Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - April 10, 2001

Honorable, dishonorable
A strange thing about this game is how someone's true self can emerge. People who will not steal in real life, for of fear of being caught, will steal in game because that is their true selves. The brave, the cowards, the bold and timid are all exposed. Most of all the honorable and dishonorable are uncovered.

The Golden Dragon allegiance on LC got a taste of both. Being a small alliance they did not have the great store of loot some alliances might have. Their great treasure was a Mattie robe. This was loaned to players as needed.

A mage had the robe and needed to return it along with a store of d-notes. He gave it to a good friend to give to the monarch. This "friend", named Kahl, now had a test of his honor. He failed.

Kahl had a problem of dropping his armor when he died. He figured getting some shadow armor would fix it. So he traded the robe for GSA armor and broke with his alliance.

Now the other side. The person who traded the shadow armor found out he had acquired a stolen robe. Revekon II actions were to return the robe and eat the loss of the shadow armor.

Kahl is a thief in this true self. He might be acting the part of a solid citizen in RL but underneath he is a thief. Revekon II on the other hand has honor. He could have kept the robe and no one, including the rightful owners of the robe, would fault him.

I truly believe in Karma. Our actions in this world, including the virtual one, will be paid for or rewarded in time. Revekon II, I solute you.

Another example of honor was exhibited by Magton. Magton was hunting shards when he saw a portal to Plateau. He decided to take a look. When he arrived there was a player called Idorac there. Idorac hands a set of pre-GSA to Magton!

Idorac was waiting for someone to help him mule the GSA and mistook Magton for him. Magton of course returned the GSA. Magton is a member of Elder because of his honor. Dishonorable players are removed but most don't bother to join. Still pre-GSA is a hard test of honor. Even if he did not need it pre-GSA will sell for $500. Unlike Kahl, Magton passed his test of honor.

Finally land a spell
I port into AB from the island and have my new Focus stone in hand. The stone has buffed my creature to 333 and life to 332.

As I hit the LS I hear the hum of a vinnie go by. Several players are pounding on it. I see that it is down about 10%. One player dies as I ready my spell.

I figure the best spell will be imperil. Resist, resist, resist, resist, resist, resist, and with 20 mana left it lands! At this time it is at 75% health. Hit heals itself to 100% and tried to move back to the spawn site. I'm guessing it ran out of stamina because it suddenly dropped all health and died.

I asked the fighters what affect the Imperil VI had on it. Nothing was he general opinion. They were doing 1 to 3 damage before and after the Imperil. These things sure are a pain.

Cost of shortcuts
Buffing is long and boring. Most mages will try and find ways to shorten it. Items help a bit but will at best cut a few spells. What a lot of us will do is only buff for what we expect to fight.

It takes about a full buffing period to clear the Vapor golems around the castle on the island. Vapors toss fire and de-buff for fire. They hit with bludgeoning but don't de-buff for it. I think they will toss imperil. This means I can use two protections and one bane.

I have just started on the Vapors at the north side of the castle. I had one down and killed the other. I waited a second or two before moving forward hoping the Plasma golem was not in a de-buffing mood. It was but only imperil VI, I can live with that one, or so I thought. I ran forward to loot.

Now I have done this several times with no problems. For some reason the cursed bones on the hill decided there were going to take me out. I was not looking so I was attacked while in looting mode. In hindsight I should have ported. I mostly do a full set of protections if not every bane. This time I only had Fire, Bludgeoning and Armor VI on. This added to imperil VI spelt bad news.

I tried to run, forgetting now long these things will chase. Even with my pre-GSA and imp VI it was only a matter of time before they got me. Made it about 20 feet before I died.

After getting my focus stone some dangerous stuff became much less so. Vapor golems are nice points and ever so often will drop a great item. Before, fighting them would make my hands shake and I sweated a lot. Now that I get few resists it is almost routine.

Yield VI, cold Vuln VI, Frost VI, Frost VI and about half the time Frost VI. Getting hit or even letting a Vapor get close are uncommon. After a while I stopped worrying about them.

About then Turbine will showed me the error in my ways. The battle went like this. Yield VI, resist. Yield VI, Cold Vuln resist, Cold Vuln. Vapor is in my face. Frost VI, Vapor burns me good. Stamina to mana, Frost VI, Vapor burns me again. I'm down to 49 hit points but Vapor has a sliver of health. Frost VI, resist, Frost VI resist, Vapers burns you to a crisp.

