Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - November 13, 2001

Fortuitists death.
While on DMI I had a stupid death. I was doing a quick buff and one fizzled. It did not look like or sound like a fizzle so missed it. Unfortunately it was Fire and when facing a Vapor golem that is a good way to get killed in one shot.

While running back I would stop and kill whatever I saw. I hoped to quickly clear vit before I ran into anything dangerous.

I ran into something I had not seen on DMI before, Reedsharks. I killed one fast and was facing another. This one resisted about 15 attempts to yield it. I ran off to break contact and killed a few things to clear a point of vit. Figured to try again after getting my skills higher. I saw a Tommie in the middle of two Reedshark, level 111. I figured killing him would clear my vit and then I could take down the Reedsharks.

A Fire Vuln and a few Fireballs later he died. The Reedsharks died as well. Going in to loot I got a bunch of the new collars. I also get some items I don't know what to do with as of yet. Lastly I got two orbs. One gives off panic attack the other will freeze a monster. Not sure how it works but I'll test them soon.

If I had not died I would not have found this guy or the Reedsharks.

How to ask for a buff
I logged on today and a total stranger met me with "Can you buff me". Do to a lot of factors I gave him no response. It did get me to thinking of what he could have said to make me stop and help him.

All mages get tired of buff beggars. We have learned to ignore them. Buff beggars have made it that so legitimate needs are not being requested of fear of sounding like a buff beggar.

There are a lot of people who ask for buffs that have no need for them. They want to fight above there ability and need buffs to do so. Many depend on buffs or will not fight. I grew up in a different era. We never asked for buffs, for that matter we did not really know the advantages of doing so.

Nevertheless there are times when a buffs is really needed and, at times, required. The problem is so many of the people who ask for buffs have no idea how to ask. They end up sounding like the buff beggars we all have to learn to ignore.

To begin with Plzzz is not a replacement for please. Using d00d talk will automatically put you in a bad light. Second you need to explain what buffs you need and your reason for needing them.

"Can I please get a Lore buff, I have vit and cannot install my armor." Will almost all ways work.

When in a team you may need a hole filled. When fighting on the Island quest I find people with level IV protects to critical elements. I have quested with some who have no protection for some elements. We have to remember that not everyone as had the time or trading ability to acquire all level VI protection. "Fist de Mage, can I get a Fire protection buff please?", is how to get the hole filled.

It is only smart to toss a buff to what is low or missing, or be down a member in the first big battle. For this reason the fighters needs to be aware of their holes and to ask one of the mages to fill it for him. It is also up to the fighter to keep track of when that drops and get it reapplied.

Few mages will not respond for body recovery needs, especially if you're the same alliance. Be sure to put that in the opening line. Don't lie! One lie can get you squelched and you'll have one less mage for any help.

Include what is guarding your body and what skill you have. Mages are not mind readers. Many times I have had to waste time trying to ascertain what combat skill the person I'm buffing is. With no weapon in hand I don't know whether to buff Sword, UA or Dagger, be precise.

"I have a body in OHN, can you buff Olthoi protects and sword for me please?" One sentence and the mages knows exactly what spells to apply.

Lastly you must remember two things. Tossing buffs can be costly. Those of us who use level VII spells can burn a 42k plats on any given spell. They don't burn easy but there is always a chance. Second we have to apply pre-buffs before we can toss those spells. You may only want one spell but we might have to toss seven spells before we are able to toss that one spell. Unless we have a good reason, we will be looking for an excuse not to.

Why do we ignore Buff Beggars?
People play this game for fun. Many of us get a big kick out of helping people. A whole lot of my time is spent on body recoveries and quests. When I see a melee soloing a hard monster I always stop and help. A timely heal or imperil spreads goodwill and increases the enjoyment of the game for everyone.

So with this in mind it seems rude and uncaring to totally ignore requests for buffs, and you would be right. It is not the fault of the buff beggar but the fault of rude demanding people who have begged for buffs before them.

People have said, "I don't have Creature." Only to be called a liar. People have placed level VI's spell on a buff beggar only to be called a gimp for not putting VII's. People have placed a costly set of buff on a beggar only to he cursed at for not following that person around for hours imperiling. People have had the beggars run off without a word of thanks. People have been put on a Friends lists and bothered constantly for more buffs.

Because of this many mages, or anyone that can supply a buff, find that not answering a request for a buff works best. The beggar may repeat his request several times but that is better than being cursed at for saying no.

