Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - August 22, 2000

This is not a rant but may sound like one so I guess it might be. Going to write about people that just piss me off for one reason or another. Also about changes I would like to see.

I'm in the Qbar Lugie place and I hear this all the time, "Can you heal me?" It is generally repeated over and over again until someone does. Now why would someone come to such a high damage place without the ability to heal him or herself? Even if you messed up the skills you can purchase heals at a store.

No matter where I am. "Can you buff me." Or "Can you help me." Followed with (me) "What type of help do you need?" "I need my Self and Focus buffed." Now I only have item magic so I could not do it anyway. I can see special occasions of needing a buff, that is why you have an alliance.

Jann helped me get spells by buffing my stats when I was under her. (pre-splitpea) When Cliff Bowman was vit'ed up my alliance members buffed me so I would equip my stuff.

My problem with it is I get asked every time I come into town, sometimes twice. I know one guy that made a fellowship of one called "I don't have creature magic".

Vassal pimps
Repeated over and over again, "Anyone need a patron". Now who in their right mind would want a patron that did that?

Thieves in general but scammers in particular. I was doing a drop mule in Hebian-to. I'm careful mostly to have a clear screen. This time I was just muling the empty pack back. Someone was just going into the downstairs part of the building. When I got back he had the pack. I asked for it back. I got "It was just laying on the ground." Followed with "Can you give me something". Like I should bribe him to get my stuff back. Would not have cared but I have to run a ways to get a pack, they are not sold in Hebian-to.

High levels fighting in a low level place. I cannot come up with one good reason for this. I see it a lot in the lugie places. At level 22 my fighter left a weak room and started to explore the whole place. I'm getting much more xp and in some hair raising fights. I really wonder at the two 35lv's camping the weak room.

My best fight this week was fighting two of the blue lugies solo. I had just made 23lv so it was not going to be easy. I have 91 hit points. I would hit S and my heal keys (3 for heal 2 for me) every time I got into the 60's. I needed 1 stamina elixir and about 6 heals to win the battle. If a 23lv can do that why would two 35lv need to worry?

Players too weak to fight in a dungeon. This happens a lot. I don't care if they want to fight over their heads. I admire that. But most go to leach. If one targets them they run, dragging us all over the place.

Lame leaching players that attack your target rather than the one on the back. I see this often if I'm fighting a higher value one. If Mage Tank is facing a Blue lugie one and a Black one is on pounding on his back, a melee will mostly attack the blue, lame. A few know better and will take the free one but it is about 1 in 5.

I had a bow-user doing this in the Nest the other day. The first time I brushed it off. Then he followed me deeper. I got into a fight and he runs up and starts shooting again. I stopped fighting. This way I'm not dragged and the Soldiers will get bored trying to hit me. After a few shots he ran with about 7 Soldiers chasing him.

But as irritating as they are the people coming from the lugies places are the worse. The people who fought in the Nest were mostly old time LOD and BDC fighters. We worked our way up the hard way. We learned to respect others and not to jump into battles.

The new players grow up in a different place. To them if someone is fighting a single Soldier it is a great opportunity to get back shots. If he is fighting two, always attack the one he is fighting. It is less dangerous that way.

I had someone do this to me several times. I typed, "Take the one I'm not fighting." But it never did any good. After the battle I was looting and one attacked him. I was not going to interfere. I hoped to teach him to do the same. After a few seconds he typed, "Help". What is he doing on the second level of the Nest if he cannot fight four Soldiers, let alone one!

Two of these types kept jumping into my battles. After several attempts to get away from them I was at the ramp to the forth level. (I have been miss-labeling this spot as the ramp to the third level in other posts, sorry.) They both followed me and jumped in after the battle started. I got mad and typed, "Get your own battle." I got a sarcastic remark back. I had had enough of this. I did a quick run to the fourth level and got a large group to follow me. Ran up the ramp and ported.

I have never done that before and I did not feel good about doing it. But it was the only way I could see to shake them.

