Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - April 18, 2001

Took me a while to get going on this week's column. Not sure why. Last week I had it written by Friday and I'm starting this one on Monday afternoon. Of course last week I knew I was out of town for the weekend so that might have forced me. This week Easter killed Sunday and my sister's kids coming over eat up Saturday. What this means is there might be a few more errors than normal as I have less time to proof it.

Story on a fan sight.
I wrote a little story trying to explain a few things missing in AC. In the end I dropped in Fist to round it out. The story is on
If you get time please go read and rate it. I recommend you register on the board and read + rate other stories as well.

Goal of the game
I was introduced to a new player in the hall the other day. We were outfitting him and giving him general advice. He asked a question, "What is the overall goal of this game." A good question. Most games have a goal. A bad guy at the end of a long quest mostly.

Some games are won by killing everyone else, AKA diplomacy. Many are won by defeating one player or group.

This game had one goal and many who play it have forgot or never knew that goal. The goal is not to be the biggest and baldest. The goal is not to finish all the quests. The goal is not to visit all the sights. The one and only goal of this game is to have fun.

There is no end to this until MS pull the plug. People have reached the limit of leveling but that is just a goal of the game. All the above can be done but they are just small parts of the overall enjoyment. Each new addiction to the game is for one purpose and that is to give people the opportunity to have fun.

Grief Players
This leads to another question that came up. What is a grief player? Mostly this leads to examples. There was a player called Elemental Soldier who hunted BDC for a while. He was an expert at causing misery to all around him. He loved to hide just off the screen and wait until someone was facing the Noble. Then he would jump in, get the back shots and win looting rights.

He called people names, never helped others and made a lot of people very unhappy. Some, such as Badmofo and myself, went out of our way to piss him off. Badmofo only went to BDC to steal kills from him.

A lot of archers were grief players for a while. Most did not know any better and because of the early advantage of archers, made others unhappy. Most of them grew up or hit the wall and moved to the next template of the month.

There is a player whose actions hit the boards the other day. It caused some debate, mostly because the title of the post was somewhat insulting to his patron and monarch. This player hates competition. If anyone is close to him he will insult, curse and leach the person until they leave. Several people had examples where this guy would run up and curse them because they were hunting "His" private hunting spot.

Most people just move away from him. His grief play will spoil their goal of having fun. Others feel doing that will only give him what he wants. In the past I would be with the later group. I have grown a bit and now try to just avoid the grief players.

Examples of grief play are; kill stealing, leaching, cursing, drawing, thieving and slander.

Kill stealing is waiting for someone to engage a monster and then jump in. This is not miss-targeting that will happen. Mostly it is done outside as inside many times becomes a free for all. This is not a misunderstanding. The object to kill stealing is to let others take the damage while they take the loot. Archer's have the most easy time of kill stealing but all classed have these players. A common tactic by a kill stealer is to follow a Fighter/Archer with life skills. When the player imperils a monster he runs to kill it before the other can change to a weapon and fight.

Leaching works the same as kill stealing. The difference is the person doing the leaching is after xp not loot. They are incapable of fighting the monster on their own so they will wait for someone else to be their meat shield.

Cursing is self explained. The reason for it I don't know. This is mostly done by kids trying to impress other kids.

Drawing is where one player draws monsters on another with the intent to get them killed. Unfortunately this is done as revenge by good players a lot. A vassal of mine found himself doing it and was truly regretful later. A new game the grief players are pulling involves making portals at the bottom of the Subway. It was discovered that landing on a portal from a big jump will double or even triple the damage. Lot of people have been killed this way lately.

There are two tactic's that get grief players killed that I can approve of. This is used against people who follow you and will not let you alone. The first is to get rid of kill stealing and leaches that jump imperils. There are spells that look like an imperil. By tossing that the thief runs up and finds a fully functioning monster. Death quickly follows.

The other is to wait for a large group and when the grief player starts in, log out. If the grief player is not sharp, and lets face it most are not, they are quickly killed.

Thieving is less common these days because of secure trading. With the advent of Six Sense mule jacking is way up. Scams are more common. Many bars are stolen from people who need them combined. Those who are not in a large alliance have a hard time getting this done.

Someone discovered you can use the trade window to steal. First trick was to close the window just as someone puts an item in it. "Can I see your Mattie robe in a trade window?" is the common question. If the timing is right the robe drops to the ground for the thief to steal.

