Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fist de Yuma - November 6, 2001

Not sure how big this column will be this week. It is not because I'm doing to little, just the opposite, DM Island has me doing too much. Quests, body recoveries, great hunting, you name it I'm doing it. DM is one great product.

That said lets get to what inspired me to open up word and start writing. I have this great vassal named Fire-Lady. Her game is helping others and being one of the pure nice people that make this so fun. I lucked out in getting her.

Her patron left Elder and released all his vassals. Fire joined me before I knew her or her me. It has been great. Xp wise I have vassals who do much better. Leveling is not her game. Nevertheless she has all 12 slots filled with great vassals because she is so fun to be around.

A while back she lost a coat. This coat meant a lot to her. It was a gift from someone and she valued it more because of that. It was also a great piece of armor but that was secondary. She had a good coat that I dyed for her but it was not the same. That was over a week ago.

Now in her own words;
OMG, what a day, Im excited, happy, thrilled, honored and so many wonderful feelings, Ill explain why. Well I log on and needed to go restock, so I head to sub, a guy I dont know messages me (Manipulator) and says, I have something of yours, hmmmm so I start to think what can he have.

Well little did I know, he tells me its a Amuil Coat, OMG my insides are feeling funny now, and think to myself gee can it really be my favorite coat!!!! I tell myself calm down it may be a joke or something. So I go with him to Rithwic and another town. Well I could *cry* low and behold it was my MY COAT!!!!!!!

My God there so many good honorable great players here, it completely makes it a joy to know such people as those I *Curtsey* to all those whom have helped and given back and just shown that special kindness to the people of Dereth.

Im too happy to go restock and go home, home being Lin Meeting Hall hehehehe, no I dont have house or cottage yet. So Tahl was there and then Fist, Im telling them my good news and let Fist know my great new. I also mention to him, this evening Im making a trade for the collar of Stren 6 and Fealty 6, 10 keys or M notes, then again BOOM!!!! Tahl gives me one grrrrr more *tears* of happiness omg I cant take it, too many good things. Sorry for long post just wanted you all to share my good feeling.
If anyone sees Manipulator let him know that his deed was far more than he could have known.

Virindi revenge
I was searching for a chest trove on DMI (DM Island) I read about. I picked up a key while helping Elder and this trove is said to be opened by the key. I did not find it. I logged there, close to Redspire.

While hunting with Mage I killed several Virindi. Three to four Observers guard the VE. If you kill the VE the Observers die as well. A pain is the fact that you have to wait for the bodies to rot before looting.

Observers have sing keys. Mage gets Lockpick somewhere between 85 and 90, depending on when or if I kill Aun Ralirea. Sixth Sense showed keys on the ground. I decided to log Fist and run him there.

Fist is fast but was a long way off. Running is somewhat safe as I can dodge spells well and have all around level VI protection. The danger is going to sleep.

We are all a little sleep deprived. AC takes up a lot of time and something had to give, sleep mostly. When doing something that is not action orientated we might start to nod. I was not that bad but I was daydreaming.

I was running up a hill and noted I was in the center of a horde of Virindi. There must have been three of four sets of VE's and their Observer guards.

I start my left right tap and most of the spells are flying off target. The problem was with that many; I'm going to catch one. While running I picked up a few de-buffs from passing Virindi and it looked like they passed the word up the line about what to use. I'm at 16 hit points and take another war spell that sends me to the LS.

Fist dies so rarely that I sometime neglect simple stuff, like tying close to where I'm going. I was LS'ed in AB and my Tie is in the Bore. Still not to hard a problem except that this was right after the restart so Blink was not on. Without a ride to the subway I had to run to Nanto. I figured I'm not doing much in the Bore these days and might as well tie to the hall exit in Nanto.

From Nanto I ran to Bluespire and then logged Mage to find the body. I knew that Fist was not going to clear that spot so I needed mage there anyway.

It always seems that things change when you would rather not be blocked by monsters. Any other time the hills are empty of the really bad stuff and I have to hunt to find something to kill. When traveling or searching for a body and you cannot move two feet without stepping on a Vapor Golem or Chaos Wisp.

I saw a white dot and went to ask it he had seen Fist's body. It was Baalzevuv, newly at 126. He has lock pick and was running around picking up the keys. He had not seen my body but would contact me if he did. We talked a bit as he hunted and I searched.

I got close to the coodi and decided to log Fist and finish the run. It was a long one and I needed to get it out of the way.

I got close and in the hills. Using the "[" key to look for bodies I did find one, Baalzevuv's. I contacted him and offered to loot for him. He said he was close and not to bother. He said he had been surprised by a Zeffer, nasty buggers.

