Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - November 20, 2001

I really want to go hunting but too much happened today to let it sit to long. To begin with I did not even think I would be playing. My wife is due back from her trip. With some early phone calls I ended up with only three hours sleep. This is after getting around two hours sleep the day before.

Well my wife did not come home and there was no patch. So it is 2am and I'm beat. The day was so exciting I could not sleep anyway. The bit below will show why.

Unrecoverable bodies
First off I was in the hall. Tired from lack of sleep, had not eaten and needed to go to the store before I did anything. Ladon came up and told me his adventure against the lady.

There were a few people but two very powerful. One is strong and was reputed to know the quest very well. Right at the start things did not go right. The reputed expert gave the bar to the wrong golem. This had them wait while he ported back to the crater and got another one.

Then on the run to the big golem they took a wrong turn and were wiped out to a man. That spot was so bad they left the bodies and killed the big golem.

At Relic Town only three of them got into the portal, two strong mages and the "Expert". For some reason the other mage did not rebuff at the start and his buffs dropped before they got to the end. The two defended while he tried to rebuff. That ended with his death.

Ladon and the "Expert" advanced and just before the Lady the "Expert" died. Ladon charged the lady and had to her within one spell of death. He hit the button and the game froze. When he came out of lag he was on his way to the Lifestone. This was about 1am.

He was bemoaning the fact that his beloved gantlets were on the first unrecoverable body. The one next to the lady is likely gone. However the other one might still there, even after 9 hours. This is because land blocks will shut down and the timer for the body stops clicking.

I told Ladon I would help him get that body. After a month on DMI I felt like the Island was easy work. Had to do my shopping and get a bite to eat but and hour later we were off to the Island.

I killed a bunch of Corals waiting for Ladon. I got to the pillars and cleared the way we would run. Not much was resisting my improved skills now. Ladon got there and we started the hell run around the bay.

Just before the lava fields we headed up the hillside. From there on we had to do it slow and easy. Wasps were blasted before they got in range. Drudges no longer resist me, even after de-buffs. Even the Firestorms were falling fast to our spells.

At one point I had a bit of trouble. Several Augmented Drudges and some Observer Virindi's trapped me between a ridgeline and the small path out of it. I had to find a way opposite of where I wanted to go to escape.

Finally we headed up a narrow path, a big drop-off on both sides. Ladons body was between some trees halfway up. Around it, on a fast spawn, were Silver Tuskers and Drudges. We blasted a load of them but they kept coming. Finally we cleared it enough that Ladon could start looting. Even then a spawn came and attacked him. I blasted them off his back while he looted.

We quickly ported out, jubilant for having done what many would have thought impossible. Two high level Og mages, given time, can take down just about anything.

Body on Island part II
Because of no patch we were going to do the Queen quest again. If your keeping score that is 4 times in 4 days. This time we were determined to have a Melee get the kill. I logged Mage at the starting point. I then logged off to get ready to watch Jag.

I got a phone call from my brother Jeff. He had lost his armor on the A island. He had no money to get back in. I only had 10 minutes before Jag started so I had to hurry. My second problem was the Queen quest started just as Jag ended. That was why I logged right at the start.

I logged mage and ported to the island. Fortunately I was still buffed from the run to the starting point. It was a light buff but Jeff said the body was close to the beach, a few clicks from the entrance.

I ran along the beach hitting "[" until I saw it, on a hillside, a bit away from the beach. I only had to kill 4 or 5 guards to get his stuff. I then ported back to the hall and had to wait for Jeff to get there.

I returned Jeff's armor and ported to Nanto. As soon as I got to DMI I had to shut down to watch Jag. Ok, I like the show.

After my program I loaded up and sent a message to William the Bat that I was on my way. He said good as they had just broken the last stone. I had it timed well.

I was a little apprehensive about running there with a light buff. No Olthoi banes when they're spawning is not healthy. I lucked out and nothing spawned on my route. Still a nasty run but I was buffed for everything but Olthoi.

Just was we entered the portal I got a tell from Jeff. He had died in the C-note fortress and lost his armor again. Got to get my Bro some DI's. I told him where I was and he would have to wait an hour or so.

We got in and had to wait for Bookworm to download. If you know this spot your in Chaos Wisp drain hell. Not a great place to stand around in. After he got in we rushed down and hit the portal to the Royal Hive.

