Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - May 26, 2000

Well had a week off work and did a lot with Fist de Yuma. My other players are fun but nothing like Fist. Got to keep working them because in the long run they will be better. But Oooo so long.

Fist is now about 400k from 55lv. Wahoo only 20 levels to xbow . Cliff Bowman (MT) is 17lv. Cliff Bowman (Thi) is 14lv. Fist de Yuma (jr) is 13lv. Fist de Mage is 19lv and Tank Mage is 17lv.

Fist (jr) just picked up Xbow and Fletching. Was saving up for Life but felt Item/Creature/Life was too much for a starting self of 25. Xbow is great! Took a while to get use to but it is such a great drawing tool. And hits hard.

It seems I don't die much unless I'm with someone. If I know them and we work well and there is no problem. But mostly I'm with a new person that I have not fought beside before. That is when things go wrong.

Me another fighter (Zed the Barbarian I think) hit the pit. After killing a few soldiers I was on my back resting. Zed jumps in so I have to follow. Three or four Soldiers are on him and I have the Noble and two Soldiers. Just as the Nobles falls Zed dies. So now the three soldiers attack my back. A quick run to the cave saved me but it was a close call.


I got a call from a player who need help getting a body. It was in the Sec Vault. I was there once and died along with Badmofo in a very short time. Only with the bravery of some good fighters were we able to recover, and then with a close call. This is not the place for me.

It is full of Liches of all types. My biggest problem with it is my connection. With all the Liches and spells going off I go into max lag mode.

I said I would see what I could do. I got a call from a friend, "If I ever needed help I need it now. I have lost everything I own", he had two bodies in the Sec Vault as well. It seems every one in their party bugged out on them. I really did not want to go there but if I was to have any chance I had to have help.

I had just left BDC and knew Obo was there. I messaged him and, while was not sure he could live, agreed to help. Badmofo was on and she agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to join us. I knew numbers were important so I also agreed to take Jarad along after he asked.

It took us a little bit to sell off, stock up and mule. The two victims headed to the Sec Vault entrance, hoping a large party would show up. I was praying it would happen. I really did not want to go.

The three of us hit the Awric Mine and made a quick run to the Old Mine portal. It is a bit of a hilly run from there to the Sec vault. Last time I hit this portal I was greeted by three Lugies. I had not powered up or even have a weapon out. I knew better this time. We powered up and jump in. No Lugies.

We were waiting on Badmofo when I get a message. They had recovered and were never going back again. I understood. Man that was a relief. Obo ported out and logged.

A player that knew me when I hunted Old Mine was glad to see me. His patron had not been on in a long time and he wanted to swear to me. We had hunted together months back and he had not played much since then. He was not surprised at my level. He knew how I hunted.

He had to work off the break penalty and will get back to me. It is nice that old friends are ending up in my tree.

As we were there and in protection mode (IV and V protections for everything but acid.) I said lets go after the Liches in Old Mines. When I hunted on Old Mines ages ago the Liches were something to avoid. To begin with I did not have lockpick then.

There was a time when a friends body was just feet away but we could not get to it. Also one Lich could have me for lunch. I came back once and helped take it with difficulty. I did not die but others did.

I don't know how but Sidhartha's new vassal Talan had also joined us. I figured that Jarad had told him about the quest.

I pulled out my electrical weapon and we ran though the Lugies. One player commented that the Lugies were nothing to us. We were not hunting them but if they got in the way they fell quick, seconds in fact. As an unarmed I hit fast and mostly for 20 to 50 a hit against lightly armored monster like a Lugi. Jarad is unarmed as well and Talan is axe. Both hit very hard.

He hit the Lich section and did not stop. Mowing down Liches like they were nothing. I had buffed my magic defense to 160 so I even resisted a few shots. Ones that got in did little damage with the protections I had.

We made it to the end at almost a dead run. I would say it took us 5 minutes. Only that long because I wanted to buff my fire weapon before taking on the big three at the end.

It was a fun bit of slaughter. After this Jarad ported and logged.

Grand vassal and me.

New vassal pickup by Sidhartha is a great fighter. Talan is a long time player that restarted. He is in the mid 30's. He asked me to take him to BDC after we wiped out the Liches.

We were rocking it very well as I showed him around. It was very strange; no one was there but us. Fight after fight. He had a little frustration trying to make some of the jumps. But he soon got the hang of it. Just a bit of a run to get back to try again.

