Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - August 29, 2000

Island adventure

It started with a letter posted by Jarad on the alliance e-mail. He wanted to go to the island. Soon a bunch of others said they would go. Most of my vassals we on that list. I wrote I would go if my lag was not to bad. I had been suffering with a bit of lag for a while.

I was really having bad lag earlier and was thinking it would be a no go for me. As the departure time got close I decided to go to the Nest and see how bad my lag was. It seemed to be better. I got enough loot to get another d-note before I left. Thought I might need a few more.

Jarad keep sending me tells asking me if I was ready yet. Guess I was dragging my feet. As I ported in to sell off I get a message from Aim. She had a friend with a body deep in the Crater. I ask Jarad if he would approve of a side trip. We finally started out at 10:30pm PST. That was passed midnight for the East Coast players.

As this was an Island party it was strong. It included my vassals;
The Saint
Jarad Ryujii

And friends
Tiger Lily, Shamrock and others whose names I missed, sorry.

The body rescue was a walkover. Only problem I had was keeping up with the party. I would lag a bit and lose the group.

We ported to a dungeon with a lot of undead and shadows. Again it was an easy kill for such a strong party. Finally we were at a lifestone in the desert somewhere. A town with a bunch of monsters living there was close by.

We cleared it out and Jarad give the NPC a D-note. I was still buffing when it opened. Hated to go in unprepared but it was that or spend a d-note.

Battles were going on as I ported in. I got my buffing done and joined in. Jarad was to first to die. Not sure what killed him. We cleared it out and were doing a bit of drawing. My trouble was that if we got more than one monster to fight I would start to lag and stutter step.

In one such battle I saw I was at 49 hit points. Was not even fighting. I ran over towards a safe place to heal but never made it. I checked my page and saw I had been blasted by electricity from an Altered Drudge. I only have level IV protection from that. Elder told me he has better protection I can have.

I ran over to the town and two fighters had cleared it out. Spend the D-note and got back in. Body was not hard to find but was not where I thought I had died. Lag was going to be a problem.

We fought more stuff and being the highest level there I was getting a lot of loot. Most was not worth saving and I gave it away. Got a nice sword and some high value stuff I was going to sell.

People started logging and porting out. It was very late and a weeknight. There were nine of us left, most of them were in the party and a few were tag a-longs. We lost the fellowship when the main logged. We were to spread to make another one, no middleman.

Everyone wanted to go get a tee shirt. Most were sure they would not be back for a while and wanted something to show for the trip. We headed into the sea and started the run. The problem we had was parts of the trip forced us close to the shore.

We hit one of these parts and I started to lag yellow. We had gone a long way by then and it was a scary trip. Spells flying all over the place. The lag cleared but I was now a bit behind the group. Running to shore I was blasted again by electricity and sent to the LS.

As the run there was something I would rather not do I studied my losses. Drat, my item VI orb and blade V band, along with assorted death items. Rather not lose them. Party said they had the body and it was in a clear enough spot for recovery. That was the key thing. If it was on a spawn spot there was no way. At least I had my armor.

I put on my running gear. Sprint VI shoes and a quick V band. With my blade V band gone I had room for it. That gave me a run of 330, even with vit.

I ran over to the town and it was full of nasty stuff. I ran around them and found the outside of town was covered with golems. With a bit of dancing I got to the NPC and gave him a D-note. Thank god for a good melee defense as I took little damage waiting for the portal.

The exit site was clear and I ran into to sea. With only one person running I was not attracting as much attention as we did earlier. Still I was glad for my running skill. I had a lot of de-buffs on me including slow, putting my run to 301.

I finally got to the body. The spot I need to run around was to full of monsters. I saw our party waiting for me. I ran back to the deep sea to regroup. A few party members ran the gauntlet to get to me.

With their help I got around that part. A few monsters ran after me but the party took care of them. Lot of orange dots but far enough away from my body to recover. I found I was in the sea so the body was not visible. I'm glad the party was alert enough to note me missing.