The new trick is to open a trade window when a person is muling or in some cases looting their body. If your in peace mode this will sometimes open the trade window and close your pack/body. This lets the thief grab and steal. My advise is to stay in war mode when doing this.

The oldest trick for a thief is to run between players who are passing items. If the timing is right they get the item instead of the victim. Trade windows prevent this. If your passing items be careful of people who run between you. This might be an error on their part but if you see someone doing that, use a trade window.

Chest stealing is new. Got so bad that Turbine had it issue a warning about not using gold keys until they fix the exploit the thieves are using.

I would say stealing has caused more people to quit the game than any other reason.

Scamming people still works well for the grief player. People have made new friends, hunted with them for days, introduced them to friends and are very happy with their new friend/vassal. Then they will use their friend to mule to accept an offer to have their GSA buffed. Bam, new friend is a thief who wanted your GSA/Mattie robe or whatever the thief was after.

Of course few players today will give a new player great items. To many scammers have made players just to steal from generous patrons, then transfer and delete.

Slander is a grief player's tactic to use the boards as their weapon. Posts with the intent of getting others mad at a player are common. For this reason many are demanding screen shots to prove an accusations. Even that is not proof as screen shots have been doctored. Only a careful looking at a history, good and bad, will help here. Still many a good player has had a lot of grief sent their way with slander.

Overall a grief player get his joy by spoiling the joy of others. My advice is two fold. Move away from them, squelch their account and tell others of your experience. We have run a lot of grief players off our server. This was done with the many boards dedicated to AC. After everyone knows about a grief player they find no help, no friends and no trick works. After that they might as well be playing Wizardry as they have no interaction with other players.

My history
I have been playing games starting with Chess and moving to war games and then RPG games since the early 60's. My first board game was Tactic II. I played a lot of different war games put out by Avalon Hill and later other manufactures. In my Den are hundreds of war games that may never again see the light if day again.

In 1977 I was introduced to a game called Dudgeon's and Dragons. I really got hooked. I played until the mid 80's, winning the only West Coast Glen Con AD&D tournament ever held. I stopped because of time and so many players that knew nothing about the game. (I don't want to go into it too much unless people are interested. If you want to hear how I won that tournament, send me a letter. New address is

When starting we read every rule and studied the writings of other gamers. We waited for the new AD&D books to come out. (I was overseas at the time and we had to wait for someone to bring us the books.) I can say that we had some of the best players ever to play the game back then.

After AD&D hit the main stream another group of players emerged. These players read the first page of the book. They saw the words "This is a guideline" and tossed the book aside. They had distain for those who knew the rules. My test to a DM was simple. I would ask them what rules they had that differed from the official rules. If they could not tell me, I did not play.

The key thing at this point was a promotion in the Marines that left me with a lot less time to play.

Another thing that took time away from AD&D was a computer. I had a hand held HP with programming ability for a few years. I saw an Apple in the late 70's and knew I had to have one. In the early 80's I took the Bart to SF and got one at a convention. (I asked someone if they had change for $10 so I could get a Bart ticket. "Ooo you should not be carrying that much money down here.", was the answer. I had $1200 in my picket.)

I saw a Bata copy of Wizardry at a computer story and my RPG gaming on computers started. 20 years later I still know that dungeon. I also taught myself programming which was my future job skill.

I got on the internet in the early 90's. I still played RPB games. Might and Magic and Baldur's Gate were my last two. I also played war games and a few sims. What I really got into was chess.

I joined the internet chess club and my over the board games declined a lot. I player over 2000 games in a year and made many friends.

I saw a bit on AC and downloaded the bata. Never got around to installing it. After winning Baldur's Gate I was looking to join an online game. I studied EQ and AC. I decided on AC because of the soloing ability. I like working with people but did not want to be forced into a group. Got my copy just before Thanksgiving 1999. After a few test players I made Fist on 11/01/99.

Cliff Bowman came on 11/15/99 and of course both player are first generation and not the strongest. Mage was made in mid August of 2000 and is a third generation powerhouse.

It is dead at last
I ported in to AB from the island one day this week. After selling off I decided to try taking on a Virindi E again. Had put a few more points into my skills and wanted to test it out. I found one at the north edge of the hill.

