Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fist de Yuma - September 19, 2000

I get the impression that some people are not playing the same game I am. Have two examples. My mage was in the Citadel and a bow-user started following him around. Now I don't like having someone shoot over my shoulder but as long as they fight it works. This guy never fought. If anything attacked him he ran.

I asked him to stop leaching off me. Got a few insulting remarks. Seem he has no melee defense so he cannot fight. Now why would someone go to the Citadel with no melee defense? He had to gall to say I was the only person who thought his leaching was wrong. An archer can make do with no melee defense using shoot and scoot. Not the best way to fight but it will work. He can also act like a mage and put life protects on himself.

A shoot and scoot fighter should never go to the Citadel. A fighter in the Citadel must be able to fight! Later I had to bring in my Archer to help with a body recovery. Cliff Bowman did not spec melee defense and I feel it was a mistake. I'm making do but it is costly. I put more points into melee defense than any other skill. Knowing that the Citadel eats up Archer he is using his unarmed fighting skill and a Shield.

This bow user started following him. Cliff Bowman is meaner. He is a solo player with no acceptance of leaches. As soon as the bow-user started in he stopped fighting. He took a few hits but after that the Lugie turned and tossed a few rocks at the bow-user. Bow-user ran to the exit. I finished off the Lugie and moved on.

I was with another mage close to the weaker jumping room. He was three levels above me but not an Og template so he might be weaker in Life skills. It was packed with Lugies. We were attacked in the hallway by 10 or so. That mage did not last long, forcing me to port out.

When he got back I said I would help him get his body. Unfortunately I was about out of comps. I said I would bring in Cliff Bowman to help him. We fellowed to help him clear the vit, over 25% at this point. He was so vited up he could not fire a spell without fizzling.

I expected to do the killing with him adding stamina and heals, plus a few de-buffs. In the first battle I was getting low on health and stamina. The mage was fizzling a few times then a lighting bolt. Now we are fellowed so it did not matter which one of us killed it. But somehow it never occurred to him that healing and stamina would be better than a lighting bolt.

I told him at that point to let me do the killing and for him to provide support. It was like talking to a wall. For the rest of the time we worked together it was the same thing. Never got a single buff, heal or stamina shot. Like I said, sometimes I feel I'm playing a different game.

Really Lame

Was getting mana back at the Citadel, outside the dungeon. I saw this in the screen. "I can help you but you will have to swear to me." That sparked my interest. Thought it was a power-leveling request or something that makes swearing a prerequisite.

It seems that someone made a portal to the Citadel for this guy and he had no way back. He was too weak to run back. This lamer mage wanted him to swear before he would make a portal. Sorcer'Gydion has no idea what an alliance system is about.

When I told him how lame his actions were he started giving me grief. Like I care what this little kid thinks of me.

The guy that needed the portal had a main ppl that could fix the problem. He was going to run him over there, make a portal and log that player in. All because of this lamer.

A bunch of kids with names like xxxx'xxxx in infesting my Citadel right now. Only up side is they play so badly that they don't do much.

Really Lame II

On the news group there was a story by a respected member. He and a friend went to get a superior helm. He is 29lv and his friend is 25. After dying once and fighting their way in, they were ready to get a helm. A 44lv lamer named Glacius walks in. He then states, "While I am here you wont get anything."

They could see he was bigger and if he was getting helms for his alliance there was not much they could do. He then stated, "Im here collecting them, I have 5 already." They asked, "for vassals?" He answered "for fun." They had to leave without getting the helm.

His attitude is, what I want is all that counts. I'm here so you guys can wait until I tired of collecting them. I would say that Glacius is a world class lamer if I ever saw one.

Really lame III

Got this one off the MS News group. Two players, a 38lv and 45lv killing the cows near Yaraq. They were doing it for the sole reason of hurting new players. Now I have never hunted cows but who cares if others do? This was for over 6 hours! What a waste of time, what a lame act.

Stupid Bow-user

Fist de Mage burns D notes like candy. He can burn 40k in just a few trips to the Citadel. That is with picking up everything in sight. He uses a lot of buffs so I can get beat on and still toss buffs in battle. When fighters are hurting I have to be ready to heal and stam them. If I can hold down the damage I can heal to full with one drain to a healthy lugie. The disadvantage to that is high comp burn. But Fist de Yuma can raise 70k with an hour fighting in the Nest.

So after running out of pyreal I logged Fist, buffed and ported to the Nest.

I found the Nest packed with fighters. Not too bad as the spawn rate is good and there are a lot of hunting spots. Most fighters respect your battles and will go looking for their own. If someone jumps my battle I will just stop fighting. When the pack attacks him I move on. I have stopped getting mad as it does no good. By the time I get to the forth level I mostly have it to myself.

