Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - October 31, 2000

A smart fighter will not jump on a mages fight in BSD. There are a lot of reasons for this. 1. The mage had one to two drains so at most your getting half the points of a full tusker. 2. He will return the favor and you will lose big time.

It is point two that hurts fighters the most. Let say Mr. Mage (a 40lv) is fighting a Tusker. Along comes The Eternally Lame One (70+ fighter). He smashes the Tusker with one blow and run down the hall. (It was fire voln so he got a big hit.) The Lame One gets 40% of the Tusker. Mr. Mage follows. Lame one runs into 5 Tuskers. Lame one can kill a tusker in 10 seconds. Mr. Mage can do two level 1 drains in 5 seconds. Mages does two drains on each Tusker and more drains on anyone not dead.

Mr. Mage has made about 40% of the points of the swarm. At 15k a Tusker the Lame One gains 6k from his thief. Mr. Mage gets 29k for his pay back.

Now the bad part is Mr. Mage now becomes part of the problem. He has been taught by The Eternally Lame One that the best way to level is to steal from fighters. It is safer too.

The bottom line is to respect others. The little bit stolen off someone's battle is not worth the stress it can cause. As in the above case it can cost you more xp than you gain.

My mage has done well for the night, over a million five and a level. I'm tired and getting rid of the last few Tuskers before porting out.

Another mage runs up and draws a few of the Tuskers I'm fighting. I kill mine and see him fighting. I ask him if he is ok. He said yes. While checking him my buffs are dropping. I'm to busy trying to talk and make friends to bother seeing how weak I am. Tuskers, for no reason, leaves him and one shots me.

Well that sucks. Long buffing cycle because I'm fizzling spells left and right. I port in and there is a bunch of tuskers at the start. The lamers are at it again.

After killing the Tuskers with some help I head up the hall. I see one Slave and start fighting it. Mage and bow-user run up and attack it too. I let them have the slave. As soon as it switches to them I head up the hall. One Slave is there. I attack it and the two run up and attack it. I say, "Please don't leech me." I let them have it and run up the hall.

Now I'm getting tells like, "How dare you call me a leech." Well if you don't want to be called a leech don't be one.

I guess the pack of mages, bow-users and fighters were to weak too move off the top because the second level is empty. I'm fighting seven or eight Tuskers at each turn. As I was already tired this is more work than fun.

I finally get to my body and I'm fighting six Tuskers. I get it down to two and do Stamina to Mana. "You are out of comps". Hell, with 80 mana and low health there is no way to make a try at the body. I port out.

A quick run to Mayoi to restock. I port back to BDC. The same thing as before. A pack of Tuskers at the exit. Seven Tusker at each turn. Fight my way to the body. My timing was a bit better this time as a pack of fighters are clearing the last room where my body is. They usually show up after I fight my way to the body.

The good news is I'm only two and half million to forty-five.

Superman to Lois Lane.
Mages are a strange breed. Fully buffed they can take out almost anything. A few minutes later they can be killed with a back handed blow from the weakest of monsters.

A good example was this morning. I buffed up and was headed south from AB. Just off the bluff I saw a Skelly Lord. Yield V, Blunt V. Oops, just off the screen the Lord had help. Not one but two Greater Skelly join in the battle.

Now Fist de Yuma fought a Greater once. It took over a minute, heals and elixirs to beat it. Now a mage, 22 levels below him is fighting two with a Lord to boot. Yield V, Blunt voln V, drain, shockwave V, shockwave V, dead Greater. Repeat for second and Lord.

Loot sucked but he ended the battle with in good shape, much to the amazement of the guy watching. I hunted some more and killed Golems, Lords, Knights and whatever crossed his path for 10 minutes. The clock started beeping and I ported back to AB to sell off.

I had sold all the junk I had found (and junk it was) and was headed to the mage tent. I heard some swings and cries. Thought there was a PK battle going on next to the gem tent. I looked over just in time to see a Greater Skelly finish off someone next to the tent.