Players that will change targets when a monster is hit with a de-buff. Now a mage is de-buffing to make the kill easier for himself or another. But the lamer will jump on it.

People who force me to squelch them, Nuf said.

Players with impossible to spell names. I have several friends who fall into this. My great vassal Jarad Ryujii has a hard to remember name but many are long and hard. I have two friends who I have to cut and past their names to send them a tell.

Lamers 2
People who think they are so great because they play a game well. Some who don't play well but think they are great anyway. I was in the Nest fighting 1 soldier. This bow user runs up and starts firing into its back. I'm pissed but I let it pass and go deeper.

At the next turn I'm attacked by 6 and he runs up and starts shooting. One jumps on him and he stands his ground. I kill mine and move deeper, letting him have his fight. I fight a group of 8 and have it down to the last one and he runs up and starts firing into it. I type "Go away". He responds with, "Why, because I'm so good." I type, "No, because you are a leach". So I get, "You're the leach."

I'm getting too angry to play his game so I run down to the end of the hall, by the first chest. The entire hallway spawn follows me. I had not rested up from the first battle so my stamina was not full. There were so many that the lag was keeping me for fighting or moving. I finally got control and with a few stamina elixirs killed them.

I note that the bow-user was watching this from way up the hall. I got the idea he thought I was going to die. After the last one fell he runs up and types, "You are a leach". I type, "How do you figure?" "You called me a leach so you are one." "Look, attacking what I'm fighting is a danger to me. I will get dragged and the others get back shoots." "Why is that?" At this point I drank a few more elixirs and ran to the third level. He is the greatest player that ever lived but knows nothing about the game.

Changes I would like to see

I have seen that the lugie places have an attitude of, "if it moves attack it." There is little or no respect for the person fighting it. This understandable really. There are a lot of lugies but many more players. Several spots have 20 player waiting for a spawn. As soon as it happens the lugies are covered with players. Because of this even a weak player can be safe.

It does not matter what time of day or night, there are enough players to create portal storm warning. It is laggy and stressful, and in no way fun. The Nests are starting to pick up a lot of these players. I don't blame them but when I see 7 players gang banging their way though my the Nest I know my days of fast living are coming to an end. Tuskers spawns being lowered hurt those places as well.

The new places are a great idea. Three of each should have been enough, but it is not. They need about 3 to 5 more lugie places and 3 more Nests. They also need to fix the bottom of the Nest to reward those to make it. A portal out is lame.

Lastly they need to put in a new Olthoi Nest, a harder one. I would love to see one that just changes Worker/Soldiers to Soldiers/Nobles. Yes, a lot of high levels will go there. But camping will not be an issue. A lot of loot I agree, maybe too much. But imagine being attacked by 10 Nobles on the second level. It will not be soloed by a 45lv for sure.


I have not had much time playing Fist (III). We have a good group there but Fist (Sr) and my horde of players on TH are taking up a lot of time. I was also frustrated by my lack of good equipment. I have great stuff in MT and TH but on Sol I have store stuff.

That changed a bit yesterday. I got a call from a player named Kestrel. Had some stuff on mules and asked we what I needed. Top of my list is good unarmed weapons and a good bow. Not expecting a 113% Yumi but what I had was just over store bought. (mod 33 BD II). Kestrel showed up with a 60% long bow with spells. Things are looking up. There were some other items I hope to be able to use shortly.

Cliff Bowman
Cliff has been fighting lugies for a while. Found he did better with his unarmed skill than with the bow. Also he was not strong enough to carry all the armor and fletching gear. I added a lot of strength, coord, melee and item.

Decided to pick up the bow and go hunting outside. Still not strong enough to carry all I want to. Had to dump 20 shafts to get to 99%, even with strength V on. But with level IV item spell the bow was much better. The few times anything got close I took no damage. Melee is saving the day.

My goal for the day was to fight an Ash G. Greyscout wrote that if he saw on before it saw him we would win, otherwise he lost. My only encounter before ended quickly with experience points to the Ash.

