Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - September 11, 2000

Tactics and Strategy

A lot of new players are doing things that hurt them and others around them. Some high-level players do it as well as they never learned what works best in a situation. I'm guilty of this myself.

There are tactics that I need to learn. One is called a J move. It involves using the Z and X/C keys to get around a monster. I'm sure there are other moves I have not heard of that would make me stronger.

One thing I learned since I started my new mage is what is best for a fighter is not always best for a mage. When seeing a fighter facing a monster and one on his back, it is always best to attack the one on his back. With a mage it is best to attack the one he is fighting.

The reason for this is how a mage fights. You drain health and stamina. You use that to regain mana and health. As a monster gets low in both a mage can get into trouble. He needs to finish off the weaker one and start regaining health and mana from the next one. If someone has already half killed it he might die.

Another thing to look at. A fighter being pounded on from the back is getting hit more. His melee defense is lower from the back and he has lost shield protection. A mage depends on protections to absorb damage. Front or back makes little different. My melee defense of 20 is going to get hit as much as a melee defense of 10.

Mages are a mages biggest problem. When I fight I'm up front with the fighters. Hanging back, hiding and leaching is not my style. To do this I need to drain stamina from what I'm fighting just before I kill it. Mages are constantly draining that stamina before I can. That leaves me in a bind.

It was funny in one case. I was tossing buffs whenever I had mana to do so. I was up front with the fighters and they seemed to like that. But I was in trouble when a mage started draining stamina during my fights. I asked him to please not drain stamina on the ones I'm fighting. He asked why. All the fighters jumped his case. They all knew more about how a mage fights that he did.

Another time a bow-user was leaching off us for a while. (Bernie the Bold but should be Bernie the Meek) We were setup at the edge of the weak jumping room. He was at the end of the hall. Me, an 18lv fighter (Rage Lao) and another fighter (Slime Golem) were holding it. The bow user was 26lv. During the fights are line was broken a number if times when one of the fighters was dragged back to the bow-user.

I asked him to move up with us. He said, "Why should I?" Got mad at me for it. I will say that a few "Lamer leaching bow-user" came his way from us. This went on for a while. Finally he must have ran out of arrows because he changed to a weapon and moved up with us. I put him in the buffing setup I was doing. He got mad I was tossing buffs on him. I told him, "Up here we work as a team."

Met a few new players that I hope to hang with for a while. Good fighters that will stand in there are hard to find. "Slime Golem" and "Rage Lao" I put on my friends list. They will be great fighters if they keep it up.

I really enjoyed fighting next to Rage Lao. We work well together, even though he is only 19lv. With my buffs he is fighting above his level anyway. If things get too hot I type "run" and hit my portal button after I'm sure he has excaped. Works well two ways. A few go after him, a few stay with me. He can get away from a few and I can survive portaling with less hitting me.

Fighting with a mage

The key for me is not to be attacked by more than 3 at a time. If I'm lucky I can take 4. But over that I will take more damage than I can drain.

I was at my fighting spot but I was alone. There was a full spawn of about 10 Lithos. I ran to the end of the hall and took the corner sharp. I was hoping the get them lined up. It worked well and all 10 lined up nicely. I could fight two or three at a time.

I had killed one and was working on the second when a fighter runs up. About half the spawn runs over and kills him in seconds. Then they turn on me. With seven or eight pounding on me I could not even port out. Wish the weak fighters would stay away from me.

The weaker fighters come to that spot because a lot of mid-level strength fighters are there. They leach the battles. If attacked they run. This has gotten me killed a lot. When I'm fighting in that room I depend on others to keep me from being overwhelmed.

When the weak players runs the lugies chase them. That gets everyone chasing the lugies. Being a mage I don't get dragged. I'm also focused on a lot of things and will many times miss that I'm alone. By the time the luges are killed and the bodies looted another spawn hits the room. Suddenly I'm attacked by six or seven and have to port out, if I can. Mostly I can port but I have died a lot that way.

I think a lot of the weaker fighters are there because of the cowardly high levels fighting in the weak rooms.

A strong fighter constantly jumping a mages fight will hurt a lot too. The last thing I do before finishing off what I'm fighting is drain stamina. If a fighter runs over and leaches the battle I lose that ability.

Had a 37lv fighter doing this. I could not figure what a 37lv was doing in that spot anyway. Jalan, Zane's new fighter is fighting the Gigas at level 26. My archer is 28lv and fighting in the harder rooms.

Not only was he in a place below his level but he was leaching off me. I'm a 29lv mage at this point. Seemed very strange. I asked him not to jump my fights. He gave this lame, "Do they have your name on them" line. I said it is easy to see which one I'm fighting, it is the one in front of me.

After a while of this guy killing everything I had to go to the hardest place, the jumping room.

It was a hard fight getting there, lot of fun battles. I came across a few battles where I could toss buffs, heals and Rej. on the fighters. That is fun too.

I finally made it. To my surprise I was the only one there. I was attacked by three Lithos and four Gigas. I was in desperate straits and ready to port out. A few fighters joined in and drew some of them off me. I was doing well but started seeing messages about people dying. Then I was surrounded again. Ported out with 11hp. What a rush.

After that I healed up and went back. This time there was a bunch of players there. I went to the foot of the jumping ledge to escape the rocks. When they all jumped down I expected a lot more help than I got. Several players died quickly and the rest ran. Four Gigas were too much. I killed one but had to ported again.