For this reason I wrote the essay above. There are times when people really need help. Most people love to help others. It is really frustrating when you need help but no one is answering your request. Knowing how to ask can make all the difference. Understanding why people are reluctant to answer that request will reduce your level of frustration.

In a way it is the fault of kind people that we have this problem today. It is human nature to seek the fastest smoothest way with the least effort. It is the reason Socialism sounds so good but works so bad. People who are given things for free tend to value them as worthless. After a time buffs are not a favor but a right.

When I was starting my mage I was cursed at by melees for just showing up. I understood I was paying for other mages grief play. Nevertheless it hurt and stuck with me. Mages without my melee background may not understand that. I know many mages who never learned "Other" spells because of conflicts like that. It is a big mistake. Playing with others will increase your fun, not decrease it.

I have a set pattern of buffs I keep on me almost all the time. It is to supply buffs without having to pre-buff. Of course it also keeps my leadership buffed so I gain as well. Even with that attitude I find I ignore, "D00d, can u buff me plzz" more often than not.

Island swarms
When the Olthoi Queen quest starts there are swarms of Olthoi that descend on the plateau. It starts slow with Soldiers, Workers and Eviscerators. There is a message sent out world wide saying where the swarms are coming.

After a bit the swarms change to Brood Nobles and Nobles. I had a nice picture of one battle, me and four Broods and two Nobles. Someone commented that I was in no danger so why the bid deal. In the picture he could see I was taking 5 to 6 damage per swing.

Well I could tell he had never fought one the Broods. I did not think much about it when I first started fighting Broods but they're close to melee impossible. If their not impossible then definitely Melee not worth the effort. Mages can fight them but only very strong Mages. I have a lot of resists to my 370 Creature. Without a yield my 354 War has little chance. Even after a Yield VII I get resisted a lot with my War. They are also resistant to drain.

As for their damage dealt, I agree that I'm well protected. I bane my pre-gsa for all their attacks, same with gants and shoes. Nobles hit the hands a lot. Still the damage comes fast. Many battles I'm getting to a sliver of health before getting a good heal VII. A fizzled heal means running or death.

While fighting three Nobles and one Brood today I was under 30 hit points twice as my heal was tossed. The problem I was having is lag. With lag spells are going off slowly. Screen is updated slowly as well. I hit my key for shockwave just as several hits put me in danger. I have to wait for the shockwave to slowly wind up before it will let me toss a heal.

While fighting the three Nobles and one Brood I tossed a heal with 24hp left. As it slowly started up I saw that 24 become, 20, 15, 9, dead.

There are a lot of people who rush to the swarms that. They are; 1 are really too weak to be there and, 2 have not learned respect for others. First one to get on my nerves was an Archer. I'm fighting a Noble when this guy come running up and starts firing arrows into it.

Nobles turns on him and, after a few screams from hits, he starts running. My shock wave kills the Noble and saves him. I asked him what the was doing and this 38lv archer said, "I was helping you." Like an 82lv mage needs help from a 38lv Archer.

Others were nicer but still need to learn a bit. Not doing so will get them killed. I saw a fighter run up and start pounding on a Noble while a Mage was fighting a Brood. Now most Mages will welcome this kind of help. What the fighter needed to do was ask before jumping in.

Because he did not, the mage did what a lot of people would do. He put a light spell on a swarm of Olthoi and then logged off. I was below the ridge so I could not help the fighter. He ended up running. The mage came back and started to resume his battles.

After getting killed I headed back to resume the battle. The Queen was killed shortly after I got there so no more would be spawning. I met two fighters trying to take down a Brood. I told them that it was much to hard for them. One was an Elder in the upper 30's and the other a 52lv. I have heard of 100lv fighters taking half and hour to take one down. They agreed that they were not doing any damage so let me kill it.

I told them if they would fight the Nobles I would fight the Broods. They liked this idea. We advanced up a hill and I imperiled a Noble. They were fighting it when an Elder sham jumped in. I killed that only to be surprised by something I had never seen on DMI and hoped to never see there.

DMI has two monsters I can do without. Chaos Wisps are such a pain. You cannot see them and they chain cast with unlimited mana. The other is Azael Zefir's. Both have very high magic d, attack from a long way off, chase a long time and are all around mage killers.

We really don't need another mage killer to add to these. Well, there it was, a Hellfire. I finished off the Noble as the two were not doing much damage to it. I tried to yield the Hellfire but it either had leveled or my vit had my skills to low.