We buffed up and got down to the drop off. Here is where the people using level VI spells rebuff. Because of us having a melee get the kill I recommended that even level VII user rebuff. This was going to be a long battle and having buffs drop would not be pretty.

Dark Angel of Souls and I crossed buffed again. I also put a point into creature. This had my Creature at 376 and War of 360. Sure like to get buffs like that all the time.

He hit the battle full bore. I jumped on top of a bunch of Guards and Broods. I was caught on a corner but was not worried. I was very well buffed to their attacks and we had people to take them out before they did much damage to me. I killed one Guard and a Brood.

Now we moved to kill the Queen. We had every one pounding on the first one as she does not count. She died quick and the second spawned. It took me 10 tries to land the Yield. After that Moby Dick and Dark Angel of Souls got the rest of the debuffs on. Everyone stood back and watched William the Bat fight the Queen single-handed.

With only one person fighting the Queen there were plenty to fight the re-spawns. Still it was very fast and chaotic. Surprisingly William did good damage. After he got her under half heath the rest of the melee's joined in. With a lot of melee de-buff on her she died quick.

Broadcast went out and William was filled with congrats. As far as we know he is the first melee to take down the Queen. Elder used magic so that does not count. He got so many tells that he started to lag out. Now I know why I lagged when I got the kill.

After sweeping the loot we ported out and ran to the town. I got around 4.5 million points out of the 40 million reward. That put me around where I was before I added the point of creature. It cost me 11 million for a point of War. Goal for War is a buffed 360 War and a Creature of 380. Skills like that should let me hit anything short of a Bane Grivver.

I did not say this before but Jeff Sailor Bane had been lured away for Elder with the promise of great xp from a chain. He thought it over and decided to come back. I had to drop my friends tradesman to add him but Jeff is back in Elder.

After he swore to Fist I dumped a load of DI's and M notes on him.

So after getting this written I'm ready to get some sleep. Five hours sleep in 48 is not healthy. It's 3am and I finally feel I can sleep a bit. Only problem is my cat misses my wife as much as I do. He gets in my face and starts yelling after I go to bed. He will only stop if I pet him but it hard to sleep and pet the cat.

William the Bats's story
So today I killed this bug...

It took a lot of help from some friends, but I killed this bug dead.

And I mean a lot of help. Xandran, Spaceghost, and Taavaz helped break the stone rings to start our quest. Mars-Hill, Highlord Ariakas, and Duri Gallant were there to watch my back and keep the bugs minions off me, and Fist de Mage, Moby Dick, and Dark Angel of Souls were there to use mighty arcane powers to weaken the bug enough to be killed by the likes of me.

Which I did.

For the next couple minutes I lagged out while more people than I could count congratulated me. Somehow I managed to get the bugs head and some eggs off the corpse, and summon a portal to Nanto to make good our escape.

I journeyed to Timaru, where the gatekeeper allowed me entrance, which he had been denying me for some time. The Tah, or chief, was very happy to see me. I was sorta taken aback. Its kinda embarrassing, but it seems Ive been adopted by these Tumeroks! Go figure! Apparently, hes something of a taxidermist, as he returned the head to me mounted on a plaque, suitable for displaying in my home. It now adorns my cozy basement.

At this point, I found I had a great deal of potential to advance my skills. I used this potential to advance my sword skill slightly. I then remembered this strange object a friend had given me. A tessera, of the type found on some brood nobles. This tessera could also help me advance my sword skill. I brought it to my new adopted kin, the Tah of Timaru, who taught me a little more about how to use a sword. My skill was already quite prodigious, but I found that with this new instruction, combined with the enchantments on my gauntlets, solleretes, and bracelet, my sword skill was brought into a whole new realm of power! A realm I could never before achieve without help from a powerful mage. The magic number, 400.

Oh yes, a red-letter day!

In case you think this is easy.
Queen quest is being done 24/7 now. While I'm not sure if it has been fixed yet the only slowdown on this has been the 30 minutes wait between breaking stones.

So with it being done so often some people are beginning to think this is an easy quest. If so they are very wrong, yesterday is a good example.

We had the quest planned for 6pm EST. We had our people set to turn in bells as soon as the group in front of use completed the quest. Our time came and the spawns on the plateau were still going. The pillars were also still broken.

