Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - October 24, 2000

Sadly Jarad has been sold. The RL player just entered college and is on his own. He got a good price for him. Jarad's vassal's wanted to be moved to a new patron. I gave then options and Mortok and Pantine wanted to move under Fist de Mage.

I wrote about Pantine last week so this week it is Mortok's turn. He is a 40lv sword fighter. Glad to have a sword fighter in my tree as I get swords and never know what to do with them.

When he joined me he was fighting in the Citadel and was 39lv. He got item at 40 so that was the first thing we had to do. Life is very hard to an Item-less player. He was 600k away. As he was in the citadel already I asked him if he wanted to hunt there. He said it was packed with players and he would take too long to get 600k there.

About this time Zane logged on. My mage had been sworn to his mule to build it up. We got it where we needed it. Zane was finding that College was going to take to much time to play AC a lot. As a grad myself I knew he was right. Anyway his mule released me and I needed to find a patron in Elders tree.

There is a great mage on our alliance named Heideggar. I don't know him personally but heard of him a lot. Felt he would make a great patron. He was not on and Elder suggested I put him under his mage.

Elder's mage is the same level as me. He will retire at 45 but I could help him get there in the meanwhile. Mortok and I ran to Mayoi where the mage lived. There I swore back into the family.

I logged Fist de Yuma and ran him to Mayoi. He made a portal (portal III 5 min.) and Mortok and him took it to the Nest. Then I logged Mage and got him there as well. Mage buffed Mortok with VI spells and buffed his weapon.

My plan was to have Fist show him around and help him get the 600k needed. Well best laid plans and all that. Wife came home and I had to log. Told him to stay on the top and I would try to log Mage in every 10 minutes or so and rebuff him.

I was able to do that while cooking dinner and talking with Rosa. After we had eaten and watched the news I was free to log Fist and hunt with him.

The Nest was really packed with people. So many that Mortok and I were able to go all the way to the bottom on a single buff. Fighting all the way but the Soldiers were swarmed with fighters.

At the end I made a portal back and Mage re-buffed him. (Exit portal at the Nest goes to a different Nest.) We did this and were making about 100k a buffing cycle. We met Chex and a few others. There was a leeching bow users following us around. He was asked by Chex not to shoot at ones engaged by someone. Answer "I will shoot at them all." I responded, "You will you die then."

The reason for that is when a bow-user leeches me I stop fighting. I told the others that and they agreed to do the same. That means all the bugs attack the bow-user and he dies.

To bad there is a bug in my plan. The leech ran up to our fight and started in again. We all stopped fighting but the bugs did not turn on him. There were a lot of fighters so the bugs did not target the bow-user right away. And for a lamer leech he was smart enough to stop shooting when we stopped fighting.

Shortly after that he disappeared. I'm guessing he was attacked and ran off. A bow is a powerful weapon in the right hands. Even the best Archers I know say they cannot take three Soldiers at once. In the Nest and BSD a bow-user must have help to fight. An Archer will bring a mage to keep feeding him health. I have seen that done to great effect at BSD. A bow-user will volunteer others to be their shield.

After we had buffed up my wife called me away. Chex said he would hunt with Mortok while I was gone.

When I got back he had died twice and was stranded at the LS. (Still no item.) I logged Fist and ported to AB. Then took the Bash portal and the Mayoi portal in the web maze. Mortok met me in Mayoi.

I buffed him back up and hoped it was enough as he had no BP. Then Chex, Mortok and I headed back down. We got the body after a few battles. People were leaving and the fighter to Olthoi ratio was getting sharper. We were in some big battles, one of which Mortok leveled in.

With a lot of points saved up he was thinking of getting Item up where he could do level V spells. Chex said getting his melee abilities up were more important. As the only time I was fighting with Mortok was when he was buffed with level VI spells, I bow to Chex on that.

We headed outside and I buff his Item, Self and Focus with VI spells. That put him at about 130 or so. Then I gave him everything he needed to do LS recall. Hit it on the next to last taper. He had splitpea with spells on it from another player. He asked me if that would work. I told him that as long as it was the same account it would.

Mortok had to log for the night.

After that I decided to work my mage a bit. Buffed up at AB and ported to BSD. Seems some players were pulling a stupid game. They were drawing Tuskers to the start so they could drain them from behind the wall. Of course one would work their way around the wall and chase them into the portal.