Now the thing is I'm not buffed right now. If the Skelly decided to attack me I was dead. No if ands or buts. Without buffs I was dead meat. I was lucky that the Skelly only spit on the corpse and ran back to his spawn spot.

Island bound
Fist de Mage made 45 and is island bound. I'm hunting big game and getting revenge on the Altered drudges that killed Fist de Yuma when he was there.

It is amazing that he can not only hunt there at 45 but do well indeed. Record is fighting three Maulers at once. Wish I had some big stories for this but it is basically hunt, kill and loot. Dying is costly but vit clears fast if I'm careful.

Hard days work
Logged Fist de Yuma with some key assignments in mind. I needed potions and scarabs for dispel spells. Getting the ore involved going to a place a robed mage should not go to. Run was uneventful. I had the coordinates from a message I read.

I was running in my new running setup. This is no armor, pants and shirt. I imagine it looks strange and I did get some questions and looks later. The pants are Armor VI. It is my bugged pair that will lose all mana if I take them off, but will stay charged if I leave it on. The shirt is one I got from the island with the mana run out. Shoes are Sprint VI and I follow it up with a Quick V bracelet. This sets my run at 358.

The reason for this setup is mana loss. Only two items are burning mana. My melee defense and speed keep me out of trouble. Armor VI is also a big help. I would never use this in the Direlands but for the east it is fairly safe. The second point is that armor is useless against spells. So the only thing better is my full spell setup, which makes me a slower runner.

Only had one scare. The only thing I was stopping for were fragments. After killing one I tried to loot it. Got an hourglass. A Matti spawned and attacked me. I could not move. Another one spawned and I still could not move. Finally I logged but even that did not work. I was stuck I portal watching the two matties attack me.

I logged expecting to be at AB. I guess my melee defense kept me alive. I quickly dispatched the now three Matties and hit the road.

I got to the dungeon and had little problem. The hollows cut though protects but they have to hit me first. With a buffed melee d of 338 and a fair missile defense all I had to worry about was stamina.

Found the ore and ported out. Found myself at burden because the ore is 1000 bu. I have to keep a strength item on.

Now for part two of my quest. Headed to Metros to get some motes. I needed four of them. Had to kill some skillies and drudges along the way.

I had only been in Metros once while helping Jarad recover a body. I had done some reading about the place, which saved my ass.

I knew there was some spell casting baddies at the start. I read that most just run by them. That is not my way of doing things. There were a few more than I was led to believe. I think I killed 10 litches or more.

I moved into the dungeon and found the acid pit. Jumped over that ok and headed down. I saw Tuor Pho fighting a Revenant. I ran by the battle and a few feet away saw his body. Now I feel he might be in trouble. I doubled back just as he typed "Help please".

Together we smashed it into ruble. I introduced myself and told him I was there for motes. He said the mote room was on the other side of the acid pit. He said he would lead me there.

This is where my jump got the better of me. I hit the ceiling and fell into the acid pit.

I had read about this pit and knew there was a hidden passage out of it. I had my full spell gear on which includes acid V pants. That kept me alive for a bit. Ran at the wall, nothing. Hit next wall, nothing. Third time was the charm and I hit a passage with 101 hit points left. About this time Tuor is typing "Run north".

This passage was not a nice place. Full of Revenants and such. I found the exit portal at a full run and 59hp.

I met up with Tour Pho after clearing the start section again. I bypassed the acid pit, found the Golem rooms and he was there. Tour Pho is a fearless 35lv fighter. He died a lot fighting Granites but keep coming back for more.

He started out by giving me a mote for my help earlier. Then after an hours fighting I found the three more I needed. I wished him luck and ported out.

I checked the map to see the best route to the refinery. This is a spot in the far northwest coast. There is a little dot close to the Sun on the map. I saw that the closest place I could get was the Nest I'm tied at.

I put on my running gear, Pants, shirt, sprint VI and Quick V. Ported to the Nest and ran to the portal. I guess the three people there must have thought I was crazy to be in the Nest with no armor.