Then we hit the pit. The pit was full of Soldiers and the Noble. I have a nice trick to get around this problem. I go to the side opposite of the cave mouth. I make a small jump, enough to carry me to the other side but not enough to let me clear the edge. I hit the ledge above the cave mouth and fall right in front of it, then a quick sprint in and up the ramp. Now I have them in front and if need be a way to run.

Well I was a little off and jumped all the way across. Talan jumped in and I had no time to jump back and try again. I had to jump it the pit to help Talan out.

Well they had mostly targeted me so Talan was free. I knew fighting was not an option so I ran around until I got into the cave. With my back to the wall and no Noble I can take a lot of Soldiers. But in the open or with the Noble I'm in trouble. The lag was not bad so after a few "Never Minds" and pullbacks I made it to the ramp. I turned to face them, as I did not want to run out on Talan. Suddenly my Superior Helm ran out of mana, instance 20 point drop in melee defense.

The ramp Soldier runs down to my back and I'm cut off from escape. Still thought I would make it when the Noble got a crit on my back. Lot of death items and my armor shirt are gone.

I message Talan and he said he was able to port out. I ran over to the hall and got my backup armor. I was glad my items were all on. If I took something off my lore vit loss would not let me re-equip.

I ran over to my mule and got my backup armor.

With the right armor I was not going to have too much of a problem. I had set up one of my bars as a vit spell bar, all levels V's, as VI was impossible with vit. A few workers on the way down cleared a point of vit. At 11,000 points a vit I'm glad I fight Olthoi.

I jumped to the ramp and took out the one Worker and started in on the other. The Noble heard the battle and came up on my back. I got a few 50 point crits on the worker and turned to face the Noble. Even with a little vit and only V's I can take a Noble in about 1 minute.

I healed up and rested as I had no idea what I would face as I got lower. Most must have returned to the pit as I only had to face a Soldier and Noble that camped my body. Nice, I was free of vit just as I got my stuff back.

We hunted for a while and had a good time. An archer showed up and we got a little crazy trying to get the swarms before he ran them to the wall. A very good night.

Another good Archer

Being able to fight late at night I had a few times with just me or me an a few others. Lot of good fights and picking up a million points was not that hard. Of course my friends that fight in the Vault think BDC is boring. But I had enough of the stress of the Vault last time I was there. But that was 10 levels ago so I might go back very soon. ( I keep saying that)

Any way I'm fighting in the lower section when I get a message from Reever. There is a Noble on the ramp. Reever is a 38lv archer. He is wise enough to know he can kill a Noble but cannot fight it. I have worked with him before and was willing to tank for him.

I'm working my way to the ramp when I'm attacked by two Workers. I have one about dead when the Noble jumps down and joins in. But with Reever plunking away from the upper step it was an easy battle. I said, "Not cool Reever". A bad way to say it as I meant that it was not cool that the Noble came in unexpectedly like that. He understandability thought I meant he had lured it to me. I explained what I meant and he said the Noble just ran up the ramp and jumped down. I had seen that before.

He got the loot and was overjoyed to find Bow Mastery V gloves. Then he saw they were Sho restricted. I have a Sho archer so he gave them to me. Later I attacked the Noble on the ramp and he came up after the battle started. Again he got the looting right. I'm a little pissed, not at Reever, but Turbine making it so a 38lv archer can join late into a battle and still beat a 54lv, fully buffed fighter, to the kill. I'm finding that a 240 bow skill will beat a 320 melee skill. Not sure how bad it gets but that is 80 points of skill difference!

Reever opened up the body and asked me to loot it. He knows I should have got the kill. I grabbed one item and left him the rest. Never hurts to share. So put Reever on your list of Archer vs. Bow-user

New Vassal and bodies

I had been in contact with two players who wanted to rejoin Killean. Their patron had left and they wanted back in. I was asked to become their patron. While in BDC I had disconnected three times. Felt I had better get out before I had a death from it.

I had just ported out when I got a message that they had broken with their patron and were headed to swear to me. They would meet me at the Lifestone. One is 33 level and the other 28. The 34 (Balash) is sworn to the Aajav and it was the Aajav that swore to me.

While waiting another player came to the Lifestone via a Soldier. No bp and a body deep near the pit. He asked for my help. I told him I would go as soon as I had finished. Took longer than we thought because Aajav had to get some points before swearing. About 10k worth I think.

There was also another player that had died and was waiting for us to help. Aajav swears to me and I was ready to help. I apologized to Aajav that I could not have any time for him. He understood and Balash wanted to come along with us.

