Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - September 26, 2000

Mage Tries LOD

A bunch of people invaded my Citadel and it was poor hunting. What really ended it for me was some child who was leaching all my battles. I asked him to stop and he said "Why?" I said there was a lot of Lugies there and he did not have to leach my battles. Later I got this message "You don't understand the object of this game." It seems the game, according to this kid, is all about killing monsters and getting as high as you can.

I needed some fresh air after that. Ran over to Lin, hoping to get a ride to TuskerVill. No one was there that could help me. Decided to run over to LOD and see if I could fight Olthio.

I rearranged my spell bar to have piercing and acid protection. With double buffs at level V and life buffs of VI, I felt I should do ok. Getting there was a bit of a problem. Bunch of monsters forced me to kill them.

I got into LOD and it was mostly empty. Moved down to the bottom looking for something to fight. Found one Worker, moment of truth. I was hit for only a few points and drained it without a resist. Then a shock wave finished it off.

Moved down towards the Noble. Empty but soon a Soldier spawned. Same thing, no problem. Found another worker and this one hit me hard. Killed it but was getting resisted a bit. Finally one jumped on my back while I was looting and started hitting me for 20 to 30. I quickly recalled.

I can only think my double buffs were out. I will have to try it again later. I'm running into the buffing wall. By the time I get the buffs down I have little time to hunt. I go in a 12 minute cycle. It takes 4 of the 12 to buff, leaving 8 minutes to fight. Kind of hard. I see now why high level mages are not that common. Too much down-time.

If I can find a safe place to buff I can fight Olthoi as a mage. At the most I can fight three at a time. More than that and I will take more damage that I can drain. Getting level VI banes might help that, or better armor. But for now I'm back to Lugies.

The run to Ayan Baqur

One of Fist de Yuma's vassals (Balash) had a tie to a spot north of AB. I was told it was outside. I ran to Lin and met up with Balash. He made a portal and I tied to it.

I dumped all my items and armor in a bag and give it to a mule. Now all I have is a robe and comps.

Then I started a long buffing process. All seven life protects and armor at level VI. Then all seven banes and Imp on my robe. Then repeated that for a shirt. Finally I put sprint VI and Quick VI and cast the portal recall.

I was told this was an outside portal. He was wrong, it was inside. I saw a large mass of tommies to the right of my radar. I ran to the portal, which was on my left. Coming out of that I was in another mass of tommies. I started running as soon as I got out of the portal.

Took a few hits of 2 to 3 points but made it clear. Now I had no idea where I was but knew that AB was south. It is close to the sea so I also headed west a bit.

First thing I ran into were dillo's. Again only a few points damage. My run with the VI buffs is at 201, which seems to be enough. Next I ran into three Ash's. Max damage was 8 points, starting to feel good.

I ran passed a few Bone Lords and Knights. I got some debuffs on my way passed them. I finally ran close to a dungeon entrance, Hall of Metos. I knew from the map I was close now. I rebuff there and started running south again.

After being chased by Druges, Bones and other assorted bad guys I was sure I was lost. I found a clear spot and logged to check the map.

I was as far south as I had started north. Somehow I had ran right passed it. I studied the land on the map to get an idea where I went wrong. I relogged, rebuffed and found AB on a hill I had ran around.

I used the LS and my job was done. Next to the LS was a guy by the name of House. He was a macro opening a portal to the subway. Nice macro too. Gave a count down to when the portal would open. Sent message about his upcoming wedding. Ask for donations and comps to keep it going. Really nice.

I took his portal and tied to the subway. I then ran to Lin. There I emptied some junk I had on a mule. I took that stuff and sold it at AB. Nice way to make some pyreal.

Fist de Mage burns comps bad. I keep having to brush off Fist de Yuma to kill Olthoi for cash. Now I will drop what I get on Mage and sell for a lot better prices at AB. Not saying I had to hunt a lot but I leveled Fist de Yuma to 65 just going on pyreal runs for Mage.

Tusker Vill
After stocking up on comps I checked the map for the run to Tusker Vill. It was a short run. Again I buffed with all seven protects because I had no idea what was between me and it. Mostly druges as it turned out. One hit me with blade for 20 but avoided them when I could.

I got there and started buffing with Armor and Blunt protects. I have done a bit of reading about them so I knew what I needed to buff. I buffed Robe, Undershirt and Gloves. Not sure if I need to buff the pants but will do them until I find out otherwise.

Got in and it was empty. I ran down the right side and nothing there. Went back up and headed down the left side. There I found a lone Guard, moment of truth. It did not hit me hard. I thought I had it down enough with drains to blast with a fire ball but it took a bunch of 40 to 60 points blasts to kill it. It only showed a sliver of health so these things must have a bunch.

