Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - July 26, 2000

I really wasn't trying to get myself killed. But I did so many things wrong I should have died. Mental errors are not forgiven in this game. This week I have had not one but three such lapse's.

The first was Fist (Sr.) in the Nest. Started out a typical hunt. I saw three others who were going deep and I tagged along. There were two fighters and an Archer. We don't see many archers in the Nest. They are weak in close dungeons with a lot of attackers.

We threaded our way down, fighting large groups of Olthoi Soldiers. There were big battles and I joked that I was taking damage. I was taking a bit more than I'm use to but when fighting alone I fight fewer and keep my back to a wall.

Finally we reached the end. We were disappointed to find the only reward was a surface portal. We went in and were surprised to be outside a different Nest. We were in the northwest Nest. Now we were outside the northeast one. (We think this is a bug as the other Nests work right.)

We headed into this one, intent to go to the bottom again and see where that portal led. We dropped one of the fighters and there were just the three of us. We were about halfway down and got into a big fight. The new AL has created a dangerous situation for hard hitters with fewer defenses. They turn on the one that hits the hardest.

Several times the archer had to drop out of combat and heal himself while we battled. When I saw this I would change attacks to the one attacking him. This would causes it to stop attacking him and attack me. With three fighters this worked well. In this battle we only had two fighters. I saw the archer try to heal himself. I switched targets but it did not break attack. Two more hits and the archer dropped.

It was when that I realized I had not tied to this Nest. I mentioned this to the other fighter and he said the he had neglected to tie as well, but the archer had tied. We headed back up to help him. We were in the middle of a battle when he ran up. Must have ran passed the Olthoi or someone had cleared the way.

We headed back to the body when the other two headed down a different passage. I went halfway to the body and sent tells that they were going the wrong way. They were happy I had a better mental map than they did. The archer ported out. We both prepared to follow and I got a "You are missing a comp." message. The other fighter was gone before I could ask for help.

Now I was stuck until I could find the powder I needed. Took a bit if killing before I found some on the floor. I'm sure glad Olthoi drop powders. After porting out I started removing my gear. I did not have my piercing protection on! Two stupid errors. I get into a lot of fights where the only way out is to port. I take a lot of damage after pulling the wand. If I had gotten into such a fight I was dead for sure.

Not tracking comps and not putting on protection will get most people killed. If it was the old spawn rate I probably would have been.

Next bit of stupidity on my part was with Fist de Mage. He was fighting in the Qbar Lugi place. He was in a big fight and got the "You are missing a comp" message while trying to do a stamina to mana. I ran and got out the portal to safety.

I checked what was missing. I had somehow burnt though my copper scarabs. Well guess what I needed to port out with. I tried to trade a silver scarab for a copper one, until someone took pity on me and gave me one.

Next was Fist de Yuma (Jr.) turn to mess up. I was in Hebian-to and I checked my item skill. I was at a buffed 114. I headed up to a quite spot and buffed my creature up. Then learned Self III and Focus III. This buffed my item up to 118. I know I need 120 to do portal tie but also knew that it would work poorly at that skill but would work. It might take 20 tries but I was willing to do it. I could only do this because I knew the tapers.

I was getting away with not tieing because after going into the dungeon portal I would do LS recall. I made sure I never went into another portal so I could portal recall back. After attending the wedding of Yan-Tze I had lost my tie.

So I decided to get portal tie to prevent this from happening again. I ran over to the dungeon and started setting up for it. Humm, this requires a plant I never use. Now I'm stuck with trying to bum some Dragonsblood. I finally get a friendly person to give me some and went back to it. Duaaa I need Hazel. I don't use Hazel either. The same person then asked if I needed anything else.

I should have taken down some names, as such help is not as common as you might think. I myself have helped others who need comps but mentally berated them for their lack of planing. I should have checked what I needed for comps before I left Hebian-to. My only excuse is I have a lot of ppls that always have such stuff and assumed this one did to.

Without my knowing a mage had buffed my Self, Focus and Item with IV, getting my Item to 126. Still took about 10 tries to get it but I'm now tied to the dungeon. In my hurry to get inside and tie I did not see the buffs. I scrolled up and found the name of the mage that had buffed me. I then sent a tell thanking him.

The wedding

I got an e-mail from Yan-Tze that he had forgot to send me a message about his wedding. It was going to be earlier that day but the maintenance had delayed it. The wedding was being held near the Hebian-to portal in Qbar. I quickly logged Fist and ran him from the Qbar Lugi place.

I was on time, much to my relief. I had known Yan-Tez for a while. But as this is Thistledown and I'm not there as much as I would like to be. We were waiting for others to arrive. There were not one but two Sentinels. They were Kal and Monus.

The first thing I noted was this was not the best place for a wedding. The LS was a major one for Qbar and death messages were coming every few minutes. There were also two dwebs that decided to disrupt the wedding. Mein Hungh Loer was dancing and running around, doing his best to be a pest. Ueal was less disruptive when I was there, but being admonished by a Sentinel for his actions. Ueal was arguing with the Sentinel.