I buffed up and was about ready. A fighter ran over to the Virindi and drew it into a group of fighters. Dam. Someone saw me there and ran up asking for buffs. With nothing to fight I obliged him. About half way into buffing him a new Virindi spawned. I got the guy buffed and tossed a yield on it. YES, landed first time.

Only problems was a fighter had its attention before the spell landed. I got a fire vuln off but the lag was bad. I kept trying to toss fireball but nothing happened. It died fast to other attacks.

I decided to head down the hill to look for one. I found two at the bottom of the hill to the east. Several attempts at yield failed. I checked the level on them. One was 150+ and the other was 140+. It is said that anything above 130 is impossible to fight.

I headed around the north side of the hill and found one. Yield, Fire Vuln and fireball. Oops. The reason the fireball did not go off before was I was out of a comp. Keeping my head I dropped out of combat mode and split a pea.

Several fireballs later it was dead at my feet. YES my first one. Now I wanted to hunt them for real. I headed over to the south side where the three spawned. Got a yield on one and with a few resists a vuln. A few de-buffs let it resist a lot more and I waited too long to run.

Well that is one way to clear de-buffs. I ran back from the LS looted my body. Several fireballs later I had number two under my belt. De-buffed another one and this time got smart. If I got under 100 hit points I jumped into the portal. Then I ported back and re-engaged. Got the other two that way.

The problem with them is after they level. Several people are trying them without success. After that no one can fight them. With even better skills I faced down a 131 level. With 15 tries I could not land a yield.

Now I cringe when I see a death message. "Fighter is blasted into small chewable chunks by a Virindi E." After that I know I have another one I cannot fight.

I have been to Metros several times. Mostly to help players recover their bodies out of the acid pit. I have gotten a lot of motes there as well. Going deeper was never on my mind.

My mage needs the new dispel gems. I figured this would be a good place to get the items for them. Revenants and Obsidian golem were said to be in abundance there.

I put on Fists protection setup and headed out. First part was a bit crowded but as I got deeper I was alone. I had to buff two weapons, my fire and my centus. Fire worked well with Revenants, even the ones with shields. Obsidian's fell to my centus after a time.

Both monsters loved to chain cast and several times I was in trouble. I guess fighting five Obsidian or four Revenants at once was not smart. I survived and after that the spawn was two or three at a time. Spent about an hour there before I got too tired to keep it up. (Late night Sunday after a long day.)

Loot was poor. I got two hearts that I carved into keys. Lot of dead Revenants but no Triangles. Just a bad string of luck because my vassal has found several. I know there are changes (demanded by the PK's) to the dispel gems so I need to pick up a few before the patch. I'm hoping that the change is just for non-lock picking players.

I hear that around Sanctuary the chances of getting a triangle is higher but of course the danger is a lot more as well.

Vassal stories
I was hunting in Metos on Friday night, I was alone in the main iron room making some good experience, when after a bit a vassal of Midnight Mist comes in, Tachler. He was working off some vitae and it was fun. We hunted and joked a bit, sharing the kills.

Another person came in and was kill jumping a bit but not so much that it was annoying, I think the person wasnt watching what his auto target did, you know how that goes. So I stop shooting for a bit and buff Tachlers sword for him, he was appreciative, then I did the same for the other person. I start to mana up, which is when the golems decided to re-spawn, with me in mid cast I was knocked through the wall, through the mountain that was in the way, past a couple Executors that were playing cards and headfirst into the lifestone.

I get up and dust myself off, thinking ok no more Mr. Nice Guy. I buff up full and go back into the room to teach the Golems what a pissed off archer is capable of. Tachler let me work off my vitae, which I did quickly to the extreme discomfort of the Golems I shot.

That is when Tachler told me about the Revenants on the lower level. He thought and I quote "You would OWN those Revs". So after thinking about it the next morning I loaded up a couple hundred Greater Fire Arrows and went off to see what the Revs were like.

Now my previous characters I wouldnt send against those Revs without backup going in with him. So off Toromada goes in, finds the first Rev and I check him out....oh only level 90!!! Im thinking what the hell am I doing here??? I decided against my better judgment to attack, he gets a spell off first, WHAM, 55points, as I whimper around the corner.