Getting out of the valley was my biggest problem. I tried to climb the back walls and that did not work. Then followed the right side. I would have been much better following the left as I think I ran around the valley before finding the exit.

The run from there was exciting in that I had a trail of dots chasing me most of the way. Only stopped three to times to get fragments. (nada) I guess the locals were a bit pissed at my attitude. Tusker "Hey, look at the dude with no armor, lets get him. Man he is fast. Aaa we got him, stopped to kill a fragment. I guess he did not see us chasing. Shit stand still. Hell he is looting and I cannot touch him. There he goes, man he is fast. Did you hit him? Me neither"

Got to the refinery with only one bit of backtracking around a cannon. Someone was kind enough to have dropped a mortar and pestle so I got it ground as well. Now for an alchemist. A guy in the fort told me that any alchemist can do it with no loss.

Now I needed a bit if cash for stones before I head to Lin. Put on my armor and ported to the Nest. Killed and looted to the bottom and got one key to boot. Then ported back to AB. As I hit the stone I heard a spam about a body in the Nest.

I told him I would help after selling off. Quickly sold off and got over to him. He was not sure which nest he was in so he made a portal. There he said he had lost his hammer so he could not hit to well. I told him not to worry, I could kill them ok.

We hunted down to the fourth level with some nice battles but did not find his body. Did a few turns and still no body. I knew there was only one place we had not looked and headed there. Still no body. I was getting worried as my items were dropping and I was out of stones.

We met a fan of my column and he said he would help. Sorry long day and did not write down your names guys.

I asked if they would hunt together and let me find the body. I have done a run though this way looking for bodies before. After that it did not take me long. His green armor was what made us miss it. He was half in a green door and had blended in a bit. I had figured that was it and was looking in the cubby holes. He recovered and we both ported out.

Next was a trip the Tired Mage shop for stones and a run to Lin. I got the powder made into potions by James and he gave the potions and scarabs to Mage.

First up was to learn the new War spells. Lot of oooo's and aaaa's as each one fired off. Turbine did a good job with the looks of the spells. Too bad that they are not more useful.

Lastly was making dispels. I knew item dispels were what I needed but wanted to get my Life done as well. Figured that getting the level 1 Life spells might help split pea get the item spells. I was dead wrong on that.

I'm a long time player so I know the work involved getting spells. There are 144 different ways to do it. You test each one until you find it. Start with the first taper, then test all 12 tapers in the second slot. If it did not fire, replace the first taper with the next one and do it again.

It was about the 70th test that got it. At this point I saw I only had 12 powders left. Darn, did not think it was going to burn that bad. Switched to my level II item dispel as that was what I really needed. On Gray/Orange I burnt my last powder.

As I have to wait for a while before the game will let me get more ore. Unless a family member gets me some powder I will not get the dispel spells any time soon.

Someone let loose the way to put permanent buffs on items. This had been something someone found a while back and had been in use for some time. If they had kept quite about it there would be no problem. It started with some greedy person put a perabuffed item up for sale in E-bay.

So it goes away in the next patch. Turbine has stated that they will not ban anyone for doing it. They will not delete the items. They did warn that an item might be degraded but they will not do it on purpose.

After some debate the family decided that we should do some permabuffing of robes and other items for members. We felt that if everyone is going to do it our members needed to be able to do it as well. It is only two weeks so the game is not destroyed.

There was a lot of debate on COD on this. There are people begging that they be able to keep the items. Yes buffing is a pain. Yes I would love having 8 less spells to toss on the island. But buffing is the balance of the game.

As in the above story my mage is stronger than my fighter until the buffs drop. If they never drop there is a big problem.

Items with spells are hard to get. Getting your stats up high enough to use these items is a major part of play. With permabuffing a patron can get a cheap weapon and put level VI buff that last forever. There goes the market.

You would soon have low levels running around (and we do today) with a robe better than any armor in the game and a weapon with level VI spells. I expect you will see a lot of restarts this week as the leveling will be very fast that way.