This Mein was a 40+ and surely had better things to do than be a pest at such an important event. I checked his patron and he was not on. I messaged his Monarch who wanted more details. Soon after Mein stopped so I guess he was getting messages from him Monarch.

I said we should move the wedding to the hall, meaning the Qbar hall. Everyone thought it was a great idea. One of the two Sentinels said he would portal everyone in. I wondered why we needed that as the Qbar hall was a short distance away.

I was one of the last to get ported in and found out why they needed a portal. It was not the Qbar hall, it was the Wedding Hall! If you have not been to the wedding hall it is an experience. A big place with lot of well laid out rooms. If I were rich I would like to make one just like it.

The wedding was great with many well-wishers. Being this is a much poorer Fist I had only healing kits for gifts but they were received as if they were great treasures. (My best gift for a wedding was armor VI pants for Cat.) As in all weddings they seem very much in love.

We were lucky as the server went down right after the wedding.

Second trip to the bottom

I got a message from Di Di. He wanted to go to a chest and spend some keys he had. I had been to a few but was reading messages that they had been nurfed. I wish Turbine would stop messing with the treasure system. If the chests put out too good stuff, reduce the keys. To spend so much time and effort for crap is a pain.

The fastest one I could get to was the one in the Nest. But I was not sure how Di Di would do there. I asked him and he said that fully buffed he could take on three at a time. That would be enough with my help so we met up.

He took a long time to buff up. One of the problems with a mage is the long down time buffing. I made the portal and we headed down. We had a few big battles. As I would attack first he could stand outside the battle and blast a few. One or two would attack him but most stayed on me. In one big battle I was running out of stamina and he started tossing heals on me. I quickly type "Stamina". This saved me from spending my stamina bottles.

We turned a corner and saw a massive battle in progress. A horde of Soldiers attacking a single player. Without thinking I ran to the rescue. Between the three of us we made short work of them. Di Di still had to toss few stamina's my way as I was in the middle of the hall, not in a cubby hole. Cubby holes are great as you can restrict them to 3 or 4 at a time. When in the middle of a hall they can get 8 or more on me at a time. I still don't get hit much but the stamina drops faster than you can believe.

When I we finished up I found the player we had helped was Taishan. He had recently broke from Killean. This was the player that had power-leveled my Archer in the Lugie place. I was surprised to find he was not a mage at all, but a fighter with good magic abilities.

He said the chest deeper was better than the one we were at. The three of us headed down to it. This is a level where the fighting gets even harder. The three of us battled though it without trouble. I was sure to keep an eye on Di Di and Taishan did as well. Every so often a few would get on him and we both turned to kill them.

We reached the chest in a deep cave. Di Di tried his keys and got crap. Dam I hate chests that give out crap. Three keys wasted.

Taishan made a portal to the top and Di Di took it. As a 39lv mage he was had enough of getting beat on by Soldiers.

Taishan and I then fought our way to the bottom and took the portal. Taishan thought it was cool to be at a different Nest. We powered down to discuss a few things that had come up. My great vassal Jarad arrived and the three of us moved off to a hilltop. We talked for an hour or so.

Taishan other is a 65lv player, also under Elder. Taishan said he talked to other players for two months before creating Taishan. In a month or so he had got him to about 55lv. I'm going to have to get his starting stats and make one like it. Just what I need, another player.

Taishan plays 10 to 14 hours a day. I expect him to out-level me in a week.


Some players I have talked told me that most high-levels act stuck up. Most players are surprised I will talk to them. I find this strange. Being a high level means you have had more time in the game, nothing more. I have found most players, with a few notable exceptions, to be very nice people. The only people who really cause problem are kids.

But today I got a dose of what they mean. My mage (Mage Tank) was in the Qbar lugi place. I was in a room that generally has 16 to 22 level players in it. About 6 lugies spawn there. Mostly we gang up on the lugies as a few cannot fight even one.

My mage is weak, even for a mage. Tank has melee defense. That defense and a few other compromises make him weak in magic now but strong overall later. At least I hope so. Outside he is doing well as Shadow Sharks and Lurkers are not hitting him like other mages. His melee defense buffs to about 114.

But you need well over a 200 melee defense to defend against lugies. So while fighting lugies he is just a weak mage. When I hit the room there were two fighters there. Usually there are five or six. I was surprised to find I was getting little xp. The two fighters were killing them very fast. I checked their level, a 30lv and a 35lv.

Most players of this level are fighting in the harder rooms. I ask them why two such strong fighters were fighting in such a weak room. Response? "Where we are and what our level is, is not your business." Humm. A bit stuck up.

It was bad enough that they were killing everything in seconds. But as soon as they killed theirs they would run over and kill the one I was fighting. I was not getting much xp while they were there. I had to leave that room and go to the more dangerous places until they left.