I cannot wait to get up to using level VI protects. V's are great but with VI's I might be able to last when I have four on me.

Even the best of us will do stupid things. After porting out for the last time I was buffing a few stats to log off. I saw a some monsters and decided to kill them. They all attacked me but one broke off to attack a person resting on the ground. I should have looked for that and moved to a different spot before attacking. Sorry, I was not thinking at all.

Mage saves the day.

I moving passed the weak jumping room as there were too many players there. As I turned the corner I saw a fighter covered with Lugies. Now most players that get into that know what they are doing. But I had no way of knowing if he was in trouble or not.

I started tossing Stamina and heal on him. Got a "Thanks, they trapped me here." I was able to keep him alive until there were only three left. Then killed one as he killed the other two.

Soon after a Gigas spawns. He told me to get it. Was doing ok as I could drain health from him more than he was hitting me with the rocks. Then I switched to war spells. My war V was resisted three times in a row. Now I'm taking a bit of damage. The fighter I helped stepped up and used his healing kit. I switched to IV spells and finished the Gigas off.

Team work, it what it is all about. Don't see much of it lately. Use to be everyone teamed. We needed safety in numbers back then. New monsters and quests are bringing it back.


I read a message on the family E-mail. Che had two bodies in the Nexis. I had never been there. Hate fighting magic tossers but lately that is what I have to fight. I quickly logged Fist. Bit worried as I was lagging. I do that in the middle of the afternoon.

I saw Elder was on and asked him of he was going. He said yes, but first had to take care of a wayward member of our alliance. Guy was hunting in the Dirlands on top of the LS. Not nice to log in by the LS only to find yourself in the middle of a battle.

I met Che at Lin and got a ride to Nexis. I was lagging bad. Over 20,000 pings a one point. I could only hope it clear up. We got in and had a nice group. I hate jumps but if it is long I have no problem. Over jumping is my biggest error. We came to a pit and everyone appeared to jump into it.

I waited as I knew with my lag what I was seeing may not be what happened. Sure enough a few seconds later everyone appeared on the other side.

When I got over the pit I saw a message that Igor had died. Igor the Ignorant is 70+! I asked what happened to him. He somehow had jumped into the pit and it was full of acid.

Che ported to pick Igor up. I fought a few Revenants to pass the time. Been tossing points into my healing skill. I was able to heal up from 68hp. That low can be a big problem. I never saw what put me at 68hp. With bad lag you have to watch your health. You will get a big war blast and not see it.

When Igor got back everyone buffed him for acid and he tossed acid bane on his cloths. We all lined up to toss heals on him while he recovered.

I found I did not have heal other on my spell list. I only have a wand of life so my healing ability was not too good anyway. Just as they were getting ready a Revenant ran into the room. I killed that while everyone tossed heals on Igor.

He recovered and ported out. Hated to lose one of our stronger fighters.

We moved though some rooms. I was getting de-buffs from behind the walls. They did not toss war spells, thank god.

We got to a spot that had one of Che's bodies. Last body was in the Nexis room itself. We jumped into a pit full of Shadows. Hell of a battle. I could never be sure what was going on because of my lag. I just targeted and hit. Again no war spells.

We then ran into a passageway that ended in a T. Everyone went left. I lagged a bit. When I get control several people ran by me with Shadow LT's on there tail. I killed the one that got trapped. Now I was lost. Do I go right after the players that passed me, or to the left? Who should I follow?

I went left and came to another T. Humm left or right. I sent a message to Elder saying I was lost. He replied "Port Fist". Lagging badly I took his advice.

I found out later that after I lagged they ran into a pack of shadows. The two that ran passed me were members of our party, running for their lives. Che had been killed again and Elder had to port out with 15hp. Elder and Che returned and cleared it out with some others later that day.

Ashron's Island

A bunch of smart players figured out that you could break the system to get to the Island off Eastham. This might or might not be Ashron's Island. Leaving beside the fact that they don't belong there they had to mess up the server to do it.

They deliberately caused a portal storm to get moved to the island. After a while a few Sentinels showed and politely asked them to stop. For this they got lame "We are just standing here" junk. It was explained that there were causing a server slow down. Lot of things will cause this. Placing a lot of torches, tossing a bunch of portals or what they were doing will cause problems. It is a violation of the COC.

Then there was "Are you going to punish people in Awric for causing portal Storms." Like they cannot see the difference. Very childish.

Personally I feel that if Sentinel asks you do so something it should be as a command. Arguing is stupid, lame and a waste of time.

Then the Overseer had to go there and ask them to leave. Then warned them that if they did not they would be band for a time.

They still did not leave. So some were band for a short while, others for a few days.

The howls of unfair Nazis tactics and every other lame rant covered the boards. Grow up guys/girls, it is their game. You were asked nicely and warned. It was your actions that caused this.


Looking forward to getting the new patch downloaded. I'm on a dialup so it will take me a while. New monsters, dyeing and secure trading. Two pieces of my armor are in dire need of a color fix. I don't get ripped off in trades but this will make what I do feel less tense. New monsters will be fun. Of course the last time we got very high level spell tossers, not what I like to see. But new dudgeons I will be thrilled with. Rumor is we will have them as well.

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