A special thanks to Duncan MacGregor.
It started out as a post on COD about some unarmed VI gantlets. I was at a low point on keys having just forfilled my last comment. Somehow he never got what he wanted so he sent me an e-mail on them. He was not going to play much any more so he was giving them to me!

I tried to give him stuff I had collected over the week but he was wanting for nothing. I hope he keeps playing because we need more great players like that in the game. He easily could have made real money off them. If you happen to see Duncan MacGregor around, give him a shout hi for me.

News Group Tales.
I get these stories off the MS news group this week. Some of the writers there are very good. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

This writer later became my vassal but his story was picked before that.

I was in Metos last night and the Iron rooms were camped to hell. So I decided to go try out the Revs downstairs. Before I went completely down I buffed up everything I needed to and got my mana back up to full. I go to the bottom and cautiously move till I get one Rev on my compass and I start throwing Imperils on him till he finally doesn't resist.

While this is going on a fighter w/item sees me throwing the spell and goes right around the corner and within seconds has killed the Rev. Then he walks back to me and hands me an excellent kit. So ok, he took one from me, I thought I'll do it again and I'll just take the next one. I go through the process again and imperil a Rev and he runs up and does it again. He did it a total of 3 times to me.

Now I'm not usually the type to get too upset but he has just made 18K or so of exp. and all the loot and all I got was 1 kit. So what I did next wasn't too nice but I felt he needed a lesson. There were a bunch of them around the corner....I made like I imperiled them all and he fell for it, seconds later.......dead leecher.

I went back to casting and then took out the Revs and went back upstairs to the golem room that was now empty. This guy in case you run into him is named Maximus II. I hunted the golem room for a bit and was even nice enough to imperil the last Rev for him to get his body back. Never did he say a single word of thanks to me. Oh well, makes me glad I know some people like you in the game.

R. Scott White

The next writer learns why leading quests had been compared to herding cats.

I figured last week that my guild needed to go to the medium ore dungeon and supply our mages with some chorizite powders. Of course after posting this Quest and a suggested time, I get quite a few replies of "Id love to go, but the time is bad." So after many days of asking for suggestions for a time to go and not getting any I opted for going at the time I had initially suggested. I thought this would be a great quest for melee in their 20s, and a great way to show our thanks to the mages who had helped us on so many
quests in the past.

Quest time.
I log in to find that one of the people who wanted to go had appropriately logged out in Eastham (the designated meeting spot for this quest) and was ready to go. He had also done all his shopping and was completely ready to hit the ground running. He was going to be the only one . We waited in town for a while for others that wanted to join us. Rather nice because while I was waiting I was able to buy some masks.. so much easier than hunting for them After a few moments we had our little group up to 4 people. One of which was in his low 20s and had 31% vitae. Well, thatll come off quick hopefully.

I get portal stormed out so I tell our fellowship to move to the meeting hall. A few minutes later Im joined by another 2 in the fellowship but the guy with vitae hasnt arrived yet. One of our guilds high council members arrived, he was going along to heal and buff people. While we were waiting we get the message that our fellow has died. Tried to message him but then got the message that he left fellowship. We assumed he had lost connection of course. He did and logged in a couple of minutes later. He was rather upset to now have even higher vitae, and also to be in Qalabar. He was frustrated and was simply going to log and probably never log in again Shen Chen, or high level, went to pick him up and port him back to Eastham.

We started the Quest... the quest to find his body. After about 20 min. of looking I sent a warning to Shen that if he was taking vitae to the subway, he should buff him for the jump down. In his condition he could very well die hitting the walls and impacting with the floor. Shen responds that it doesnt matter because Mr. Vitae had just run in a straight line for 5 min.. and then logged out. So hed wait there for a while for him to come back.

Another 20 or so minutes and we have found his body. During this time another guild member showed up. He was recruited into the fellow, lost connection and never showed up again. Once we got the Vitae to his body, he decided to log. Hes been rather frustrated recently and may not log back in. I suggested he try a different character for a while. He logged out for the evening and we bid him farewell. We decide we are about ready to take off and begin the quest, when one of the fellowship says they are getting the global chatter. We told him to log out and log in quickly and it would disappear. He logs out and we waited, and waited and waited Seems he had some computer problems and took about 5 or so minutes to reboot.