The 52lv fighter tried to help but he was quickly killed. I ended up running. With the spawn on there were not many safe places to run. As I escaped from one group another group would get tagged in for a game of chase the mage.

I found a place where it was clear and got a heal in before the mob caught up with me. I killed them and that cleared the vit.

I did not see the Hellfire again and found my body without trouble. I don't know if that Hellfire was a fluke or something Turbine is adding into the mix. If I don't see any more there it will be find with me.

Lighting Stone
Had a grand vassal send me a tell about the Lighting stone quest. The leader of his group lagged out and had not been back for half and hour. I said I could do it. As I was going anyway I decided to see if anyone else wanted to come.

We ended up with a good group. A few under 30's but I felt we could get them over it. One guy who was LS'd in AB ran over and got a tie. He got back, made the portal after we buffed up.

I had one very strong melee with us, my vassal Bleu Sky. He had his vassal with him. Another vassal Amedes came along to help. Two strong mages made it a lot safer.

Before we started out I got a message that the first leader had got back and they did no need me. Still I had enough people to make our own quest.

We cleared a few things around the portal exit and were getting ready. A Grevver decided to crash the party and we had a death. Not a good beginning.

We started running and were having lag problems. One guy I saw a death message for. He sent me a message saying he had lagged out and died, who knows were. Glad for the new body command. I got the coodi and backtracked until I found it and recovered his DI. He had run off in a totally different direction and was dead next to two Tuskers and a Virindi.

With the lag and bodies I ended up going a little off track. We hit a dead end with some pits. While trying to go back my vassal Dagger Storm fell into a pit. He could not port out as he was bouncing up and down at the bottom of the pit. A second person fell into another one.

We waited until an admin could get there to get them out of the pits. Dagger was out on the other side. We rebuffed and started again. Dagger meanwhile had made it into the vault and was moving down.

We came out very near the entrance. I lead them in and we started forward. Nothing to kill as Dagger was clearing a lot in front of us. We caught up with him. Dagger has a spec'ed Life/dagger template. Same as the "Fist" template except it can spec lore instead of train it. A very strong template and a smart player in back of it.

We were a good group. No one talked too much. We kept together and fought as a team. I lucked out as I really don't know the lighting vault that well. I figured if the passage was going up it was the wrong direction. A few times we came to a pit with the exit portal and had to back track but all and all we did well.

I knew to turn right at the first T and left at the jails. That got us to the stone. With good teamwork we finished off the monsters and got everyone the stone. I even picked one up to sell.

Queen Quest
I had to get the lighting stone out of the way fast as we were starting the Olthoi Queen quest in a few hours. After a quick bite to eat I logged on and met the group on the plateau. As you can imagine it was a strong group. You have to be 70+ just to go in.

We had three strong mages, myself, my vassal Ladon and Moby Dick. The rest were strong fighters including my vassal/patron Balash. Willian the Bat, Cypris, High Lord Ariakas, Mar-Hill and Elder. A few others in there I don't remember.

We had been sprayed a little before so that was out of the way. All we had to do was wait out the giving of bells. That really is a pain. I hope they change that very soon.

We entered in the spot with all the Wisps. We killed the one guarding the passage and moved down to a big jump. After killing a lot there we got to a portal that took us to the main hive.

William the Bat took me and another player into this before, so I did not have to suffer downloads or to much waiting.

We waited a long time for Elder to get there. A few times Olthoi got attracted to our group and we had one death. There was some debate on how we would do this as we had more than 10 people. We finally got out sorted out. I was to get the xp and armor as I had used Fist to break the stone. Stone breakers had first shot. I gave up the armor to Ladon as I figured I can get that later.

Finally after a very long wait we started forward. We had one group heading down and another doing the switches. Other than a few Brood Nobles we did not face anything deadly.

We got to a big jump with a horde of Olthoi. I targeted one called Queens guard. I got a load of de-buffs on it and Ladon got the kill. People started jumping down and I followed.

Elder had told us that there were two queens. One that did not move and one that did. The second spawns after the first dies. When I jumped down I saw our group around a big and I mean big queen. It was at least 30 feet high. I put a Yield but Ladon had already landed it. A few blasts and it died and the other one spawns.

My job was to put Yield, then Imperil, Bludgeoning and piercing Vuln on them. After that I was free to blast.