Despite a lot of death items my endurance V necklace and Mana ring drop. At my level I'm dropping 8 items when I die. Nice thing is my skills are high enough that I can fight with vit.

Two Vapors and my vit was clear. Two more and I got the body back. Only draw back was the plasma golem and tossed life inept VI on me. Kill three more Vapors and the Plasma golem toss war inept on me. Full of de-buffs I decided this was a good time to go sell.

Vassal in trouble
Started out a typical morning. I got up early and hunted Mage a bit. Had a little xp from vassals. The Woo alliance had just joined us under mage so I expect to have more now. After two or three buffing cycles I logged off to check the mail.

Daring sent me this letter.
This morning doing my usual I was in the mossie hideout when someone else showed up, no big deal but it did cut down on what I could get exp wise so I went down one of the ramps like I have before. What I didnt know was that someone had pulled a couple of the tougher mossies out and they nailed me, that is death #`1, so I go back in after buffing, but now the mossies that were at the bottom of the ramp come up and Im surrounded, death #2, I rebuff yet again, waiting a few minutes hoping that things would go back to their respawn point, some did, but not enough, death 3. I go back yet again this time I dont die, but Im forced to run out before could recover anything. Ok here is my big favor. Is there some way Yuma could get there and recover the items from my corpses when they degrade. They should start doing it at about 8:30am EST. The big item Im really hoping to get back is a pair of yellow leggings, they had end IV that I could use because of my melee defense. If you can help out great and if not no problem.

Sent him a quick letter saying I'm on my way.

I logged Fist who was in the Lin Hall. I ported to the Subway and ran outside to the mountain shortcut. From there I ran to the bandit castle portal. A short run south got me to the island portal.

I check Explorer and got the coordinates to the Mosswart hideout. A bit of a run but no danger. I was very close and looking for the portal. I could not stop as I had a mass of stuff following me and did not want to kill it all. I saw a portal and ran into it. Wait, it said North something, not Mosswart hideout.

I find myself in the northern desert near GW. Well that was stupid. Port to Sub Ya Ya Ya. I get to the right portal.

I jump in with an un-buffed fire weapon on hand. As my vassal archer is 33lv so I was not worried. Started a download. Humm my screen fills up with "You and invalid target" messages. A de-buff wares off and quickly scrolls up with the "You and invalid target" once again filling the screen. What have I stepped into?

I get in and I'm surrounded by 10 to 15 33lv Mosswarts. Other than stamina it is not a problem but I was quick to buff my weapon after that. I found one body in a corner. Going down the ramp I found another. I explored all the ramps and killed a big room full of Mosswarts without finding the third body.

Found another room full of shadows, I mean a hoard of them. I killed 4 or 5 and figured he would not be in there. I left the room and had to kill 6 or 7 shadows that followed. Not a nice place.

Only thing left to check was a down ramp. This was a mess. Shadow LT's and Grivviers. I ran back up the ramp and found the hallway filled with Mosswarts. The shadows are blocking the down ramp and other way led into the shadow room. I killed several shadows and that got the other room of shadows involved. Now I was attacked on three sides. I had so many attacking me that the hall was three deep, three wide in three directions.

I'm at 100 health and fail several times to heal, must have had a de-buff. I drink enough health potions to get health back and heal full. Now I have 20 stamina and before I can drink a potion I hit 0 and I'm dead in seconds.

O'well, death number 72. Another long run back. Go in with fully buffed weapon and lay waste to Mosswarts. I recovered the body as the shadows and LT's had returned to their rooms. Doing another check of the upper room I found the third body in a dark corner. Now all I had to do was wait.

This sure is a fast spawning place, lot of battles. To bad the xp is so bad for me. Waited about an hour before the three rotted and I got his stuff.
Readers Respond
I got a letter the other day and it gives me a chance to explain a few things.
My question for you is this, what is so enraging about cheating in a game such as ac? Is it the actual cheating in the game, or is it the fact that people didnt have the option of using the cheat for themselves. I am not a supporter of cheating, but I see this attitude on the boards and in game. Mostly with mages and split bean. I always ask if they used split pea, the answer most of the time is a big YES. I then ask if this split pea is cheating. I get mixed answers to this question. Some say yes, others say no. I myself used split pea, never thought it was a cheat, but in light of recent events I have changed my opinion of the program. I do feel it is a cheat in a way. You may have to do a little learning on your own, but you still didn't learn all the spells on your own. Now the point of this e-mail is this: Are people mad about the cheating, or the fact that they did not have the opportunity to cheat when they were lower lvl. I think that people are mad for the wrong reasons. I have heard many people say, "I didn't get to use something like that." Maybe it is because they are mad that they had to put all the hard work into it, or maybe it is that they wanted something like that to be available to them. I don't know the real answer. But I think this is an issue also, why do we get mad at people who are cheating? In respect to Macroers, cheat programs, and a lot of other exploits have done very little to the average player. Some bugs only affect those who are pks, never touching the average player. Though I look down on it all, I think we should ask the question why are we mad about cheating? I don't know what your feelings are on this, I would appreciate a response if possible. If not I would understand. Thank you for your time. Feel free to comment on this topic if you feel it worth of your excellent page.