Others are strong enough to fight 1 at a time but not 2. The portal spot is narrow. A fighter or mage can stand there and only 1 tusker can get to him at a time. To maximize their xp they will draw as many as they can to that spot. Of course that hurts anyone porting in but why should they care.

That left a pack of Tuskers to greet the players porting in. I figured this out when there was a pack every time I ported in. One time the lamer mage was still draining them when I came in.

BSD was having a lamers convention that night. It was packed with leeching mages and fighters. A group of three started following me. I asked them to please not leech. After three battles where they jumped in I told them I would start skimming of they did not stop leeching.

Well they must have felt there was do danger to that because they kept at it. So I started taking each Tusker down to half health and let them finish them off. Two got the idea and left.

A fighter in pajama blue armor kept at it. If I was fighting and fire voln one he changed targets to that one. So I just skimmed them all and let him take the last bit of health off of them. He was having to stop and heal a lot so I knew he was pissed. After a big battle I thanked him for all the easy xp he was getting me. That did not sit well.

A bit later while buffing he started dragging drudges up to the top. I waited until he was about overwhelmed and ported back to the start to finish my buffing. After killing off the stupid lame wall hugger leavings I got my last few spells on.

I headed down the right side and hit the jackpot. Must have been 20 Guards. I killed five or six and pajama man was back. That was my signal to start skimming. I got them all to about 25% and let him finish them off. I never saw pajama man after that.

Overall it was a good night. The lamers left and a few good people stayed. For a long while I had it to myself. Tusker after Tusker. Made over a million in points before I got tired of it. A bunch more people showed up and I was a bit tired so I ported to AB.

There I added five points to my War skill. I now have to fix my bar to start using V spells.

Cliff Bowman
Cliff is fighting in the Citadel trying to get to 32 and Mana Conversion. He is an Archer but fighting lugies is a melee job. With melee and unarmed only trained they go up slowly. Still with so many lugies he is getting there.

While fighting late at night it started getting lonely. Many a fight I was by myself. Now I have good equipment because of Fist de Yuma. Piercing IV, Blade IV, Blunt IV and Armor V really help. I also have Strength V, Coordination IV and Unarmed IV. I'm tossing level IV spells, which help a lot.

Still I'm going to run out of stamina and get run out if fighting alone. An axe man came along and helped me in one battle. Later I took a lugie off his back while he was fighting in the hallway.

I ran back to the little jumping room to find it full of lugies. I was lucky to get them to line up and fight them one at a time. Had them about done when the Axeman showed up again and helped me finish off the last few.

A bit later he started spinning in circles. I knew he was in trouble as he was in the middle of the little jumping room. The next spawn would rip him up if he did not get control back. I put in a fresh heal kit to try to keep him alive. First spawn went ok as they all attacked me. If any attacked him I would have to switch targets and hope it stopped attacking him and went for me.

Second spawn was about the same but I was getting low on stamina. Hit the bottles but was getting close to empty on them. Before the third spawn he finally timed out and logged. A few people showed up for the next spawn and it was a lot better.

Axeman logged back in a while later. He was surprised to be alive and not at the LS. I told him I had protected him while he was disconnected. He said, "I'm surprised'.

This bothered me because there was no reason to be surprised. I would do it for anyone. Have done is many times before. I know few people who would not have done what I did. Then I figured it out. I have always been in great alliances or groups. Even before I joined Cobra-la at 18lv I was leading good groups of people. Many of them are my friends today. (Most under different names now.)

Today's game is a lot different. More people who believe the game is all about leveling. Someone dying is good as it leaves more xp for them. Sadly there are a lot like that and Axeman had only met that type. I hope he advances beyond the leveling and starts meeting the great people I meet every day.

Admittedly I meet a lot of people though this column. When I log to a server I seldom go to, I get several tells while in portal. To them this is a game to have fun with. It is not to show off how good you are at leveling. We will be here a long time after the levelers leave.

Death in the Direlands
I was doing a little hunting in the Nest when I got a tell from Xaberkhan. He said we had a mess in the direlands and needed help. I quickly ported to AB and took the Webmaze portal to Mayoi.

Just in front of the portal as Xaberkhan, Lar and Azure. Lar and Azure had gone PK for the day with several of our family members. They agreed to help with the rescue mission.

We got everyone together and headed to the portal. I was delayed killing a Shadow but they were waiting for me. We had Jess Youh, Maskwoman, Monte Cristo, Korva More, Yanada, Lar and Azure. Lar and I were two top guns, both 66lv. The rest were from 30 to 50.