When the second one got there I hit Yield, resist, resist, resist, resist, resist, resist. I recovered mana and after a few more tries landed a yield. Did imperil, Bludgeoning and Piercing. At this point the queen was at full health. Ladon said he hit it for 300 and it was healed before he could do any more damage.

Ladon is Og like me but lower in level. After the yield every shockwave I fired did from 250 to 300 damage. It finally fell and the broadcast when out that I had the kill.

We cleared a bunch of other stuff and the queen was in a pile of her guards. I was really excited and a bit confused. Elder was to distribute the loot but I knew I had to pick up the head first. I opened up the body and grabbed for object farthest to the left. Then I closed the body and said, "Body open."

There was other spawns and fighting so the body rotted before everyone got their armor. I think only two people got a look at the body before it rotted. A few got their armor off the ground. I was doing a "[" search to be sure we did not leave anything.

Fist the Fool
Elder made a portal to Nanto and we headed from there to the town and get our 40 million in xp. A bunch of us could not get into town because of breaking the stones. I set up a fellow and added in a few people who did not think they would get the xp. Still we only had 8 people so we would all get 5 million. It was going to work out very well for me. One person is a direct vassal of Mage, Ladon and the other my patron and vassal of Fist, Balash. I figured both Mage and Fist would level or come very close after I turned in the head. Cypress was to get the trophy.

With Elder at my side I clicked on the Tommie. He said to give the head. I handed what I got and he said something about not needing eggs. EGGS! Ooooo #$!@#$@# I did not grab the head. When in lag my mouse will sometimes be pointed at one thing but click on something next to it. In hindsight I clicked on the head but grabbed the eggs. Later Ladon said he saw the head but thought Elder was going to have me get it. One other said he saw the head but thought I would grab next.

It seems the head rots when the body rots, as my search would not have found it. I was sick. I wanted to hide in a hole. Everyone understood but that did not help. All that work for nothing, because I was too excited to look at what I was doing.

We are going to do it again tomorrow and I plan to be there. I know there is nothing I can do to make this up but I'll to my best.

We were going after the Queen again. I was not sure if I was welcome after my mess up the day before. Everyone was in good humor and were trying to cheer me up. I know yesterday will be a good laugh someday in the future but for now it is a painful memory.

We met at Mont E and waited for the people turning in the bells. I sure hope that they fix the timers on that. Half and hour per break means 2.5 hours of waiting. Then add the half and hour before the Queen spawns and it started to be very boring. Fortunately it is only the people doing the bells have to be in the long drawn out process. We hung out and talked for an hour or so.

We finally buffed up and headed in. There we met a few who had gone in earlier. We had more than 10 people so a few had to be outside of the fellowship. Queen still had a half hour to go so we just sorted out what we were going to do.

I buffed two people and Moby Dick buffed two others. The rest were set and did not need any help. The only other mage was Moby Dick. At 101 I was sure he would have the kill, his war is 15 over mine. I have better creature so it was my job to de-buff.

With people in place to hold the doors we advanced into the maze. Not much danger in this part but not easy to find your way. The first people to map this out had to be very good.

We ended up at a jump and waited for the rest to catch up. I had 15 minutes on my buffs so I did not need to refresh them. The Queen spawns and the battle commenced.

After de-buffing the guards I jumped down to do battle. I got the kill on one of the Queens guards and did a lot of damage on others. We cleared all of them before starting in on the Queen. The first Queen died quickly but the second one was being stubborn.

It took me a lot of tries to get my Yield on. In the lag my mouse did not release when I did a replenish. It took it off my spell bar. After doing a stamina to mana I had to switch spell bars to get my mana back. This slowed me down a lot.

After recovering mana and switching back to the war bar I got the yield on. Then there were more resists before I got Bludgeoning Vuln on. All this was taking to much time so I just started blasting with shock wave. I felt at this point killing her would protect the fighters more than trying more de-buffs. I was hitting for 250 to 300 again but being resisted a lot. I found out later that Ladon put two de-buffs that lowered the Queens magic resistance the day before. Without that I was having far less success. I have those spells on my war bar now. I always thought they were just for PK.

It fell and Moby Dick got the kill. As the Queen was at full health before my Yield I'm thinking that spell was the key for Moby Dick.

We were careful not to repeat my error from the day before. I got the armor which, if I find some good armor for arms, I might use someday. Good stuff against hollows. The Ann in town was still looking for me to turn in a head so I'm guessing I can get one to him someday.