Attempts to find out what the other group was doing failed. Only thing we could do was form a group to finish off the queen so we could get ours going. We were able to get 9 strong players together and head down to the queen.

We found two bodies before even getting into the Hive. I asked the person of he wanted me to bring him his stuff but he said a group was going to help him recover it. This was the easy section.

In the Hive itself we did not see any bodies so we figured they ported out after failing to kill the queen. It is possible they did not even get to her.

Highlord got the kill on this one and we had an archer lined up for the next one. Right now we are set for all the melee's getting the kill.

So a group of 70+ players found the place so bad they could not finish the quest.

Hours later we started our official quest. We let a group go in front of us because of the delays the first one caused. We had 9 strong players but lacked Dark Angel of Souls. This weaken us a bit.

We got to the Queen and cleared out the guards with little trouble. First Queen fell fast and there our trouble started.

It seems the Queen has very good Missile defense. Our Archer was having a hard time doing enough damage. I was being resisted a lot. I had forgot to tell Moby Dick when we crossed buffed that I did not have Creature Other VII so he was having trouble as well.

After losing all my mana trying to land a Yield I had to recover mana before trying again. Meanwhile there had been a spawn and we had to fight it off. I landed the Yield after Moby Dick landed a level VI. I was trying to land the Bafflement and Feebleminded but was still being resisted. All this with 377 Creature skill.

The main spawn of Guards and Broods came and for some reason they all attacked me. Normally when there is a spawn I get a few token hits and they move on. Because I'm supporting people at this point, in a normal fight, I'm not seen as a threat.

This time I'm still trying to land a spell on the queen. Out lack of landing spells were having a big effect on the battle. I took a lot of damage and had to heal. I decided to put my back to the wall and fight off the spawn. Guards and Brood are hard to fight if melee. With only two mages we were going to have to clear them before going back to the Queen.

I had one guard targeted but he was resisting. I ran low on mana and had to refresh it. At this point I was at 200 hit points. Stam to mana Revit gets my mana back. The problem is now I have 50 hit points. I hit heal and I'm at 8 hit points before the spell starts to wind up. I was dead long before the spell went off.

Bookworm died when the Queen hit his leg for around 150 in slashing damage. At this point Taavaz saw things were not going well. She pulled Elders Staff of Death out and started blasting the Queen. I don't know of Moby Dick got the Bludgeoning Vuln on or not.

Our Archer was disappointed but a successful quest was better than a failed one. She knows that she was not taking down the Queen the way things were going.

So if someone says that the Queen quest is easy, tell them they are crazy. The word now is that the Queen's attack is better. With a 150 hit on good armor and protects, I hope not too much better.

I'm thinking now that we should have at least three mages if a mage is not getting the kill. Anything less and the spawns of Guard and Broods are too hard to handle.

Deadly Den
Wife got home from Mexico yesterday and we went out for dinner. After doing 6 Queen quests in 5 days I was ready for a break anyway. After dinner and watching a movie I logged just to say "Hi" before going to bed.

William the Bat told me that they had 15 bodies in the Queens den. So much for a nights sleep.

I ran to Mont E and meet up with William. I was surprised to see he had no armor on. He told me his armor was on one of the three bodes in the Den. The last was when he went in alone to test to see of the Queen was doing hollow damage or not. She is not.

We buffed up and headed in. We got separated for a bit and one of the chaos wisps followed me over the jumps. After killing that and some Olthoi I found William and we got into the Hive. I was worried that we could not get to the Den, need more than two people. One can hit the switches and open the doors but he will be stuck. You need two people to stand in the door so the switch person can get there.

William told me Mars-hill was coming so we would have enough. Mars showed up with Highlord and we moved through the Hive with little trouble.

We got to the jump and had a group buffing. I hope I'm not missing anyone we had; Highlord Ariakas, Mars-Hill, Diomed, Moby Dick, Tacit, Tasher, Raidon, Xanoran, Taavaz, William the Bat and me. Ones who had left before I got there were Crynus, Lucy Fur and Henulen. Crynus and Henulen left bodies that we were unable to recover.

I'll post the story of how it happened in their own words.

Today was a bad day,

We made plans to do the Oltholi Queen quest but got bumped by a group of newbs before us that took an extra two hours to kill the queen (sheesh - amateurs!), they had to come back 2x to too kill her.