I hunted up the beach from Mayoi, killing things with one shot that I use to have trouble with. Amazing to kill a shark with one arrow. Water golems took two.

I was a long way from Mayoi and feeling like I was not going to find any Ash when I was attacked from the rear by two of them. They had been hiding on a hill and I never saw them before they were on me.

I knew running was not an option, they are too fast. With no electrical protection I was a hit worried. Melee saved the day. I only took one hit for 20 damage. The Ash fell with 3 and 4 shots each. Having got what I came for I ported back to Mayoi.

I'm going to mule the gear again and head back to lugies. It was fun but the xp was far less. I intend to make this a well-rounded ppl. He is much better with the bow and may use it against lugies every so often.

Need to mule to work on electrical arrows heads.

When things go right

I decided that the best way to support Mage Tank was by having Fist mule comps to him. Tank does not have item and the run back to town is a pain. Fist is tied to the lugie place. I found a spot outside where it is clear. This is working well.

I was on the way to the muling spot with Fist and I saw a Great Matti. I had killed a lot of them with Fist (Sr.) and Cliff bowman. Never got anything worth keeping.

I took out my fire weapon and attacked. Turned out there were two of them. I killed them and started to loot. First one had a hide! The other one had a creature II wand on him. I had a I and a III. This was just what I needed. The I is to low and the III had to high a lore. Before I could leave another one spawned. This one had a horn on it.

After that battle I saw two dots approaching. They were dillos. After killing them I found a dillo hide. I should have ran out and got a loto ticket.

Holding my luck things kept going well. I made a bid for a strength VI and a endurance VI item. I won the bids. Now the next thing was to figure out what to replace my strength legs V with. While trying to decide that I got a call from Setfeb.

He had a BP from the Vault muled. He was carrying it because I was overweight. After he lagged out I never picked it up from him. I met him in GW and was telling him about the trade. He mentioned he had some high lore Rej. VI leggings. He just gave them to me! The color matches my BP better as well. Of course the to VI items are for the arms and don't match a thing. But I only look like half a mule. Be nice if the adding dyeing ability.

When things go wrong.

After the trade I had few keys and little pyreal. Headed to the Nest for my 6th trip of the day. I guess I was a bit tired because I kept making errors. After a time they build up into the closest call I have had in a while.

After a battle I was looting. My SP helm ran out of mana. I took it off and was going to recharge it. Before I could two Soldiers ran up from the third level and attacked me. I put the helm back on and fought them off.

I then recharged my weapon and headed down to the third level. You will note the lack of charging my helm. I was attacked and saw I was taking a lot of damage. I knew something was very wrong. I open up my screen and saw my shield was not installed.

I double click on the shield after stepping out of combat. I'm still taking damage at about the same rate. I thought the shield had not to on. I opened up the screen and it was there. Suddenly I'm taking massive damage! I hit the heal kit, something I have had not had to do against Olthoi is some time. Still taking to much damage. I fall below the healing point and have to take hits of heal elixirs. Finally I see the problem. Somehow while checking on my shield my weapon was removed.

Without the +27% to melee, with my SP helm out of mana, I was not ready to fight 15 Soldiers. After getting my weapon back and burning 10 heal elixirs I won the battle. But at one point I was down to 19 hit points. One good hit was all it would have taken.

After it was done I started checking the rest of my gear. My shield was out of mana, costing me 200al. My piercing VI shirt was down to 5 mana. So it could have been even worse.

At that point I decided to read the mail and write the story. Too much of the Nest can make me sloppy. Sloppy in the Nest is death.

New story soon

I'm writing a fiction about Fist. It is going to try to explain why we don't see children. It is part way written and a few people have reviewed it. Their suggestions are helping me a lot. Thanks to Vance and Kestrel for the help. I expect to see it ready for primetime in a few weeks.

Mid week update.

Had closed this out when I had a night of nights. Trip to island and other adventures. I going to write this up tomorrow and try to post it mid week.

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