Moby turned in the head, got his title and we split the xp. A little under 5 million points, not bad at all. I'm 1.6 million to leveling and Fist did level from the vassal xp. We plan to do it again tomorrow. This time I hope to have the kill and get my title. I'm also going to test out the new de-buffs I put on my bar. Going to do my best to get the Queen to where a melee can get the kill.

With only a few mages doing the quest we have to get a Melee to pick up the head. It will be three months before Moby can pick it up so he cannot get the kill. After I get it I have to stop shooting shockwaves at all or risk getting the kill and not being able to pick up the head.

My idea is to lower her melee defense so everyone can hit her. Also adding an imperil and vuln will help. Right now the Melees are understandably upset at the mages getting all the glory. So far the only melee to get the kill is Elder, and he used his staff of death.

Elder got this staff one day. It has shockwave VI with a spell cast of 400+! You have to be rank 10 to use it. With that there is no such thing as resist. Unfortunately very few melee could use that staff and it is the only one in existence that I know of.

So with luck I can de-buff the Queen enough that the melee's pounding on her can get the kill. It will be much a longer fight in any case.

I know that Turbine plans to improve the attack ability of the Queen. A well-coordinated fight with melee and mages are having mostly no death battles with her. The plan was to have the Queen die but also most of the people fighting her to die as well. The Queen had Elder running the day before so I'm not sure what more they can do and still keep it fair. If it becomes too hard it will be a mage only event for sure. It is going to be hard as hell to get a melee the kill right now.

I'm foreseeing a handful of sacrificial melees fronting the Queen with a horde of mages blasting. I hope I'm wrong but I'm afraid I'm right. We will see after the next patch. Tomorrow will be fun and, it goes like I think, I'll have my Queen Slayer title.

Job Well Done
While waiting for the bells to be turned in I got a tell from a grand vassal. Maug is a 43lv Og mage. After a battle of what must have been epic proportions he took down a Diamond Lord. He said the battle took three full buffs or 45 minutes.

I asked him to write the battle up so we can see how it was.

Maug, 43lv Og mage.
I was running around the Obsidian Plains the other day and I came across a Diamond Golem. Being a level 43 Og mage that can barely cast VIIs in three schools, I gave much thought to actually taking one of these pink beasts on.

My last encounter ended up with me at a pretty blue stone after a single war spell. Alas, I decided to test my luck and challenge it to a duel. My buffs had about 3-4 minutes left on them, so I toyed with the Diamond Golems a little before retreating to do a full rebuff.

After I had buffed, I remembered some conventional wisdom about Diamond Lords - That they cast lvl VII spells and their health regenerates insanely fast. With this in mind, I quickly learned War Inept, Bafflement, and Feebleminded Other (to lower its Magic D further). Finally, I was ready to face the beast in full force.

I cast Magic Yield VI, Fester VI, War Inept V, Bafflement V, Feebleminded V, and Bludgeon Vuln VI. Figuring it sufficiently de-buffed, I started draining when some friendly Olthoi Nobles decided to pay me a visit.

Not having buffed my armor with piercing and acid bane, I was getting hit fairly hard. I retreated once more to deal with the nobles alone. Killing the Nobles took a while and by this time I was getting fairly frustrated. I was determined to take out the Diamond Lord.

I finally rebuffed again for good measure and reapplied the de-buffs to the Lord. It ran up to me and didnt cast a single lvl VII war spell at me to my surprise. In fact, it was casting a lot of Vs instead of VIs. I drained its health down quite a ways and Fester VI kept its health down pretty well. Three more War bolts later (Vs and VIs), it fell to my great surprise and I leveled at the same time (to an even greater surprise).

As a side note - I was convinced to take on the Diamond Lord by my neighbors (and faithful vassals - Popavich and Sgt Katar) who wanted the Diamond Shield we hoped it would drop :)

Redemption part II
Ok three Queen quests in three days might be a little much. Turbine has promised to increase the abilities of the Queen so we wanted to get as many quests in as possible.

I had two players parked at the stones. William and Highlord were out getting bells. I logged in at the right time with Deadeye Fist but had trouble getting in with my weak second computer. I rebooted and that fixed it. As I logged I saw that Moby Dick was there and the pillars were broken. He said he saw my two attempts to get in and decided to get things going. Some player were running up and away and he was afraid one might start the quest, jumping ahead of us.