Close to there I found my body. I must have ran a bit before dieing as I was in the center of a few spawns but in the dead zone. I could loot without fighting.

I logged back Mage and cleared out the some Virindi. They dropped a key. I got Fist back and ran to the key. By that time two of the Virindi spawn had come back. I said the heck with it and put myself in peace mode. Ran to the key, picked it up and ran away. It must have been a surprise move as I only took de-buffs, no War.

After that I ported to AB and started to take off my items. LOL no wonder I died. Pure luck I did not die on the run to the key. When buffing I took off my Bludgeoning necklace and put on my Virindi Amulet. I had not undone that after I was finished buffing. So with Bludgeoning Vuln VI on I only needed one shockwave VI to die. Good thing I did not see an Armored Tusker. At 35k a pop I would have tried to fought it. With Imperil VI and Bludgeoning VI I would not have lasted long.

Vapor Golems revenge
There are a lot of Vapor Golem in the North of DMI. Unlike anywhere else they come in packs. Each pack has three to four and I have seen places with three packs close together.

This make for some exciting fights and outrages xp. I get 33k a pop so 4 x 3 x 33k and I'm getting 400k from a single battle.

Not that I'm standing there fighting them all at once. I do a lot of running, sliding and generally having the time of my life. The key with Vapors is no creature de-buffs other than weakness. The Life de-buffs can be nasty but their one-dimensional tactics make them easy mage kills.

I had just finished off six or seven Vapors and spotted a group of Virindi. I targeted the VE and landed Yield, followed with Blade Vuln. I got a bunch of spells in return that I skid away from. De-buffs and Vulns are not something I can dodge. I was lighted up good.

The only spell that really bothers me is bafflement. Of course the Life de-buffs I have to dispel after a battle. Virindi don't use Bludgeoning attacks and their melee attack is nothing that worries me. What I had forgot was what the Vapors had done.

The VE charges but so does his four Observers. This not a big worry as I'm one spell from killing the VE, and the Observers die with him. Then my luck turns bad. With bafflement I have a better chance of fizzling, which was what I did. The VE turns back to his spawn so my second blade spells misses. I fire off a third that I'm sure killed it but never had time to see. (Only had 4 vit at the LS.)

Scrolling back I saw that all four Observers shot a fireball at me. With fire Vuln from the Vapor golems I was not going to live through that. So I may have got the Vapors but they had the last laugh. That was the first death for Mage on DMI, I'm sure there will be many more.

Meet the Fists
This is a good time to update the progress of my players to you. RainPea will make this easy to do. I cannot wait for Marry to finish up this outstanding program.

Format is current, start, cost in millions to raise it.

Fist de Yuma
92lv UA
S 225 (80) 9
E 177 (50) 2
C 236 (90) 10
Q 207 (70) 5
F 173 (30) 10
S 151 (10) 7

H 211 1
S 302 1
M 275 1

Spec'd skills
UA 340 8
Lore 230 2
Melee 330 6
Run 320 72k

Healing 278 2
Jump 342 221k
Lockpick 254 336k
Loyalty 142 126k
MD 182 1
MC 202 3
Missile 200 214k
Item 242 9

Fist de Mage
82lv Og mage
S 186 (60) 2
E 171 (50) 1.3
C 79 (10) 24k
Q 104 (10) 160k
F 242 (100) 7.2
S 242 (100) 7.2

H 206 800k
S 292 900k
M 369 1.3

Spec'd skills
Creature 299 3.6
Life 295 2.5

War 283 9
Item 259 1.6
Lore 191 200k
Jump 219 33k
Leadership 180 400k
Loyalty 152 48k
MD 202 1
MC 227 3
Run 206 109k
Staff 113

Leaning Focus stone quest.
I logged in with Fist the other day and ran him to the hall. He had been on a small quest the other day and he ended up in AB. As I got to the hall I saw a quest for the Focus Stone was forming up.

Off to the side I saw a 91lv mage named Magey. He was waiting to talk to Elder about the family. He is thinking to joining and needed to get some information. I was able to help him with some stuff.

Meanwhile the person leading the Focus stone had real life problems and did not make it. They were asking around for someone to lead the quest. The problem with this quest is you need a good leader for the group as well as a lock picker and maze runner. I could lead the party and had lock pick. My only lacking was I did not know the maze.

Magey agreed to lead the party while I searched for the buttons. Jess Youh had the tie so she went with me. I figured to have her port us back to the start and catch up with them. We had people holding doors so we could get there.

