Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - October 4, 2000

Fist de Mage had just made a stupid move and died. I was confronted by 6 tuskers in the open. I ran to a corner and turned to face them. The 1 key is drain but in the excitement I hit the ~ key instead. That dropped me out of combat. Seeing nothing happen I hit 1 again. That de-equipped my wand.

By the time I got everything fixed I was way down on health. I hit 1 to drain and if it went off I would at least been able to port. But nothing happened. Of course in clicking my wand to equip it I was no longer targeting a tusker. Dead.

I was rebuffing to go get my body and a fan of my column saw me. I lost the paper with the names, sorry. I was asked if I wanted to get help with a body in the vault. Guy died on the bridge leading to the stone room.

I said I would be glad to as soon as I got mages body back. Did that really quick and cleared the vit to boot.

I logged Fist in Mayoi and met them in town. I have been working on my run just for grins. With a full buff it is now 355. The run to the vault was simple at that speed. I even resisted a few spells on the way. Been working Magic Defense as well. It is up to a buffed 183.

In the vault it was strange, no Olthoi. Waited for a long while before the party arrived, still no Olthoi. Headed to the second level, into the tunnel and the big room before the bridges, no Olthoi. I was beginning to think the dungeon was broken. As we hit the bridges I was relived to see the usual horde of Soldiers.

Another group joined us so it was a simple trip from there. With 10 or more fighters the Soldiers don't live long. The guy got his body. Everyone was staying in the stone cave. I was outside fighting. It was clear that they could hold the room ok so I said good-by and ported out.

Fist de Yuma goes to AB.
The muling to Fist de Mage is a pain and I understand the portal system enough that I can live without being close to the subway. If I time it right House will be there if I need it. That decided I had to get Fist to AB.

Getting a portal to the same place that Mage did would have been the best option but I wanted to try it the hard way. I buffed up my run and put on the focus and self items for a bit more magic resistance.

I ran to the subway and took the Mayoi portal. From there I ran to the South Dirland portal. A quick jog south put me at the sea. I followed the coastline, avoiding battles where I could. Only thing I stopped to fight were fragments. I was rewarded with a tiny on the first one.

It was a long run, even with a 355 run. A few spots of lag and some damage from drains. I was weaving when around spell casters so only de-buffs and drains we effective against me.

Took about half an hour to forty-five minutes before I made it.

One of the reasons I ran to AB was to fight tuskers with Fist de Yuma. With his speed he can run to BSD with no problem. Than means I can keep the Nest tie. But first I had to raise some cash as I was about out of stones.

Ported to the Nest and fought my way to the bottom. I teamed up with Pinky the Narf at the end. When by myself I will draw Soldiers and try to line them up. Seems everyone I fight with wants to change in and fight them all at once. Pinky was no different. No biggy as I just floated outside the pack and packed them off.

That got me enough cash to get stones and comps. Sold off in AB for over 70k and took the Bash portal and then ran to the Web Maze. Took the Mayoi portal and ran to the tired mage shop. Stocked up and changed my items.

The run to Tuskervill was short and other than finding a fast way up the side of the hill no real problem. I had buffed my fire weapon before starting the run so I just had to jump into the portal and start hunting Tuskers.

I felt that because this BSD was not tieable that there would be fewer people. I was very wrong. If anything there were more players here than the one Mage fights in, very disappointing.

Even with a 355 unarmed skill I was missing Tusker Guards. That really surprised me. Even Nobles don't avoid me much. I don't miss a lot but was a shock to miss at all.

The one thing I hate in TuskerVill is the magic tossers at the bottom. I give them a pass mostly. I saw a mage and a fighter running down the ramp leading to them. As I have never been in there I decided to give them a hand.

It was a hell of a battle with spells flying and the two us pounding on them. The fighter ran over to a cubby hole and started looting his body. Now I knew why he was here. I defended him until he got is stuff. The mage and the two of us then finished off the rest.

At the end of the passage was a Master. The mage must have been hurting it because it fell to one shot to my weapon. In the passageway I found two doors. Both were locked. I ran up the ramp just to see where it led. Rats, an outside portal. When is Turbine going to start rewarding effort with something other than an outside portal?

Now the two doors. I checked the difficulty on them, 450+ and labeled "Seemly impossible". Well weaken lock VI and a peerless pick made short work of that. Ran up the ramp and found it led to a ledge over the passage. Another big disappointment. Why put locked doors without something good on the other side?

I jumped over to the other ledge and ran down the ramp to open the other door. I decided that the chest was so well guarded that it must be a good one. Put in a key and saw a ring and a necklace. I'm thinking aaa level V or VI items. Quick ids, both were level III.

So I was done with this lame place. The xp for the reward was little, no loot and nothing much to see and a wasted key. Much better off fighting Tuskers.

