Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - August 4, 2000

Very late in writing this but had a good excuse. I'm having too much fun playing to write about it. So much happened in the last week I'm having a problem knowing where to start.

Big changes

First there has been a big change in alliance. I joined Killean a long time ago. I was happy with Jann, my great first patron but was never adventuring with her group. Jann is a mage and I needed to be with a fighter. Her and Wartorn had also turned PK and were more into that. I had contact with Elder in the News Groups and respect him a lot. It was a sad day when I left Jann but we are still good friends.

I had been thinking of changing from Killean for a few weeks. Elder was away a lot with work and I had a few issues that worked into me. I talked with a friend who had broken a short time before. He had restarted after working a ppl to 65lv. His new ppl had made 55lv in a month. He is a fighter with strong mage skills. In fact I did not know he was a fighter, thought he was a mage.

He has strong leadership skills and more important he was adventuring with me. I asked all my vassals what they thought of a change and all said they were with me and they go where I go. That made me feel good. I did lose one but he was Elders vassal under me. Elder had no slots to hold him. As Elder now had slots he would have left in any case.

If my first thought had gone over it would have been done. My thought was for me to swear to his other ppl, the 65lv one, and the 55lv to swear to me. The 65lv is a mule now and he did not want to go that route. Instead he said he would out-level me. I stopped leveling so he could do that.

Then things changed. Killean saw things were not working out. We needed new leadership. In a bold move he stepped down and let Elder take over the Alliance. So there is no more Killean. The new alliance is Elder with most of the former Killean's in it.

Elder will make an outstanding leader of our new clan. I will stay under Elder now and support him in any way I can.

Two new vassals.

If you remember back a bit. I helped a player named Syarzeth. He had logged in the Direland pre-patch and logged back into to a shocking death. Well he came to me tonight and became my vassal. He is a crossbow/dagger. I also was contacted by Di Di. He had a new Archer named Pho. He wanted that player to join with me. At this rate I will fill up my slots.

Been spending time at night traveling around to the newbe spots and helping. I show the new players how to play their ppl and pass out a few items and notes to get them going. This has resulted on Jarad getting a vassal and a lot of fun for me. A 3lv getting a real sword or bow and a level V buff will do wonders for them. I encourage others to do the same. The key is never even think of a vassal. At level 61 I could not take on a new player anyway. Have fun and help the new players. Most new players are hearing "Do you need a patron" about 10 seconds after creation. Let them live a bit on there own first.

If they think they need a patron, after a time they will contact you. Then you can place then under a good player in your tree. A player that requests to join you, without demanding loot, is a possibly the next high level player in your tree.


Most of my adventures were in the Nest. I take a trip to the bottom once or twice a day. I go solo, in small groups or large groups. The most fun is solo. Solo takes a lot of thinking. The key is to keep moving. If you delay a bit re-spawns in back of you will mess you up good.

There are several spots on the second level that are troublesome. There are a few Soldiers in these spots but are close to a whole lot more. The fight starts with 4 or 5 but dozens more come running to join the fight. When with others I might make a stand anyway. With solo or two we do a draw.

The Saint and I ran into such a group and we tried to make a stand. It was a big mistake. The Saint died quickly and I was trapped in a crowd you would not believe. I posted a picture of it in the MS news group. I also sent it to COD. I hope they post it.

I tried to fight my way out and did kill a few. But I kept targeting ones I could not hit. This had me running in place against the Soldier in front of me. Losing too much stamina and being hit I had to port out.

Mostly I try to fight 3 to 5 at a once. I know where the hard spots are and work them a little at a time. I run to the spot and that gets a lot of attention. Then I run to a place where I can fight. The fighting spot has one main requirement. It is far enough back that the hordes are not attracted.

I try to setup a cubby hole. There are holes in the walls where to Soldiers spawn. I make sure a door is open and everything is clear. Then go draw them out.

But there are spots where you have to fight a large group. How large I was never sure. So I decided to count them. Just before the third level is a passage. I will draw from the third level back to the second and fight them there. I counted them as they fell, 13 in all. With that number I was drinking two stamina potions. I have had fights where I have used nine potions so this was an average big battle.