Since we were bumped, the group after us was bumped and of course complained (theres absolutely no way after having done the NEW and IMPROVED QUEEN that anyone can schedule this quest on a 4 hour timer).

- Then we died
- And we died
- And then I died and William the Bat Died committed suicide out of grief.
- Then Will, Myself, Fist, and Highlord came back a 4th time and we finally vanquished the queen.

Heres how we did it...

1.) We remembered to buff our armor with acid bane this time.
2.) We sent the guy with the highest life in the group into the pit to tank so the mages above could reach the Queen with war spells. Recommend Endurance 7 and Barons Amulet - not shendolian shield (DIAMOND SHIELD).
3.) We had a bunch of guys above (melee) heal me while I was in the pit (sounds like the acid pit? it was worse!)
Diomed ended up killing the Queen - grats Diomed!

For the record - before today's patch, I could take the Queen and only take 1 or 2 pts of damage per hit. Sometimes a whopping 12 or 20 on a critical. Tonight, I took hits of 60, 70, 42, etc... Shes also faster than Mars-Hill! (sorry guys, 400 run is too slow). 406 buffed sword, 390 melee defense. Im sure Elder would have done better but he wasn't online.

Needless to say, I planned to go to bed about 2 hours ago - and now my wife is angry so Im going to make it up to her and abstain from AC for one whole day!

William the Bat
It wasnt suicide, really, it was an experiment to find out if the Queens extraordinary damage is due to hollowness.

Its not.

They were going to heal me, too, but didnt get the chance to do so; I was dead in two hits after I hit the ground.

And yes, while the bugs dont drop quite so good armor as the berk I left on my third corpse, itll do in a pinch. The lesser bugs I mostly evade, so impen VI on a shirt is all it took to be safe. But I wasnt in any way going down to see her bug-eyed majesty wearing that.

I have to say, we were well and completely owned by this insect. Id say we re pre-owned, pawned, and sold at a discount.

Part of me is reeling and hoping Ill feel better in the morning.

Another part of me is elated. This is the experience I was really looking for when the expansion came out. Instead of the quest that well do twice in one day if were bored, well have a quest well do once a month or so, when we are feeling saucy and overlade with death items.

And I now have new incentive to raise my skills. Especially melee D. Owwie!

Taavaz's story
It was amazing. And yes she is darn FAST and NASTY once detached. She ate us for her breakfast, some more then once. The first time we all were down in the pit. At about the time 50% of our group had died she turned on me and it was wham wham wham. Bludgeon and piercing 30-60s chain hits around 4 or 5 in a row, then she turned on the other person still left and I recalled with green and red bugs spawning and surrounding me. (btw I have 274 buffed health, only reason I lived) Corpses all over the place.

I also was able to get hits on her with the staff of around 160-250 each time, and once landed a 300+ critical. However it did need 3-4 of us hitting on her on the ledge above while Mars acted as the meat shield distraction below and being healed by the rest of the folks. I went thru a half pack of 1000 mana charges firing off shots. She finally went down with Diomed getting the kill. Would have been hard to do without him and the others there.

Now while all of this was going on we still have the guards below also beating on Mars and the spawns up top on the ledge beating on us.

Before the final kill those of us that had not died stayed on the ledge waiting for the others to return. Moby was keeping her nastiness vulned and at one point only two of us buffed and healed while killing the spawns up top. I must say Willie had a nice selection of berks to choose from when he got back - loot was knee deep - we could not see the floor at times.

I know you hung in there Mars when you needed to be with the family and the same goes to others that put aside RL issues to deal with this. You are all amazing. We finished around 3-4 am in the morning for me. I was shaking so bad from exhaustion when I finally went to bed.

But I am glad I was there and frankly want to do it again. She is a challenge indeed.

Now I wonder is Turbine going to continue to make her more nasty in the future patches to come? Or can you see it - what if she gets out and goes on a rampage across the countryside! Wow.
*starts to make mega health and stam foods and elixers*

Back to the story
After buffing up we advanced to the jump. After clearing a few Broods and weaker Olthoi we worked out what we were going to do. Mars-Hill would attract the Queen to a spot where the mages could shoot at her. Three mages would heal Mars-Hill from the second he jumped, the rest would blast the Queen.