We headed to one of the ridge roads. If you have never traveled one of them it is a scary place. Sections can contain just about anything.

At a stone fort we ran over the valley to another ridge road. It took a while before we got a good travelling order going but it set up like this. Me at point, Lar in support (xbow). Mages in middle and rest flanking.

Lar is very strong with his xbow. In fact there was a running joke was about it. It seems he had a problem with target selection in some of his PK battles that day. (Friendly fire is unexpected.) In the big fights Lar had two out of three kills. Before anyone gets the idea that Xbow is over powered, Lar could not stand in to fight three and four of the bad guys. What I give up on attack I gain in defense. My job was to engage them and let Lar pick them off.

Only time I was in trouble was against some of the big Banderling and Shadows. The mages kept me healed so I could stand in there against the spells. Still it is a scary thing so be down and see both waiving arms to toss a spell.

I was told there were bodies but it was getting ridicules. About every click we came across one to two bodies. The first were Yanada's. Maskwoman and I think Montie Cristo were side by side in one spot. They joked they had died while holding hands.

As we recovered all a person bodies they ported out. We finally got down to just Korva More needing recovery. I had lost count of the bodies long ago but Korva More must have had at least five of them.

It was a long run with several switchbacks. Every so often we came back across a Korva More body. Each one was one was missing some armor so I know it was not the last one without asking.

At last we found the first body. We were all tired from the big battles and pure length of the quest
The next day this was posted on the family e-mail.

Sorry this is late, got busy over the weekend. Nor sure how you wanted this, so I'll just tell you from my perspective. Mavdar and I decided that the Lugian Citadels were becoming too crowded with people, and needed a change of pace. We decided on the Dungeon of Copses, after deciding I wasn't ready for olthoi or tuskers. We took the Mayoi portal to south dires, and then hoofed it along the ridgeline some 15 odd miles. Not taking into account our stock of supplies (stones, comps, etc), we began fighting everything in sight, with great success. Killing everything in our path, building up confidence (and a big head:). Then it happens; Lone Titas Lugian, "we can take him" I believe were the fateful words. He hits me for a critical, down to 65pts, time to heal. I run off till hes at the very edge of my radar, stop, quick key 8 for peerless healing kit..... BAM! boulder to the noodle, I'm at the LS. Well, we had lsd about 100 feet from
the entrance to the dires. So I thought no big problem, I take off on a run, avoiding most. About 200 ft from my body, I run through a banderling picnic unannounced ... imperil, bludgeon bane, crit, crit, dead, *sigh*. I take off again, avoiding EVERYTHING this time, about another 200 or 300 ft from my last body, imperil, something V, then a couple silver rats decide to use me for a taste test *sniff*.

At this point, my hunting partner is all out of everything and must log, I tell him no worries, I'm gonna run swift and true, grab my bodies, and ls recall the hell out of this mess. He logs, I take off down the hill, 3 ash
gromnies, crit , crit dead. As if this isn't bad already, the gromnies move up to the ls. I spawn, they run me down, dead. This goes on for about a half dozen bodies, when a savior (I feel so bad I didn't catch his name) kills the gromnies so I can at least re-spawn safely, *sob*. I look around for help, none. I yell for help, nobody to hear me. I look around, every direction is now several ash gromnies, shadows, bone knights, etc. And I am weaponless, 30% vitae, and naked. *bawl*

Did I ever hear you mention what a great family we have? :) Sure enough, one cry for help brings 4 stronger family members to my rescue...Jess Youh, Maskwoman, Yanada, and Monte Cristo. I gather backup armor and weapons from Lin, and we head out. With my directions, we make our way down the plateau.

We come to the first body, but in my haste to gather my things, I fail to notice the shadows standing next to me, spell, spell, dead, *damn*. The others wait for me, I make my way to them in short time, pickup my 2 bodies, then we press on. Not sure what this time, but another critter picks me out of the group, crit, dead *grrrr*. Again, I make my way to the group, this time we move a short ways and run into a group of banderling bezerkers.

Since there is no way around, we decide to fight. Everyone buffs and readies, the archer fires at one of the 3, spells fly, people charge, spirits are high. We fail to notice the half dozen bezerkers below us, 3
people to the life stone *frustration*. After a few attempts for everyone to regroup, we are getting nowhere fast.