I made a portal and we headed to BDC. In body recovery mode loot is secondary. I might check a body for keys but that is about it. I misunderstood where one body was. I thought they were on the ramp leading out of the pit when they were outside, above the pit.

I killed the two Nobles and a Soldier. It is strange how the Nobles are camped until you need to recover a body.

I rejoined the group and showed them the jump to bypass the jumping pit. The jumping pit will take from 60 to 90 points of damage from you. They all failed the jump. I ran to the jumping pit to help them out. As I came out of the cave I saw Basha running from a Soldier. I chased but got a lag "Never Mine" and found myself running against the cave wall. Balash was dead.

Seems he took about all his hit points in falling damage. I headed over to the jumping pit to get the rest of the party. We ran around to the pit and got one body. Then everyone jumped into the pit. Big battle there. I was glad I had taken out the Noble and Soldier as they were not ready for that.

Why he jumped into the pit I don't know but a player named Sun Tsu had a body above the pit. Only way out of the pit was up the ramp, then back to the jumping pit.

We got to the bottom without mishap and ran over to the pit. I found Sun's body and he ported out. Said maybe he would be back at 40lv. Then we backtracked to get Balash's body.

Biggest Lamer in BDC.

I'm sure that every one expects a mage or bow-user to be named here. Your wrong. The biggest lamer in BDC is an unarmed fighter. His name is Elemental Soldier. I call him Mental Midget Soldier

I came to the pit and it was packed with Soldiers. I had jumped in using my hit the ledge trick. A whole lot followed me. What did not follow soon found a way to join in the fun. I was surprised to find I also had the Noble there. Having them in front made it possible to fight them but it was a very hard battle. I was down to 60 hp and 25 stam. I still had a bunch of soldiers to fight. Another player heads up the ramp. I think I have some help. Instead he works his way around the soldiers and squeezed by to run up the ramp. This lamer was going after the ramp Noble rather then help me.

I hit the stam and heal to finish off the Soldiers. Checking the Noble I found this lamer had looted it. I went in search of this lamer. I found him waiting the jumping pit Noble. Some friends of mine were there as well. I asked him what he though he was doing abandoning me like that. He said if I cannot fight that many I must be a very lame fighter. My friend, knew him, said he will never help anyone and only cares about loot.

He then said I was greedy to have jumped into the pit after the Noble. I told him I had not seen the Noble when I jumped in and he called me a liar. This from someone who looted my kill while I was fighting. The one thing I will not take is being called a liar! Want to make me unreasonably mad, call me a liar.

About this time one friend is in the jumping pit and gets into trouble. She lags out and is getting beat on. I run to help. More and more Olthoi are jumping into the pit. She gets out of lag and tries to run. The lag and all the Olthoi are not letting her get away. I'm killing them and my other friend is feeding her points and trying to blast a few.

Mental Midget Soldier stands there waiting on the Noble. I message him "Help us out!" He does nothing. We finally save her and I'm really pissed. The Noble spawns and I'm glad he does not get the kill.

He runs over to the next Noble. He gets that kill when I'm fighting off some Soldiers. He as a knack for not letting things target him. It is a well know fact that when engaged you have a harder time hitting then if you leach.

He has this down to a science. The next Noble is the ramp Noble. We hit it and he moves in back of me. I say enough of the crap and move in back of him. We do this until we are both all the way up the ramp. The Noble spawns and we both just stand there waiting for the other to make a move.

I'm really not into this stupid game and charge down to the Noble. He leaches and gets the kill.

We go back to the Jumping pit Noble. This time he runs off to a far wall just out of radar range. I do a test. I run into the hallway like I'm attacking the Noble. He shows up a second later. I say, "I thought so." He said I'm only pissed because he is a better fighter than me. He is a 50lv and did have a better weapon that I do. I decided to do something about that.

After this I started getting vile messages from him. The hatred from this lamer was intense. I got the idea he hates everyone. I found that everyone hates him for one reason or another.

I have a weapon I have not used given to me by Ur III. It is an attack +7%. With my 322 unarmed skill I was going to have a much better chance to hit, even if not leaching. I had not used it as my other needed one less spell and had better defense.

I un-muled it and took it with me to BDC. I also made a special Mental Midget Soldier rule. I will jump all his battles and do my best to take all his kills. I also encouraged everyone else to do the same.

One player had a story about him. Seems Midget went to the Olthoi vault, and died. He did not recover and lost some leggings. The next person with that type of leggings got an earful of accusations. That person and many others said they would make a special trip to BDC rob Midget of kills.