I ran deeper. I hit two guards and was taking a lot of damage. But was able to kill one. Before I could get it another next two more joined in. Then one came up in back of me. I drained as much health as I could from the one and ported out.

I know a lot of players would have drained all of them before porting. I might even have been able to kill one or two more doing that. But the next mage would be in big trouble if I did. More xp was not worth that.

I found that I was out of quicksilver about them. Decided to take House's portal again and get some. I saw a portal and jumped into it. Only it was not House's portal, it was a portal to another Tusker dungeon.

Totally unbuffed this was not the place for me. I was lucky that the four tuskers were busy killing some other people and I was able to run to the exit.

There I tied to the dungeon. I felt it will be better to have access to two of them. Plus I don't have to do all the other buffing to get to this one.

I ported back to AB and waited for House's portal. From the subway I went to Mayoi and stocked up.

I got back to AB and buffed up for Tuskers and I ported in. It was clear. Around the first bend were 5 Tuskers. Some lameing, skimming, illegitimate SOB of a diseased camel had taking half the health off all of them. I was able to kill one and then port.

I got mana and health back and ported in again. Someone was fighting two of the skimmers leavings and I helped him out. I then headed to the left side. I passed a fighter who was killing a slave. Then before the ramp I met a slave. I killed it after chasing it a bit. Somehow it wanted the fighter who was just standing there more than me who was killing it.

The fighter left and two more Tuskers ran up to me. I killed one and started on the other. Some stupid brain dead lamer of a mage started draining the stamina off it from behind the wall. That really pissed me off. Are the mages here all so stupid and selfish?

I was fighting three more and it was tight when a fighter ran passed with two more on his tail. I think he died but was too busy to see. In any case both of his attackers joined in my battle. That was too much and I ported while I still could.

Talking about stupid mages. This happened later. I was looking for Tuskers and was in the room before the drugges. I saw a fighter and a mage fighting two. I ran passed and found one I could fight. I was fighting it and the mage run up and starts draining. I killed it with a fire ball and said, "I did not jump your battle, why did you jump mine?" He stated, "Sorry, I was only getting stamina.". Moron, I'm a mage! Don't you think I might need that stamina! I did not say that, I just moved on in disgust.

Class battles
I hear it all the time, I use to say it myself. Archer are too powerful, Mage are too powerful, Melee has all the high level players etc.

I now have a 65 melee, a 38 Og mage and a 28 archer. This does not count the players I have on other servers than MT.

Melee, at low levels has a problem with having to fight at spawn site. Good armor is hard to find (if no patron). Good weapons are hard to find (especially if Unarmed). Mid-levels Archer out loot them, Mages out loot them. They see all the trades for big items being made by Mages and Archers. Most of them are lower level than they are. High levels, start getting kills over Archers. Still have to fight at spawn site. Only spell tossers can hurt them. Makes high level faster than mages or archers. Would sure like a range attack. Stuff on island owns them without protects. Keep getting better.

Archer. Low level. Start killing stuff melee can only think of. Finds that can carry armor or arrows. Needs to have fleching as a skill. Arrows and fleching gear is costly. Mid level. Finds more than one monster is dangerous. Dungeons are much harder for Archers than melee. Many will take up melee at this point. Outside they rule but there is more xp indoors. Arrows are even more expense as now you are using AP and greaters. High levels. Monsters fall easy but if they get close they're in trouble, especially if more than one. Melee has caught up to them in killing power. Arrow use is outrages. Seem to have limited potential from there on.

Mage. Low level. Everything resists them. They die a lot. Anything gets close they are toast. Everyone hates them if they use drain. Support spells dont do much. Mid levels. Low stuff is killed with one shot. Upper stuff can be drained of health, stamina and mana before being killed. Protect spells are working enough for you to fight. Skimming is the most cost effective xp generator but you are a lame jerk if you do it. If you vuln something someone else will kill before you do. Spells are taking forever to go off. Melees and archer will steal your kills a lot while you are in wind up. Buffing time takes half your time. Comps are expensive, very expensive, very very expensive. High levels. Same spells as when mid level but few resists. Comps are out of this world. To stay out for a few hours you need 50 to 100k. You can kill anything while taking little damage for the time you get to hunt. But if buffs run out you die like a mid-level. Buffing takes 1/3 to 1/2 your hunting time. You are as strong as you will ever get.

Fighter; Slow start, fast middle, keep getting stronger. Limited against spell caster no matter what level. After a point can kill anything that does not chain cast. With healing can survive normal casting. Fun to play, easy to play.

Archer; Fast start, good middle, option of going melee, limited at high levels. Expensive. Can be boring to play, easy to play.

Mage; Good start, slow middle, Very expensive, lot of down time at all levels. Can be boring to play, hard to play. Die a lot at all levels.

