Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - August 15, 2000

Started out a slow day. Did the Nest and took the portal to the other Nest. I decided to do that one as well. I had a few stats I was working on and needed the points. It was clear all the way to the third level. Some powerful group was clearing it out.

I caught up fast. The powerful group was my vassal Jarad. He had taking my training and was soloing the Nest too. Only he is 17 levels below me! We had a fun time killing off the rest. I sold off and I did the Nest one more time.

I got a call from Xian Quickhand. This is an unarmed fighter I had helped a few days before. He wanted to join our group. We waited a bit and The Saint logged in. The Saint has a fine vassal there I think. He just made 9lv and working on Item spells.

I was about to log and I got a call from Badnames. He had died a few times in the Nexis vault and needed help. I checked my friends list and found Setfeb Axeswinger was on. He agreed to help. I logged with confidence that it was all taken care of. I was right because this morning Badnames told me everything went smooth after that.

I got a call from someone who had leggings I wanted. I had bid on it in COD. Hi AL and strength V. I had bid 10 keys and then forget about it. I and won the bid and now needed to un-mule the keys and meet him.

No one was around but I found a 27lv doing some muling. I put some nice items in my bag, but nothing I would care about if lost. Asked for help muling. That went ok so I trusted her with the 10 keys. I got the leggings and now needed to find a Girth.

I decided to do a search of my mules to see if I had a good one before I called on the family. I found an ok one on a mule. I also found a shield I had pulled from a chest a while back. It was heavy but over 300al after the spells.

After seeing what a fighter could do with zero stamina and a good shield I wanted to try it. I waited around for Jarad to get back to help me mule. He was camping the Nobles in BDC.

It got exciting for him. He said he was mobbed. I said ok that is no problem compared to the Nest. He said he was at burden. I said that was a problem. The said there goes the buffs. I said port! He just made it.

It was very late when he got there and I had leveled up a few mules id'ing stuff. When I have down time I id everything in my packs. Doing this I have an 11 level mule and a 9lv mule that have never killed a thing.

Jarad showed up with Jocasta. He had a helm that Jo wanted but he was being stubborn. They know each other in RL. I muled the stuff to Fist. With the heavier shield and the heavy leggings and girth I was at 99%. I also looked a lot worse that I did before. I thought I looked like a mule then.

Jocasta said she had some better armor on a mule I could have. She logged and got me a cutlass that matched the leggings. Sleeves are still off but I look a lot better. It was also lighter. I'm at 93% instead of 99%. To be fair I also was at full stock for stones and comps.

Jarad logged off and Jo and I were talking. She just got the new shadow armor and the green and gold matches her red hair to a tee.

Someone ran up. He had no armor, only gloves. He had been in the Sec Vault and died three times. Someone told him it was an easy quest.

I had been there with a group a while back. Badmof and I died very quickly and had a scary time getting the bodies back. The lag was so bad I could never be sure I had control. We said we would never go back.

Jocasta started powering up to go. I checked my friend list for help. This late no one could help. A group formed and was porting to the exit at Old Mine. Even though I knew I would be in big trouble with my wife I decided to go. It was after 2am and she gets up at 4am. If I'm still up I'm dead meat. (Have sneaked to bed at 3:30 many a nights.) But I felt honor bound after Jo went.

I let the naked guy use a master robe after I put buffed it with a V spell. I powered up and was buffing when everyone went to help Jocasta. She had fallen off a mountain and could not find the body. Will they never fix that bug?

After I was done I had found that everyone had headed off to the Vault without me. I had no idea how to get there. I messages Dark Angel of Souls and she came back for me.

I found we had a nice group there. Bane the Ecf I knew. Dark Angle of Souls, Kovu (naked guy), Sai Jai II and a 26lv whose name I did not write down, me and Jocasta.

I went in first because we knew I would have to do a download. First part had a few Liches that we killed quickly. My protects were keeping me from taking to much damage but my Magic resistance V was useless, did not resist a single spell all night.

I lead the way up the hall until we got all the bodies. Now the fun part.

A few players made the jump to the candle and then the ramp. I hate jumps but had been doing a lot of practicing. I'm sure there are some around Awric who wonder at the jumping fool.

My main problem is too good a jump. I mostly over jump everything. Takes timing to not do a full jump. It did not help when someone tossed jumping mastery on me. After 4 tries I made it.