That night is a very bad night for Mental Midget Soldier. To begin with I had cooled down and felt I might have overreacted to this lamer. I met Badmofo and he had nothing good to say about Mental Midget. Seems Badmofo was getting all the kills and Midget ask to share the kills. As Badmofo knew this lamer never shared a thing so she declined. Badmofo was leaving as Midget showed up again.

She wished she should stay just to keep killing over the Midget.

I decided to be nice and let bygones be bygones. I was above the pit and Midget was in the pit. He said "I left some stuff on the body." I said I had done the same. He responded, "Was not talking to you moron." Who he was talking to was off my screen. I had enough, time to teach this lamer a lesson.

A short time later I hit the pit again and it had four Soldiers in it. Midget ran in and lasted about 30 seconds before running. I jumped in and killed them. So I'm a lame fighter for wanting help with twice that many.

Then the Noble spawned and I got the kill. He ran up to the top of the pit and waited the Workers that spawn there. One spawns and he get to kill. The next one I get. I open the body and there is only comps on it. I pick up an amber and say, "key".

He must have been burning then as the ramp Noble spawns and he does not see it. Then he ran down to the pit while I'm looting. The Noble and a Soldier spawns and attack him. I leach and get both kills. Found some nice stuff to. You could see the steam coming out of his ears. I made sure to pick up everything off the bodies, even comps. Lot of dips. I could imagine his thoughts of lost loot.

It was too bad I was over weight at this point. Been nice to keep killing over him all night. I'm at work now and he can have to 2-6 am time slot to himself for a while. But I'm sure my friends, especially Badmofo, will be making special trips to rob this lamer.

Biggest Lamer of all?

So I know he is the biggest lamer in BDC. But who is the biggest lamer in the land? I ask this because I read about someone who might be even worse.

I define a lamer as someone who makes the game worse rather than better. A thief is a lamer. The person I read about is a drainer. He started draining in Lugi fort. Then moved to the Disaster Maze.

He always spread insults and venom to all around him. If anything ever attacked him he accused everyone of dragging it to him. He when would spend the day dragging tuskers up to kill people. The rest of the time he would be telling players how good he is. In fact he is the best player in the game, according to him.

Now so far this makes him a run of the mill lamer. I knew from experience that draining is the best way to level a mage. In times of bad lag I will log in my mage and drain at the lugi fort. Now at 17lv and 19lv I feel this is lame but it is ether that or no play at all. I find I make a lot more points draining than fighting, even with lag.

This guy has spent a lot of time draining stuff. At last he was able to drain the white rabbit. His made him insufferable. He actually offered to unclick his deception so people could view his stats, if he was paid two C notes apiece. Now that is someone who is too full of himself.

The reason I found about this lamer is he is a thief. He sets up a trade, and then claims lag caused him to give the item to someone else. He has done this on a number of occasions.

Back to the Vault.

My friends have ragged me about not being in the vault. Said I was scarred. Well the truth hurts . So I'm headed back. With a little time I should get to 60 in a month. I have been using low Al armor because my melee D of 300 would let me by in BDC with it. Not the Vault.

So I may not look like a mule but I'm not going to be so matched up. Will have 280 to 300 al for all but hand, head and feet. With V's protections, a 322 unarmed skill and a 300 melee defense I should be ready for 7 or 8 soldiers.

Tried to boost my item so I could use my VI spells in the Vault. Strangely the higher my item got the worse my fizzle problem. Now at 240 I can barely toss them. But I can toss V's without buffing!

When I was at the vault before I had two problems.

1. When a lot attacked we got overwhelmed and had to hit the portal. When they increased the monsters outside we lost that option. I hope I have advanced enough in the last 10 levels that I can't be run out.

2. Something always came out to attack while I was buffing. As I had to remove my helm and several protection items, this was very dangerous. Now with better protection, better armor and no buffing needed, this danger is gone. Weapon buffs should only take about 15 seconds using my 4 level V spells.

My only question is whether to un-mule my higher Al shield. It is three times the weight but has 50 better Al. As the biggest problem with mobs of Olthoi is stam so I think I will stay with the smaller one.

Other problem is how to get my new Armor VI pants in use. (Sho diff 199) I use Acid V pants. My current armor V is a band. If I can find an Acid V band I can use the Armor VI pants. If now the question is, will Acid IV with Armor VI be better then Acid V and Armor V.

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