Thanks for the letter.

I think your confusing cheating with shortcutting. The spells were made to be hard to get. It takes work that most of us did before split pea came out. The problem with this was it did not restrict spells, which was the intent. Instead it made a boring costly job of it. Sort of a right to passage I guess. In end everyone got the spells, either using brute force or split pea.

Turbine has stated that they thought people would hoard the spells. They misjudged human nature and as soon as spells were discovered they were posted on the net. So all that was left was the random taper. Trying out 144 different combo's a minimum of 3 time each was not fun.

All split pea did was make an obsolete part of the game less painful. This is way the newer spells are scroll only. Not the best solution but it is restricting spell use.

Cheating on the other hand lets players so things that were never intended. Macroing is not cheating. We would like to see macroing go away because it hurts the game in several ways, not because it is a cheat.

Cheating fall into something else. Bypassing the hilted sword limit was cheating. Using Quarries in a Bow was cheating. Duping was cheating. Permabuffing was cheating. All these cheats hurt the game with downtimes and in some cases rollbacks.

Cheating and exploits hurt this game more than standalone games because you affect others with your actions. A macro player has an advantage over the person who plays the game. Cheaters have an advantage over non-cheaters. This advantage grows over time. We see many more high levels in the game today. Turbine is adjusting the game to support the average player. With macros and cheating moving the line the honest players have a harder time of it.

To answer your question; we are mad at cheaters for down times, rollbacks and for many of us, the spoiling of the spirit of the game. We would not cheat even if given the opportunity. My pride and joy is a set of pre-shadow armor. If I could safely dup it I would not do it. If I could cheat and add millions of points to my players I would not do it.

There were macros out when I made Fist de Mage. Most Og mages were macroing. It took me longer and was more costly but I did not macro a single point. I had an archer back when you could cheat with them. Never did it. Most of my friends did not cheat and were never tempted to cheat.

Personally macros would not bother me much if they would just get out of my face. Cannot use some mana pools because they are filled with computer players. In meeting and gatherings we have to move to a far corner to avoid the noise of computer run players.

Macro bods are a different story. Most are in places where they compete with real players. It is not fair for a player to lose points because someone is running a bod while asleep.

What I call for is baning of macroing and punishment for cheating. The newest cheat is a way to speed up your player. With this a cheater can move twice as fast and a non cheating player. Turbine should warn and then delete. We will undoubtedly see another downtime this month to fix this.

Meanwhile the cheater will reap the benefits of cheating while the normal player will share the punishment. Sadly it is the European players who are punished the most. Much of the down time to stop cheating comes in there prime play period.
Turbine responds

I have always wondered about who reads my column. I get a lot of letters from people and even more tells in game from players. I found out last night that there are players within Microsoft who read my column. This group plays but to the best of my knowledge is not involved in running AC.

In my last column I made an error. A Turbine team member was nice enough to write me a letter explaining the truth.

You ask in your latest Fist column:

> How much more would the game have today in quests and events if a whole month was not put into fixing the island quest?"

The answer is twofold. First, there would be *nothing* more if the Aerlinthe fixes had not done. I was the only one working on them. None of the other content people touched it. The only reason I did so is because I am no longer working on AC, and wanted to leave my various quests as unbroken as possible.

Second, it didnt take a month. It was pure data change. It took me a couple of hours to spec, a day to implement, and QA maybe three days to test. The only time out of that that "counts" is QAs, since I am no longer contributing any new content anyway.

The change exposed new problems, but thats inevitable with alterations of this scale. Just as Aerlinthe had to be tweaked when it opened, it will be tweaked now. Again, by me, rather than the AC content team. The fixes to Aerlinthe (and Thau Plate, for that matter) are "free" and outside the nominal content budget.

> Would the Lugie fort near Qbar be up and running if they could work on that instead?