After they left a few fighters come in. I'm fighting as I always do. I stand off to one side. When there is a spawn one will usually attack me. Sometimes all of them attack me. I first do a Lighting Venerability. By that time I have taken some hits so I drain health a few times and fire lighting bolts. I try to get a drain stamina in to get my mana back.

One of the fighters started leaching my battles. This was hurting me as he had a lighting axe, one of them big red suckers. After my Lighting Venerability he would get a big hit in. This left me with no health to drain. Also a lot less xp for the battle and damage.

So I stopped tossing the venerability and started draining stamina then tossing lighting bolts. The only time I fired off the venerability was when it was across the room, well away from the leach axe man. Of course this guy was a 29lv and should have been fighting in a harder room anyway. Not leaching off my 20lv mage.

There is a spawn across the room and I fired Lighting Venerability and a few bolts. It fell before the leach could get to it. He then stated, "I hate mages". I ask Bone Dust why he hated mages? Did not make sense. I was not skimming. I was not running. I was standing there fighting my own battles. (And getting leached off of by him.)

He stated that he hated mages because of the imbalance. He hated anyone who used any spell but item spells. I guess he had to add that because he used item.

Then he started bragging that he was getting all the kills. Well of course he was, he was nine to fourteen levels above everyone else. I said he had no reason to be mad at me, he had been leaching off me all night and I was not even looting. Kind of lame, a 29lv fighter leaching off of a 20lv mage.

His answer, "Of course your not looting, I'm getting all the kills!"

After another battle four attacked me, and he leached from behind, he stated, "See, I got two of the three kills." Big deal, I was feeling good to have lived though four attacking me.

Then he thought he would be funny. He picked up a bunch of lugi weapons and dumped them on me. I was lucky to be able to drop them before a spawn. Then he started doing the kid dweeb dance and typing laughing sounds.

It was late and I was running out of one of my comps. (Watching it careful these days.) With no item it was a long run back to town. I buffed up one of the fighters and took off for Hebian-to.

These jerks are not even high level. Just a few mid level lamers. But somehow they felt there were better than anyone below them. They had no idea that Fist de Yuma, who is over twice their level, would never act like that. I was told that some players push to high level just to lord it over others. I took that with a grain of salt until tonight.

For the record, add Bone Dust to your Thistledown lamer list.

Return to BDC.

With a possibility of new vassals I need armor. With so may losing their armor in the last month I was getting kind of low. I decided to run over to BDC Sunday evening and kill some Nobles.

Run is not too bad and did most of it without my armor on. I hit the mountain portal, ran passed LOD and headed east to the beach. Getting to the beach required a bit of backtracking, as there was no path down. When I got even with BDC I headed east until I found it.

I only saw two people on my way down. Jumping pit Noble and some friends were waiting for me. I made short work of them.

Just before the second Noble I rested. I knew that the fight to the second Noble was a big one. Someone ran by me. I ran to the pit without seeing any Olthoi. I expected to at least see the bodies. When I got to the pit I found where all the Olthoi were.

The fighter that ran by me had used the jumping trick to get all of them into the pit. If you jump over the pit while being chased they fall into the pit. I have seen players jump several times to get away from attacks. The second Noble was in the pit as well.

I decided to take the third one then come back to the pit. I did my old jump and drop trick. I move to the side opposite of the cave mouth. I jump but not enough to clear the pit. I hit the side and drop into the cave mouth. Then it is an easy run to escape.

As all of them were on the wall trying to get at the other fighter so I was not even chased. I killed the third Noble with little trouble, rebuffed my weapon and ran back to the pit. The last time I was in BDC a full pit was a very hard fight. I had died a lot trying to clear the pit. After fighting in the Nest it was an average fight. I did not even have to drink any stamina potions.

After clearing it all out I ran back and forth between the two Nobles. Most Noble campers kill all three. That leaves out anyone else who wants to fight a Noble. One player was upset to see me there, a 50lv fighter. I told him I would not attack the jumping pit Noble. He was grateful and thanked me after he killed it a few times. It seemed that a Crossbow man had been camping all three for a while. He had been trying to get a kill all day.

As I did not want to lose my tie to the Nest I was only taking light stuff and good armor. I was still close to burden after an hour. I decided to take one more Noble and call it a night. LOL killed one Soldier that spawns before the Noble, got a key. Then Noble had a key. I had killed over 200 Olthoi on the Nest without getting a key, then two in a row.

Loot for night; AL 155 leggings, Life V and War V wand, two keys, AL 140 imp III sleeves, Mod 113% bow BD IV. Add to this a few small protections item and 70k in sellable stuff.

Alliances changes

I was thinking of leaving Killean. In fact if the person I was going to swear to was high enough I might have done it. But Killean himself saw changes were needed. He has stepped down and placed the alliance under Elder.

I believe this change will be a great help. Long live Monarch Elder!

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