Well, its an hour and a half past the appointed quest time. We have 4 melee in their 20s and a high level buffer and life giver ;). We take off for the high mountain valley portal and then to the quarry. After we appeared in high mountain valley we noticed a fairly low level looking rather lost and confused. They had attacked a shreth inside the building in the POI with the portals and it had run through the portal, dragging her with it. So Shen opened a portal to Arwic for her and she was on her way. The run for the Quarry went easily, we entered, Shen had stayed behind to quickly kill a fragment. (You never pass those up .) While we were waiting I explained the situation. Life protections and item banes were no use and to not waste the mana. Most importantly was to stay behind me. I would wait for the lugies to run out of rocks and when they closed in for melee we could attack it with much, much less danger. I also explained that because of lag they should let the lugies get one swing in. Otherwise they might get spun around and be behind the lugie and have other lugies hitting them in the back.

About this time I get a message from our monarch. He had been sorry he couldnt make it. He had logged off at high mountain valley in case he got home in time to join us. I told him we were just in the entrance and to come on up.

Shen came in and buffed everyone. I again made my warnings to people and told them the first room would be a practice... Stay behind me until the lugies came for me... and to pause before attacking them. I go up the hallway, down the hallway to the right and stop halfway. I hear the lugies throwing boulders and I tell my group to stay behind me. Of course off runs one of our group. Straight in and attacks.. I quickly run after him and start hitting the big blue guys. We clear the room pretty quickly but all I notice is him yelling OUCH. I look and see he has 12% health left.

I repeat my warnings. Daein my monarch has joined us so we have someone who has high melee and missile d to help.

I know from experience I can go up the hall and get 3 lithos out and back up the hallway. It's a little safer fight. Once again I stop in the middle of the hall and tell everyone to wait there. I run up the hall and start to pull them out of the rooms and into the hall.. Well this guy runs up once again and starts whacking. I begin attacking the one at his back but it wouldnt switch. Once again he starts screaming for help. We kill those and he doesnt die, but needed some serious healing . I figure since we are there Ill lure the 2 stone throwers to drop their rocks and pull them. I once again tell everyone to stay there.. I move into the room trying to get them to put down the VWs they throw, when this guy comes running in again. Once again he became badly injured but didnt die. He did this again at the 2 stone throwers up the hall. I gave up. He would die surely and Id let it happen

After this we just went nuts and started ripping through them. Daein our monarch was trying to attack everything first so theyd go for him. I was unconcerned with so many people there, if I got hit I simply healed and let it keep hitting me while my guildmates downed it. Shen would heal me every time and I told him not to bother.. Just to keep an eye on the other guy.

We made it all the way down. Not really too many problems. Had one hairy spot with lugies behind us, but we cleared them out fairly quickly. Everyone got some ore and we began standing around talking. After a few minutes I got worried and started to think about warning everyone to get out.. Too late.

WOW, thats a huge mountain of Lithos coming at you. I blocked and attacked 4 that came up the hallway. They got me down to 20% health but I healed quickly.. but since I healed they went to the other guys .. I yelled for everyone to back up against a wall and heal. So that Daein and I could clear them out. But the one that kept ignoring my instructions all night went down. Once we cleared the lugies and healed, Shen went to Nanto to pick him up. The rest of our group made our way back up to the entrance to wait.

While waiting we sat and told stories and had a great time. My patron logged in. Thanked me profusely for the xp, and then said that he was with Shen and that he was coming along. Great.. more powders for our mages. Quite a few high levels come through on their way to get the ore while we waited. Shen and company made it back. The only problem after this was my patron timed out when he was portalling into the dungeon. It didnt take too long for him to get back and we got to the bottom to retrieve the body easily enough. Shen then opened a portal to hell (Arwic ) and we finished up the evening there. Everyone there logged but me.