That was not that hard for me but the others were having it much harder. Jocasta and I keep killing the few Liches that attacked us. I was getting drained and de-buffed a lot.

Finally everyone made the jump and we ran to the stone room. I missed the first action. It seems after trapping two Liches in the pit they fought the last one. Jocasta got the stone but had to port. Bane the Ecf was blasted with Acid and was dead on the floor. Not a good beginning. We were down to four players, one of which was a 26lv!

I was shaking as my last visit to this place was not a pleasant one. Others were quite calm. (aaa youth) But I was afraid for nothing. I had gained 12lvs since my last trip and was a lot better. This time I had on better protects and had learned to heal in battle.

Bane the Ecf got back quickly. Then he disappeared. I never found out what happened. I'm hoping he ported and was not disconnected.

We played the door bug for a while. We used arrows to draw one to the door and close it. Then fight it though the door. No spells in the face. Only problem was their timing. Several times the Lich ran into the room before the door closed. Then it was my job. They scattered and I fought it. Only one time did I take enough damage that I had to heal in battle. I would not want to fight two but one was no problem.

The biggest problem was all the de-buffing I was getting. No way I was tossing level VI spells and did not even try. But my item is good enough that level V's were no problem.

We all got a stone and we took a group picture of the four of us. I look good in my new gold armor. Just need some Endurance V gold sleeves to replace my black ones.

Killing bugs

Now I have killed my share of Olthoi but yesterday I did more than my share. I have a few stats I'm building so I can go start fighting magic stuff, mostly health and healing. It is very costly for me to increase any stat so I need to do a lot of hunting.

Started out with a trip to the Nest. That went well so I sold off and went though it again. Then one more time for good measure. After resting I got a call from Setfeb Axeswinger. He was going after the Acid stone with a vassal and wanted directions.

I told him I could do better than that, I would go with him. Little did I know what a trip this would be. First thing to do was invite some vassals. Jarad and Zane were on. I also saw that Elder was on and he had the right tie.

We all met at the Tired mage shop in Mayoi. After stocking up Elder made the portal for us. Using max magic resistance and my speed setup I was able to get to the Vault without de-buffs. I put on my bug gear and headed down. I wanted to see how far I could get on my own.

There was a party headed down but I passed them up. After a few battles I hit the stone room. I ran into the tunnel and got the stone. LOL not quite a solo but close. I then ran to the exit portal and met up with our group, they were just coming in.

With our power it was a walkover. Several said they felt sorry for the bugs. In the last room there was a long line for the stone. Bugs were killed almost before the smoke cleared. Elder was showing off by taking off his armor and fighting nude for a while.

Slowly but surely people had to leave. After a while there were only a few fighters left. Two Archers came in and jumped to a pillar. By this time I was the only one beside Setfeb Axeswinger left who could fight. Setfeb was having connection problems. I was glad to have the air support.

I buffed up in the tunnel and came out to clear the room. I saw one of the Archers was dead. Somehow a Soldier had jumped to the pillar. Without buffs and using a robe it did not take much to get him killed.

His partner Spraws said he would be back if we could keep the room clear. Setfeb and I agreed to help. Then his partner (Radical) died again trying to get down. We told Spraws we would hold the room so he could go help.

We got the message that Spraws had been killed trying to get down there. Two other fighters showed and they said they could hold the room while Setfeb and I helped them. We took the exit portal and met them in the beginning cave. Another high level fighter (Blazed) joined us.

We had no problem until we stopped to buff. I did not think it was a good place to do it. I was right as soon after we were attacked and Radical died again. It was closer to the end than the beginning so we went all the way to the end and took the exit portal.

This last time we had no problems but I had a few worries. A good friend joined us. (Ami) Shortly after we started I got a message that she had logged. Then I noted that Setfeb Axeswinger was not there. There was no time to worry about them as we were now down to three fighters and a runner/watcher.

We got to the end and had to clear the room. Radical got his body and we all ported out. In case you were not counting that was three Nests and four Vaults in a single day. Made close to 3 million points.

Later I found that Ami thought she was too weak for the trip and ported. She had tried to message me but it scrolled off in the battles. Setfeb lagged out but got out later that night.


As a lot of people know I was a judge on the fashion contest. I like to thank Shiner for setting it up and letting me judge.