I logged Mage and got him over to the starting point, then logged off for a while. Moby Dick was taking care of three of the pillars and I had the last one. With about 20 minutes to go I logged Fist de Yuma Jr and got a bell from Highlord. I then logged Mage to get instructions.

We talked a bit and set up the quest. I logged the other computer, I have two and can have them both on at the same time, and checked for the drummer. He was there. I hand him the bell and we were on your way.

Dark Angel of Souls had a good idea. We would buff each other and gain from the spell economic. This worked to the tune of three points in all my skills. I was happy to see a 359 war!

Moby Dick said he would use his focus stone to toss Brilliance on me at the start of battle. Getting in that yield will be important to all the mages. My plan after Yield was Bafflement and Feebleminded. I did not have VII in two spells but I will be soon.

We had little trouble getting to the start of the Royal hive. We unfortunately lost two people who had not been sprayed. There we rebuffed. From experience we knew that from that spot the people using VII could do the entire battle without rebuffing. Just before we jumped down the people using VI's had time to rebuff.

I was a little worried in that I had not seen any messages about swarms. There should have been some. It took much longer than normal. Finally the swarms started and that was our signal to start forward.

With some people holding the door we smoothly advanced to the last two drops. The people using VI's rebuffed and the queen spawned.

The battle started with its normal ferrous chaotic melee. I jumped early when I saw most of the melee jumping down. Even with my increased skills I was getting resisted a lot fighting the Queen Guards. It was a hard fought battle just to clear the guards around the Queen.

After that was done the first, weaker queen was attacked. I saw a load of shockwaves being sent at it while I was applying the de-buffs. Moby Dick could join in on the unmoving Queen, it was the next queen he had to stay out of. Moby Dick got the head the day before and could not pick it up again.

The first Queen died quickly and, as promised, Moby Dick tossed Brilliance on me. Even with that it took 5 tries to get the Yield on. After that my creature skills were far to high for her to resist much. I'll be happy when my war is that high. I landed in quick secession, Feebleminded and Bafflement VI.

Moby and Dark Angel of Souls had got the imperil, and vulns on so Dark and I were free to start blasting. I was resisted about 50% even with all the lowering of the magic defense. 359 skill and a bunch of magic d de-buffs and that was the best I could do.

Each hit was for around 250 and we slowly chopped her down. It was a very long battle. I would say at least 3 minutes but in combat time seem longer so it might had been a lot less.

Off to my side I saw Moby Dick battling the other Olthoi that spawn, including some guards. We were taking far to long.

As the Queen fell I saw my name flash. I had killed the Queen again. At this point I got a flood of tells. The story of my screw up was well known by this time. Lot of people were using invisible masks joking about forgetting their head. About half the tells were, in addiction to a congrats, to remember to take the head.

I rushed to the body, with everyone saying be sure to get the head. Getting the body open was not easy. There were a pile of bodies around hers but as big as she was I probably could have clicked anywhere. Everyone was still in battle but I had to be slow and careful to do the right thing.

When I opened the body I saw that the Eggs were in the far left side. The head was almost in the middle, after the armor. I grabbed the Head and Eggs, then clicked on the Head to be absolutely sure it said, Olthoi Queen Head.

By this time I had a very large flood of tells congratulating me and joking about being sure to pick up the head. We had hit this early than most of our quests so there were many more people playing.

We had a lot of battles and I got the kill on one more Queen Guard before we had it clear enough for people to loot and leave. Elder made a portal to Nanto and we were off to get our reward.

I made sure everyone was in the fellow as we hit the town. Several people had broken stones and could not get into the town. One got booted and I had to leave the town to get her back into the fellow.

I turned in the head and got my new title "Queen Slayer". Elder and I had been hunting for the Queen since we hit BDC, almost two years ago. Every hint of her had us running around the world looking. Finally she is in the game. Elder gets her first and I had to use Mage to get her myself.

Fist de Yuma has killed more Olthoi than I can count but was just too weak to fight the Queen. Even Elder had to use to his Staff of Death. Next time I plan to have Moby Dick and myself do the de-buffing and fight off the swarms of defenders. It might take us 20 minutes but we will get a melee the kill.

As a last note Moby Dick gave up the head the day before. That person was to get the Head when I messed up. As it was my mess up I gave my Head to Moby Dick. I'm sure he will have a fine display in his house with it. I'll get a house someday and really regret not seeing the Queens head on the wall. That will be my punishment for messing up.

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