I heal up and then think ok Ill buff with life every element and physical attack and see what happens. I go around the corner again with my bow drawn, WHAM 11 points, now thats more like it, I shoot and nail him for 55points. He runs up and starts pinging me with his axe, as I keep shooting, in the end he crumbles to dust as I stand there victorious.

I heal myself and slowly move down the hallway, I dont want to take them on more than one on one just yet. Thats when I discovered how well they cast level 5 spells. I was hit with fester, weakness, bafflement, feeblemind, clumsily, along with drains to everything, all this without a target to shoot at. I run forward and pull one out from the side room to wreak havoc, and ran back the way I came as 3 of the 4 came out with me....ughhhhhh back at the lifestone.

I rebuff my life spells and go back to recover those portal gems...hey they are mine and I wanted them back! This time I work it a bit differently, I ran to one side of the wall where I could peer into one of the side rooms and be protected from the other. One was just in view, he cast, I shot, we both healed and did this again. In the end I won and figured out how to fight them better. Ive pulled about 8 of the large triangles off these guys and have used them wisely. I owe a big debt of gratitude to Tachler, cause without his advice Id still be just hunting golems.

R. Scott White

Newsgroup Tales
This was written after things started getting out of hand with a debate on cheating.

"Axemaster Setfeb> wrote in message
> Just for my understanding: even IF he was looking for information how to
> reproduce this bug. How does him exploiting it affect you?

I suppose a student of the mind could put some profound psychological statement in this space, but I dont know that there are any of those here. I am only a lowly student of language, but I suppose I can give it a shot.

Human beings experience a natural arousal of emotion when confronted with a state of unfairness, which cheats tend to take the form of. Beyond this simple explanation, there are several ways of varying likelihood that a cheat such as this could have an effect on my person.

(This is by no means an exhaustive list):

1) If his character is on Frostfell and hunts in or around the same locations where I tend to hunt, his multiple bandit weapons could give him the edge he needs to win all kills in the area I am in, forcing me to leave.

2) If his character is on Frostfell, but does NOT hunt in or around the same locations where I tend to hunt, his multiple bandit weapons could give him the edge he needs to win all kills in the area he is in, forcing others to leave and possibly to migrate to MY hunting grounds, thereby forcing me to leave or face massive xp loss by staying in the same place.

3) If his character is NOT on Frostfell, his multiple bandit weapons could give him the edge he needs to win all kills in the area he is in, forcing others to leave and possibly to make a snap decision to migrate to Frostfell *and* MY hunting grounds, thereby forcing me to leave or face massive xp loss by staying in the same place.

4) If in (3), enough people migrate to Frostfell in the face of his unfairness, Frostfell will be bogged down with even worse lag than it already suffers, forcing me to leave Frostfell and start over on another server at level 1.

5) If his character is on any server, his multiple bandit weapons could give him the edge he needs to win all kills in the area he is in, possibly pushing over the edge those people who are just on the verge of insanity. If that person lives near me in real life, my person could be in grave danger.

6) If his character is on any server, his multiple bandit weapons could give him the edge he needs to win all kills in the area he is in, possibly pushing over the edge someone who just lost his or her real life job at the IRS. Even if that person does NOT live near me in real life, he or she could travel the country on a violent killing spree, skillfully evading law enforcement officials and anti-tank missiles. If perchance that person travels the interstate route required to reach the town where I live, my person could be in grave danger.

7) If his character is on any server, his multiple bandit weapons could give him the edge he needs to win all kills in the area he is in, possibly pushing *just to the edge* a man who just lost his real life job at the IRS. Unless that mans wife (if he has one) plays Asherons Call as well, she may not want to listen to his in-game grievances. If he perceives this as callousness and becomes frustrated enough, he could be pushed over the edge and travel the country on a violent killing spree, drawing the attention of law enforcement officials and the United States military. Now, *IF* Zippy works for the military in real life and is manning the weapons in one of the helicopters that are chasing this man, but is very tired because he stayed up late last night playing AC since he was enjoying his new bandit weapons so much, and is feeling further emotionally frustrated because he had a hard time competing with others who had exploited the bandit weapons bug, AND if they are driving by my house RIGHT NOW, Zippy could accidentally aim the helicopters gun incorrectly and mistakenly kill me at my computer before I finish typing this sente

Next one is how is should work. The title is Non-Grief player.