After a small wait while a skull was turned in we buffed up and headed out. Found a door that I had to pick, then into a maze. With "Button" on sixth sense we had a general direction on where to go. The problem was a passage that seem to go north would twist around and we would be going south.

Finally we got the first door open and were searching for the second. Jess got separated and ported back to the start. She was stuck there as I had the key.

After a long while I found the second button. Now my job was to find my way out of the maze. Twits and turns I found myself repeatedly back where I started. It seemed like forever for me to find my way back to the door I had picked to get in there.

Jess and I lucked out. Another group was there for the stone and their maze runner knew the way. Jess and I easily caught up with our group. They had just got the last unfinished stone as we arrived.

Balash, Jess and I lead the charge with Magey lending magical support. The undead never knew what hit them. I'm finding that all my points into UA are paying off. I'm doing much better damage and strong monsters are falling fast.

Everyone got their stone repaired and ported out. Jess and I ported back to the start. After a short run so she could show me her house we ported back to learn the maze.

I had found that the first button and the second were very close together. If you take the first right to a jump and jump into a small room the second button is in a room at the end of the passage out. Getting out from there is not so easy.

We spent a lot of time running around the maze until Jess made us a portal to try it again, this time from the other direction. That helped. We found the route to the first button from the door. Using Sixth Sense to help direct us we found the passage from the second switch to the first. As we now know how to get to the exit from there we had it.

Just to be sure we repeated the trip five or six times. We are sure we have it down now. As Jess had a house close to Mines of Despair she figures to help with the quest a lot. As you only need a picker for the one door the picker can run back and join the group while Jess opens the doors.

One of "those" days, Part I.
I log on and did not really have a plan. I'm talking to a few people in the hall and we get the warning that an Olthoi invasion has started in the southeast.

I know that the queen gets killed quickly and I was after Brood Nobles. I have only found them during spawns. I had until the queen was killed to find and kill them. Goal is a War plus item. A random one falls from the Brood Nobles. There are only five per person so I'll go for war and nothing else with them.

I'm in a hurry as I know there is a horde of other player descending on the Southwest as I was running there. I did a quick buff with only the New Olthoi banes, piercing and slashing. In my hurry I did something really stupid. I did not put on my life protects.

As I hit the plateau I saw about 20 people buffing and talking about the swarm. I knew I had to hurry if I was going to get many kills. Also the Queen could be killed any time and then it was all over. A quick run across the river and I was ready to fight.

First thing I killed was an Eviscerator. This brought a bunch of what I thought were Soldiers running up. Now this was three errors in a row. One error will many times get you killed. Two errors will mostly get you killed and few are able to survive three errors. Error one was no life protection. This can be over come with baneing. Second error was not baneing for acid as I expected to be fighting Eviscerators and Brood Nobles. Third error was thinking the five Olthoi running at me were Soldiers when in fact they were Nobles.

So I was dissolved in a pool of green sticky slime several seconds later. As soon as I hit the LS I knew what my errors were. Hard to miss when they are right in your face. Rushing only slowed me down.

I ran back to DMI, rebuff, this time with all life and baneing for acid, slashing and piercing. I got back and recovered the body after a few kills.

Now I was set to do what I came for, with one oversight that I quickly picked up on. I bludgeoning Vuln a Brood Noble and got a whole lot of them and Nobles coming at me. They were racking the damage and I was getting resisted. Had to run.

One big problem I was having during this swarm was lag. With this many monsters and people everything gets really slow. Very dangerous for a mage.

I saw where all the damage was coming from. The Brood Nobles were doing Bludgeoning damage. I never knew that. I quickly baned for Bludgeoning and started back fighting.

I kill several, mostly running battles. I would Yield one, found I needed a yield to be effective, and then Vuln. By this time I have a horde on me, got some great screen shots. I retreat a little bit and only the one I have done damage too is persistent. Nobles have a bad habit of sticking with me but they are only a bother, not a danger.

Shees, what we have become. Nobles were the God of monsters for ages, now their a bother while fighting the big stuff.

I drew one and was surprised that another stayed with me as well. I killed the main target and refreshed my mana for the second. This one fought like a normal Brood Noble but the results were anything but normal. I lost the paste so I'll try to get it from memory. "Fist de Mage kills the Brood Noble and saves the Southeast. The invasion is over."

I'm sure it was a local message and I was the only one to see it. Dagger Storm sent me a tell right after and he did not see the message.

Checking the body I found what I had been hunting. I got the item that increases a skill, this one creature. I'll try to find a BM to trade this with. A BM has high enough war and putting points into Creature and Item are a pain for them.

Right after that there was another invasion message, this time the Northeast. I quickly rebuffed and headed over there.

