Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - October 9, 2000

I decided that after working Fist de Mage to 42 it was time to get Cliff Bowman a few levels. He gets mana conversion at 32 and was 28. After he starts tossing level VI spells in Item his bow should really do well. He is using IV now so it is a bit off.

Killing Lugies is no problem as long as he used an Unarmed weapon and shield. Experience shows that using a bow is a quick way to die. Sure is a lot simpler to use Unarmed. Target Lugie and start swinging. Only time for thinking came if I was fighting more that 4 or more of them.

At one point I was out of stamina and the weapon buffs ran out. I decided to run back to the exit for a rest and rebuff. While lying down I heard someone say shadows. I was fully rested and about to put the buffs on my weapon when a death message from one of them came on the screen.

I looked over to where they were fighting and saw the second fighter fall to a Shadow LT. He started running towards me and I ran to the portal. I pulled out my bow and buffed it with my IV spells. Fleched a few Frog arrows and headed out.

The shadows had all ran back to the spawn point by then. I moved around the hill to get a clear shot. The two shadows fell quickly and I was lucky that only one would charge me at a time. That left the LT. A fighter with a fire sword ran up next to me as I fired at the LT.

The LT attacked and as it got close started doing drains on me and heals on itself. I was hitting in the 40's and the fighter was swinging away. Three or four times the LT healed itself back to full. Finally it died after a long fight. I read somewhere that if you damage a LT good it will spend the mana on healing rather than war spells. If true it worked this time.

I was not sure who was doing the greater damage, me or the fighter. The fighter told me at the end that he had hit once for 4 points. It was him and another player that first fought them. He said they were doing ok until the LT joined in.

Lag and Mages differences with melee.
I find that a fighter, if he has good enough defense, can fight though lag. A mage on the other hand has a much harder time of it. A fighter that gets lagged in the middle of a battle will keep swing. A mage needs to tell the computer which spell to use at which time.

Timing is important with a mage. Lag can toss off that timing badly. If the is lag on only on your end, your getting beat to death and there is nothing you can do about it. If the lag is general it is still a problem. You hit a key expecting to get a result. If there is general lag you might get a "Too Busy" message. In a hard battle that can be overlooked. I have a habit of hitting a key twice now. If I get a "Too Busy" message the second key get though. If not the second key gets the message.

I even carry on conversations in the middle of fights with my melee's. A mage must wait until the battle is over. Mages tend to be a bit less friendly seeming. A fighter can stop and talk a while. A mage is on a timer. Resetting that timer involves several minutes and a large cost in comps. If a mage seems in a hurry that is the reason.

A death with a mage is different from a melee's as well. If a melee drops his armor he can pick up something off the mule. Mages don't generally drop important stuff but do drop all buffs. This is important because if the mage is on a line that Vit drops them below, rebuffing may not be possible. This is especially bad at higher vit.

In those cases it is very hard to a mage to recover. This is the reason you may see a 40lv mage draining lugies in the fort like some 14lv player.

Fire Stone Quest part 1
I was doing a little muling in Lin and met a family member. He invited me on a Fire Stone quest. I was to meet them at 11pm EST. That was 7pm my time. I stocked up in comps and headed to the LS. I was early and figured I would log Fist de Yuma until the quest started.

Just as I got there someone opened a portal to the crater. I took the portal. I ran over to the crater dungeon and did a bit of exploring. Not wanting to spend my comps or get into trouble I headed back up. I found the spot to get out of the crater and logged on the ridgeline.

I logged Fist de Yuma and was going to meet the quest'ters with him. At the right time no one was there. I found later that the time for the quest was 11pm PST. I had been given the wrong time zone. Also it did not go off because of some RL stuff.

I figured I would go to the vault and meet the party there. It was a bit of a fight but I made it without problems. I was buffing outside and a fighter ran up and started buffing. Several mites attacked us. The fighter with melee defense just keeps on buffing. Then all mites attack me. I blast them off one at a time. Fighter just stands there.

I start buffing again and more show up. The fighter was done buffing so I figured he would dispatch the mites. He said something about a body near the stone and jumped into the portal. That left me to deal with the mites. I blasted them and got my buffing done.

I ported in and was attacked by mountain rats. Problem was it was though the floor so I could not blast them. Had to drain and harm them. I them proceed to start draining all the fire monsters and other baddies.