The rest of the run was scary but we made it ok. In the tent we got a shirt for everyone. I guess there were a lot of un-buffed people there. A flaming monster ran into the tent. Everyone but our party ported out. I was standing there searching for my cold weapon. It was dead before I could get ready.

Being very late and having done what we needed to do we ported out to the LS. Near the LS was a portal to Hebian-to.

I was very keyed up from the stress of the runs. Headed over to town to sell off the junk I had. I met Pyreal Rat there. He was on Island with Jann doing the quest. It seems they killed the undead that opens the portal but it was to close to a wall. The portal failed to open. So they would have to do it again the next day. Lame.

I was about to log when I got a call asking for help in the Fire stone vault. They had a bunch of bodies there. With my lag, lateness of the time and having never been there, I was not wanting to do that. I was told that they just needed help clearing the first part. I agreed to help.

I got a portal to the Crater and after we buffed started the run. I did not know there was a way out of the Crater. It seems there is a spot where you can jump, slide to get out. We ran to the vault from there.

Very laggy but playable. We cleared out the first part and get some bodies. The group kept going deeper. I was not sure I wanted to keep going but did a wait and see on it. Made two jumps ok, my practicing was paying off. We got to a spot where my frame rate dropped really bad. Was into stutter steps again.

I told them this was as far as I could go. They went on and I ported. The funny thing was, people were dying but the group was not stopping. They were after the stone, not bodies.

Cliff Bowman

I was still to keyed up to sleep. I logged Cliff Bowman. He buffed up and ported to the lugie place. He still had arrows so he used the bow for a while to burn them off. I quickly shot them off and changed to my unarmed weapon and shield.

I met my vassal Ibn there. Being early morning there was a lot fewer players there than normal. We could fight without a mob around. Ibn wanted to go to the last room and fight the green ones. He is 35+ and I'm a 28lv. I'm not that strong being an archer/unarmed-wannabe. But I was game.

We were doing ok when my buffs ran out. I grabbed my wand and was buffing when there was a full spawn. Ibn was busy with his and I had three of them on me. I got my weapon and shield on but was very damaged by then. A few failed heals and I was at the LS in Mayoi.

I got a message from Ibn asking where I went. I thought he was being funny but later found he did not see me die. My unarmed weapon was left on the body. At least I had my armor. I fletched a few arrows and ported back.

I ran to the end and found Ibn there. Battles were not hard as my bow will drop them fast. Would use it there more but for the expense and lack of shield. When attacked by three I'm much better off with a shield. We cleared it out and I got my body. Ibn had to leave. He made a portal to the start so I would not have to run back.

Acid Vault.

I logged in Fist and was going to work off my vit from the Island in the Nest. I got a call from Balash. Tiger Lily had a body in the Acid vault and they needed my help. I worked off the vit quickly and met them outside of the Nest.

Tiger made the portal to the temple and we buffed up there. They wanted to wait for others so I said I would make the run and meet them there.

Only a few de-buffs this time and no damage. By the time the de-buffs were cleared everyone had arrived. We had a large group so it was going to be easy. Party was a bit slow for me. I kept finding myself ahead of them. Got into a few big battles where no one arrived to help out. Never found out what was keeping them but they were very slow.

Tiger said she had ran a ways before being killed but thought she could find the body. We got to the last set of bridges and I knew the body was not in that direction. I stopped waiting for Tiger to get her bearings. The rest or the party kept going.

7 or 8 soldiers jumped Tiger and me. I was not worried about me of course but did not know how Tiger would do. I send a message to Balash, "Get them back here!" Balash showed but the rest headed to the stone room.

I was sure I knew where the body was. There was only one place to run where we would not have seen the body already. This is a buffing room I use. We went over there and sure enough, there it was. Tiger got her stuff and we fought out way to the stone room.

It was packed! All of them were by the stone spawning spot. The main room was empty. The three of us jumped to the ledge. Tiger and I did not need a stone so we ported from there. Me to the Nest, her home.

Just what I need, a new ppl

The one thing my tree is short of is mages. I seem to attract the fighters. When I had Sidhartha I could count on him for buffs and magic support. I decided the best way fix the problem was to make a mage. I knew I could power-level him to 40 in a week of hard work. Well maybe 30.

