a good way):

I also noted, there so so little lag tonight that I couldnt (along with 20 others) lag through Subways locked doors. Time for Alex to move up to inside sub I guess ;0). One guy even yelled out "damn you turbine, you fixed the lag" and everyone busted a gut.

The guys were f-ing with us with these updates that caused alot of probs, but they did their job and got the game working (mostly) for me again. So I gotta give credit. Im once again a happy non-camper.


One thing of important note, Decals broken, sorta. If you use it be careful cause IT (because it isnt 100% made for this build) can cause a CRD.(crash to desktop).

Epsilon the Enchanter --Battle Mage(War/Life/Loyalty Speced) --Level 51! Alexander the Believer --UA/Bow Non-Speced Experiment --Level 49

This amusing post caught my eye. This guy is playing like I use to.
Errm.... Hello again.

Thanks again to all the folks that have replied to my lame posts. Heres the new situation: I rerolled my archer, keeping the old one around for a mule. I ran my new archer from Shoushi (I discovered that in the Sho language, "Shoushi" actually means "concentration camp for wannabe 3|_33+ d00dz") to the 4 Towers are where I had parked my mule.

I started Fergis with 40 ST, 10 STA, 100 COR, 80 QUI, 90 FOC, 10 SEL. The lack of STR and STA is a bit harsh, but in a couple of hours I made level 6, and had dumped a ton of points into health, stamina, mana, and a few in strength as well. Seems to be working well...

Specialized Bow, naturally. I trained Melee Defense, Life Magic, Item Magic, and Fletching. So far, I am happy with the way this works, with the possible exception that I cant ID 3/4 of the magic items I see in shops, or that I loot. That makes little difference though.

Anyhow, here are a few more newbie observations on my latest addiction:

1) A Parfal Niffis can be taken down by an archer half its level. It will just take 20 minutes, and a lot of running around, all your potions, healing kits, spell components, arrows, magic gems, all stored mana on all your items, 2 trips to a lifestone of your choice, and most of your hair.

2) Parfal Niffis are poorer than Drudges. Thanks for the apple...

3) Running a naked newbie from Shoushi to Zaikhal is 5 times as scary as the best horror movie ever.

4) Scarlet Notes and Lucky Gold Letters are starting to clog up my inventory... Are they worth the hassle? I did one, and got a Society Yumi... So are all these other items I assume are for quests: Beans, Green Seeds, Drudge Charms (Whole backpack full of them), and more.

5) There are all kinds of people in the game: Absolute losers, that not only have no imagination but cant spell their own lame names correctly, and superb players, like the fellow that dumped about a dozen level V buffs on me and my bow yesterday evening. I was laying waste to the bad guys. It was incredible.

6) 3 Hunter Shreths WILL spawn around the corpse you are digging into. Right after you get up to answer the telephone.

7) Turning the volume up on your computer so the girlfriend can hear repeated "Drudge Death Squeaks" across the house is likely to prevent you from getting any action later in the evening.

8) An hour of AC is almost as good as an hour of... well, maybe not. Oh well. At least I made level 6.

9) Time is altered while playing AC. Either it goes by with amazing speed, or drags by at half its normal rate. The latter usually happens while waiting for my stamina to regen.

10) I am actually considering buying one of those "Beer-holder" helmets, so I can stay hydrated, and not have to take my hands off of the keyboard!

Enough, must level!


Fergis of WE

A few weeks ago Rizean part one was posted. This is the rest of his story.
The Caul Part 1 - Tummies, Hollows, Rampagers, Oh My!

So finally I made it to the Singularity Caul. A large area around the drop off is clear which is nice of Turbine. I had a brief look around before buffing as I discovered you cannot go too far with out encounters. So now Im buffed and ready to go.

Head on down and see a couple of tummies. First one vul, bolt, dead and I move in for the second one. I vul this one and I hear this sound a familiar sound I do not like to here that goes something like this "Snap, crack, pop, followed by light foot steps at a high rate of speed" by this point I had already started the bolt. I feebly try to slide cast away from them and by the time the bolt had launched I was at 58 of a 188 health! It wasnt the two low level hollows that were getting me but the lvl 90 one hit me in the hands for 62, those are al219 above to bludgeon gauntlets I have on! Then he follow up with a blow to my leg for another 30.