I was at the ramp to the forth level and fighting one Olthoi that was tired of living. A bow-user runs up and starts shooting into it. I finished off the Soldier and told the Bow-user. "You should not shoot into others battles. It makes people mad and they will get you killed."

I then moved to the forth level. While fighting a group of 10 Soldiers I saw a message scroll off my screen. When I finished them off I looked at it. It was from the bow-user. "Why don't you get the ram rod out of your ass." I sent him a quick tell. "It was a honest warning, not a threat." Then got, "Lighten up it is a game." Aaa here is something I can respond to that might make sense to him. "Don't do things that diminish the enjoyment of the game for others."

Not sure if he will understand. Most that pull the "Game" line just want to do what ever they feel like doing, regardless of the effect on others. Exploiters, thieves and cheaters use the same line.

Really lame IV

A guy was muling healing kits in the middle of nowhere the other day. When he logged in his main Zen Archer was stealing the kits. Now it was stuff you can buy so why steal it, unless it is just to make someone mad? He got Zen Archer's patron written down so hopefully he can get kicked from his alliance. About all you can do these days. This lamer is on Thistledown.

Greyscout also had a story about Zen Archer leaching off him while training his melee skill. When asked to stop Zen stated he was a god archer and would take all kills. Now for those that don't know Greyscout is an outstanding Archer. I'm sure Zen Archer was moving on after Greyscout showed him how weak he was. This lamer is over 40lv.

Somewhat lame

There is a lot of discussion on the mage board of COD about the best way to macro an Og mage. If you don't want to play the ppl, why bother? Yes an Og mage is very had to level to 26. Lot work at times and boring at times.

But overall the experience taught me a lot and was more fun than work. Running your computer for weeks to get a 26lv Og mage is like Turbine letting you just create one at that level. "Hello Turbine, I would like to order a Og mage please. Yes, 26lv is fine. A three-week waiting period? Cost will be about 500k in comps? I can handle that. Thanks I expect it to show up in my computer on the 4th."

As you are doing no play I don't really see a difference. Every time I go to a mana pool to buff up I find a flock of these people there.

Comments on patch

With secure trading and Awric being destroyed the lamers are now spreading out looking to be mule jackers. Only way to mule now is to have a friend help you. It is so sad that there are people who's only enjoyment of the game is to ruin it for others.

Dyeing is nice but the requirements suck. The price for failure is too high. My armor stays ugly. Have not had a chance to use secure trading so I cannot comment on it. Monsters that Mages cannot kill is stupid. Turbine is moving away from the strongest point of AC over EQ, the ability to solo. Bone Lords and Knights really hurt the solo ability of Melee, now Mages are nerfed.

The smarter AI of spell casters are making it so only the strongest players with magic and melee skills can solo in many places. I hope they stop this.

New quests? What new quests? My vassals are spending a lot of time working on them to no result. Now it seems that there may be an action by Turbine to get it started. Now I loved the shadow war. The only complaint was many missed it because it was for a short time and not announced. If this will be the same thing it will not live up to the hype.

As someone said, a quest that involves being in the right place at the right time, with no logic required, is not a quest.

There is hope. My vassal Zane had collected a lot of data on the quest. He feels that there is a low-level dungeon somewhere that will trigger the quest. This might be Turbines way of including everyone. If so it will only work if the low-levels have an idea about what to do. As it is some high level will start a player and trigger it.

When things go right.

I tend to do things different than most. While running my mage though the Citadel I will many times find battles in progress. I can do two things. Attack a free one and if none are free free attack anyway. Or I can toss some stamina and heals on the fighter, then drain some stamina and recharge.

The former is the reaction of 99 to 100% of the mages. With the odd fighter you will get a heal. Mages will even grab stamina from a fight a mage is in. That is a sure way to piss someone off. I will always confront someone who does that to me.

I will many times will shoot some stamina to the fighter, then heals. If a fighter does not jump my fight I will reward them with a buff or two. When fighting in a group I will buff everyone I can when I have the mana to spare.

This is having positive results. Fighters will wait until I grab the last bit of stamina off a monster before giving the final blow. We start working together and having fun. The conflict between mage/fighter/archer slips away into teamwork.

Now that I have got level VI protects I can start helping someone in battle. More on that below.

I was in the weaker jumping room with a fighter and a xbowman. Now I call this the weaker room because it has no green ones. One spawns down the hall and at times it joins in the fun but mostly someone is camping it. But it is not a safe easy room. I think the spawns are even faster than the big jumping room and more of them.