The problem with the Lugian fortress is getting access to Pete McDonald, the only artist conversant enough in Lightwave3D to do complex architecture (he also did the Obsidian Span and worked with Sean Turbitt on the Shadow Spires). Hes been extremely busy working on the AC sequel, and as weve said quite often, content people are not interchangeable with artists or programmers.

Anyway, while "cheaters" certainly do harm the game, theyre not really doing so in that particular case (unless you count the damage to my sanity...). Ive tried to make this clear in several places where people have expressed dissatisfaction with the density of new content in this patch, and assumed the Aerlinthe fix was responsible. Its not; its the effect of the office move, and our external T1 and internal network being down for almost two full weeks.

- ChrisL
Readers respond

This comes from the family board and has some very good examples of how macroing hurts the real players.

My Opinion on Macroing.

I have to say I am not to keen on a macroer. I understand the tedium involved with leveling a difficult toon. I can also understand playing another toon and macroing another to a reasonable level.

Here is where my problem begins.

Case #1
I have been hunting Disaster Maze with my mage for the last couple weeks. I took a break due to the tedium and stress involved with the place. Since the first day I went there, there has been a 42nd level Og Archer in there. Only twice was he actually at the keyboard. He has been macro draining there for the last three weeks. This is a marvelous place for level 20-32 mages to gain levels quick to get to the point to cast 5s reliably. Once you can cast 5s you can hunt a number of other places. This Og archer has positioned himself on a bridge in the place that is away from any harm and conflict and drains two of the three XP rich Tusker Guards. His macro is quite good. It ignores virindi servants and drains Tuskers and Drudges, and rebuffs himself. Almost every one in there wants to get out of that place asap. This player named Warped has placed himself in a safe place to level his og archer to 60 (from direct conversation one of the two times he was at the keyboard) so his template will pay off. His presence extends the time that everyone else is down there by leeching XP off of the people who are trying to work for their levels to leave. That is inconsiderate and stupid. :/

Case #2
There is a nice place in zihkal where there are 4 undead spawning behind a wall that you can melee through. The place is marvelous for solo power leveling from levels 2-10. After 10th you can start to run the Halls of the Helm. Until then you have to kill these undead. I have leveled two toons to tenth level there. Last week a friend of mine, also a member of Elder, was trying to level his re-roll staff fighter. He went to the house and found a level 19 unarmed macro fighting in the house since 4 undead are a breeze for a level 19 with a flaming weapon. My friend kept trying to get his attention until he finally replied saying "sorry I was away from the keyboard." While away from the keyboard he killed 3 undead, so he was macroing. }:< After a conversation with my friend he admitted and returned to his macro. Thankfully a level 36 came in and was ticked off at him and killed all the undead before the other guy could. This place is great to level newbies solo, not a place for you to gain xp safely while you cook dinner or read a book. This player was detracting from everyone's experience in the game.

Now on to my direct opinion.

If you aren't taking xp from other people or making quest spots bad for others then macro. I have no problem with mages sitting in a mana pool for 10 levels if that's what they want to do. I don't have a problem with Trade mules hanging out making someone money. I DO have a problem with someone camping hunting spots for toons 10-40 levels lower than them cause its a safe way to gain xp while you do something else. If you dont want to play the game, quit. I have logged every minute of playtime my original two toons have had. I bought a new account recently to have other toons to run quests and stuff to equip my toons. It is my opinion that if you see people hunting in a spot and it is popular, dont macro there. You make it harder for everyone else to make it easier for you.

Play the game or quit. Don't take away from the people who want to play the game from their computer chair.

DarkMitsu, Linen, Proud Member of The House of Elder Anti Macro Player (it detracts from the fun of the game for other players, why isnt it against the COC?).
This reader has a somewhat harsher view on cheaters that I do.

I have been reading your chronicles for 6 months now and I wanted to thank you personally for sharing such interesting and insightful stories on your continuing adventures in Dereth. I want you to know that I eagerly return to the olthois lair each month to read your latest entries, and I suspect I will be doing so for as long as you continue to write.

Your last posting on the subject of cheating on Asherons Call really hit a sore spot with me. First of all let me start out by saying I am not as charitable as you are. I firmly believe there should be a 0 tolerance policy for cheaters. In my mind there is no gray area. Cheaters do what they know is wrong and in so doing they diminish the enjoyment of others. Because they knowingly diminish the enjoyment of others, I believe they deserve to lose their privileges. That may seem like a very hard stance to take, but personal experience has shown me that it is wholly justified.