Next comes what type of mage to make. I have two on a different server. One is a typical 4 school mage. The other is a 3 school with melee. He gets item at 26. I was reading some posts in COD and saw an idea I never thought of. Very radical but powerful at high levels.

It goes like this;
S 60
E 50
C 10
Q 10
F 100
S 100

Spec Life, Creature
Train Item, Mana conversion
War at 26, Lore at 45

As you can see this is hard to play until 26lv. Cannot even use the nice equipment I have with so little lore. But when I hit 45 it will be ready to support people on the island.

So the next question is how to power-level him up. I could do the drain route for hours on end. (Boring) I could get a family mage to stay with me for a week with buffs and other help. (Boring for other mage.)

Then we got an idea. If I have someone else start a fighter we could team up for a week. With my buffs and imperils we would fight far above our level. Not a fast a climb as some power-leveling but a lot more fun. Zane and I came up with this.

He made a mule to be built up I swore to the mule. Zane made a player and swore to me. The reason for this is leveling difference. It was found that the fighter gets more points in fellowship than the mage. Melee and attack skill training points make a difference. Because of different things we cannot start until Monday.

Meanwhile we are playing them independent to 10lv or so. There is only one way for me to get xp and that is to drain. The lugi fort near qbar is the best place for this. Zane was able to spend a bit it time with me buffing. That got me over the hump so I can self-buff enough to drain a lugie.

The one problem with this is dying. He is very slow. Even with level II buffs his run is in the 40's. If the fort gets overrun I have a hard time getting back. I was killed twice with Mountain rats getting in the room and once when a Lugi split my skull with an axe. His melee is about 7 or so. Every hit is a crit.

I decided I need some help. I logged in Cliff Bowman and ported him to Mayoi. I ran him to Awric to pick up some greater AP arrows my mule made. Then ran to Hebian-to and took the portal to Qbar.

He cleared out the fort with ease and I walked Fist de Mage back in.

This worked well. Every time something hit the room I logged. Brought Cliff Bowman back in, killed it and relogged Fist de Mage. For time in play Cliff is doing better than the Citadel.

I almost made 10lv when a mountain rat got into the room. Logged out and brought in Cliff. The rat was dead so I re-logged. A few minutes later another one was in. I found that a player called Miss Kitt-poop, a 14lv was drawing them in. Stupid name, stupid player.

I checked the patron and alliance. Ak-Drakken patron, Iconclast alliance. I have had my problems with Iconclast but I respect him. Jann and Wartorn are two of the best players in the game and they are in that Alliance. But like the old Requeim it attracts the lamers more then most.

I was about to call her patron and saw the patron was there. He was helping Miss kitt-poop draw the Mountain Rats into the room. While I was standing there (as Cliff Bowman) this lamer gave me a lugi hammer.

I never could understand how people can play a game to ruin it for others. They had to be better things for them to do? As my definition of a lamer is "someone whose actions make the game worse to those around them", these two fit in nicely.

I know the list is getting long but add Ak-Drakken and Miss kitt-poop to your lamer list.

New Mage, day 3

After being upset at some Iconclast members I met a good one. It was late at night (early morning?) in the fort. I was alone at this time and having problem finishing off the lugies. A Axeman can running in. He watched for a while then tossed a heal on me. (I was using health to mana) Then he pulled out a wand and started infusing mana to me. He did this for about half an hour. Was a big help.

After a little sleep I logged back in and did a little draining. Zane logged on and asked me to hold some stuff for Jalan. Jalan and I then met in the town with the big rock. I can never remember the town names, let along spell them.

We ran over to a dungeon he wanted to try out. Bunch of low-level monsters on the way. Not to worry except I had a run of 40 and a melee defense of 7. But with armor IV I got there ok.

Shortly after we got there a hunter attacked us. My only protection is to do nothing and let Jalan hit it. That will make it change to him, saving me. That worked once. As soon as the hunter was dead another one attacked and this time I died before Jalan could get it.

I left only one item on the body. Unfortunately it is a one of a kind great item. AL 120 imp IV, Blade III, Piercing III legging, weight 390. Before I could start back I got a message that Jalan had died. We recovered ok.