Ran back up the ramp and started fighting two Tuskers. I was hit hard! Had to stop and heal. I was so low that I could not heal. Took an elixir and that got me up to the healing point. Finished them off but took a bunch of damage. After healing I hit a corner to rebuff my weapon. I got one spell off and a Tusker spawns. I equipped my weapon and bam, I'm dead, one hit. That was when I remembered I was still de-buffed from the dam spell tossers.

Well one good thing about death is it removes de-buffs. The bad thing was 5 robes and my Curass was on the body. Not good to go fighting Tuskers without a BP. The run back was no problem, even the shadows just watched me run passed.

On the first level I found a BP on the floor and put that one. Funny the color matched me better. It was a stop gap as it was 50 armor and no spells. I was lucky in that it was clear all the way to my body. Got my armor on and cleared the vit.

I don't know why, maybe because I'm a high level but the people are nicer here than the other BSD. First person I met was Winbade. We saw each other hunting and neither of us jumped the others battles. Of course if you are fighting two the other get the free one. But there is no reason to jump one that is being fought. That is leaching.

We both ended up in the last passage, clearing it of spell tossers. Someone had ran the horde of drudges up there. We cleared them off each others back. I think what did it for him was when I attacked a drudge on his back while he was fighting a Tusker. I'm sure he expected me to start hitting the Tusker.

Talked a bit and went our way. I was at the far end he was at the near end. I saw a red mass around him and started running to help. Before I got there he took off. Half followed him and I killed the other half. Just as I finished them he messaged me to port out. I told him that because half chased him I was ok.

Next guy I met was while fighting two Tuskers. He ran around me and took on the free one. After I was done with mine I toss a heal on him. He was doing ok as it only hit for 8 points.

I ran into the next room and was attacked by two more. I killed one and Cain Dark ran up. He did a fire vol on it and ran off. Nice guy. Tusker died in two blows.

Later I met Spike. He jumped my battle and I nicely asked him not to. He got mad but I kept my cool and was polite. After a bit he apologized to me. Said he was having a hard day. I told him I understood and wished him well. See, we can hunt without stepping on other toes. If everyone does it, it works. But it only takes a few greedy people to get it back to a free-for-all.

Vault II
I was at the LS full of loot from the Nest. I met Flyboy there. (He is under a different name now but this was the first name I knew him under.) He wanted to know if I could lead him to the Acid stone. I said sure, after I sold off and got stones.

I asked him if he had a tie to the temple. He did not but a family member over heard us and he had a tie. Flyboy tied to his tie and I went off to sell.

Made a quick trip to town to sell off. Then got a ride from the House macro to the subway. Got comps and stones and ported back to AB. I found I was low on stamina elixirs. I don't really use them much, compared to other fighters, but wanted them just in case. Flyboy gave me a bunch.

Flyboy was waiting for me and I had a thought. He got a tie of a tie and would not be able to make a portal. My family member was still there so he made a new portal for us.

I hit the temple exit at a full run of 355 buffed. I also have a magic defense of 190 now. Quickly outran everything. One spell got off and I resisted it.

Flyboy was not so lucky. He had a few de-buffs on him, including one that lowered his melee defense a lot. Out first battles were a bit scary for him, until they wore off. For someone 6 levels below me he hit very hard. Found he had an unarmed skill about 15 points higher than mine.

We had some nice battles, one where Flyboy was surprised we lived. But we took little damage. Good armor and melee defense will win every time. The 30 stamina elixirs he gave me helped a lot too.

The two of us easily solo it to the stone room. Last battle was big but the outcome never in doubt. Flyboy got his stone so there was no reason to stay. I ported to the Nest to get more pyreal.

I was looking at the COD board and saw a big list of stuff for sale. One item caught my eye. Strength VI vabracers. For some reason I thought they covered upper arms, they cover lower. Anyway I made a bid of five keys. I have a St VI upper arms item and an Endurance VI lower arm.

The reason I wanted it was my last death. I was sure the hit was on the weak armor of my shoulders. AL 103 with imp III. That made it only 178 al. A Tusker rips right though that.

Someone else made a bid and I made a counter. I found a few more keys and made a higher bid. Finally it looked like I was going to get it for an outrages sum of 19 keys. Then a bigger bid came in. I decided to make an offer that would be hard to beat. 30 keys, two motes and the Tiny I got off the fragment.

Then I was talking to Broon and found that the armor covered the lower not upper arms. I withdrew my bid at that point. While this was going on I sent an e-mail to my family members asking for support if I got outbid. I told them I was stopping the bids as it was the wrong armor for me.

Katar sent me a message. He told me he had an upper armor item with Endurance VI on a mule. He would be happy to give it to me and help me with keys. I have to be part of the greatest family going!

I re-submitted the bid and waited. It looked like I had it when a bid of 40 keys by Sebias topped mine. Zane saw the overbid and put in two keys to cover it. It went back and forth but Sebias finally gave up. Total cost to me, 36 keys, two motes and a Tiny. A 45 keys total bid. Ouch.