I was about done when the fighter sends me this message "You coming down". I sent a message about wanting to kill them all first. Somehow the fighter had squelched me. I did that once by error so I figured it was the same thing.

I jumped to the first board and got into a little passageway. There I drained more monsters and fought off one that spawned there. That was touch and go as I did not have buffs on.

Another fighter shows up. He seems to be there to help the first fighter. He jumped down to join the fighter. They talked a bit while I was draining. I asked him to check on why I was being squelched. I did not get a reply.

I kept draining and had that section about clear when I see a death message for the first fighter, followed shortly by a death message on the second fighter. As none of my party was showing up I ported out.

Lag deaths
I was close to 42lv with my mage. As I was fighting everything kept getting slower and slower. I should have taken the warning and logged my mage off. But I was so close that I wanted to fight though it.

It was a good day, other than a few leaching bow-users. The fighters agreed that me not skimming them was worth them not jumping my battles. A few random tossed buffs kept it nice and civil. Again bow-user there are hopeless. Mostly I stop fighting when they attack. They never stay long and die a lot. Asking them not to leach will get you an earful of grief on their god given right to shoot holes in anything they feel like.

Anyway the big battles were getting dicey. I was going yellow a lot and could just get off a drain to keep me in the game when it goes green. A few times I had to port out after getting control.

Finally I was in a very deep part, near the drudges, fighting three Tuskers. I go yellow and then red. I hear my modem click off.

Rebooting the computer and turning off and on the modem gets me back. I don't have anything I would deeply care about on me these days. Big different from Fist de Yuma. When he dies he has great loss, even with death items. Hell one death item from Yuma would be worth more everything Mage has.

Still I like to recover the body even if it is only level IV stuff and a few mana stones. About the only thing I lose these days that has to be replaces are my gloves. In my last two deaths I have left them. I tried to recover the first one without gloves, big mistake. Tuskers hit hands a lot.

Knowing that I ran over to the shop and got a cheap pair before heading back out. I then ported into BSD. It was a mess. Good thing I was fully buffed because there was 10 tuskers waiting for me. Mostly slaves but a few guards as well.

I killed two of them but was running out of mana so I ported out. Others were porting in and getting killed or running to the exit. One person asked if I was the one that dragged them up there. I told him no and we had a good talk about lamers that should not be there.

I recovered my mana and ported back in. This time there was only 5 or so. I got three and a few others got the rest. Bodies were covering the floor.

I headed back to get my body. As I ran passed the vinnie I got blunt IV toss in me. That pissed me off to no end. To make it worse I as attacked by 6 guards around the next bend. I was able to kill one but then three more joined in at my back. Not waiting to see if any help arrived I ported out.

This was getting to be a pain. At least my vit was gone and rebuffing was not as bad. I recovered my mana and ported back in. Someone had cleared the first room of tuskers and the vinnie. I ran down the ramp and that was clear.

I headed up the long hallway and had to fight three more there. Down one more ramp and into the section where my body was. Don't know why but if I'm at full power there are 10 fighters and 5 mages killing everything in seconds. When I'm vited up and trying to get my body, I'm alone.

I fought 3 tuskers getting into the hallway. Got into the first slot and fought 3 more. After each battle I moved up a slot or two and had a battle. Last battle was with 4 tuskers while standing over my body. I leveled up and got 300k in points getting my body back.

As soon as I was done 6 players ran into the hallway.

Cliff Bowman fights lag
I logged in Friday Morning, or tried to anyway. I was stuck in bubble for 10 minutes before logging off to try again. I finally got in after the three attempts. I felt playing the mage with that kind of lag was not smart. Decided to play Cliff Bowman again.

I logged in Cliff and started killing lugies. He was about 700k from 30. I was lagging a bit but in the citadel the Lugies die before lag lets them kill me.

By afternoon or so people started leaving. (Someone wrote me and said they were not leaving, but lagging out.) My battles were getting harder and harder. Not much damage and having spec'd healing nothing I could not recover from. But stamina was a big problem.

I had a big spawn come in and knew it was too much for me alone. I ran to a corner and backed up a bit hoping to get them to line up. It would have worked except a fighter shows up and got them all to attack her. She ran them into the hallway and half of them jumped me.