Then I get the msg, the Calvary is coming. You will never know how happy I was to see Fist de Yuma, Azure, and Lar to join us. Now, time for revenge!! I stand back and watch the big boys at work, and it is a pleasure see you guys work. Fist bashing everything in sight, a flurry of cestus. Lar 2 and 3 shooting baddies with long distance love. Azure dropping buffs and debuffs like a true master. In all, we recover all my bodies, death items, and my sanity. I extend my deepest thanks again and again to you all, this truly is the greatest family I have ever been a part of.

Mushy and melodramatic, but I'm no writer :).
Korva More
Swordsman of Morningthaw
Proud member of the House of Elder

Hunting Shadows.
In the hopes of getting items my mage is hunting shadows in the Direlands. They are not an easy kill but done right they can be safe. Done wrong they are pure death.

The first big thing I ran into was some Bone Lords and Knights. Killed a Knight and had a Lord down to a sliver. Then fizzle, fizzle, fizzle, fizzle, run. I did a little checking and found the darn thing had tossed War ineptitude on me. Still with 199 war skill I should have gotten one spell off. The random number generator in the game has a big problem.

Next was a Diamond Golem. Only other time I saw one was test case. That had gone well so I was ready to fight it. Yield V and blunt voln V both hit, nice, only two Granite golems took exception to me hitting their friend.

I was lucky that the Diamond just toss a War spell at me and sat back down. I dispatched the two Granites and moved on the Diamond. Shockwave V was doing over 100 damage so it fell quickly. Had War ineptitude on me again but the spells went off this time.

Next up was a group of three Shadows. A U, Pan and LT. My plan was to kill the U before they all killed me. Bad plan. Taking to much damage I tried to port out. A spell by the Pan killed me in portal. At least the body was easy to recover, there at my feet.

After a side trip to Lin and a trip to BSD to work off the Vit I was ready to try again. This time I was not going to face three at a time. Target U. Fire Vuln, run. They all chase but give up after a while. Then return. Target U and Fire ball V. U chased me and we fight.

My War skill of over 270 and my life skill is over 290. Still I was resisted enough to make it a hard fight. We would exchange drains and he would heal himself to full. I drained until half and hit it with Fire. It would drain me and heal and we did it again. It was close but I won in time.

Next battle I decided to lead with Yield V. That worked much better. Even with 600 hit points a few 150 hits with Fire V will kill it quickly.

Only real problem was the loot, or lack of it. Only item above level IV I found was a Creature VI wand, Rank 8 requirement. Found a nice piece of armor with a 279 Missile defense requirement.

Last thing I saw was a Greater Skelly. I had killed one with Fist de Yuma but it was a hard fight. What I do with a monster I have not fought before is do a test. I fire a few spells and port out. I see the effect of the spells. Depending on the results I will fight it the next time. I fired three spells and they were all resisted. Got to pass on them for now.

New Vassal
My active vassals were getting a bit low. A few had quit or just stopped playing. Jarad has been sold and the new owner has not logged yet. Zane sent a letter to everyone saying he was leaving the game. That left Ibn as my last active vassal. (Post note; The Saint had computer problems. They are fixed and he is back!)

Ibn told me today that Ibn was too flawed to keep playing. He has two others that are sworn to Cliff Bowman. He is going to play them now.

Several days ago I got a message about someone wanting to join the family and have me as the patron. I'm a bit gun shy on picking up vassals. I like to know them first. One guy has wanted me to be his patron but seems more into power-leveling than playing. I have put him off even though it would be nice xp.

I got a message while hunting Shadows that they were ready to join the family. I was overjoyed to see it was someone I had hunted with.

Sprawls is a 60lv now. If you have a good memory, think back to a story about an archer who died in the Acid room of the Olthoi vault. I ended up making several trips though the Vault in body recovery. One of the fighters I was helping was Sprawls. Because of my actions months ago I have picked up about 90 followers and a rank. Even better this is an active branch with many players. They like to fight together so I have great expectations here.

Finding players that will team up is not easy these days. As a solo player I understand but as a smart player I want teamwork. I expect I will be hitting the island a lot with them.

Stupid things people do.
There are a lot of people in this game that do stupid things. I read somewhere that really stupid people think they are smarter than everyone else. I think David Copperfield falls into that. Fist de Yuma was shopping in the Tired mage shop. There was a mage named David Copperfield in there. 38lv in a mattie robe. Of course his patron is one of the lamers I met. (The Eternal one, a 70+ plus xp thief and all around lamer.)

He starts tossing war spells at me. I asked him to stop and he said I should get a sense of humor. Everyone that came in got his war spells in their face. Then he started merging with me and making stupid comments. I was done so I just ported out.