So the real problem is not the class but two other things. Misunderstanding of the difficulty the other class face and lamers that use the advantage of one class to steal from the other.

For Archer is it leaching. A bow-user will leach off everyone, mages, melee, Archers. Pure and simple thieves. They steal xp and loot by forcing others to protects them while they leach.

For Melee it is the same. Mostly they leach off other melee but some times mages. It is not as common at high levels but more noticeable then. First leach melee I ever met was in BDC. Always waited for others to engage the Noble so he could get back shots. Worse lamer I ever met.

For Mages it is leaches and skimmers. A leaching mage will leach off everyone. He is especially dangerous to other mages. A mage depends on draining health and stamina off what he is fighting to stay alive. If the leach grabs the stamina first the fighting mage dies. If he grabs health off the off monster without killing it the mages dies when he switches to it. A mage depends on that change of health to stay alive.

So what is the best ppl, simple, three players of Melee, Mage and Archer will outkill everyone. You can have two mages, two archer and two melee fighting alone and the three working together will out kill the six of them. That is power.

Bow-user gets me killed on purpose.
I was fighting two tuskers and a bow-user runs up and starts shooting one. It charges him. That's ok I will just finish off this one and find another. But this lamer kills that one and starts shooting at mine. I lose the stamina drain I do at the end.

He is a powerful archer and kills Tuskers in two to three shots. Takes me a while to kill one so I don't appreciate him stealing from me. I said, "Don't leach". I get "What?" I send, "Find your own battles, don't steal from others." Then this brilliant linguist replies, "Shut up".

So I move on in a different direction from this lamer. I find three tuskers. As soon as I start fighting them the bow-user run up my back with three more and I hear his twangs for a bit then nothing. I kill one and switch to the next, badly in need of a health charge. It is at 1/3 health. I switch to the next one and it is the same. I'm taking a lot of damage but every tusker has been shot by this lamer to 1/3 health so I have nothing to drain. By the time I figure this out I don't have time to port.

I have met this lamer bow-user many times in there. He is 60+ will steal everything that gets within range of his bow.

While I have met some lamer melee and mages I have also met some fine fighters and mages. I have met melee that will heal me on battle (not needed mostly, have level VI banes now) and watch my back. I have met Mages what will try to help you whenever they can. I have never met an archer in BSD that was not a leaching thief. I hope that changes but given how BSD is I doubt it.

Then there are the unabashed leaches. Had one toss fire vuln on one I was fighting. Did not do him much good as I hit fire blast and killed it before his blast hit. Doing that I missed the stamina drain. I asked him not to make me his shield and got this.

Sho KHan says, "Yea, okay......You make a good a shield

Good and the bad
Fist de Yuma was making a pyreal run in the Nest. Totally broke with Mage draining everything for comps. I met a staff user. Twice he jumped my battle. I said, "I don't really don't need any help". He replied, "Leave then."

I told myself I was not going to let the lamers get to me so I just moved over to the next passage. Shortly after I heard this lamers death message. Got a bunch of insulting messages after that. Seems I was whining when I asked him to have some common courtesy. Of course his quick death showed that he needs to leach to live. Blamed it on his modem.

Close to the body was a fighter I had never met before. I saw he had stopped fighting and was healing. I broke out my healing kit and helped him out. After the battle ended Taiko asked me if I wanted to make a run to the bottom. It is fun to have teamwork so I agreed. He is a 50+ and a great swordsman.

We had a good time fighting to the bottom. It is much better for two or three because we can hold a line. Taiko is a smart fighter. The one time we had our line broke he apologized. Not even sure if it was his fault or lags fault. His only complaint was I killed them to fast.

After we got to the bottom I was at 99% so I ported. We continued to talk and I really like him. I put him on my friends list. If he ever gets tired of being a Monarch I hope he thinks of me.

A player gets revenge
I got this off the MS newsgroup. It was so sweet I had to let other see it.

