Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - September 6, 2000

While working my mage (Fist de Mage) with Jalan (Zane) we got a message that Jarad was in trouble. He lost his armor in the Overlord's Castle. This is armor that took a while for him to get. Really nice looking Silver and brown.

I logged Fist and met Jarad in Awric. He ported me to one of the Tusker dungeons and went to pick up Zane. I killed a few Slaves while waiting.

We got together and started the run. Lot of stuff trying to get at us. Amazing I resisted a gold wasp. We got to the Castle and it was covered by a horde the likes of which I have never seen. Some were weak but others were deadly. We cleared out the front and started around the right side.

We ran into to Umbris Shadows. Both attacked Zane. I was pounding on one but had the wrong weapon out. I was using my Cestus and needed my Fire weapon. I had never faced one before. I pounded on it for a while with little effect. Zane ported out. I did not see Jarad anywhere so I decided to run before the two decided to attack me. One I would have fought but two were too much.

I found Jarad and we tried the left side. We got it clear and made it to the door. Had to clear out two Granite golems just to get a good spot to see it. Guarding the door was two bad ass Skeletons Lords. Jarad said he would open the door and we should just run in. In the little time it took to say that the golems re-spawn and we had to clear them again.

Jarad ran to the door with me close behind. I started fighting the Skeletons to give Jarad time to open the door. I quickly noted that Jarad was no longer there and the door still was closed. The Skeletons had de-buffed me and were proceeding to rip me onto small pieces. I ported out with 9hp.

Jarad messaged me that the door was locked. It had been open before. He was dead tired and was going to write off the armor.

I was not giving up. I posted a message on the family board asking for help. The death was at about 2:20 AM so we had time before it was lost. Before I logged I check out the COD and found that Jarad had posted a message asking for assistance as well. This is that message.

Jarad's message
I was bored and decided to check out the Tumerock fortress for my first time tonight. I hear getting in is the hardest part, well, it is. But I found a way to check and walk across the walls from tower to tower until
you get to the one with the portal. That way all the tummies on the ground cant get to you.

So I managed to get in without much trouble, I was pretty proud. I go looking all around the place seeing what trouble I can get into. I found one locked door and I think I went just about everywhere besides past
that one, since I dont have lockpick. I wasnt having much trouble with the tummies, I would just keep them at 1 or 2 at a time and could take them down fast. Then I got reckless and just started running by stuff
without killing it. Next thing I know all kinds of passages are blocked up so I cant get through, then they all start nailing me with spells.

After about 5 I'm dead. I think "well thats cool, I just lost some death items, I can get back in there and get them then recall no problem." So I go back in and act like an idiot again and just start running. Once again I get totally mobbed, partly from the way I set myself up last time, and this time I cant even move, had about 20 tummies on me, I was gone really quick.

This time was bad, I lost my curiass and my best leggings. So I tell my Patron Fist de Yuma and he says hell help me out. Then my brother Zane comes along too. We get over to the fortress and start running around to the door and get attacked by a bunch of shadows. Now these guys werent there before so I was unprepared for them as were my partners who werent warned. Zane ends up having to recall, barely made it. So I think this is fine, Fist and I can still make it, I could probably even do it myself if I take my time.
So we get around to the front door and its guarded by a bunch of skeleton bone lords and knights. Well, they were there last time too, I just run by open the door and head for a tower, then I'm safe. I tell
Fist the plan of just running then go for it. But this time when I click the door it says "You must unlock this door before opening it" WTF?! All of the sudden they lock the front door now? How come the last 2 times it was unlocked? So I turn around right away because I have 4 skells on me.

Fist doesnt get the hint so I start spamming "run" "run".... Then he recalls, at least he made it out alive, wasn't prepared for 4 skells.

Anyway, my 2 bodies are still in there. I need to sleep. Cant get the door open myself anyway. If anyone can get in there and too my bodies please, I will pay you well if you want for the return of my armor. I
doubt this will happen, but I figured worth a try.

I died about 5:30 EST, and I'm level 50. So that is 250 mins. or..about 6 hours, a bit short I think. But I think time doesnt pass by if theres nobody in there, so I really have no idea. I'm gonna try again
tomorrow with more help if I can.

Back to Fist
I was up early the next day and saw a message from Elder. He was taking the day off to help Jarad recover. I tagged along so see if I could help. We had no problem getting to the front. Trying to clear the door both Skeletons tried to finish the job they started the night before. This time I had to take some heal elixirs to survive porting out.