That would have been the end of it, or so I hoped. I logged mage do so some hunting. I want to get to 45 but have gotten so I hate going to BSD. The people there make me too mad to play. So I started hunting shadows again.

Where the Shadows were yesterday were Bone Lords and Knights. Xp is not worth the time and effort to kill them. I went over a hill and picked off a few golems. While doing that I get jumped by a Bone Lord and Knight. Eat a bunch of de-buffs but killed them.

I wait out the de-buffs and rebuff. Decided to hunt the other side. Killed a few Ash and Drudges. Saw a few Drudges standing over two bodies. I kill the Drudges but run myself out of mana doing. Got jumped by two Ash and ran until I got enough mana back to do a S2M.

Went back and there were more Drudges. I killed them and sent a message to the mage who had the bodies. As I got close to the bodies I was jumped by two more Lords and a Knight. In a hard fight I killed them. Then I got a message. "Only a few scrabs on the bodies, no biggy." I risked my life getting it clear for him and he does not even want to move two clicks to get them.

For the two buffs I ended up with about 80k in xp. Not enough to make a different. So I decided to go to BSD and pick up the points I needed for the day.

Going in there were several people there. After I got deeper I did not see anyone. Darn Vinny dropped a blunt IV de-buff on me as I ran by. Not a spell I wanted on me while fighting Tuskers.

As I hit the hall on the right side I saw a pack of Tuskers running at me. It was a harder fight with the de-buff but I lived. I moved deeper and killed some more. Going into the section before the ramp leading to the Drudges I was fighting several Tuskers. A fighter ran up and started fighting them with me.

There ended up one left so I targeted one down the hall. The free one was still pounding on my back. Looking back the fighter was just standing there. I guess he was trying to get me killed. I simply re-targeted and killed it.

Next one the fighter started leeching me on. I stopped and it turned to fight him. I moved up the hallway to get the other ones. It took the fighter a long time to kill the one I give him. I killed three before he was done. I guess that made him stop wanting to leech and he moved on.

After re-buffing I headed up the hall. A player in a mattie robe started following me. I let him pass when I heard a spawning sound from in back of us. He kept going.

I headed back and killed two of the three when the player in the mattie and a sword fighter showed up. Both attack the one I was fighting. After it was killed I type. "Please don't leech." I got a "HeHe" from the player in the mattie, who was none other than laughing man David Copperfield.

In the next hallway I was fighting another Tusker and he ran up and started draining. Some more spawned and I leeched him back. He was using Shockwave instead of fire so he was not doing much damage. Not sure of the level of spell but the Tusker was almost at full health when I started in on it.

I told him he would do lot better if he got his own fights. Like most bullies he avoided a fight he cannot win. He ran off with some Tuskers still alive but at half health. Guess he thought I would die. More spawn right after that so he missed a good fight. It is for lamers like that, that I double buff.

At the end of the fight a Fighter ran up and started leeching. Next Tusker attacks him and I use drain and fire to kill it quickly. I then tell him that if he does not leech me I don't leech him. No answer and he runs to the next Tusker. I use drain and fire again to kill it. (He did not have fire sword.)

I then told him, "I can do you more harm than you can do me." He said, "Like you are going to help me." Aaa he had run into a bunch of lamers like David Copperfield and did not trust me. Now I understood. I had about all I could take from people like David Copperfield so I was going to port out after that buffing cycle. I tossed some buffs on the sword man and ported out. I hope he learns that not all mages are like the people he meets in BSD.

This was posted on COD and thought it was of interest.

GILM stand for Grunts Who Appreciate Mages. By Azreal Lohan
I read constantly here and on the Vault about fighters like myself that hate mages and the way they have to fight in this game. Well I gotta tell ya, I LOVE fighting with mages. Absolutely LOVE it! Heres a story that happened last night while we were getting the Lightning stone for Alderom and Xavier (2 of the Al-Deremots).

We started in Weijou and began running along the river. Got about two thirds of the way there when we hit a WALL of monsters and were forced to fight our way out of it. We must have killed about 7-10 Irons and Obsidians and Drudges with a slew of Gold Wasps and one Venomous waiting to see who would win. (We were NOT the hometown favorites) Towards the end Xavier ended up biting it so we held the ground til we got back. During the wait, Alderom decided that the Umbris that we had ran past were talking too much trash about his abilities and he felt he had to make things right. So we ambled on over and showed them who was boss. We tried to take out some drudges and Irons that were unsuccessfully trying to climb a wall but they were jumping so much that we couldn't get their attention (the only critters to escape our wrath BTW).