I have a lot of fun doing it solo but it is also fun with a few others. Two 40lv and I did it this week. They are just strong enough to stand with me in big battles but not so strong that we can wade into any battle. I still did a draw and kill. But the battles end much quicker.

On one trip I ran into The Saint and Jarad Ryujii, my two outstanding vassals. The three of us stomped Olthoi like no tomorrow.

Some players have started with me but quickly find it too much for them. Three times this week my partner has ported out after a few battles.

The other thing I'm doing a lot more of is body rescues. Before the spawn was slowed down weak players stayed at the first level and near the exit. Now they are going deeper and getting into trouble.

I hit the Nest and started to run to the ramp leading to the second level. I saw the body of a player I know. The body was without armor, a bad sign. I messaged him asking if he needed help.

He answered that he did and would be there in a bit, he was being buffed. I returned to the beginning and found another player there. I saw a white dot running down a passage but did not catch the name. The player I found was there to help with the recovery.

I was re-buffing my weapon where a player ran in with two Soldiers on his tail. I re-equipped my weapon and fought them off. I was about to ask the player not to run stuff into the entrance room when I saw this was the man with the bodies.

I led him to one body and he led us to another ramp leading to the second level. We fought a few Soldiers and it became apparent that the player helping was a bit weak for the Nest. She was there mostly to buff.

I hate to call a player stupid but he did a stupid thing. With a party this weak drawing a few at a time was the only way to do it. Well he saw his second body and ran to it. I saw the horde of Soldiers running to engage us. I sprinted into a cubby hole and a few attacked me in there. Most attacked the other guy. I typed at him to join me in the hole.

Instead he started looting the body. After a few bends he ran off, leaving me trapped. I was a bit ticked at his actions but killing everything is what I do. After finishing them off I ran back to the beginning. The two were porting in. Both had died.

We found their bodies with a bit of trouble. They had no armor so fighting was left to me. They were calling in some more power to help get the last two bodies. He told me he had not gotten everything off the body he had tried to loot.

I decided to get the other stuff off that body and try and find the last body. I did my normal clearing run until I got to the body. It seems his route was a lot longer than mine. Mine was safer too. I got the two items off his body and headed down a passage. Just before the second level chest was the last body.

He showed up later with 5 or 6 others but recovery was not hard after I had cleared the passage.

Really bad fights.

I was headed down when I ran into another fighter. He wanted to go with me to the bottom. We did a bit of draw and fights until we got to the ramp leading to the third level. I told him we would do a draw from the third level to the second and fight them there.

This is a very bad spot, one of the worst in the Nest. After the ramp to the third level is a large room with more Soldiers that you could shake a stick at. As the room is large you can attract a few by running to the end of the ramp and running back. Using this tactic you can generally fight 6 to 9 at a time. I counted 13 in one battle.

Well the other fighter ran to the end of the ramp and started fighting. A big no-no. This will get everyone in the room after you. I got to his side and typed, "run to a cubby hole". He quickly got the idea that the two of us could not hold this.

We both ran up the ramp. He jumped into the second hole and I hit the first one. It would have been best of we both hit the same one but he was a bit ahead of me. The Soldiers fill up the mouth so there was no way I could join him.

I could see on the radar that most of them were attacking him. I had 4 or 5 on me. I killed them and ran to get back shots. A few turned to me but not enough. The fighter typed "I'm going to die" and then proved himself right. Mid 40lv fighters die a lot here.

I finished off the few that were left and messaged him. He was getting help and would be there shortly. I hunted back up, clearing the way. Him and two others show up and we fought back to his body. We were then all going to head to the bottom but their patron wanted to join in the fun. They all ported to the beginning and I headed down.

I messaged them that I was moving slow and they could catch up with me. I really should have done just that. The key to my success is never slowing down, keep moving forward. This prevents me from getting overwhelmed by a spawn.

Well I felt I need to go back up and meet them. As I passed though the big room before the third level ramp every Soldier spawned at once. I dogged and swerved to get to the ramp and go to a cubby hole. But not only were the room Soldiers on me but now the second level hordes joined in as well!

There was a half inch thick half circle of orange dots around me. I messaged to the group to come save me. There was no way I was taking on this many. I got a message that they were on the way but I did not see any white dots on my screen. This was a no win situation so porting was my best option. Hit 7 for wand and 8 or portal recall. Still wanted to stay in the Nest.