Hehehe.. yeah you are right about that part. Its funny how some people insist on following you around hoping to get some free xp off of your effort. I was playing as my mage and having fun tanking some umbris last night. I was bored, and decided to hone my umbris killing techniques.... hmmm.. then again.. lets be truthful... I was bored and looking for some loot that might be interesting. A level 45 melee was following me around trying to get in on the kill. I politely asked him why he was always jumping in on my battles, when there were a LOT of other places around. He ignored me, so I just went elsewhere... and he followed. Now I was getting irritated... and amazingly enough he spoke.. "I n3v3r fught a l33+ umbris b34. Can u vuln 1 4 m3?" Im SERIOUS... I was tempted to just walk away after that, but i said.. what the heck.. be kind to the mentally challenged I say. So I layed down imperil VI with blade Vuln VI. He smacked the umbris well and looted the thing. He THEN hands me a CABBAGE... saying... "4 u d00d!"... now I was insulted. First, I dont expect anything for doing the vuln... but hell... if youre going to offer something.. make it at least something decent. The umbris respawned, and says "d00d, let m3 f00k it ov3r again." Well, tired of the BS, I said "fine, but Im going after this, and he says.. "ur a wimp... vuln then leave mage dweeb." Hehehehe... so I look at the monster, and cast blade vuln 1 and imperil 1. Dipstick didnt even realize there was no charge up time... all he saw was the spell going up over the umbris. He charges... I recall... then I get a message saying "dipstick tells you, "u lam3r, u shuld hav stayed 2 heal m3. Now I have vitae.. lam3r". Hehehe.. oh well... how he got to 45.. I have no idea. Oh well.. btw.. I hid his identity, because no one deserves to be known as being that stupid. BTW... I seriously think we should write a petition that would permanently ban dood speak from our servers.... anyone in violation gets a 30 minute ban.

What to do?
Mage is approaching a decision point. A few more levels and he gets 40. At that point I can get Lore. With lore I can use some of the better armor I have muled. I can also use some of the nice wands I have. Some item buffs would also be nice.

Problem with that is I can use spells to make as good or better, admittedly for only a short time. Mage was also made for the island. If I have stuff I can lose I might fear death a bit more.

The second option is to wait for 50 and get healing. With healing I can get mana back faster. I can also heal in battle. This would be a savor for the times I find a skimmer's leavings. But if I had healing I would be burning five or six kits a trip easy. I started with a coordination of 10 so it will never be very high.

I'm leaning towards Lore right now. But I have a few days to think about it.

With secure trading a lot of the stealing will stop. But there are still scams the lamers are pulling. If trading for keys be sure to ID the keys, all of them. It seems all the keys look the same. You might end up with a bunch that opens the gates to Dryreach and not the chests.

Second is using a colored gem instead of a shard. Be sure to look closely at all items. If you cannot ID an item then get someone to make the trade for you that can. Might have hide value on it and not be what you think it is.

Lastly a really lame trick. A guy named Warman Timelight was spamming for a portal to the Subway. Then he tosses a portal to a dangerous place, BDC in this case. Then he shouts "Thanks" and jumps into the portal. Of course other people think it is a subway portal and follow. Bunch of deaths.

The idea is to then camp the bodies and pick up the loot.

Best looking battle
I headed down the right passage in TuskerVill. There I found a full spawn of Guards. The passage is wide enough for 3 or 4 tuskers. I faced one and the other nine or ten packed themselves so tight they could not get to me. They all got in each other's way. No way I could face the 10 or so that were there otherwise.

Two other players came up in back of me. A few Tuskers got around me but they killed them as they did. After the battle was over I was getting praise for my tanking ability. LOL it was pure luck. If a few had gotten around earlier I was in trouble. If they had not shown up to keep my back clear I was in trouble. But it looked good from their viewpoint.

Imagine this, a hallway packed with Guards, four wide, three deep, and a lone mage fighting them.

Last lamer report for a while.
I find that while fighting in places where people can power-level I meet more lamers than not. Some players make you groan when you see them. I have always felt that only by confronting them and making them know your feelings will it change. As is they don't care. Stealing xp is their game. They don't care about others, honor is a word and nothing more, foreign to their thinking.

Killing effectively with a mage is a slow process. Many drains followed by a stamina to mana, drain stamina and a final blast. By doing it this way a mage ends the battle with as much or more resources as he begins it with. A fighter jumping on the monster steals the xp and breaks up the process. End result is less xp and less able to fight the next one. The fighter does not get much out of it. After the first few drains the Tusker is at less than half value. Their time would be better spent hunting their own battle.

It creates an atmosphere of hatred and frustration. I play this for fun. The lamers take away that fun. But as long as kids (of any age) play the game I will have to live with it or leave. There are enough good people in the game to keep it fun.

I'm really going to try and not say anything anymore. I get too angry. But the end result will be less for me as I refuse to play the lamer game. They might steal xp by jumping my battles but I cannot do the same to them. I will keep my honor.

About all I can do is set an example. That means tossing buffs, stamina and heals instead of grabbing xp at times. Less rapid advancement towards 45 and greater comp burn. But I will feel better for it. As soon as I hit 45 I go to the island. I know I will find lamer leaches waiting for me so I better get use to it.

Someone posted these stats for their ppl so I did mine as well.

Fist de Yuma
level 65
born 12/01/99
played 1m 22h 40m
deaths 61

Cliff Bowman
level 28
born 12/13/99
played 5d 19h 25m
deaths 22

Fist de Mage
level 38
Born 08/25/00
played 6d 22h 40m
deaths 47*

* Mages sure die a lot.

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