But now I have much better armor and the color matches to boot. Still have to get 6 key to cover it but that I can do in a hard day of Nesting. Now the funny thing is, Broon got the bracers in a chest. LOL might have to start spending the keys instead. I hope he does well with the keys. He sure lucked out with four people wanting one item so badly.

I got a message from a friend. He wanted to see how well he would do against Olthoi. I felt LOD would be the best place. We met in Awric and made the short run there. I buffed his weapon with VI spells and we headed in.

Of course it was kind of empty. Slow spawn rate tends to keep it that way. I showed him the spawning spots until a few finally spawned.

He did ok against Workers. I then showed him a spot that a Soldier shows up in. As luck would have it there was one there. I healed him as he fought it.

Then we headed down to the Noble. Soldier showed first and I helped him kill it. There was a fighter there with a lugi mace. I thought it was a joke. I was not laughing when the 42lv beat me for looting on the Noble.

I have looked at the stats on them. Slow, hit hard and bad defense. But as it was attacking me that did not matter to him. Not sure if he could have taken in without me there.

We hunted a bit in the upper levels and headed back to the Noble. It was about ready to spawn. We met a very nice guy by the name of Parhewa. He was not under that name at the time. We let my friend fight the Soldier again. I was a little slow on getting my healing started. I was half way into the very slow healing others motion when he died.

Our new friend then logged his mage "Parhewa" in to buff for us. We helped him for a bit before we all had to log. My friend (Whose name I lost darn it.) Is now fighting Olthoi for a while.

I met a 40lv fan of the column in the Nest. We talked a bit and I told him I was planing to go to the bottom of the Nest and take the portal there. That would put me close to BDC where I was going to camp the Nobles.

He asked if he could tag along. I said sure and off we went. A 40lv can fight to bottom by being careful and with help. Not recommended for most players. This was an easy trip as a few players were fighting their way down there too. Saw some old friends and got to fight by their side again.

The run to BDC is not to bad, not as many shadows as my first run there. We headed down and found the first spawn point empty. Second one was empty but we got to the last one and fought it. A mace fighter got the loot. Humm, that is two losses to under 50lv mace fighters.

We then waited for the ramp Noble. Someone ran by and said it was not spawned in a few days. We ran down the ramp and got the pit Noble. Nothing worth saving. A quick run got us to the last Noble. After a long wait it was clear that Noble was bugged as well. My friend had to log so I was alone now.

Well one Noble is not worth the effort. Scamper came by and we agreed that it would be better to go to the Nest. I made a portal and Scamper and I hunted there for a while.

Direlands hunting
Felt I need to hunt some of the bigger stuff today. My loot list was poor and my vassals are getting up there. I put on my all protect setup. Only question is blunt protection or better electrical protection.

I just got an electrical protection VI item from a family member. (Did I say I lucky to be in the best family there is!) Only problem was that is the spot for my blunt protection. I need to pick up a blunt protection IV item to have something there.

I decided to go with the IV electrical protection and keep my blunt protection. Of course I was attacked mostly by electrical stuff.

Problem with outside hunting is the different monsters I face. I started with my fire weapon because I was looking for shadows. Of course the first thing worth fighting I find is a fragment. Had to change to Blunt. Then I came up against two Bone Lords and two Knights. With an un-buffed weapon I did not do so well.

I finally got one dead but had bafflement and clumsiness tossed on me. Now I cannot heal so I did my beat feet move. Even with slow on me I'm over 300 in run.

After healing up I got my weapon buffed and went back and killed them. For all that the loot sucked. Then I ran across three of the new griver things. Of course my blunt weapon did not do much against them.

Without de-buffs it would be easy for me. With de-buffs I took an electrical blast of 76 and could not heal, beat-feet. After healing up and buffing my slashing weapon I had my revenge. Again the loot sucked.

Both times I ran I was under 30hp from a starting point of 215. I'm asked a lot about my low death count. It is holding at 62 for now. I have always been lucky.

I have escaped many a battle with 1hp left. Mostly I had added that 1 point a few hours before. Second I have a good feel when a battle needs a tactical retreat. That means I run at a point where a run is possible. Many players will wait just a bit to long. Still luck has a lot to do with it, and spec'ing run.

Sad days
The Saint has not played in a month. Sadly I'm not expecting to see him much. Now Jarad is having RL problems and in great need of cash. Some lucky person is going to get a very find PPL. Jarad spent a lot of time working out the best player. At 53 it is now coming into it's own as a power on the server.

While I'm very sad to see the best player in the game leave. I have two hopes. He gets settled and comes back stronger than ever and the new owner is a great person too. If you know someone who is rich and would like to have a great player to start with, you cannot do better than Jarad. He is on E-bay right now. At Please pass the word on this.

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