I joined the group and after that it was a walk over. Their patron is a 70+ axe-man so him and I could have easily ran it.

The biggest disappointment in Dearth is the end of the Nest. After all that fighting you find a room with a portal. No chest or no Noble, let alone a Queen. Come on Turbine, you could at least put some pictures or a puzzle there. Make sure there is a reward for doing such a hard dungeon!

New Vassal

Got a message from a Zane. He wanted me to be his patron. I had seen his name a few times on the COD. He is good at trading so I keep telling him I'm going to give him a list of my trade items and wants. Zane is a 40+ fighter currently fighting Tuskers.

Zane called me about going on the Acid stone quest. I had been concerned about the server for a few days. Was acting really flaky. But I had not been in deadly lag so I said I would go. I met up with him and he made a portal to the temple. (Server crashed hard later)

I put on my magic resistance gear and made the run to the Vault. I was lucky, no de-buffs this time. I was in the Vault for a few seconds when I heard my modem click off. Oooo was I lucky. 15 seconds earlier and I would have been dead for sure.

After a reboot I was able to get back on. I was hoping the reboot would fix the problem but I was lagging far too much to play. I apologized to Zane but he understood. In fact he was asking me to leave, he could see how laggy I was. Good vassal.

But I was upset that I could not adventure with my new vassal. That was rectified the next day. Ibn messaged me that he had two bodies in the stone tool dungeon. I had never been there but Zane had. The three of us met in GW and ran to the north Dirland portal. Then it is as a short run to the dungeon.

Ibn had his body and the body of a friend in the last room. It seemed that a friend was letting him run his ppl while he was on vacation. Someone had opened up the doors to the last room while he was there and he died. So he logged his friends player for a rescue. That one died too.

I hate jumps. I have a very high jump skill so getting the timing right is a problem. Mostly I will over jump. After a few tries I got to the first barrel, then missed the jump to the second. This meant I had to go back to the beginning and start over, a pain.

For the most part the jumps were my only problem. While Ibn and Zane had some problem with the monsters I never had to hit a healing kit.

After we got the first body Ibn logged his main and ran it to the dungeon. Ibn does not get item until 35lv. He has been power-leveling and was at 34lv. 900k to go, he might have it by now. (He got it last night!)

Zane took the exit portal to help Ibn while I kept it clear of monsters. Took a little time but they showed up and Ibn recovered. Now the problem was getting him home. Zane did not want to lose his tie to the Tuskers and I wanted to keep my tie to the Nest.

What we did was simple. I made a portal to the Nest that Ibn took. I then recalled to Tou-tou and cast summon portal III. This will last 5 minutes. I tied to Awric and took the portal to the Nest. I made a portal for Ibn and retied to the Nest.

Strange things.

I was shopping in Tou-tou and Zane was close by. I got a message from someone named Ima Genius. He had been in Tou-Tou and lagged out. Now he was in the sea surrounded by monsters and no way out. Zane and I ran over there and cleared the way for him. I have no idea how he knew me but was glad go help.

A few days later I was running from Lin to Hebian-to. I had some armor and items for low levels I was passing out. I was hitting the starter towns to find players. As I made the turn a player going in the opposite direction ran passed me. I did a 180 to see if this was someone I could give the stuff to. As he hit the turn he kept going straight. Something did not seem right. I thought he had lagged out while running. I did an examine and it was Ima Genius again.

He ran a few clicks more, straight into a big spawn and then logged. I cleared the spawn and stayed a few minutes keeping it clear. Genius logged back in and was surprised and grateful that I was there. He had no idea where he was. The run back was hard as he was at 160 burden.

Mages and lugies

I have four ppls fighting lugies now. Two of them are mages. Tell you the truth I get more abuse from players than the lugies. A while back we made the observation that the lamers will stop being mages and archers because of the lugies and nests. They will all became Melee as they take the path of least resistance to power.

It looks like we were right. Melee are jumping my fights while bitching to high heaven if I even get a stamina drain off theirs. Right now I'm draining and blasting everything that moves. I might as well get some xp out of the abuse.