When X got back we turned our attention to the Wasps and Griever. By carefully following Als (hope you don't mind the shortening of your name Alderom) instructions. They too were summarily dispatched. (side note: following a mages orders is key here. Its tough sometimes not to just run in and slash but it's worth it in vitae distribution). I took point and the run began. We were right by the portal (which I of course did not see) when we were jumped by more crap than I care to admit. I died first. Sung died next. Alderom soon followed. X and Cybil hauled ass and survived. Now when I died I saw three guards (beating the HELL out of me) Lightning volleys everywhere and some grievers that did not afford me the luxury of counting.

The questions were now, how do we get back and can we recover our bodies? I sent a tell to Cybil to see how they were doing and could they see our bodies. Her response of "good question" didn't fill me with hope. But we ran back anyway (amidst the constant groans of AL whenever we passed an Umbris (they really must give up great stuff). We got back to the area where the corpses were and met the same hometown crowd. The Guard that whacked me the first time remembered me and stuck to my back like glue. Fortunately, AL had given me a pair of Quick6 shoes from the first batch of Umbris. I shook the guard by dipping around and jumping over the un-climbable hills. But the rest of the rats, drudges, and wasps (oh how I hate wasps) weren't as easy to shake. I did manage to say hello to Cybil and X as I ran by them screaming. Al was able to get his corpse in the furor but Sung and I had to keep running about another 4 clicks before we were given a rest break.

We all were able to get together at that point but in my beautiful lead as point, we had about four groups of critters to annihilate to get our corpses. Now this is (to me anyway) the impressive part. With Alderom and Xavier vulning, draining, blasting and ordering (they do that well) and Cybils general psychotic behavior, we killed: One Diamond (bastard), TWO Harrowers (still don't know how we pulled that off and almost had another Alderom corpse), Three Venomous, About 10 Irons and 10 obsidians (rough count though), Two nests of Virinidi and pets (and yes I paid that guard back in full), more Jade Gromnies, Mire Wasps, Gold wasps, and Swamp Rats than I could count (general dreck but still lethal in numbers) and another two nests of Silver Rats. All of this within an hours time span.

Personally, I had given up on my corpse. I had just assumed that it was gone. Which is frustrating because out of 362 death (stop laughing) I have only lost 4 corpses (2 in Johannen). But because of Als and Xs experience and magic, we ripped through a ton of stuff any one of which woulda toasted most of us.
So the next time you see some mage behind a wall draining something, quit bellyaching and use a heal kit on em. They could probably use the health and chances are the levels they gain now will save your rear one-day.

Just my 2p
Epilogue: The ONLY non-fatality the entire night was Cybil. And ALderom is STILL an unbeliever.

News Group stories.

Vance McAlister (A highly rated author.)
Last night I had just a bit to get to level 32 and was in Ayan to sell off. So I decide to gear up and go find something I could kill. I run out onto the bluff behind town and find an archer getting ready to fire on a group of Umbris and Panumbris, with one Lt thrown in. I ask if he would like a tank and he readily agrees. He drew up two and I went after the Panumbris. The shadow doesnt switch for some reason (archer probably doing more damage with composite) and, after absorbing all the spells, the archer dies. I was hitting for about 15 a pop, which was simply not enough to be a good tank. The panumbris does turn then to face me, and it was now at about half health. I decide to stay and fight like a man, and watched as both of our health drained down to slivers of red. I suppose I could have taken a potion and then finished
it off, but I waited too long and once I was less than 40 health, I could not take a chance of a critical while I was quaffing or healing. Besides, it was more fun to wait and see. (Did I mention I was not too bright?). I was down to 5 and it was down to the same: Next Hit Wins.

So, on my way back from the lifestone, I run into the archer heading back for his body as well, and we commiserate. We re-gather our stuff and got back to work. No more messing around. What is a little vitae?
We rebuff and call that wounded Panumbris back up and dispatch it. Then the Umbris, which chases the archer all over that mesa with me on its tail. Eventually archer gets away, I tank and the archer takes it down from a safe archer distance. The rest were easy. Vitae down to 1. Archer shares out loot, but I am still a tad away from 32 so I head back out to level. I see a group of Raveners and draw one out (hit and run).
It is pretty even up since he can cast those spells, but with some judicious healing I get him. I am down to about 40 health, though and while I am healing one of the other Raveners "one spells" me. 6 vitae. Well, OK. I get my stuff and head to the beach side of Ayan for a change. While taking out one of those squid things (leveled while fighting), someone runs by with a Bone Lord on his tail. The Bone Lord obviously had gotten tired of chasing the guy, because he stopped and took a pot shot at me. 11 vitae.