Nowhere to run I fought them off and burnt all the stamina potions I had left. After it was over I try to tell the two fighter about getting them to line up. They were having nothing to do with it. They gave me this pitch, "We know what we are doing, we have been fighting here since 15lv." Being that they were at the very big level of 29 how could I question their tactics?

They then left in a huff and I was along again. They all spawn and I get them to line up. Only this time several more spawn right next to me and more come up from the hallway on the other side. I could see that without stamina potions this was not going to work.

I picked one that had none in back of him and started hacking away. Only problem was this was not the direction I wanted to go. As I would have to kill a whole bunch more to go in any other direction I had no choice.

I killed him and ran over the body. I was quickly lag whipped back. Got away again and was running down the hall. Then I was back where I started. This lag was going to kill me for sure. I got free again when a few attacked someone else.

I ran in to the weak jumping room with 8 stamina and 10hp. It was full of lugies. A few evades and I was at 0 stamina. I stopped for a second until I had 1 stamina point and started running again. I kept running and got a bit of distance. I pulled out my wand but the spell bar did not show, dam this lag. I dropped into peace mode and the lugies caught up.

I run into the room with the green ones, tossing rocks at me. This is bad, I'm getting deeper and deeper. Nothing I could do but run though it and head deeper still.

I turned a corner and saw a few lugies. I ran passed them and finally got a clear spot. They were closing in on me. I went back into war mode and the spell bar showed. I had to switch to a different tab but I ported out just as the lugis got to me.

Fire Stone Quest part II
This time I was not leaving much to chance. I don't do this much but decided to make a family event of the fire stone quest. I was counting on my great vassal Zane or some help. Unfortunately he has not been on in a week or so. I'm hoping a vacation.

That meant finding a party leader. Che volunteered for that arduous task. Leading people in this game has been compared to herding cats. As someone who is "There" but seldom a part of the group, I understand the difficulty of this task.

I insisted on a few ground rules. We were going off on time. If you need comps, get them the night before. If you needed stones get them the night before. We were leaving at 1pm and if you were there at 1:05pm you missed it.

Second there could only be one leader. If you disagreed with the leader you could bring it up but the leader had the final decision. The one thing I missed came back to haunt us. I should have insisted that everyone going insure they had time for the entire event.

The time for the quest was not good for a large group of our family. So to be fair we were going to do it twice. The second group was formed and I was going to help them.

My idea was to use Fist de Mage as Life mages are really needed on this quest. Falling into a pack of Zeffers and Flamis after missing a jump is not fun. Most people die within seconds. Also the lag around Flamis is very bad. Until they are dead lag makes people move in slow motion.

We met up and the portal went off on time. I really did not expect that at 1:05 we would all be gone but everyone got the idea and it went smooth. Rather than use the short cut Che had us run to the official exit from the Crater.

We buffed up and I tossed a few Fire V's on people who needed it. Then jumped in with the other mages. It was drain city for a while and we cleared it. After we jumped down and cleared the rest we came to the first jump. Here things started to go a bit wrong.

A few players disobeyed the leader and tried to jump. They of course missed and died. After it cleared up I did the jump. I missed and had to fight my way back. I missed my second attempt and this time there was a re-spawn. I blasted a bunch but there were to many of them. I ported out with 30 health, 50 stamina and 25 mana.

At this point I felt we had enough mages and logged in Fist de Yuma. It was the best decision I made all night. Fist has great jumping skill. It was just a matter of getting how to do it down. After a few missed jumps I got the idea.

There are three types of jumps. Your normal jump. This is just hold the jump key to full and the forward key. This only used once and not really needed.

Second type of jump is your tap jump. This is used to jump into open hallways over a gap. You hold the forward key and tap the space bar. You make a forward leap with little height. The idea is to not go up much but go long.

The last jump is the walk jump. This is where you hold the shift key, press the space key and hold the forward key. You jump up high and for a short distance. This is used to jump to platforms.

After you master these three skills this is not that hard a place. Of course if you have a poor jumping skill, such as Fist de Mage, it will be a bit harder. Fist's tap jump puts him halfway down the hall. Mages tap jump does not even make it to the doorway. For Mage it is more a hold jump than a tap.

Myself and a few others got the jumps down and went forward. The main party was being herded by Che over the jumps. He also organized the body recoveries. We got them all.