Fist I get the impression that you have a lot of time to play (I think that is a pretty safe assumption =) ). Unfortunately there are people who really dont have very much time to play. Those people must make use of the time they have. The impact cheaters have had on these players is much more severe than others. For example you will remember just a few months ago when a bug was discovered that allowed players to become "fabulously wealthy." I am sure you remember it, because it was severe enough to force the admin to correct by both a subsequent hot fix as well as a restoration of character backups. In this instance the actions of the few who exploited that bug, cost me two levels on what was then my only character as well as about 9 hours of hunting time.

I think it is very difficult for someone as established as yourself to fully realize what kind of impact this has on a player with a limited amount of time. In my particular case this was especially devastating since I was lucky to get 4 hours a week. When it was all said and done the cheaters had cheated, and it was I who was being punished severely. That particular hot fix got me so disgusted with the game, that I had almost quit it entirely.

The point I wanted to stress is that cheaters can have a profound affect on players. So profound that they very well could be the determining factor on a decision to leave Asherons Call.

Happily I have more time to play Asherons Call now, and am currently having 2 characters above level 30 with a third in the works. However there is one thing that still bothers me that you didnt cover. What bothers me is that the cheaters are still amongst us. The continuing presence of the cheaters bothers me because in many cases they have gotten to keep some of their ill-gotten goods. Even to this day I have heard whispers that some of the people who exploited the above mentioned bug escaped with a phenomenal amount of money. No matter if this rumor is true or not, it is a very bad precedent. It is a bad precedent because those very same people have exploited the system will now try again to find new ways to exploit the system. If they succeed with it even once, then they are encouraged even more. The only way to discourage those people is to make them lose their privileges. As long as they are tolerated there will be more abuses and more "hot fixes" will be needed to correct them. The real loser will be the people who play by the rules in spirit as well as in the literal means. It is grossly unfair to continue to punish us, and tolerate the ones who are causing the trouble.

That is my take, Thank you for sharing yours. Mournelithe
Daring has a good example of how bad players can be a danger to themselves and others.

Well class ran late so I wasnt able to get on to buff anyone.

When I finally did get on it was near 11pm and no one on my buddy list was on, so I decided to do a bit more hunting inside the hideout. It was funny because I went through sort of the same thing you did in your column about people who are fighting where they shouldnt.

I was on the first level which is full of idolator and fanatics, not too much trouble one on one but in the pack that they attack as they are dangerous. Id gone through a full spawn and "A" ports in. Ill call him "A" as to not embarrass anyone. He says "Hi" and "Nice pile of bodies you have there" so I say thanks to him. He hunts for a bit with me and then heads down one of the long ramps. Now the ramps lead down to more idolators, fanatics but also, soul trappers and zealots. The zealots are the most dangerous ones because even with life protects level 5 and item 4s going he was still hitting me for 5-20 points a shot, also a few shadows as well. (Editor note; A few? Try hordes!)

All of a sudden I see a white dot come running then goes through the portal. What was following him was a zealot and I was busy killing the last two of the spawn when the zealot decides to see if it can burn did, badly. I finally finished it off with 13 points to spare. So I heal myself up and then the other guy ports back in, saying he was sorry about bringing the zealot up, I said to him no problem. At this point "B" ports in, him and "A" work together, Im in one corner of the room and they are in the other, the next spawn seems to split evenly when they decide to go down that same ramp again. Im hunting alone when I see text on my screen saying RUN.

I see nothing on my threat radar, the mossies start their next spawn cycle when here come "A" & "B" running across the room with two shadows in tow. I see that these two are in serious trouble so I decide to help, I start with one of the shadows not engaged with either of them. I thought that even with all the de-buffs the mossies threw I should be able to handle him.......wrong.....I shot him, he threw lighting, told his brother about me and he brought fire and I was back in AB wondering the license of the golem that ran me over.

I rebuff myself and port back in, the shadows are dead but there are two zealots that followed them up also and they killed me before I could make it to the exit portal. So now Ive got a 10 vitae and can only cast 4s in both my schools, you can guess how pissed off I was. I buff with the 4s and try it again. This time I was lucky that the zealots went back to their spawn point and I only had to deal with the normal first floor spawn. In my weakened state I had to be more careful and keep a constant track of my hp and stam, cause they were hitting often. I worked off the vitae over two full spawn cycles. In the end I did recover everything. It just amazes me that people dont realize how often their actions affect others in the world around them.....makes you think doesnt it.

News group tales.

I'm lucky. I have seen my share of lamers but nothing like the one these two met. They are to be applauded for having cool heads and keeping it civil. Killing with kindness was driving the lamer up a tree.