I managed to out run them, running blindly away could have got me into a much worse situation but I got lucky. I looked around some more looking at the power plant, then tower near the drop off and at the castle from a distance. Eventually I move down into the valley, as there is a clear spot in the valley near the bottom of the hill.

After a rebuff I decided to try a rift. I found a rift near by and jump up onto one of the many perches. I knew the moment I attack it everything would come running and thats exactly what happened. There must have been 10-15 hollows and numerous other things. Took me some work to kill it but after about 5mins of work I had the rift dead.

I decided to try some more tummies and found that the higher lvl ones seem to drop good loot. Got staff 5 gauntlets off of the first one I killed and the second one gave me coordination 5 necklace. Not bad at all, so now I am looking for these guys to hunt.

I move about avoiding a lot of stuff and find a couple more just off of radar range with a Vinny Ex in my way and right beside the Vinny is a hollow. I know if I attack the Vinny the hollow will pay a visit but at long range they lose interest fast. Ive never fought an Ex before so this will be first for me. I vul it and wow I landed the spell first try and the hollow takes off after me. I fire the bolt off and the hollow gets to me. The spell lands and it dies! So I take off running around in a circle and the hollow gets board with me.

I am now able to move into range to lure the tummies in. I kill them both and got a 15k sword, not bad. Though there appears to be no more tummies near by. Ok now with about 7 minutes left on my buffs I plan to try and cross the lava field but that meant running through hell it self.

This area make the OB plains look like a joke, Im not kidding. So I take off running and I realize very quickly Im going to die unless I find a clearing. I dodging and weaving, taking small damage and BAM, I get nailed by a spell. Now with a mere 53 hit points left I see a clearing ahead. As I approach the clearing I see someone else there. Now if Im going to die Im going to do it alone and not get someone else killed so I turn away from them and head up the lava valley with the dogs of war wanting a piece of me and they got it.

I died shortly into the Lava field in a very bad spot. It was so bad even that I just decided to abandon they body, however I did post on our Allegiance and on the Vault boards the cords to my body and any who could get to it I would split the death items with. I had little hope of ever seeing them aging.

The Caul Part 2 - Body recover from Hell and Unstable riffs

I am off restocking at the Mayio mage tower and William the Bat gives me a tell asking if I still need help with that body. I laugh and let him know just how bad it is. He said he thinks he could solo it from looking at the map but it would be nice to have a mage along. I replied ok give me a bit to finish restock and Ill meet you in the hall.

About five minutes latter were on the Caul and buffing. He says the plan is to run past everything and then work our way back. I said thats how I died the first time but with two targets it may work. We take off and Will is in the lead taking the blunt of the attack sparing my poor fragile mage body from the minions of hell!

We get to a clearing somewhere on the other side and start to clear when a full spawn hits us! Literally stuff spawns and falls out of the air on top of us! We take off running and get to another clearing and clear. This time nothing spawns on top of us.

Now it was time to clear a path back to my body. We moved forward killing Tusker, Hollow, Tummies, Vinnys, and we come up on an Unstable Rift. Not a problem I say I have killed quite a few rifts before. So I vul it, resist, vul, resist, vul, resist, "Unstable rift smashes your hand for 35 points of damage!", "Unstable rift smashes your chest for 41 points of damage!", at this point I am running.

Good thing they lose interest quick! Will explains that they have a bugged damage type and it ignores all banes but impen and armor self still work. At this point we rebuff up and move forward again clearing everything that has respawn.

We were back down to the Unstable and this time I got straight for war, which was a no go. Again it had me running for my life. So we head back in and this time Will tries to take it out and seem to be doing it until lots of spawns on top of us and were pushed back.

Again we move forward and clear everything that spawned on us and were back down to that one Unstable Rift. Will is fighting it, working it over, and another spawn appears on us. This one is not very big and I drawn the attention to let Will keep fighting. Just as I clear the last Rampager I look over and see the blasted rift level!!! Shortly our buffs are about to go so we fall back.