I went ahead and ran to Stonehold to convert my ore and make powders to give to one of the mages in our guild who was logged in. Is there anyway we could give this guy a mote or 2 to move his ore business to arwic? ;)

BTW, during this time I met an alchemist named doh on leafull. If you need an alchemist hes pretty good, I gave him 10 chorizite powders to play with and he made all potions except the level V. He failed on it. He seems to be very trustworthy and kind. He also works only for tips.. So make sure you tip him very well. ;)

Im always amazed though that a 1 hour quick jaunt quest can turn into a 3 hour excruciatingly painful journey

Quarak, Lorgin, Martook Bower, Gurad

In this story someone learns why you don't take random portals. Also why high value items can be a real pain at times.

A couple of days ago I was fortunate to loot a Life VI Orb from an Umbris, almost 11K pyreals value sadly. Quite low diff and my pride and joy at the moment. I cant use it yet but you know how it is with some pieces, theyre worth more to you than the intrinsic value.

My current hunting area is around Weijhou. Given enough space I can kill anything there, with the possible exception of Diamond Golems, which I havent dared try yet!

I was hunting a spawn a little south of the Lifestone when a portal replaced what I was hunting. North East Dires Desert of similar. Being far too impetuous and somewhat trusting still of Turbine I couldnt resist the trip! Being stupid I jumped in with just my normal buffs running (before I got my perma-buffed robe and gloves:-).

I figured they wouldnt have a portal leading to an area of certain death so waited patiently for me to materialize. A short way through the process several orange dots materialized and I started to see worrying messages...

You are an invalid target for Skeleton Bone Lord
You are an invalid target for Sephal Niffis
You are an invalid target for Great Skeleton

Not good I thought, so I got ready to hit 9, my hot-key for LS Recall. I cant believe how long that spell takes to cast!! Needless to say the monsters saved me a spell and I dropped my pride and joy Life VI orb. The Great Skeleton dealt the final blow. I had managed to record the location but it really is the middle of nowhere and I didnt fancy making the run. Easy come, easy go I thought and proceeded to work off my vitae.

I spent the next hour or so killing stuff when I ended up back at the spawn with the portal. It was still there and I formulated a plan, figuring I didnt care what else I dropped as it was all replaceable from mules. I fizzle buffed myself with VIs in Acid and Bludge Prot and jumped through the portal again.

The same thing started to happen, orange blobs scattered across the screen, with some ominously close. The messages started appearing again, but with some subtle and encouraging changes!!

You are an invalid target for Sandy Armoredillo
You are an invalid target for Copper Golem
You are an invalid target for Jade Gromnie

This time I survived and legged it to a safe area to formulate a body recovery plan. During this run I noticed 4 fragments, clearly they would need to be dispatched also!

Anyway, I killed about 4 coppers and got a mote then some gromnies and the dillos. I recovered my corpse and my beloved Orb. I then set to work on the frags and the third one I dropped yielded a tiny shard. I was rather jubilant at this stage and rather than pushing my luck any further I recalled back to Weijhou.

At this point a sensible player would have muled the orb. Im not sensible!

I then met up with a couple of friends who like to make use of my life magic to take down the bigger shadows. We generally split the loot whilst they get all of the XPs. After killing a shadow spawn we moved on to a well known large spawn about 2 minutes north of Weijhou.

The spawn was some more shadows and grievvers, iron and obsid golems, ravener and stalker durdges and a dual fragment. We killed everything aside from a couple of Harrower Grievvers. Part way through the first one of our number got killed virtually at the spawn point...damn you sticky melee patch!

We finished off the grievvers and waited for our comrade to return for his corpse. The spawn re-populated with more obsids and some altered drudges. We usually ignore them because I cant vuln or imperil them yet. This time we had no choice but to fight. After a struggle we had them down from 4 to 1, at which point my ISP booted me. I really must set a two hour alarm of some kind!!!