Having read some interesting accounts of players run-ins with Grief players, I thought I might just let you know about an experience I had last night whilst in the Luigan Citadel at Qal on the Thistledown server.

Being a player from Australia, my standard playing hours normally see very few players online, and as such a place like the citadel can be more or less empty. I took my level 25 Staff fighter up towards the main jumping room and when almost there, saw this one player (level 38 sword) completely surrounded and having the time of his life.

After asking if I could take a few off his back, we then set about an amazingly constant battle. Being the only two players there, we were often not able to kill all the MOBs before the next spawn. For almost 2 hours, the two of us battled side by side, many times being only 10 points or so away from a visit to the LS, yet neither of us ran, always backing up the other, to provide one of the most exhilarating experiences I have had playing AC.

Here was a player, 13 levels above mine, whom I had never met or seen before, and who perhaps could have soloed quite easily, yet between us we seemed unstoppable. I only wish I could remember his name cause whilst there may be some real annoying grief players around, it all pales when you meet and fight beside a person who could only be described as a true gentleman. (Maybe describing this player as a "knight" of times gone by would be closer to the mark.)

Staffie (L26 Staff Fighter)

A lot of times a question is posted on how to level. Here is an example of how Legiondel does it.

While leaving my most difficult re-roll alone for now (Id like to get it twinked for a bit before I start playing it), Ive been solo power-leveling my new unarmed character when I get the chance to log on for awhile.

I dont really consider this character to have started with a "template," because I tend to work outside of the traditional template restrictions when creating my characters. As a result, my characters often have the type of starting stats that would probably send Epsilon to the funny farm :-) Even so, I did train bow as a range weapon, and it has helped immensely.

I started in Lytelthorpe, a sort of tradition for me since my very first character was created there. It took a bit of fancy footwork to do the "Beltsloras Pretty Shirt" starter quest, but I found it to be quite doable even with a level 3 character with only 14 health :-) (Side note - stay away from drudge prowlers whenever possible at this level - I was one-hitted by them endlessly!)

Planning on leveling with my bow to begin with, I quickly found a red letter and did the Society Yumi quest. I hung out in Lytelthorpes Lost Distillery until level 8 or so, when I could finally handle drudge prowlers without being too afraid of getting my head handed back to me on a platter. I actually leveled pretty fast there - the re-spawn time is short, so youre always busy, and I did meet someone else in there - providing a little company to drive the doldrums away.

Keep in mind that I never did solve my connection problems quite as well as I had hoped to, so I had a lot of deaths simply from my connection dropping out on me. (Good thing its so hard to lose a Society Yumi!) Even so, at this point I felt confident enough in my ability to live if dropped, so I paid a visit to my mules to get rid of my newbie gear. That means pulling out my prized fire unarmed weapon (for zombies) and my blue amuli outfit (for looks! ).

In retrospect, that was a pretty dumb thing to do. I never know when Ill be disconnected, and a few times its happened while looting the corpse I had from a previous disconnection - leaving my corpse open to robbery. However, I have a history of being able to get away with doing stupid things, and nothing bad has come of my folly yet.

In about two hours of hunting in the North Glenden Prison (undead and zombies), I went from level 8 to level 12. (I still cant believe Turbine raised the xp yield on these things - it makes this dungeon a really good leveling spot for about four more levels than it used to be.) I went through the obligatory drops and subsequent deaths, but the grief was worth it, since I was able to pour enough xp into Item that I was able to learn LS and Portal Recall, with the help of focus, willpower, and item buffs that I also picked up from the zombies.

One of the things to realize about bow vs. unarmed is that UA cant out damage very easily at this level - not without at least one good critical. Using my fire cestus put me at a slight disadvantage to some of
the others that would come in from time to time. That didnt last long - I learned blood drinker II, picked up some FC arrows in town, and came back with my +87% longbow. The other hunters in the dungeon were lucky to get a swing in before I took the zombies down. A lot of them left in the hopes that Id be gone when they came back later. Some of the ones that stayed were clearly not very happy with my presence (I was out killing a level 20 swordsman). Maybe I shouldnt have felt guilty, but I did, and ended up leaving one side of the dungeon alone for a little while to make up for it.