We rebuff and this time I toss all 7s other on Will and he buffs his items with 7s. Were both about as much of a tank as we can get. I'm in my prepatch and him in his high al creature armor once again move forward.

We get back to the unstable rift area and clear. Will hits me with the focus stone and I start bolting the rift while Will heals me. I didnt affect it a once and Will healing kit ran out and I meet the pretty blue stone. Will recovers my body while the rift uses him for a punching bag and then SOMEHOW gets to my second body and recovers it too!

While sitting here writing this I was think of all the bodies Ive had other people recover; which is not a lot, Will has recovered 90% of them and for the last recover I shall refer to him as William the Miracle worker Bat from this day forward! A bit latter Will shows up and starts handing me my stuff and one of the items he hands me and I about choke is my Heriomance Top! Guess I need to take a look at my death items and make sure I can die twice with out dropping that. I thank him and hand him a 17k death item I had and he true values it and hands it back saying a 17k death item will not cover his 21k armor. Guess I have gimpy death items.

Shadow of a doubt, pun intended
This one is short and sweet. Im in the hall and Balash logs in. Balash is a cool and fun guy to hang out with cause hes crazy! LOL I made mention of my first trip to the Caul and he says he needs to give it another try. I let him know when he want to I have a mule with a portal tie there now. He misunderstood and though I was asking him if he wanted to go; English is not his primary language, and informs me that he and some other are headed to the plains to pull for scrolls. I ask him if he could pull five siks for me. He said sure but why dont I come. So after I lighten my load off we go.

Now the last time I had come to the plains with Rizean I had just turned 50 and gotten creature magic. I did well but not great. We all got buffed up with me being the last to get buffed. Thats what happen when the other four people with you are melees. We head out and close in on a valley hopping to find a chest. We engage some tuskers and I head screams from Ericaka. As soon as the battle was over I tossed Bludgeon Protection 7 and Armor 7 on her.

We moved forward down the valley and entered a large battle. I think things were going well except Gammer the Mad was running away and I was in the process of targeting and healing him as he died. While I was moving up a hill to get a better position to fight from I triggered a second spawn. Opss! Now our large battle turned into a huge battle! I suddenly became very busy imperiling and healing. By the time it was all done Ericaka was dead too and from what Im not sure as the last time I checked her she was at full health.

Balash went back to get the two leaving William the Miracle worker Bat and myself. Hehe, we stirred up some trouble and easily took down anything the plains had to offer. We did this a short while as they got back quick. I took Gammer out and helped him lose his Vitae and Ericaka didnt come back, not sure why.

We found a chest this time and we got Gammer pulled first as he was the lowest level among us. Took us some time of clearing spawns and pulling. Eventually, my turn was up and we had to clear a spawn to get my gimpy five keys pulled, lol! So at this point Gammer takes off and Will dies for a third time. No clue what he was up to while the three of us pulled but every time I ask if he need help I got a simple "No, Im fine" and even though I want to go out and force me help on him how was I going to find him.

Balash is now pulling his keys and it just him and me. Im getting bored watching him pull so I start making circle around the chest look for trouble. I find a straggler umbris here and there, an alter or two, and lots of Vinny and tuskers. Eventually I come up on a Shadow pod. Ah something that will give me a moderate challenge and good loot to boot! Baha! I vul the first umbris, drain, bolt, thats one down and only four more to go. Now what I did not see was the second shadow pod off to my left just over a hill who did not take kindly to me kill their sister.

Suddenly, moderate challenge goes out the window and its a survival for my life. Then they all drained me and I went from 188 health to 18! A shadow of a doubt entered my mind as Im think how in the hell am I going to win this one as I am running for my life. I was trying to type "/f god help me" but all I got typed in was "/f god". Balash must have noticed as he flew into the fray and gave me a chance to heal. He was screaming something about recall and I was thinking whats that? Its not even on my war menu.

Now with my self back in the fray tossing imperials/vul and Balash chopping away at them, they fell quick. Though I had to heal him many times due to the drains; I think these shadows must have spec life magic, there was never a moment I doubted our victory. Once we clear the spawns we found a few keepers and called it a night. I was going to be a long day at work but well worth it.

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