The funny thing is that compared to my melee they are weak. Fist de Yuma (Jr.) is 20lv. The mages are 22 and 23. At most they can stand against two. Moving out of the weak room is deadly. While the room is currently occupied by 23 to 35 level melee it is made for much weaker ppls.

Lugies die in seconds on some days. Only late at night is there any danger to anyone. The wait between fights is much to long.

Meanwhile my 20lv is moving deeper and deeper into the dungeon. While he has to run every so often he is in more fights for longer then the mages. The thought of waiting for spawns in a weak room would never occur to him. Why are these 23 to 35lv's fighting in such a weak room?


Fist de Yuma (III) has finally got enough endurance and melee defense to cross the river and hunt. Basically he the same as the MT Fist but with less endurance and more strength and coord. He also has a bow instead of missile. I have fleching but cannot remember what I dropped to get it.

By building melee and endurance I have not been able to put much into self. Still tossing level I spells. That will change now. I hope to be tossing level III by level 20.

Bow and melee works well. The way the Fist (Sr.) got into trouble was attacking and finding there were a lot of friends I did not see. That never happens with Fist (III). I see something, out comes the bow. Twang, change to melee. Now I get to fight a weaken monster and no problems with others joining in.

Fights with water golems are a good example. I have twice killed one where any blow by it would have killed me. The nice two hits by the bow made the difference.

Lame of the Lame

We had a thief camp out our hall for a few weeks. Stole everything he could find. The only really bad part was when he stole something of great value to a fine lady. These were inscribed papers and sentimental items. The pyreal value was close to zero.

He was begged and offered reward to return these items. He led them on for a bit and then logged. The lady in question is devastated and may quit. We offered a reward for finding the main of this lamer. It was up to 1 million pyreal the last time I read about it. Today we got a message in our e-mail list.

Hey its mage roq, I would like to thank everyone for the loot I got about
500k and lots of stuff from stayi or some crap whatever her name is.
Thanks dudes for the crap it was a big laugh and all....I am on to play my
DarkTide char no...I really have no use for this crap I will probably give it
to my friends
- P.S. Thanks stayi satiy whatever!
(She said she broke out crying when I took her stuff that made me laugh the
most and I think she thought I cared)

Thinking there might be someone who can help on Darktide. I posted a message on finding this guy on the Darktide COD board. I got insulting posts that all sounded like this lamer could have written them.

Here is a typical response. (I edited out the profanity)

Better than a whiny bitch like you who has to come to another servers board and whine about how his stupid ass guild got ganked cause they either A: gave this guy items and he bailed (your fault for playing on a carebear server and being a tool) or B: were muling in a meeting hall and got ganked (once again your fault for being on a carebear server thus not having the ability to kill the ****.

Seriously buy a clue noone here gives 2 shits about you, you getting ganked, your reprisal, or your whining. Go away.

I know I'm wrong but reading the posts you could easily think they are all 10 years old and learning disabled. I even posted a half in fun message on shutting down the server on the developers board.

That got this response:

In response to your reply down a bit, do you really think MS is gonna take down darktide because someone looted your sissy carebear friend? Get a life. If you dont like getting pked, you can always go NPK like every other carebear. If you wanna stay pk, DEAL WITH IT! Its your own damn choice, Im sorry if you cant deal with the consequences so you come over here and spread your homosexuality. Here on DT we do it the way Turbine intended andwe loot our vistims after a kill. We earned it, and MS says so by putting in a loot system. Now STFU moron.

Of course I was inundated with profanity and barely readable mails like the above. Most think profanity is how you respond to reason. I hope this is not the typical of Darktide but I see no reason to believe otherwise.

I have half a thought to have some fun with them. Get 1000 players together. Name them Carebear 1 to 1000. Make them unarmed so they have no drop weapon. The strongest there is might kill 500 but he will die.


Well I cannot say how I got this but I have this lamers ppls for everyone to know.

Mage Roq
Blademasta Yoshi
Mage Roqs Mule I
Mage Roq Mule II
Invisible Reaper

Yamshi Roq
Big Unit

Several people are hunting him now. On Morningthaw I'm sure he will never go pk. He would be looted naked if he did. Some people who have contacts on Darktide are working that end. I plan to see this guy cry. Then he will not laugh at others tears.

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