I got there just behind the first group. About 6 people were waiting for the stone. I knew this was going to be a long day. The spawn rate is every 15 minutes. Just what we had was going to be an hour and forty-five minutes. We had even more players coming in back of us.

I get my place in line and Ibn and another player came down. They were placed in line behind me. The big group came in right after that. Che then stated that we would go from lowest to highest level for getting the stone. This did not set well with those that had gotten in line.

I got a compromise going but suggesting that the first group gets the stone and then we go from lowest to highest. To help I stepped out of line. Ibn was upset that I did that. I told him it was ok, as I was there until everyone got a stone anyway.

With that many people the spawn was no problem. The Inferno was dying in seconds. A lot of players were doing what I hoped they would not do. As they got the stone they left. A few stayed and that was enough, in the end just enough, to keep things safe.

Two players had commitments but did not want to break the line. One had to pick up someone 50 miles away. He logged there and said he would log a mule and send me a tell. If I said it was safe he would get back. (He said it was a wonder he did not get a speeding ticket.)

Che was playing more than one player there. One of our last mages. This turned out to be important. Che had to attend an event. He was going to log there as well and come back when it was his turn.

As people had to leave we got down to 4 players. They were under 45 and not too effective against the Inferno we found. The Inferno spawned and I attacked. It was not falling very fast. I was hitting it for a lot but it had a lot to take. Then it started draining me and healing itself. Of course while the Inferno was alive the other stuff was alive as well.

I did not feel I was in great danger but it took over a minute to kill it off. The other players said they were not hitting it much. We got a plan of me fighting the Inferno and them watching my back. Our Archer Xaeberkhan was a bit more effective against the Inferno so he backed me up. One player was set to heal me while I fought it.

Next spawn was a long fight as well but it did not drain me or heal itself. We all had our stone and Che came back. This showed the value of a mage. The Inferno spawns and Che de-buffs it. Now it lives for seconds again. I have always said the best player was a melee and a mage. I'm constantly proven right.

Just before the last stone spawned for Che, the player that had to pick up someone sent me a tell asking if it was clear. He got in and we let him have the stone. That left Che. Che had been getting messages that his subscription was running out.

He said it was no problem. He had made some changes and had to let it run out before he could put in the new information. We saw that he was going to run out before he got his stone by about 2 minutes. He was just there long enough for him to help us kill the Inferno.

He was right about not needing much time. Despite my worry he re-logged before the stone spawned. Took him less than a minute. I had everyone check their comps to be sure they could port. Everyone was good and the one person without Item decided to take the exit portal.

Quest part II b
I was very tired after a day of the stone quest. It was 6:30 and we had started at 1pm. As I got to the LS I was informed that the second group was leaving at 11:30. Fine I thought I could take a rest and get something to eat. Only it was 11:30 EST, or one hour from then.

I grabbed a quick Sandwich and told my wife the bad news. She did not take it well and I was in trouble for the rest of the night.

I ran over to Lin and burnt most of my stones recharging items. It was a good thing started with over 30 high stones.

We had another nice group of players. Someone even gave Igor a set of shadow armor to use. We made the portal, buffed up and headed out. We intended to take the shorter non-official exit but missed it and ended up at the official exit.

I ran though it as I was not there to kill but to help. We then ran to the vault entrance. On my way I got a message from a friend. He had started a mage and I was helping him a bit. Seems someone else got him into the boonies and he was having problems getting back to Eastham. I told him what I was doing and he said he would log his main to help. Later I found he lost his all his armor getting back, darn it.

At the entrance I got a message that Igor had got caught up at the Cater exit and would be there soon. He just needed the coordinates, which I sent him.

We got going and cleared out the first part with Shamrock and myself. Shamrock became the default leader as he was good at it. Knew from the other trip that there was going to be two groups, the good jumpers and the bad jumpers. I became the leader of the good jumpers.

I also knew that at each jump there were going to be people who had problems. This would allow others to catch up from the later group.

I led the way until I was the only one to get to the last jump before you jump into the pit. I advanced up the passageway clearing it of flamis and mountain rats. There I found an Inferno. After my fighting the one in the pit I was not about to take it on alone, with him having all his friends there and all. I headed back to help the others.

A few people missed the jump and got into trouble. I jumped down to help and showed them the way back. Then headed back to check on the Inferno. I was able to draw a few badies and kill them. They Zeratul the Meek was there. I asked him to vuln the Inferno and watch my health. He agreed and I charged in.