Getting reward was not in our minds now, getting everyone's body was the objective. I was in the healing group. Even with three mages healing Mars-Hill I was hitting him for 60 a pop. I don't know about the other mages healing but Mars was taking a lot of damage. This was with maxim buffs and very high melee d.

It was over in around 30 seconds. The fully de-buffed Queen, against a lot of high-level blasters did not stand a chance. Mages, and Taavaz using the Staff of Death, did a lot of damage very fast. Unfortunately we did not get the head but that was not the goal anyway.

One thing we all agree on. The era of a Melee getting the kill over the Queen is over. It will have to be a mage. A melee just cannot do enough damage fast enough to let a party survive. I know that was not Turbines intent but it is the result.

It will not really keep the Queen from being killed much. New tactics have involved to defeat the Queen quickly. Current thoughts are; Go in, clear and kill first Queen, run to portal. Return to top and buff protect a high level melee. Melee jumps down and gets Queen in position for a mage to kill. Others heal melee while the mage kill Queen.

In my book the old way was far better. A few days ago it was not safe but doable. Now it is a quest for xp and the armor. Before it was an adventure. A few days ago a melee, with a lot of help, could defeat the Queen. Now it is mage only, with a lot of help.

What I'm hoping is Turbine sees they went to far. I would like to see them split the difference and instead of 70 point hits, have her hitting for 30. This way it can be a battle, not a tactical setup for a mage to kill her.

Pissed off
Ok, ever so often I get to rant, this is one of those. A few things have happened that really is hurting the game for me.

Number one on the list is the stop fizzle bug. To prevent PK's from sliding while tossing spells they have put in code to stop it. I have nothing against this. It has affected my play a little bit. I have to hold until a spell go off before sliding, a small change, more a matter of timing. What is a big problem is when I stop, fire a spell and it kicks in.

I'm not moving, I'm not sliding. I stop and toss a heal or war spell. Against big stuff hit and run is my main move. Surprise spawns will have me moving away a bit before stopping to fight.

This bug is doubly bad as it seems to drain mana at the max rate. So not only does the spell fizzle but it runs me out of mana as well. I'm guessing because of my slow connection the server thinks I'm still moving. Once again PK's have messed me up. Turbine, this sucks, fix it.

A guy used the "Pretend you're the patron's mule" scam the other day to rip off several high value items. Someone works long and hard to get an item only to have it cheated out of him, to be sold on E-bay. MS's response is, "Trickery is part of the game." I have news for you MS/Turbine, it has nothing to do with the game. There is no risk!

If there was some risk then trickery can be part of the game. Without risk all you do is piss people off. Lets end this NOW, change the policy. Fix a major problem with your game, punish thieves!

The Queen quest is really messed up. Yes it needed to be beefed up slightly. Like always you got into the "Us (Turbine) vs. Them (the player)" attitude. You made a fun and looked forward to quest into an xp only, mage gets the kill, quest. It is impossible to get a melee the kill. The mages who do get the kill will be above and well out of reach of the queen.

If your next stop is to make it so the Queen does not go to that spot, the mages will go there and target the Queen anyway. If you somehow force face to face fighting, we will not bother. It takes three mages tossing heals full time to keep one melee alive. Without a shield it is not even possible to do that. You went overboard and it was a big mistake. Fix it.

Lastly is houses. Getting one requires camping. Camping is not fun. Adding little harassments items into the mix makes it even more stupid. I found an open house and the people who can camp 24/7 are waiting to jump. There are even macros trying to buy the house. I want to hunt and have fun, not wait in front of my screen staring at a house all day.

If I do happen to be logged when the house goes up for sale they will likely change the harassment item needed.

This could have been so simple. One spot to get all houses in each town. A house become available, they sell it and tell you where it is. This way sucks and is not fun. Turbine, in case you have forgotten, and some of your decisions tell me you have, the game is about fun. You're not out to beat the players, your out to enhance their fun.

Are you guys crazy?
I logged to check if my house is for sale yet. I have Fist camping a house in the middle of nowhere. Seconds after I logged I got a tell from Pantine. He wanted to know if I had a 45 to 60's level player to help with a body recovery. I said I would log Jr.

Fist de Yuma Jr is 52lv now and tossing VI's in Life and V's in Item. I need to push item a bit but first I'm going for combat skills. With buffs I'm at 330 UA and 315 Melee defense. To hit the big stuff I need much more.