OK, off to Citadel (leaving all armor and jewelry on through Hub and the run across country since they would not activate again with this vitae). 100K XP and all vitae burned in no time. Good ol Citadel!

Ekim Sti
My patron, a level 62 Archmage, a friend, a level 52 Archmage and I, level 49 Swordsman, grabbed a hub portal, hit Rithwic, and ran to Dryreach. We took the Direlands swamp portal, and were bombarded on entry from Drudge Raveners, Shadows, Gold Wasps, you name it. After killing some and getting
healed up, we ran to the Swamp Temple Dungeon, and tied off there.

We buffed, and made the short run to the Vault. The entrance area was clear and we proceeded down the first ramp, and through the windy passages. We experience an increasing number of soldiers as we progressed. A new area that revealed 3 or 4 soldiers quickly became what seemed like dozens.

We crossed the several bridges and came to the area where you can jump across. We opted NOT to jump it, as there were 6+ soldiers on the other side. We fought our way to that area, and continued to the final bridge, near the Surface Portal and the room where the stone is.

This is when all hell broke loose.

We all got into the main room but it seemed like 100 (it wasnt) soldiers came pouring out of the woodwork. As Im fighting, Im hearing "Pshhhhhhht", as new spawns are coming. I have never seen so many orange dots on the screen in my life. I jig myself around near the surface portal.

With the surface portal behind me, the 3 of us killed as much as we can, but the bugs kept coming. We couldnt kill them fast enough. My patron and friend died, and I fought the best I could and I backstepped into the portal.

Phew. I was at the surface in the swamp and I recalled to meet my friends at the AB LS. We quick hit Mayoi and restocked and went back, mainly for corpse recovery. We were not happy, because we were so close. My patron summoned (he tied) and we did the whole thing over, only to find ourselves in a
similar situation with too many damn bugs, we couldnt even get to the room from the bridge. They got their bodies and we were all able to get out safely.

There was so many bugs at the end, its almost like it is a bug. I think you need like 10 people to clear it, it was unbelievable. They were spawning what seemed like every 30 seconds.

The 3 of us did the lightning and fire stones with no problems. Lightning was easy, except for run there, and fire was hard because of the chain casting war magic and jumps, but at least we could get to the final room.

We plan to get a few more melee guys and try again, but Im not sure when.

After the last recall, I am at the AB LS, and I see the following message:

"Alistair DIsle is shattered by Drudge Raveners Attack".

Im thinking, oh, thats Vance from the NG. I didnt get a chance to say hi, as he ran S to get his stuff. I should have offered some assistance, but I was so burnt from the Vault and it was 2:00am (EST), I had to log. Sorry I didnt say "Hi" Vance.

BobbyFettish FrostFell

Well after lurking and posting the odd question I thought I would start to participate in this great forum.

Last-night on FF at about 12am GMT ( Monday Morning) about 100 players all decided to go kick the white bunnys ass........well this is how it went for those that are interested. Please forgive me but I am in
the UK so times are in GMT.

11:40pm Top level of subway starts to fill-up with all levels of players all spamming about kicking the white bunnys ass. So I logout my main ( lvl 30 Blademaster Bobbifettish) and login as my second
character (lvl 12 UA/Bow/Creature/Item Alba-Cham ) and get him to the subway also.

12:00am About 60 Players all in top level of subway awaiting a portal to Anyan-Baquer (SP??). Then after MUCH debate there is a small voice that says " everyone wanting to kill the bunny go to Arwic meeting
hall". So en-masse all the players decide to jump the surface portal and head tot he meeting hall. All I can say is that I actually felt like I was running the London marathon!!! My radar was white!!!!