I was standing still at the time I got booted but had just stopped running. Sadly that run command was the last thing the server got from me and I had merrily headed off north westwards down the valley! I logged back on at the lifestone and once again without my Life VI orb!!! Something similar happened to me once before....I lagged and lost some co-ord IV gaunts then managed to find my corpse after a long search. I then died again in the Metos acid pit 10 minutes later and lost them for good!

The search for my corpse commenced again. I ran up the valley frantically hitting the [ key without success. I ran straight through Tusker spawns and even straight past a Diamond Golem, a rare spawn in the area, still nothing.

I returned to the last point I had been before getting booted and guessed at the direction I ran in. It was towards the walls of the valley, none of which looked scalable. So off I ran at the walls and after a short run I started going up....ha-ha a slim chance or recovery appeared! I kept running past an obsidian golem spawn and into some lurkers/irons/gold corpse lay in the middle of them. I ran past hoping to lose the wasps but they were still on my tail when a shadow spawn came into sight. I decided to recall and pick things off one by one to get to the corpse.

I ran back from the small black hill portal and told the others about my plan. The came with me and we started to hit the obsidian golems first. At this point something very white and very fast came in to view...Diamond.....RUN!!! We scattered as fast as we could and I mentally wrote off the orb again!

We scratched our heads and worked out a plan. I would lure the diamond from the hill with an attempted vuln. It would then become trapped by the cliff and Id run around it. The first part worked but they are so quick it just ran straight up the cliff back to its spawn. Hmmm...plan B required. As I was scratching my head again a spawn of harrower grievvers appeared next to the golem spawn. Not really a help
in the circumstances!

Plan B was less subtle. I would get myself into position from a run through the spawn and a friend would run in amongst the critters, run away and jump off the cliff and keep the nasties lured away for as long as possible. This worked a treat and I ran past the now empty spawn points towards the spawn guarding my corpse.

The wasps still gave chase but this time I had the correct prots on and took the three of them out with 30-odd HPs left. I healed and then drew the lurkers out to their deaths. That left the iron golems, very easy kills for an archer, but worryingly close to the obsid/diamond spawn. I was nervous that killing them would bring the others around to see what the commotion was. Luckily it didnt and I retrieved my corpse and once again the orb was back in my possession.

This time sense prevailed and I recalled and muled it! I have since learned my lesson well and now own several master robes and have a war VI wand muled too!

A great evenings entertainment that left me one mote and one tiny richer, although my fingernails arent in very good shape!

Rising Star Level 42 UA/XBow/Fletcher
La-La Level 34 Archer/Life Mage

I wish my wife played the game. Mine hates it, which creates conflict. Proud man writes about his wife's adventure.

Residents of Ayan on Leafcull take note. If you see a mage named Benj al-Samat around town, give him wide berth. He has large balls that clang and he needs the room. This is his tale.

It began as Barra and Nasier faced the prospect of another evening of beating up Lugians and taking their stuff. As many long term residents of Dereth know, they key to having a good time is to do things differently every now and again. We decided that since she was Aluvian and knew which end of a dagger was the dangerous one, that we should recover Tikkolas Dagger.

So, we suited up and moved out to find a heart. Benj and our dear friend Jadira asked if we needed help. I told them, no but company is welcome. The four of us found a few wood hearts in short order and made our way to Yanshi. We ran to the Folthid estate and since Barra, Nasier and Jadira were tied no place special and had no access to the abandoned mine for a quick return, we chose to use the lifestone. Benj then asked; "So, are we lifestoning here?" Before the NO! Could leave my lips, he began to raise his hands in the attunement ritual.

"Benj, your Ayan tie..."

"It is a simple matter to run back."

I know some ways are less harsh than others but I was eagerly anticipating learning the easy way. We ran into the cellar and recovered the dagger in very short order. Benj then summoned an abandoned mine portal. Nasier and Barra went back to Zaikhal, Jadira had to go and Benj prepared for his trip back to Ayan. I found the mundane tasks of the other world calling (little things like laundry and dinner) so I took my leave. Benj then asked if Kepura (my wifes mage character) would care to come with him. After weighing the pros and cons she decided to leave her coveted mattekar robe with our servant Ravid ibn Zaldar and suit up in some very protective but horribly mismatched Amuli. Benj asks before I depart;

"Swamp portal is a good run, right?" A bid saddened that I would not find an easier way out, I replied: "Yes, just beware the greeting committee upon portal exit."