I was told that the body was in one of the Hives on the DMI plateau. I met Cobra Kahn at the entrance to the plateau. We buffed up and started the run.

Today it was a bit full of Aun's. There were a lot of Elder Shamans and such. I was taking some damage but with full level VI protects not in any danger. About halfway into the run something was typing poetry on the screen in green letters. I know what it is but at the time I was not thinking.

Corba Kahn must have been missing a protection as he died. I started backtracking to the body when it occurred to me who the poet was. It is the skill credit guy!

Took me a little bit to find him. I buffed up my fire weapon and charged in. My thoughts were hit and run because there was a bunch and I mean a bunch of helpers. His spawn has a lot of defenders and he spawned close to another big group of Auns.

I had him at half damage when I decided to run and try and draw him away. In hindsight I should have just healed and kept fighting. It may not have made any difference as it was not spells that got me but his melee.

Ran a bit and stopped to fight. I healed and took a big melee hit. Healed again and got hit again. Next hit came before I could get a heal in. At the LS I was wondering if there was something I was missing or if Turbines non-random generator got me again. I have heard that this guy hits with hollow damage. I have very low AL on my gants, depending on spells more than armor. If his damage is hollow and hits hands, that could be it. Unfortunately I did not check where the damage was coming from.

I ran back as fast as possible, hoping that someone else did not find him first. Getting Creature at 75 is a whole lot easer than getting it at 80. I lucked out and it was still there.

This time I decided to take a chance on some passing high-level mage or archer killing it and started clearing the guards before charging him. Fighting him was hard enough without three or four Elder Shamans beating and spelling my back.

I got rid of all the Shamans and attacked. While not as fast as Mage or Fist I knocked him down in respectable time. I grabbed the items, to the cheers of the fellow. We had several people in the fellow even though only the two of use were on the body recovery.

I ran to the coodi of the Hive and logged him. I felt I needed mage to help Cobra recover. Using mage I buffed them with VII's. This allowed Cobra to recover his body without help. This was to be a hard body recovery so a few of Elders join us. Dagger Stom, Sword Blade and one other Elders started out with us. One of the Elder's died on the run.

I got Jr back and, after a little running around, got at the right portal. This left four of us with Jr at 52 the highest level. I had never been in the Hive and was not sure what to expect.

It was a lot like the Mainland Nest with some Nobles tossed in. The four of us did well, buffing in turns so there was always a fighter. Dagger Stom showed one big advantage to the spec'd life template. When attacked while buffing he would start draining.

Good team work all around. Only problem was Cobra, he was a bit lost as to where his body was. At one point things got a bit nasty but we refused to give up. Cobra asked, "Are you guys crazy?" The answer of course is, "No, we're just Elders."

We finally got to where his body should have been. We were too late, the body was gone. As he had it on the Six Sense a short time before someone had grabbed his stuff and ran off. At this point I subjected we do the 500k quest. We might be strong enough to do the 3 million one but I figured on testing that at a later date. They liked that idea and we hit the exit portal.

Talk about a hot LZ. (Landing zone for the younger set.) We ported out into a Virindi pod and an Armor Tusker, not what you want to see together.

After escaping that Sword and Dagger had to leave. That left Cobra Kahn and me. We met a mage buffing a fighter who had no armor. I knew the fighter from somewhere. The four of us searched the Grotto for the two bodies. After recovering them we hit the bottom.

Lot easer with a mage to imperil. We waited until all four of us got the claw and called it a morning.

Strange people
While logged as Fist de Mage I got a tell from someone I never met. He acted like I should know what was going on with a deal he was making. I had no idea. He then stated I won the bid for an item. I was not bidding on any items at that time.

The bidder was using the name Fist de Mage on the board. Strange that someone would use a name that someone else already had. The seller had the bidders e-mail address and give it to me. I sent him the following.
Using the name Fist de Mage is creating confusion on the board. That is my name in MT. You came close to losing a trade your high bidder on (sword Vs) because of it.

I would recommend you change it. People will think you're me.

I honestly expected that this was an error and he would thank me and fix it. Instead I got the following reply.

=p bugger off old man
So if you see the name Fist de Mage on the boards it is not me. I only post under Fist de Yuma. Also be aware that the person using this name is rather strange.

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