12:10 After much arguing and shouting in the meeting hall someone manages to get a portal to a dungeon a "short" run from Anyan! I manage to login as Bobbi also and get him to the dungeon also. We (as in the white radar blob) then head off to Anyan but then discovered we were going the wrong way and turn around and follow the correct course! The dires are a scary thought for Bobbi (Remember lvl 30 ) but for Alba he was petrified!! The run was not a boring uneventful run, I had the great luck to be in one of the larger groups heading to Anyan and so Alba was fairly well protected as he could keep up with the main body of about 40 people. But as the run went on this number dropped and dropped and dropped. It went like this (False names have been used to protect the innocent!!):

Player 1 " hey thats just a normal drudge over there I thought the dires were tough"
Player1 is hit so hard by the altered drudge the lifestone flinches!!!
Player2 " heheh daft bastard altered drudges are hard you should have tried the wasp .......... oh shit there there 9 of them!"
Player2 is turned to dust by big gang of Gold Wasps
Player3 " Hey guys why am I in the front"
Player3 is used by the 24 granite golems as a football
Player4 "Wow is that the town there?"
Player4 is reduced to his component atoms by the ash grommie rugby team!"

This was all the way from the dungeon to Anyan we must have lost at least 30% of everyone who went! Alba made it to Anyan and proceeded to the LS. Once Alba had LSd I logged Bobbi in and started the "dungeon run" again, this time it was easier to find my way by following the bodies of my fallen comrades. I was not alone I had the company of about 10 others who were late or getting other chars to Anyan. Bobbis run there was less eventful probably due to the fact that his run is 270 buffed and the critters were probably bored with killing the humans as their bodies were making a mess of the wilderness!

On reaching Anyan I noticed two things, all the characters were either on standing on top of the LS or Leopolds shop! At first didn't worry Bobbi as he is a lvl 30 Blademaster and a furry cute white rabbit was no match for his rapier of death! How wrong was he??

Well the story of the battle was very comical one:

Apparently if you tease the bunny out of its cave and do a LS-recall to Anyan, the bunny will run all the way there to get you! (This was one of the funniest things I have ever seen ) And so a lvl 60 odd mage decided he would draw it to the LS and have all 100 players have a bash at the little turd!!! It went like this:

Lvl 60 odd mage " ok I am gonna draw it here brb" and off he goes running to bunny cave.

After a short interlude in which ice-creams were sold:

White rabbit smites Lvl 60 odd mage so hard the whole of dereth shakes.

Lvl 60 odd mage "Bastard that bunny is fast, I am gonna try again".

This continues until someone shouts out that they should send a larger group like 10-20 people. They all agree and off they go on their mission, I don't think they all believed the true meaning of the bunny 1
hit killing a lvl 60 mage with Lvl VI buffs and robe etc.... As you will agree the LS messages were coming thick and fast until someone shouted out :


We all cheered thinking that some lucky bugger had sliced it ears
off!! But..........................

White bunny hits Fizzling Arion so hard his armor melts!!! Bearing in mind that this guy is a second character of my patron and is stood talking to me!!!!! All of a sudden we are in spam city of:

"What was that?"
"Hey I just Died?"
"Anyone seen my corpse"
"looking for a subway portal"

The bunny had apparently arrived at the LS!
Well the score so far must have been Bunny=20 Humans=0 people were starting to panic and ask for subway portals, mages were buffing, archers were drawing their bows, warriors were getting their best
weapons out! There must have been about 100 players there and I selected the bunny on my radar and watched as best I could (Bearing in mind the lag was like a 25 second delay but worth it) as the bunny
carved a path through all lvls of player. It was by far the funniest experience of my AC career. I managed to make it onto the LS and was relatively safe from the "white ball of death". Midway through the
battle a lvl 23 Xbow, who was next to, me on the LS claimed he had hit the bunny for 45 but before I could ask him he was dead! I IDd the bunny again and must have really pissed him off cause he chopped on my
ass and LSd me in 1 hit (big surprise) Anyway I started to reappear at the LS and watched more carnage! The arrows that fired were stuck in midair, it was bizarre. After some whooping the buts of all the above and never being below 99 health, when I could have a look, the bunny decided he had played enough and went back to his cave.

The aftermath was amazing. Copses were disappearing and I managed to get some crystal quarrels for a laugh. The plateau that the Anyan LS is on was a sea of copses and people saying: "have you seen my corpse".

It reminded me of the scene from Braveheart in the aftermath of the battle the dead and wounded all over the field!

To wrap up, all in all it was the most fun I have ever had in AC. I managed to get Alba-Cham some UA III gloves for 500py at the armory, so it was a great night! Thanks to all who took part and those who tried to play out the scene from The holy Grail were so funny in the quiet moments. Lastly Turbine please give us a Holy Hand-grenade so I can wipe that little white bastard off Dereth!!!!

Thanks for listening if you got this far!!

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