I guess Ive been really lucky but in over a year of play, Id never really had a run-in with a true grief player. Oh sure, the occasional spammer showing off how many times he can use the "f" word or kill leecher but nothing really directed just at me. I have to pass on my first real encounter so bear with me if its a bit long.

Last night, my husband and I (both level 47 sworders) decided to wander the Serac vault a bit. We were extremely short on funds and we thought wed try to find some of those large mnemotriangle thingies. Were in the room with the double spawn of dark revs while another guy (whos name Ill leave out of this) is draining one room over. The drainer is allowing us to kill the two dark revs and just taking stam and mana from them and were bantering a bit. Life is good.

Suddenly I hear the telltale sound of something important running out of mana and realize I hadnt bought any stones on our last restock trip. Doh! Recall back to grab some, leaving my husband to hunt the dark
revs--something he can do alone if hes cautious. As hes fighting one, this guy named Sarcophagus shows up (Lvl 57 Axer). My husband asks him if he wants to alternate the spawns. No response. My husband starts just fighting every other spawn, though the axer is attacking every one, when he comments to me, "Wow. This guy is being really weird." The axer is dropping in and out of the room, opening and closing the door and generally acting like hes not sure what hes doing. About that time, the two dark revs spawn and the axer draws them both around the corner into the short hallway where my husband was buffing. "Honey, I think he was trying to that on purpose." "Naw, " says he, "Must have been trying to get away from their casting. I shouldnt have been buffing this close." He asks the guy again if he wants to fellow or partner up in some way. No response so he moves up the hall some more to finish his buffs. Next spawn and the axer pulls them onto my husband again, killing him. Were looking at each other like two of
the three stooges. "Hey! He did that on purpose." (Yeah, yeah. Were naïve doofs. It took us that long to catch on. No one had ever done that to us before and this guy hadnt even said a word yet.)

I get back to the spot about that time and Sarcophagus actually deigns to speak to me. "Leave." I ask him why since we were there first but we were happy to share the space. He says its his spot and hes been there forever and tells me to leave or Ill get some of what the "last guy" got. I tell him until he can carve his name on the walls there, he cant make me leave. A few more threats follow about bringing his clan in (I ID him and see hes the monarch with 37 followers), that I wont get any of the kills, that hell get me killed, yada, yada. Im staying polite and telling him that Im not in a pissing contest with him and the worst he can do to me is give me 40% vitae. He can have the loots. Im happy with the exp Im getting from the battles. (He does get me killed one time but I was trying to out-muscle him in that fight. Dumb. Im not going to out-muscle an axer 10 levels above me.)

Finally, my husband gets back and were fighting together and getting the kills. The axer has a problem. He cant stay in the room with the dual spawns. He has to go out and close the door and wait for them to exhaust their magic. We can. Weve fought way too many shadow spawns/bander enforcers together and we fight as a team. Now were getting the kills. He starts dropping fire arrows and quarrels to lag things out. Sighs. Were on cable modems. I pick them up and drop them off the bridge. He starts handing me the shields and swords the revs carry. Sigh again. I have 195 base strength with a lvl 5 strength ring on top of that. Dear me, I think I just hit 72% burden. I turn off Accept Items. Sarcophagus disappears and suddenly some guy named Celtic Frost shows up. Lvl 47 mage. We ID him and guess who hes sworn to? Yep. Sarcophagus. We continue killing the spawns and Im watching this guy. Ahhah. I get it. Hes trying to draw revs across the bridge and onto us. He does that a few times, we kill them, thank him for the extra ones and comment out loud to each other detailing the loot were pulling.

Now he decides to start draining them. Now this is where it gets ironic. Hes draining them, were fighting them and everyone is getting just about equal loot rights. He gets one, we get one, etc. etc. The battles are a lot easier because of his drains. I thank him for the drain support and tell him how nicely that arrangement is working out. "Yeah but youre not getting as much experience because Im draining." LOL. Son, youre just NOT getting the point. Ive picked up a half million of exp during this. Im going to try to drive you off over another 200K of exp?

After about a half hour of this, he logs out the mage. We hunt for a few more minutes and decide to call it a night. As were leaving, here logs in Sarcosilly again. I guess hes going to try again with his axer. We tell him how much we enjoyed the hunt and that we hoped to see him again next time we were around.

Theres the story of our first run-in with a dood. (Is someone acting like him considered a dood?) It was just so silly. He could have partnered with us and had a ton of experience and loot with far less effort than it took him to try and drive us off.

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