Jarad messaged me that they were in. I wished them luck and logged my Mage in. Later I got the following story from Jarad.

Today I confirmed that there IS a god.
His Elder!

Thanks SO much for helping me retrieve my lost armor, hehe, I even got
all my death items back. This alone would have pleased me, but then he
took me down to see the Overlord himself! Wow, quite an adventure for me
Id say.

Thanks again, your faithful follower,
Jarad Ryujii

Rest of the week was playing my Mage. Jalan and I did not get together as much as we wanted to. We did very well together when we did. I expect him and I to be a good team. When I made 20lv I moved from the weak room (The ones the 27 to 35lv cowards camp) to the first jumping room.

There are 8 lugies and they spawn quickly. There are also 4 or 5 more that spawn up the hallway. Lot of times they get drawn to us as well. In back of us two lugies spawn and will mostly join the fight a few seconds later. It is a great place to fight. There are enough fighters there that it is not a great danger. If they all attack me I still have a good chance to live as the fighters take them down.

Slowly I build up enough Life and Creature to try level V spells. Zane buffed me with some VI spells and I started trying tapers. I got all of the protection spells I needed and the buffing spells as well.

Now I go into combat with Creature, Life, Mana Conversion, Armor, Bludgeoning, Blade and Piercing V's on me. After this things are almost easy. A full attack on me with few fighters to help is still a danger, mostly for my lack of a finishing spell. Really miss not having War Spells. But I can stand in there for a long time.

Mostly the fighters return from chasing Lugies to finish off them off for me. If not I just do a portal recall. Made it to 24lv and feel I will have War by Wednesday. 900k to go but I'm making a lot more points per hour now.

The expense of an OG Mage is really high. I will cash a D note for 40k and spend half of it easy. Fist has given him all the notes he as. I'm even in debt for some keys I got from Randy. Going to have to make a few trips into the nest for money runs again. Or better yet clear out some junk on the mule and sell it. Last time I did that I got over 100k.

Lamer update
My mage was learning some spells outside of town. Some of the V spells I did not have time to learn earlier. I got an insulting message from Miss Kitty-poop. Got the first person on my squelch list. I cannot understand how players get a kick out of hurting others. I see it all the time so I know there must be some enjoyment there. Just have no understanding of it.

I got a message from a reader who misunderstood my coward rant. He is a 40lv fighting in the Citadel. He had good reasons for that I will not get into. He does not fall into the Coward category because of where he fights. He goes straight to the Jumping room. This is a hard place to fight even for a 40lv. The green ones are not easy to fight and getting a bunch of them on you is a danger.

No, the cowards are the players that camp a weak room, well below their abilities. The room I mean is just off the Y as you go straight from the start. Going left you come to a room that has 6 Lugies spawning at different times. On most days these Lugies last seconds. Mobs of 15 to 23lv fighters play here. The spawn is slower than other places and are split up.

Ever so often a group of 27 to 35lv's will camp it. Why? I have no idea. Not many points. Slow spawn rate on only 6 Lugies make it something a single 27lv could hold. I can only think they are afraid to go to the harder places.

Name update
Ching Chuan Alloy asked me to say his playing name is Rio Menya. Seem his friends did not believe he met me.

I saw a message on the COD about some stuff I could use. An electricity protection VI item and a Mana conversion VI band. I won both bids and met up with a nice player named Stealth. An honorable player with good trade items. Also a fan of the column.

Fist de Mage update
Well Tuesday morning I made 26lv. I saved up most of the points from 25 to 26 to put into War. Got it up to 166 raw. With buffs it is 207. Hitting lugies with level IV spells for up to 59 points. Nice to have a finisher.

So the first thing I do is head to the jumping room. I forgot it was very early in the morning, few players there. In fact there were none in the jumping room. But with War I was unbeatable. Wrong. I was pounded good. I did not even see the killing blow. The green ones hit much harder.

Well that was a lesson well learned. Still I'm doing well for a mage. 15 deaths for 26lvs. This is a really strong template if you can over come the starting pain.

Loss and found
Mista the Mage is selling off. A long time contributor to the MS News group. We are sorry for the loss.

On the up side The Saint had second thoughts. We emptied out our mules on him for new armor and weapons. I know with RL stuff he will not be a full time player but we are not losing him outright.

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