It was not very good hunting so I decided we should try hunting around the Qbar fort. I buffed up Jalan and he got Lifestone recall. Not bad for a 12lv fighter.

The hills around Qbar were not bad but we wanted more. Both of us are pushing to 15 so we can hit the Citadel. (Finally learned to spell it.) I had been to Forking Trails once a long time ago. I said we should try it.

Took a lot of running to find it. Neither of are speed demons. We ported in and were met by two rock tossers, one on each end of the hallway. I dodged and twisted until I was around them. Saw the portal and got out with 2 hit points. I was chased by a drudge for a while. Could not fight with 2 hit points.

I rebuffed and ran back. Jalan said it was clear. In Forking Trails we had a ball. There are walls I can hid behind. The lets me imperil them. I was able to get some stamina drains to get mana back and keep Jalan full of health and stamina.

Had one time I was in danger. I was trailing Jalan. He attacked some dillos. A lugie ran around the cornor and another one came up the hall. Both attacked me. I was draining like crazy. I would drain health to stay alive and stamina keep my mana up.

This could not last long. I typed "Help!" Jalan ran around the corner and attacked one. As soon as it switched to him he attacked the other. It also switched to him. I took a step back and tossed heal and stamina on Jalan until the battle was done. LOL it has been a long time since I had that much fun.

Not bad for a 12lv fighter and a 14lv mage. I expect us to hit the citadel tomorrow and really start leveling. Watch out people, we are coming!


It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to a long time friend. While at the Island "The Saint" had logged there. When he got back he was killed. Then repeatedly re-killed trying recover. I'm not sure if this was a contributing factor in the next.

We got a massage that he had no time to keep playing AC. New school and study left no more room for it. He gave away most of his things. Zane muled the best he had left. I had seen he was playing less than before. He also did not play with the same intensely that he had. I'm sad to see a friend go but expect to stay in touch with him vie e-mail.

The Saint was my first vassal. I met him when in the low 30's in LOD. He was 19lv, far too low to be in LOD. I was fighting and got a "Tell" from him asking if I would he his patron. I had about given up on getting vassals so I was delighted.

Over time The Saint and I had some grand adventures. I could count on him to stand in for me if I could not be somewhere. He eventually became a great hunter of Olthoi. Like Jarad he had drawn me into some deadly adventures. But that is when it is really fun.

I will miss my brother a lot. More than the readers can imagine. Good luck in school Pete. God Bless.

Legiondel calls it quit

A great player and poster on the Microsoft Newgroup is leaving the game. I had never adventured with him and regret that. He is moving and, because of that and other reasons, can no longer play the game. He said he might be back if there is an AC2.

He gave all his stuff way and did one final adventure, The Forge. He posted some nice screen shots and stories that made the loss that much harder to take. Good luck Legiondel, we hope to see a Legiondel III started someday, despite your resolve.

The Rant

Last week I ranting got a lot of response. It seems a lot of player felt the way I do and had no outlet to vent. I vented for them. I was afraid it would not go over well but I lucked out. Thanks to all that sent me e-mail on it.

Surprise and Shock to a reader.

A reader of my stories had a player on MT. It was a low level he had created as he started the game. His main is on a different server. He wanted to send me a tell. Ching Chuan Alloy logged on and sent a tell to Fist de Yuma, not on.

Hoping to get me later he went over to the Lugi fort. There he found Fist de Mage. To say he was shocked to meet me face to face is an understatement. It seems he had gotten bored with AC some time back. It was my writing that brought him back.

It is responds like that that make all the work and effort of this column worth it. After retiring from the Marines I lost track of my friends. While in the Marines friends left to new duty stations or left the Marines on a regular bases.

Now I'm making new friends and having a lot of fun. For that I think you all form the bottom of my heart.

PS. My wife is my ego keeper. I'm not allowed to get a big head.

"It is only a game", she said. "When are you going to make some money?" "You still need to take out the garbage." "Is Franks patch to his program done or are you still playing?" "Are going to play all night?"

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