Anyway I saw right away that I needed these two or I would be run out. I buffed the fighter with Sword mastery, upped his melee defense 30 points and hit him with armor V. Hit the xbowman with armor V and coordination V. Bows buffs were not on my spell bar at that time. (Unconscious bias?)

We had a blast! The three of use worked well as a team. In the 45 or so minutes we did this we must have pulled down 150k apiece. I kept a close watch on the xbowman. I know from my players that even though the xbow hits very hard you get hit very hard in return.

In dead times I would toss stamina on the fighter and heals on the xbowman. The xbowman would pull out a wand and toss mana at me when I was buffing. Fighter healed me with his kit. A great bit of teamwork.

After a time the fighter had to leave. I was not sure if we could hold it with the two of us. In the first spawn I was proven right. The xbowman dropped out of combat to try and heal himself. I was being hit on by four lugies at the time.

I switched to my 5 tab (where the support spells are) and started shooting heals at him. That kept him in the game and let me go back to killing my lugies. Only the level VI protects and double buffing let me get away with that.

The next spawn was too hard for the xbowman and he had to run. That left six or seven on me. I can fight four or possibility five if I start with full mana and have luck with Mana Conversion. I did not have a full tank and my timer was beeping. (I keep a timer on the desk to inform me that buffs are going to go. I get 11 minutes now but I will up it when I get VI spells in creature.) My only option was to port.

I got a message of apology from the xbowman. I told him I understood and had ported to just outside of the citadel. He met me there and dropped an L note on me. As I spend 20k to 40k when I stock it was a welcome gift.

This was not an uncommon situation. All day I was working with other fighters. I would say that the only ones I cannot work with are other mages.

I don't understand that. The only way a mage can live there is with the help of others. Sure I can solo four but more than that I need help. A few fizzles and resists and you are dead or porting. It is the job of the mage to get everyone to work together. Somehow the mages are the biggest obstacle to that happening.

Of course they take a lot of grief for being mages from day one. I can understand a bit of bitterness. But they have to get over that and work with fighters. It is best for them and the fighters. It will also fix the class hatred that exists.

I have run into the chest room and seen a fighter fighting a single green one. Blasting his kill would just create more conflict and little benefit. Tossing a stamina charge, mastery spell or imperial costs little and gains much. Wake up mages, you cannot get respect until you earn it.

Elders new player

Elder is making a future mule. The funny thing is the mule will be 45lv in the end. He has all the mule skills and will be able to go to the island. He uses a bow to level it. Early in the morning I met him at the Citadel. We were both 33lv so we fellowed for a while.

What a blast. Not many player there that early so a lot of times we had the jumping room to ourselves. I would cycle though each of them, tossing imperil. Then go back and get health and stamina while Elder one to two shot them dead. Only time it did not work was when another melee was there. They would jump on any imperiled lugies fast. We did that until Elder ran out of arrows.

Battle buffing

How I go into battle against lugies is the following. Armor, Bludgeoning, Blade, Piercing VI's. Matti coat is hit with Imp V then Bludgeoning, Blade and Piercing bane V. I put a shirt under that and hit it with the same. Then Bludgeoning bane on the Olthoi Helm. I also toss War, Life, Mana Conversion and Creature V's. When buffing I add Self and Focus V.

I found that Revitalize and Stamina to mana VI will let you gain a bunch of mana back. It is costly but fast. Have to raise my list of comps to 200 for a few items. I might have to do that to the Revitalize/Stamina2Mana five to seven times a buff. Still adding to Life skills even though I at 265 buffed. Even a few fizzles is a pain I can do without.

Fan letters

I get a lot of mail from fans of the column. I really enjoy them. Got this bit from Bill Stone. He is a role player and would prefer that others don't talk RL stuff around him. This one of his ways to cope.

"My newest campaign is to find LOL. I hear everyone speaking of him wherever I go, but I havent found him yet. After that I plan to find his brothers, AFK and BRB..."

Bill wrote me about his WI flag problem. He has it so bad that some on his server are thinking changing it to the Bill Stone flag. Not really but it sounds like he has it bad.

A lot of players are worried that they fight below their level in places. In his case is a hard call. By level he is far above the Citadel. But levels are not the key in this game, it is skill based. Without knowing his skills I cannot say of he is too strong for it. If you find you have all the loot and xp, and the xp is so low it means little, you might be to high for it.

I'm too high for the first two levels of the Nest. I don't really start getting action until I hit the third level. No real work until I get to the forth. If I stayed above that I would be hurting the players that hunt there.

My mage is finding the xp to low for him. I'm looking for a ride to Tusker Vill. I might try a run to AB. That would be the best place for him. Not sure if I'm ready for that. A 150 run might be a bit low. I can mule everything but my robe and comps. That way if I die there is no big loss.

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