Now I have this reputation of being crazy. It has followed me all my life in the game. This is despite the fact that I have so few deaths. Perception can be a strange thing. Those that did not know about Meek were amazed at me changing in to take them on alone. Shamrock commented on it. I told them about Meek but my reputation for being crazy is intact.

From there it was easy. Shamrock jumped into the pit first and took on the Inferno. I jumped in a close second and it fell quickly. I voted Shamrock to get the first stone as he had done so much to make the quest a success. Only person missing was Igor. I got a message from Igor that he had lagged and had to port out. He was our only person not to get a stone.

Two others had died but neither was in our group. When Che messaged me asking how it was going he was amazed we had not lost anyone. Kind of unheard of.

We even had a nice lady that followed us in. She was very impressed with our group. Elder's reputation is growing in leaps and bounds.

We set the line from lowest to highest level, letting the non-Elder have a place in line. A few players had to leave so we let them break the line. I was surprised to find that many members of the party either had a stone or did not want one. Like me they were just there to help other.

Monsters fell quickly to our weapons and Meek's and the other mage's de-buffs. The Archer (Xaeberkhan) of our group was the same player as the first quest, there to help. He wanted everyone to know he has named his bow Zefirsbane for his ability to kill them in one shot.

It was an outstanding day. We got a load of stones and no one lost a body. No other group even made it to the stone room. I'm sure that others were trying but we had the room to ourselves the entire time.

Other comments on Quests
I asked my family members to print their reflections on the quest. Keep in mind that I have somewhat a linear though process. Most people think in high points. Also everyone will see things in a different light. If there is discrepancy that is the reason. Here they are;

Igor the Ignorant
First, it starts out with the formally faithful husband and father returning home at 3 a.m., full of lame excuses to try and explain his whereabouts. Then the distraught wife becomes more suspicious as large amounts of money start to disappear from the bank account. Finally one night, she follows her mate and discovers the secret apartment that he has rented in the city. Knowing what she has to do at the point, she hires the private detective to photographically capture the wayward mate in his immoral weakness. This does not take long, his lust for the object of his desires makes him foolish and careless. Soon the damning photographs are in her hand. She looks at the irrefutable proof before her, and knows she has lost him forever. There in black and white is her worst fears realized, the sweaty body of her mate, hunched over a Pentium 500, a high price dsl line attached, deep in the throws of AC lust in the Fire Quest!

Igor has discovered another quest he will never complete. After I missed the first jump and got into the quest dungeon, we hit the first large group of baddies. Game over for Igor. There I stood, unable to turn left or right. Frame rate got so jumpy and slow it was impossible to even move the mouse arrow over an object. After rumors of high lag, I had wisely hot keyed my orb. In spite of that, the act of changing from weapon to orb and recalling took in excess of 30 seconds. And so, I returned home, full of health, but without the object which every level 30 on the server will soon have and I will never possess, the coveted fire stone.

I ask one thing. Please send any spare refrigeration units you have to Southwestern Bell for reshipment directly to Hell, for they have informed me they will get me high speed internet access as soon as they are able to sufficiently lower the temperature there.

Meanwhile, I will continue to make do, which is really not that bad, I have a fire weapon that falls within 2 dmg points of an atlan. The item I can do without, just miss the fun that everyone else was having such a good time at. It is odd to me that some high pop dungeons, like the nest, run just fine for me. But for the Firestone Vault, Mt. Lethe, the Overlord sword, its just not gonna happen.

I guess Ill take solace in the fact that my personal passion, PK, has always remained playable. But if I ever do get the equipment and connects necessary to actually play this game, look out, Im gonna be so good at playing around lag that I will be unstoppable. :o)

Glad you all had fun and got stones. Glad also that I could at least aid in a small way. Hopefully Turbine will keep the lag factor in mind and try not to create anymore lag traps.

For the record Igor is one of the most powerful fighters in the game. If not for lag I have no doubt that he could walk over the Fire Stone Vault with little effort.

Zeratul the Meek
I must also thank the entire party. Wasnt it Shamrock and Ace that jumped down to escort me back? I missed one jump, got my bearings, looked around and did not see any members of our party on radar, DOH! all alone! ...and didnt know which way to go. All of a sudden a single white dot, Xaeber, shows up on radar as Im fending off Zefir-Hell and asks if Im all right.