Before long I made level 18, and left that pitiful level 22 swordsman to himself. I fought for a bit in Old Mine, and then the Lugian Citadel, but it got old pretty fast; back when my first unarmed character hunted the Citadel, there were lugians to go around for everyone. Now, a lugian spawns, each player manages to hit it once, and the lugian dies. Not my idea of fun.

That brings me up to today - at the Vesayen Isles. I am almost completely new to this place, having visited only twice with my mage for about 30 minutes each, and never having gone much past the Kryst lifestone. Yow! This place is nice. Ive spent my time fighting Shallows Destroyers and the level 35 mosswarts (Fanatics and Idolators, I believe). I havent ventured far from Kryst yet, and probably wont for awhile. I found a spot where a group of fanatics and idolators spawns on a fast cycle, but I dont know how long I will stay there since I am an explorer at heart.

The *real* kicker is that on my last hunt on Vesayen, my level 19 unarmed character had to buy a *D* note from all the loot money, and still had enough to restock supplies afterward (I portal recall to Vesayen but keep my lifestone tie in Glenden Wood for mana charges and healing kits). I am pretty impressed with what I have seen of the isles so far, and will probably be hunting there for a while to come.

Legiondel IV of Frostfell

This one was written a while ago and should have made it into a column. Funny as hell.

I spent last night out of character acting like I had a screw loose. The story should be told that way.

I am in the process of buying a house and time playing AC has been at a premium. Last night began late. Since there wasnt enough time to get Nasier warmed up, I dusted off Cetshwayo. Zakamoto was on and I decided to see what he was up to. Looking for another idol gem for a friend. Hmmm, a good cause. Tzu summoned to Freehold and soon Barra, Nasier and Zakamoto were going after idols. It was great fun since the only danger that the idols or the mosswarts that surround them offer is the occasional war spell. After killing a pair of dread idols to no avail, we head for the idol spawning grounds. Bodies at the entrance and loot on the ground. A good sign. We run through the passages and finally come to the big open room. We were greeted by a mess of zealots, a handful of soul trappers, two idols and one dread idol. A target rich environment. As we dropped the last of them a guy came in (I cant remember his name for the life of me) and we started talking about drop rates and bandit hilts. He seemed a good sort (and an assest to The Silver Citadel), so when he asked to come along, we were happy to have him with us. By this time, the doughboys respawned and we lit into them. Happy day, a second gem. Given the ease of the first two, the wife said that she wouldnt mind having a bandit dagger so we went deeper.

We made a large idolless loop (man, that dungeon is huge) and finally found a way down after killing another dread idol. Around this time, we realized that we need to keep an eye on our new friend since his very attractive matching celdon has little or no fire protection (yelling: Arrrggggh!! in the middle of a zealot attack is a giveaway). More running around, more zealots more soul trappers and debuffs by the score. Each of us looked like a disco light with all the swirling and expanding lights. Name the debuff, I had a level III through V of it. We finally reached a pit to the last level. Zakamoto, ever the responsible one tried to gently steer me away from diving into a room full of zealots. Yea, right... I am having one hell of a good time.

Rebuff and yelling on the way down; I want to be an airborne ranger!! (In game and RL). I land in the middle of a pack of little green guys. Blood and debuffs flying everywhere. At this point our friend is getting a litle incredulous. All he manages to utter is "Damn"

We laugh and press on. We pass the surface portal, go around the corner and see two dread idols, hopping towards us. We engage and a few moments into the fight, I see a guy with a shield pop out between the idols for a moment. Was there another guy down here? Why didnt the idols attack him. Oh...wait...other people arent translucent with glowing red eyes. Yea, Zakamoto did say something about shadow lieutenants. *shrug* we put them down before they cast. No gems but that was fun.

We walk around the corner to check the statue of Bael and our friend remarks "I am debuffed all to hell. I have never been debuffed like that." I was reminded of Barra and I in the mosswart hideout where the debuffing was so constant, you forget that you dont look like a flashing grey/yellow/purple/green diamond...and I said as much.
Zakamoto simply said "Welcome to MY world."

We went to the surface to try the two idols there. Mr Dread Idol chaincast level V frost bolts on my sorry butt and reminded me why I shouldnt get too casual with them. "hmmm 5 health RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY!"

Still no gem but that was some of the most fun I have had in a while.


I have a lot of stuff saved from the newsgroup, some of which reaches back to last November. I going to try and get a catch up for them soon.

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