This time other people caught up and I had to deal with people drawing stuff on me. There were many more Nobles. Next time I'm going to clear the Noble before going after the Broods. Any attack on a Brood got seven or eight Nobles with it, along with any Broods in the general vicinity. Nobles die with two spells. Broods take a lot more.

I killed a bunch and was maneuvering to fight some more. The spot was filled with a lot more than Nobles. Ordinary I will kill the little pigs and shamans but today they were just in the way.

Had one funny thing happen. I saw a Brood being fought by an archer. The archer types "Leave me alone." I guess he had people jumping his battles. I was moving away when he said, "Mage, can you imperil?" I click on the Brood and it was a full health. The Brood was healing faster than he could damage it. I just put the "Leave me alone" behind me and imperiled it for him.

I saw Ladon there. He got caught up in the action like I had. His buffs dropped in battle and he was running. I caught his help message but he ran off my screen before I could get the heal off. I chased but got his death message seconds later.

I did not think I had the room for his loot. My main pack was full. Then I remembered that my death items were in the main pack still. I moved them into there proper place and got permission to loot Ladon's body.

The spawns were getting smaller so I'm guessing the main Brood was killed or the queen was dead. In any case it was over and I ported back to Lin.

One of "those" days, Part II.
It was late. Wife had gone to bed and I had finished watching a bad movie. I loaded up AC hoping something to do a little hunting.

After I got on I decided that going to DMI and hunting Ann Ralirea might be in order. Killing him gets you a skill point. A lot of people hunt him, as you can imagine.

I headed Northeast for a bit and got to a large spawn of pigs. I killed seven or eight and picked up enough loot to pay for the trip. I was wasting time as I wanted to get to the Dam and hunt.

I ran through the spawn and outran the pursuit. Sixth Sense hit on some Chaos Wisps. I always kill them. They have 35k in xp and they kill people. Being so hard to see a person can run right by then, getting blasted bad, and never have them show in radar.

After killing two of them I got a green lighted message on Ann Ralirea. I got excited and hoped there was no one else already there. I was in luck, no one in sight. I hear he has hollow damage but he never got to test it. Fire Vuln, Fireball, dead followed by;

The mighty Ralirea sags from Fist de Mages fatal blow. "Ah, Mirakah," he murmurs. "I shall not be able to fill our stores this winter. But I will meet you at the lodge, my love... at last..." So saying, the hunter passes like the wind over sea.

Well one down, three to go. I turned the clay figurine in and got my skill credit. This means I get Lock pick at 85 instead of 90. It is tempting to get healing but with all the sing keys and quests that need a picker, that is a better skill for me.

Oops bad place.
I was hunting in the Northwest and found Mount Elyrii Hive. I was not sure what this was, need to do some reading on it.

I headed in and got a very big download. While doing that I got, Chaos Wisp tries to cast spell but you're an invalid target, over and over again. I fit my hands over the slide keys.

I finally got in and was in a big cave. Sixth Sense had five Chaos Wisps in range. I was being drained of my health, mana and stamina at a rapid clip. I targeted one to try a counter drain but found they're drain proof. It is stupid to have a draining monster with no ability to drain back.

I was low in everything, so low that a few harms might get me. This was the one time where healing would have been a great skill to have. You don't need mana to heal with a kit. I ported out after being there under a minute.

I'm sure this is part of the Queen quest but have to talk to Elder to see if I'm right. Not a nice place at all.

Testing one two three
I was hunt with Fist on DMI, looking for the skill guy. I'll be doing that a lot until I find him. Getting creature at 95 instead of 100 is a big deal.

After two hours of running around I spotted a few people. I stopped to say hi. They were at an altar and were about to see what they would get. All I had buffed was a fire weapon but figured if they got a black breath I would try to help. I have no idea what is good against one but I would see.

First thing they got was a Fragment. Fire is useless against that. Second was a Black Breath. They all scattered and I charged in; 1, 1, 1. Well that did not work. I pulled out another weapon and got; 0, 0, 0. Finally got one that did 3, 3, 3 and this was not buffed. By the time I had it buffed the rest had killed the Black Breath. At least I know what one looks like now.

The altar was dead after that so I moved on. Only a few clicks later I found another altar. I decided to try my luck. First was a Fragment, dead fast. Second was a Vapor golem. I pulled out my frost atlan and give it a try. Evade, evade, evade. Hmm that did not work. With a buffed 398 UA I figured I should hit it sometime.

I pulled my Frost blade out and buffed it with VII's. This was much better. I hit for 10 to 20 with crits of 40 or more. While not an easy battle, I was never in danger. So I know I can battle a Vapor golem if I have the right weapon.

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