After I said no I watch as both Ace and Shamrock jumped in with me. Thanx again guyz!

In my 43 lvls of play that was the first time, either by choice or timing, that Ive participated in a family outing/quest. Man O Man was it a ton of fun. Count me in for future gatherings, that includes your stone trip Nitewolf, as the schedule and real life permit. Ill take the fun I had last night over power leveling any day.

Aces recap on events.....
Melea cast portal recall by accident at Lin meeting hall right before we were leaving..:) so we waited till he and Monte Cristo showed up...was around 10.50 before we actually left the MH..Fist had a little more patience as all but 3 of us were late for the 10.30 departure..:)

Finally got going and got to vault logged in and cleared the pit and got everyone to first jump fairly easy...cept for igor..i wondered the whole trip where he was..:) Also had picked up a straggler at entrance Xiane (something to that effect)

Right off Tawnee missed a jump..I see Shamrock jump then I follow, wiped em out, and got back to ramp quickly...few more misses and Sham and I waited till we got everyone across the jump...we rebuffed and headed out..

Second jump ..couple more missed jumps and 20 mins later...we all are on the way to the triple jump...
Triple jump I jumped on first platform and waited for people to follow..were doing real good then my Awesome patron An Tse (Mr. Tank) missed..:)...then like clockwork Shamrock jumps down and rescues An and someone else who fell..some of party moved on to inalate the first Inferno..Tawnee vuln it fist creamed it...Fist is crazy..if youve ever been in the inferno room at full spawn..youll know what I mean...Fist charged in there like superman...I followed quickly and dispatched as many of those flyin Zefir criiters as I could then in seconds room was cleared.....

So I go back to see if everyone made the triple jump and I see Xaeberkhan and An Tse standing at landing...I say "everyone ok???"..and I hear Zeratul the meek saying "Im all alone..where do I go???" I said what the hell..jumped down and somehow ended up in pit over first jump..then I find Zeratul (or rather I think he jumped down to me..:) and we proceed to head out to entrance pit...Damn thing is I say ok well we will just have to go slow no biggie...then out of nowhere and in classic style Shamrock drops in and says..."sorry Im late..:)"..loved it that guy is awesome to have in a we both jumped down and commenced to clearing the pit...after several health potions for me..:)

So we make our way up to the first jump and no probs..then 2nd jump and Zeratul over jumps and ends up on a light..sham thinks he falls and there goes sham back to the pit...he laughed and said he thought Z had fallen and to go on without we Z to trip jump and he was so nervous he jumped the third platform entirely!!! then comes sham and were off to the inferno again... Zeratul vuls the inferno..sham runs in this time like a mad man 10 secs its all over..we march on ...(An Tse, Xaeberkhan, Shamrock, Zeratul, Ace)

Get over inferno room jump..after I missed 3 times mind you and sham made fun of me..:)

Got to bridge area..already cleared from first group..some make long jump..I jump down and take the missers the shortcut to the middle bridge... everyone moves on (cept..Tawnee, Meala, Ace) we wait for Xaeberkhan to make 2nd to 3rd bridge jump..took him 3 tries..:)...get to drop off..everyone leaps to the corner. Then we get in final room and I realize sham already had gotten stone and bolted (wanted to say thx before he left).. Then the wait and finally getting of all the deaths..lots of fun and really great family fun!!!!!

I did manage to take a couple snaps on the last inferno...some had left before the last..but the pic shows us waiting for Mr Inferno..which with two mages we killed in like 4 lie..

The Party: (listed in no particular order)
(The Mighty) Fist de Yumi (great leader and insane fighter)
Shamrock (Hero of the day / awesome effort)
Xaeburkhan (the great bowman / Mr. Zefir control)
Xiane (straggler whom we tried to convert to our allegiance..:)
Zeratul the meek ( great attitude and powerhouse mage)
Tawnee (lovely mage whos name I messed up many times..sorry..:)
Monte Cristo (great guy and lots of fun)
Melea (I wouldnt have left you behind at MH...:) a fine warrior)
An Tse (My wonderful patron whom I will serve to death...I do feel bad for not jumping after you when ya fell..but i know sham would take care of ya...hehe)
Ace (just along for the ride..:)
Thx all for the fun..:)

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