I did not know what was going to happen so I tried to be ready for anything. Lag was a big problem with some many people. It was hard to even move. I was the center level (yes at 62 I was in the center) so I made the fellowship. I had a few less people than the other judges, mostly because of where I was placed but that made it a bit less troublesome. My great vassal The Saint tied to the hall so we could get back.

I started by just tossing out anyone I felt was not a winner. I was sad to see one of the first to go was a good friend of mine. After it was done I reviewed the people I had tossed and returned two of them. That gave me 5 people. For the most part everyone took it in stride. A few pointed out that it was the mostly the same type of armor. I was surprised to see they were right. But I was not only looking at the armor but what they use other stuff to enhance it. I really liked one set of armor but his frost sword killed the looks.

After we ported back it get even harder. Everyone looked good. There were a few that were too same color for me. Moira the Sear had a winner if she had just found some white gloves. Many judges agreed with me.

I really liked Raya Nikomad because of the originally. No one else had no lower armor. I had her second. My top pick for the finals did not make it at all. That surprised me. But most everyone else I picked did make it. Raya Nikumad had the setup most opposing. Her ranking were 3, 10, 10, 1, 1, 8, 9. Talk about debate, two judges had her last and two had her first!

One person did not make the simi-finals but put himself up there anyway, lame. My top pick in the finals was Vengin Fin. I thought Keith had used his weapon to enhance his look very well. The winner did not strike me like he did the other judges, but that is why you have more than one judge.

If there was a reward for entertainment two people would have shared it. Two players in white stood side by side and did identical mores. It was funny as hell. They must have worked hard on the timing.

The crowd was great, cheering on their favorites. A group threatened mass @lifestoning of one person won. Fortunately they did not have to follow though with it.

After checking the judging I found that I had listed 5 if the players in the spot they ended up in. Only judge close to that was one who had 3 right. The others had 1 or none picked where they ended up. I thought I would be the judge furthest off from the others.

Moira the Seer I felt should have won. One judge had the picked Jon Wilfretsun 1 and her 10! That was the difference between her winning and being second. Everyone else ranked her at much higher. I had her 9 and the winner 6. To be fair he did win by 6 points so he may have one anyway.

To show the difference in opinion the last place player was judged as third place by two judges and last by three.

For those wanting to see the outfits the website for pictures and results is;

The vault again.

I saw a message on the COD about someone needing a guide in the Vault. I had finally got to the point where I could do that. Knowing the way is 90% of doing it. I offered myself as a guide.

I was contacted during the contest. I told them I would have to do it at 7pm my time. That was late for them. He said he would get back to me. He did saying 7pm would be fine.

I met Gibbon who ported me to the temple. After buffing up I had a nightmare run. The last few times I had no damage and no de-buffs. This time I not only had a ton of de-buffs but had to stop and heal. I was so damaged I needed to hit the heal elixir before the healing kit worked.

On top of that when I stopped in a clear spot the hordes caught up with me. Took two runs and stops before I was healed.

In the Vault I was weak, defenseless and slow. Not a good combo. But it went away in time. There were four of us going, Gibbon (mage), Mott the Hoople and Zendor IV. Someone with a body as far as you can go tagged along.

I love having a good mage. Not only for the buffs but for the imperil on the Olthoi. I go from 20 hits to 80 hits or more. As I hit fast that meant a dead Soldier in three seconds.

I lead the way to the first buffing spot without trouble and then to the stone room. There was another group was in front of us but they were not there. They either ported or got lost. He held the room for 4 stones and it was as easy as could be. I even went out searching for things to kill.

I did not expect a reward but they dropped three keys a Life giving necklace and some notes on me. Today I tried to trade Gibbon for a Piercing VI pants but he insists on giving it to me. This one will go on the friends list.

Anti Rant Site

A friend ask me to post this for him in my column, sorry Savant, forgot to do it last time.


Ive launched the first, and we believe -only-, anti-rant/commentary gaming
site on the web. While we will be delivering game news, our main goal is to
be the voice of the players who are actually happy with the games they play -
rather than the countless rant sites you see going up on a daily basis.

If youd be so kind, a small blurb on your news page would do us a lot of
good getting started. The website is located at -
and while were still getting started (meaning theres much more to come),
were ready for readers.



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