I run down a load of laundry and I am in the kitchen, working on dinner when the wife shouts;

"He told me to meet in Mayoi, is that right?"

"Since I dont know what he has in mind, I cant tell you."

So, Kepura and Benj meet in Mayoi and take the south dires portal. I hear the occasional "Holy cow!" and "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" come from the computer room and I shout out;

"You guys Okay?"

"Yea, just lots of monsters!" and I return to my cooking.

A few minutes later, I reach the blessed words of "simmer 15-20 minutes" and go to check on their progress.

"How close are you?"

She flings open the map and with horror it dawns on me what they have done. Benj took the south dires portal and took off in a straight line towards Ayan...through the heart of the Obsidian Plains!

On that run, they got to see monsters of nightmare and legend, up close and in living color. I went and got dinner, brought it to the wife at her computer and recalled Tzu to Ayan in time for their arrival.

While all must earn passage to Ayan, some worked harder than the rest of us.

/emote shakes his head in disbelief

Nasier/Wen Tzu

Second story by this author.

Well, apparently my "own private leveling grounds" have been encroached upon. It was mildly frustrating to see so many people there, now Ill have to run off and find a new spot ;). I had been using the medium ore dungeon on one of my characters to level. Its a wonderful place to level, no crowds and plenty of lugies to kill. Only a few of us seemed to realize what a great spot it was and we all shared the location whenever we saw each other in there. However, over the weekend I noticed it was continually flooded with people... and the few times I actually tried to accomplish anything were futile... not much fun when a level 60 runs by whacks the heck out of the lugie Im on and runs off.

Even when I logged in at 3 in the morning expecting to have some nice peace and quiet I was greeted with 5 or so people running around with the same idea I had... I ended up quickly going to the citadel and being much happier ;) Which is rather scary. Get into the left gigas high dive room at 3 am and youve pretty much got it to yourself. That is such a blast to have so many lugians popping out of the woodwork and trying to stay ahead of the floodwaters.

On Sunday though, I tried a few times to go into the medium ore dungeon and always ended up back in town hanging out. After a while I realized the kewl duders werent going to put me in much of a better mood. I can only watch so many people named "big Poo Poo head" ask for a portal to teth before I get annoyed. So I ran off to the LOD just to see how my guy was coming and what he could do with Olthoi.

I jumped in the portal and after collecting all the jewelry I was going to need I began to buff. While I was buffing I noticed an archer standing at the entrance. I tried talking to him, but he didnt seem to want to
chat.Level 34 so I didnt think much about it. Once I completed all my buffs I donned my jewelry and started off. Seemed he took a liking to me and started to follow me.. I grabbed a nymph first off and downed it quickly. I started on a Soldier and realized he was plinking on it.. I didnt stop fighting out of spite..

I was a little perturbed, but I stopped fighting simply because I figured he was level 34 Id let him have it. Well it turns out the Olthoi let him have it.. Im sad to say it was extremely satisfying to hear him scream, then turn to run like a little girl. I didnt see this guy for the rest of the day.. Which was just as good for me ;) Since I havent been fighting Olthoi much in the last couple of months I havent had someone follow me around and leach off me in a long time. Even the people in the citadels are more polite than those in Olthoi Hunting areas.

The one thing I did make this post for was to point out that if you want to kill another PK. Stake out the medium ore dungeon. PKs use this place more than NPKs. There is a constantly flood of them coming in for their share of the ore. ( and most of them seem to be on a regular visit schedule ). So if you have a greivance with one.. Put a spy in and figure out when they like to visit the quarry.. :) Then kill away.. Most likely they wont even have their banes and protects on since it doesnt help against the lugies..


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